Slavery Reparations is immoral

Do you know anybody who was made to walk the trail of tears or anyone that made them walk?

Do you know anyone alive during the Dawes Act?

Because you paid reparations to them and you do so annually.

We will get reparations.

Good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of my Cherokee ancestors walked the trail of tears. I never got reparations nor did I seek them. Ancient history.

Piss off.

You're white. And today you are paying annual reparations to native American nations for that ancient history.

That's my point you stupid b....

Sure we are. They have their reservations. Land they own. They have treaties with the Government. Those treaties are binding.

Oh and I'm white and I have Cherokee blood as well.

That's my point you fucking idiot.

Those treaties are reparations. We weren't given the opportunity to make treaties.

I'm black with Cherokee blood. My grandmother on my moms side was half Cherokee. You're white and you are playing the Native American card. You have not endured racism. I have.

That's my point you lyin b....

Are you retarded? (Okay, that's a rhetorical question, since we can all see the answer.)

Reservations for the Native Americans weren't any sort of "reparations". They were set up to move the Native Americans out of the way. I don't recall the freed slaves WANTING to be herded onto unwanted land and isolated, but if you can show me where they beg to be put on reservations and got turned down, I'll be happy to revise my opinion.

As you for you, you whining race hustler, feel free to point us to the person or persons who actually kept you as a slave, and we'll see about getting you reparations. Unless and until you can do that, you are cordially invited to shove your race card up your ass sideways.

Great post and I couldn't agree more.

The Native Americans reservations are mostly on land that nobody wanted. Most of it is junk land not fit for anything. I'd say the US Government got the best end of that deal. Though the NA's do own the land.

Hell Abe Lincoln offered blacks a ride back to Africa if they wanted to go. None did.

IM2 is a self absorbed race baiting con artist.
The history of race relations in this country is littered with a multitude of broken promises while these modern-day disgruntled confederates say black people should just get over it. Reparations are a tricky subject but black people are owed at least an honest dialog on how they were fucked over since the deliberate failure of reconstruction.

ANYONE who was a slave in the United States is due reparations. Anyone who was not a slave is entitled to nothing.
are there any alive?

Be really damn old. LOL
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.
The history of race relations in this country is littered with a multitude of broken promises while these modern-day disgruntled confederates say black people should just get over it. Reparations are a tricky subject but black people are owed at least an honest dialog on how they were fucked over since the deliberate failure of reconstruction.

ANYONE who was a slave in the United States is due reparations. Anyone who was not a slave is entitled to nothing.
are there any alive?

well fk, how old would they be 154 or better? funny stuff for sure.
Good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Oh and I'm pretty sure some of my Cherokee ancestors walked the trail of tears. I never got reparations nor did I seek them. Ancient history.

Piss off.

You're white. And today you are paying annual reparations to native American nations for that ancient history.

That's my point you stupid b....

Sure we are. They have their reservations. Land they own. They have treaties with the Government. Those treaties are binding.

Oh and I'm white and I have Cherokee blood as well.

That's my point you fucking idiot.

Those treaties are reparations. We weren't given the opportunity to make treaties.

I'm black with Cherokee blood. My grandmother on my moms side was half Cherokee. You're white and you are playing the Native American card. You have not endured racism. I have.

That's my point you lyin b....

Are you retarded? (Okay, that's a rhetorical question, since we can all see the answer.)

Reservations for the Native Americans weren't any sort of "reparations". They were set up to move the Native Americans out of the way. I don't recall the freed slaves WANTING to be herded onto unwanted land and isolated, but if you can show me where they beg to be put on reservations and got turned down, I'll be happy to revise my opinion.

As you for you, you whining race hustler, feel free to point us to the person or persons who actually kept you as a slave, and we'll see about getting you reparations. Unless and until you can do that, you are cordially invited to shove your race card up your ass sideways.

Great post and I couldn't agree more.

The Native Americans reservations are mostly on land that nobody wanted. Most of it is junk land not fit for anything. I'd say the US Government got the best end of that deal. Though the NA's do own the land.

Hell Abe Lincoln offered blacks a ride back to Africa if they wanted to go. None did.

IM2 is a self absorbed race baiting con artist.

Not really. That would be you.
The history of race relations in this country is littered with a multitude of broken promises while these modern-day disgruntled confederates say black people should just get over it. Reparations are a tricky subject but black people are owed at least an honest dialog on how they were fucked over since the deliberate failure of reconstruction.

ANYONE who was a slave in the United States is due reparations. Anyone who was not a slave is entitled to nothing.
are there any alive?

Be really damn old. LOL
at least 154. probably something that should have been considered back after the war ended in 1865 eh? I know I didn't own any, I know my father didn't own any, cause I was his slave. Grandpa died when I was seven, and nope, he didn't accept my dad. I don't go back much beyond granddaddy. Same with my mom's side. I was her bitch as well. and so on back. Someone has to explain why today this is required to move forward or backward, how ever it is perceived. eh?
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Best reparations for slavery is to tear down confederate monuments


Maybe, but do you honestly believe this would satisfy the black community, especially the Sharpton types ?
No money in it for them. That's the bottom' money, mo' money...
Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.
Who exactly would it punish & how?

Um, anyone who has their money taken away who has never owned a slave?
You pay federal taxes?

