Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Thats fine as long as the reparations are paid for lets call it "lost wages" and all white people are sent back to Europe at the same time. There are some very nice cities in Africa i would love to live in.

Sure, in Africa you can get reparations from the black slave owners that sold your ancestors' sorry asses. :lol:

Thats already been arranged. You evidently are not aware of this right? So what kind of power do you have to get this pulled off or are you just another simple, powerless, simian proud of your redneck heritage?

Don't be so angry about being black, it can't be that bad.
I'm still alive dumbass. So are other descendents of slaves.

Yes you are alive and you were never a slave. Therefore no compensation is due to you. I doubt you or could trace your lineage back that far. But on the off chance you can, who were your ancestors masters?

Its not hard to understand. My ancestors were enslaved. They were never compensated. Compensation should come to me. See how that works? Wait a minute. You are nothing but a liar. Why am I even talking to you? Go play on the highway liar.

Compensation should come to me.

You're here, instead of in some crappy country in Africa.
You've been compensated.
See how that works?
Sure, in Africa you can get reparations from the black slave owners that sold your ancestors' sorry asses. :lol:

Thats already been arranged. You evidently are not aware of this right? So what kind of power do you have to get this pulled off or are you just another simple, powerless, simian proud of your redneck heritage?

Don't be so angry about being black, it can't be that bad.

You shouldnt be angry about being white even though it must be tough walking around feeling frightened all the time.

However you tried to dodge my question. What can you do to make this happen? You seem kind of low on the totem pole and irrelevant so i dont expect much from you. Can you point me to someone that shares your views that actually can do something? I'm tired of talking to the little guys like you.
Thats already been arranged. You evidently are not aware of this right? So what kind of power do you have to get this pulled off or are you just another simple, powerless, simian proud of your redneck heritage?

Don't be so angry about being black, it can't be that bad.

You shouldnt be angry about being white even though it must be tough walking around feeling frightened all the time.

However you tried to dodge my question. What can you do to make this happen? You seem kind of low on the totem pole and irrelevant so i dont expect much from you. Can you point me to someone that shares your views that actually can do something? I'm tired of talking to the little guys like you.

What am I supposed to be afraid of? Guys with a chip on their shoulder like you? :lol:
Don't be so angry about being black, it can't be that bad.

You shouldnt be angry about being white even though it must be tough walking around feeling frightened all the time.

However you tried to dodge my question. What can you do to make this happen? You seem kind of low on the totem pole and irrelevant so i dont expect much from you. Can you point me to someone that shares your views that actually can do something? I'm tired of talking to the little guys like you.

What am I supposed to be afraid of? Guys with a chip on their shoulder like you? :lol:

Well...yes. You are frightened. I bet you would never walk up to me in person and expose your views. Face it. You are frightened so you would only talk tough on line. Everyone knows you would pee yourself. :lol:

However you tried to dodge my question...again. What can you do to make this happen? You seem kind of low on the totem pole and irrelevant so i dont expect much from you. Can you point me to someone that shares your views that actually can do something? I'm tired of talking to the little guys like you.
Free 20 college credits is probably the only way I'd agree with it.

Education is needed in this community ;)

Good thing no one cares what you agree with. I know it seems like a lot to you but 20 credits wouldn't cover an hour of interest nor would it help the person that it would be given to. You should probably keep the 20 for yourself. You need it much more than anyone I know of.

It is the best thing they could do.

Not really. 250K would do wonders in the right hands even though it is a far cry from what is really owed. Give me 250k and I would turn it into a million inside of a year.

No you wouldn't. Regardless, I already told you we aren't even giving you 1 cent. Deal with it loser. Quit depending on white people for money.
Because you wronged our ancestors and put them on a path of failure. Any other questions

We didn't wrong your ancestors.
Sorry you're a failure.

Again not you personally, but you collectively

When people complain about black crime, the knock out game, dead beat dads, etc., you guys say those are just a few bad apples, and not representative of your community as a whole. So how can you blame white people "collectively", for things that happened before we were born?

Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

No "we" didn't.

I have a few VERY solid alibis. I wasn't there at the time. Neither were my forebears. In fact, those folks were in the nation to the north where fleeing slaves were welcomed. Nope. I had nothing to do with it.

In fact, I wasn't even BORN yet. So even if my forebears had been here, I would have no personal responsibility for it. The sins of the forefathers are NOT properly visited (legally, ethically, logically or morally) upon the children.

So, I think I'm just gonna have to go ahead and decline any and all calls, requests or "demands" to pay any portion of "reparations." For, in the end, fair IS fair.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Which Black American slave owners pay repatriations for the thousands of Black and White slaves they owned? Many people have the 'romantic idea' (as noted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the article below) that Blacks "only" had slaves because they brought family members or tried to keep families together. Its not true. Blacks also owned whites as well and had indentured servants, although not on the same level as Blacks being owned by Whites, by far. Gates estimates Blacks owned 18% of slaves at some point in time. Of course we can't forget the 100,000 estimated Irish people ( and their eventual ancestors) who were transported as slaves to the Colonies by Cromwell. How about the "Gypsies "(Romani) people? Am I missing anyone?

Black Slave Owners: Did They Exist? - The Root

Slavery in the British Isles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And if the black tribal elders in Africa had not been in complicity with the slave traders seeking fresh supplies of human workers, there may never have been a slave trade of the magnitude that developed. Will African societies be called upon to contribute to this reparations effort?

Check it out: The Truth about Slavery | Bnpsalford's Blog

OR, maybe THIS piece:

The AMISTAD America website stresses the need to educate the public about the history of slavery “through common experiences and dialogue.” By “confronting the past” and promoting “reconciliation and social healing” the Amistad’s Atlantic Freedom Tour aims to help all people work toward “transforming the future.”

However, confronting the history of the Atlantic slave trade requires more than a sentence acknowledging that the Amistad prisoners “had been captured in Africa by Africans who sold them to European slave traders.” Website readers must understand that this terrible traffic in millions of human beings had been, as affirmed by the PBS Africans in America series, a joint venture: “During this era, Africans and Europeans stood together as equals, companions in commerce and profit. Kings exchanged respectful letters across color lines and addressed each other as colleagues. Natives of the two continents were tied into a common economy.”2

Incomplete depictions of the Atlantic slave trade are, in fact, quite common. My 2003 study of 49 state U.S. history standards revealed that not one of these guides to classroom content even mentioned the key role of Africans in supplying the Atlantic slave trade.3 In Africa itself, however, the slave trade is remembered quite differently. Nigerians, for example, explicitly teach about their own role in the trade: * * * *
-- History News Network | It's Time to Face the Whole Truth About the Atlantic Slave Trade

It is the best thing they could do.

Not really. 250K would do wonders in the right hands even though it is a far cry from what is really owed. Give me 250k and I would turn it into a million inside of a year.

No you wouldn't. Regardless, I already told you we aren't even giving you 1 cent. Deal with it loser. Quit depending on white people for money.

You personally havent made that much in your lifetime but your taxes will help. You dont have a choice in the matter. Deal with that loser. You
CaféAuLait;8615344 said:
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Which Black American slave owners pay repatriations for the thousands of Black and White slaves they owned? Many people have the 'romantic idea' (as noted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the article below) that Blacks "only" had slaves because they brought family members or tried to keep families together. Its not true. Blacks also owned whites as well and had indentured servants, although not on the same level as Blacks being owned by Whites, by far. Gates estimates Blacks owned 18% of slaves at some point in time. Of course we can't forget the 100,000 estimated Irish people ( and their eventual ancestors) who were transported as slaves to the Colonies by Cromwell. How about the "Gypsies "(Romani) people? Am I missing anyone?

Black Slave Owners: Did They Exist? - The Root

Slavery in the British Isles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can start quoting Gates as an expert when he becomes a historian instead of an author. He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Yes there were some turncoats but the vast majority of Black slave owners owned their family. Who do you think you are fooling?

Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.
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Not really. 250K would do wonders in the right hands even though it is a far cry from what is really owed. Give me 250k and I would turn it into a million inside of a year.

No you wouldn't. Regardless, I already told you we aren't even giving you 1 cent. Deal with it loser. Quit depending on white people for money.

You personally havent made that much in your lifetime but your taxes will help. You dont have a choice in the matter. Deal with that loser. You
Of course I have a choice in the matter. I'm telling you I won't allow reparations. Go ahead and let me know if my orders arent being followed. No one will defy me on this, I guarantee it. Never underestimate the power of the white side.
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