Sorry, why do you ask?
You're white. And today you are paying annual reparations to native American nations for that ancient history.

That's my point you stupid b....

Sure we are. They have their reservations. Land they own. They have treaties with the Government. Those treaties are binding.

Oh and I'm white and I have Cherokee blood as well.

That's my point you fucking idiot.

Those treaties are reparations. We weren't given the opportunity to make treaties.

I'm black with Cherokee blood. My grandmother on my moms side was half Cherokee. You're white and you are playing the Native American card. You have not endured racism. I have.

That's my point you lyin b....

Are you retarded? (Okay, that's a rhetorical question, since we can all see the answer.)

Reservations for the Native Americans weren't any sort of "reparations". They were set up to move the Native Americans out of the way. I don't recall the freed slaves WANTING to be herded onto unwanted land and isolated, but if you can show me where they beg to be put on reservations and got turned down, I'll be happy to revise my opinion.

As you for you, you whining race hustler, feel free to point us to the person or persons who actually kept you as a slave, and we'll see about getting you reparations. Unless and until you can do that, you are cordially invited to shove your race card up your ass sideways.

Great post and I couldn't agree more.

The Native Americans reservations are mostly on land that nobody wanted. Most of it is junk land not fit for anything. I'd say the US Government got the best end of that deal. Though the NA's do own the land.

Hell Abe Lincoln offered blacks a ride back to Africa if they wanted to go. None did.

IM2 is a self absorbed race baiting con artist.

Not really. That would be you.

Nope. All you. You don't see me looking for money for something that happened hundreds of years ago.

That's all your race baiting ass.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

So you want EVERY non-Black person to pay for the sins of people that we had no control over, more than likely weren't related to, for something that happened several years in the past? That's such a ridiculous statement.

Want to worry about unfair work place treatment? Ok. Want to discuss and work on unfair treatment within the criminal justice system. Absolutely. Want to blame people today for what happened over a 150 years ago to people that are no longer alive? Ridiculous.

Do you understand how fundamentally flawed that idea is? You are advocating for treating other people poorly simply because they share the same skin color as people who did evil things in the past. How would you like it if the police showed up at your door and said that you needed to pay for the damage to a white person's car because a random Black man did it... and obviously you must be just as guilty as the man who actually did it right? Since you have the same skin color?

Stop wasting energy on this hair brain idea and worry about the more important things, like voter suppression.
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The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

Who is this "we" you talk about that actually worked and produced what white people have, because I'd be hard-pressed to find YOU putting in a day's honest labor and producing jack shit that was of value to anyone.

You want to hate me? Don't waste time doing it because I'm white, shit brick. The fact that I think you're a sniveling, good-for-nothing junkless disgrace to every freed slave who walked is a much more valid reason, and I'll be happy to give it to you in spades every single time you want to crybaby at me like the pitiful excuse for a man that you are.

Oh, and by the way. All those white women who spat on you when you had the hots for them? That wasn't because you were black. It was your abusive misogyny hiding your pathetic lack of masculinity. Would have happened no matter what color your three-incher was.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

"Whites have what they do on our dime"


Mother fucker, you have it exactly backwards, you dumb son of a bitch !

Whatever comforts and lifestyle you have, you got it on the backs of white people that built the mother fucking modern world for you !!

You goddamn fucking idiots are so easily manipulated by leftist professors, it's utterly hysterical !
Every fucking convienence and privilege you have today is due to white people.

Goddamn stupid ass !
QUOTE="DigitalDrifter, post: 22168409, member: 42777"]
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

"Whites have what they do on our dime"


Mother fucker, you have it exactly backwards, you dumb son of a bitch !

Whatever comforts and lifestyle you have, you got it on the backs of white people that built the mother fucking modern world for you !!

You goddamn fucking idiots are so easily manipulated by leftist professors, it's utterly hysterical !
Every fucking convienence and privilege you have today is due to white people.

Goddamn stupid ass ![/QUOTE]

QUOTE="DigitalDrifter, post: 22168409, member: 42777"]
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

"Whites have what they do on our dime"


Mother fucker, you have it exactly backwards, you dumb son of a bitch !

Whatever comforts and lifestyle you have, you got it on the backs of white people that built the mother fucking modern world for you !!

You goddamn fucking idiots are so easily manipulated by leftist professors, it's utterly hysterical !
Every fucking convienence and privilege you have today is due to white people.

Goddamn stupid ass !

Not all, by way, way too many.
If the Democrats passed a bill to give Native Americans 'reparations', Elizabeth Warren would be the 1st one in line for a check...

In one generation you could work for an Alaskan Native owned defense contractor, for Obama to capture Bin Laden, they don't have a word for it either.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

You can be whatever you want, but you'll have to do it without checks from people who haven't done shit to you. Enjoy your endless pity party, "I'm a fucking loser because some ancestor I don't know was a slave, not because I'm an asshole who spends all my energy on blaming others" trip on your own dime.

One would think a sane person would drop your dumb ass premise. Whites have what they do on our dime and as far as my success in life, I'm doing better than you and I didn't have to marry someone to do it. Reparations are not just for slavery, but like I said:

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

And last thing white woman, if not for us fighting for civil rights, your ass would only get to wash dishes and push out babies. Now STFU.

Whitey doesn't owe you shit boi

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