Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Why should we compensate today's negros for slavery that happened 150 years ago? Makes no fucking sense.

Because we were wronged and time doesnt change a wrong into a right

No! YOU were not wronged. What happened to your great great great grandfather was wrong as hell, but it didn't happen to you and I was not responsible.
No you wouldn't. Regardless, I already told you we aren't even giving you 1 cent. Deal with it loser. Quit depending on white people for money.

You personally havent made that much in your lifetime but your taxes will help. You dont have a choice in the matter. Deal with that loser. You
Of course I have a choice in the matter. I'm telling you I won't allow reparations. Go ahead and let me know if my orders arent being followed. No one will defy me on this, I guarantee it. Never underestimate the power of the white side.

Actually you dont have a choice. The POTUS already said he can do whatever he wants. Me and him are close. Its coming. You and your band of white smurfs have under estimated your intake of meth.
CaféAuLait;8615344 said:
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

Which Black American slave owners pay repatriations for the thousands of Black and White slaves they owned? Many people have the 'romantic idea' (as noted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the article below) that Blacks "only" had slaves because they brought family members or tried to keep families together. Its not true. Blacks also owned whites as well and had indentured servants, although not on the same level as Blacks being owned by Whites, by far. Gates estimates Blacks owned 18% of slaves at some point in time. Of course we can't forget the 100,000 estimated Irish people ( and their eventual ancestors) who were transported as slaves to the Colonies by Cromwell. How about the "Gypsies "(Romani) people? Am I missing anyone?

Black Slave Owners: Did They Exist? - The Root

Slavery in the British Isles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can start quoting Gates as an expert when he becomes a historian instead of an author. He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Yes there were some turncoats but the vast majority of Black slave owners owned their family. Who do you think you are fooling?

Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.

Think I'm fooling? Gates quotes historians he believed were accurate or he obviously would not have written the article.

The simple fact of the matter is blacks owned black slaves. Whites owned white slaves. Whites owned blacks slaves. Blacks sold blacks into slavery, whites sold blacks into slavery. The issue is broad and encompassing. It was not just African blacks sold into slavery. The Irish, Romani, Berbers, and others were sold into slavery as well. A horrible and terrible part of history which I had no part of, nor did you.

How would one decide which black African paid which for their part in enslaving blacks? Which white would have to pay which black? Which white would have to pay which Irish white, or Romani?
You personally havent made that much in your lifetime but your taxes will help. You dont have a choice in the matter. Deal with that loser. You
Of course I have a choice in the matter. I'm telling you I won't allow reparations. Go ahead and let me know if my orders arent being followed. No one will defy me on this, I guarantee it. Never underestimate the power of the white side.

Actually you dont have a choice. The POTUS already said he can do whatever he wants. Me and him are close. Its coming. You and your band of white smurfs have under estimated your intake of meth.

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations
CaféAuLait;8615618 said:
CaféAuLait;8615344 said:
Which Black American slave owners pay repatriations for the thousands of Black and White slaves they owned? Many people have the 'romantic idea' (as noted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the article below) that Blacks "only" had slaves because they brought family members or tried to keep families together. Its not true. Blacks also owned whites as well and had indentured servants, although not on the same level as Blacks being owned by Whites, by far. Gates estimates Blacks owned 18% of slaves at some point in time. Of course we can't forget the 100,000 estimated Irish people ( and their eventual ancestors) who were transported as slaves to the Colonies by Cromwell. How about the "Gypsies "(Romani) people? Am I missing anyone?

Black Slave Owners: Did They Exist? - The Root

Slavery in the British Isles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can start quoting Gates as an expert when he becomes a historian instead of an author. He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Yes there were some turncoats but the vast majority of Black slave owners owned their family. Who do you think you are fooling?

Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.

Think I'm fooling? Gates quotes historians he believed were accurate or he obviously would not have written the article.

The simple fact of the matter is blacks owned black slaves. Whites owned white slaves. Whites owned blacks slaves. Blacks sold blacks into slavery, whites sold blacks into slavery. The issue is broad and encompassing. It was not just African blacks sold into slavery. The Irish, Romani, Berbers, and others were sold into slavery as well. A horrible and terrible part of history which I had no part of, nor did you.

How would one decide which black African paid which for their part in enslaving blacks? Which white would have to pay which black? Which white would have to pay which Irish white, or Romani?

I think I outlined earlier this is only regarding the US since thats the only place you have the authority to authorize reparations. Just like the Japanese were paid via tax money the same thing should go for African Americans. Its not contingent on color or your ancestors actually owning slaves. Its a US thing.
CaféAuLait;8615623 said:
Of course I have a choice in the matter. I'm telling you I won't allow reparations. Go ahead and let me know if my orders arent being followed. No one will defy me on this, I guarantee it. Never underestimate the power of the white side.

Actually you dont have a choice. The POTUS already said he can do whatever he wants. Me and him are close. Its coming. You and your band of white smurfs have under estimated your intake of meth.

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

He also opposed gay marriage at first too. He just wanted to trick the people that were uptight. Are you seeing the pattern?

TIMELINE: Tracking Barack Obama's Position On Marriage Equality | ThinkProgress
CaféAuLait;8615618 said:
You can start quoting Gates as an expert when he becomes a historian instead of an author. He doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Yes there were some turncoats but the vast majority of Black slave owners owned their family. Who do you think you are fooling?

Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.

Think I'm fooling? Gates quotes historians he believed were accurate or he obviously would not have written the article.

The simple fact of the matter is blacks owned black slaves. Whites owned white slaves. Whites owned blacks slaves. Blacks sold blacks into slavery, whites sold blacks into slavery. The issue is broad and encompassing. It was not just African blacks sold into slavery. The Irish, Romani, Berbers, and others were sold into slavery as well. A horrible and terrible part of history which I had no part of, nor did you.

How would one decide which black African paid which for their part in enslaving blacks? Which white would have to pay which black? Which white would have to pay which Irish white, or Romani?

I think I outlined earlier this is only regarding the US since thats the only place you have the authority to authorize reparations. Just like the Japanese were paid via tax money the same thing should go for African Americans. Its not contingent on color or your ancestors actually owning slaves. Its a US thing.

You do realize that there were Irish, Romani and Berber slaves sent here by Cromwell and others, right? They were sold in Virginia and in New England and in fact were considered "cheaper" than African slaves and sold quicker, until the African slave trade became broader.
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Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.

Fuck that noise. I want blacks to pay a special tax to repay the government for the Civil War. They were the main beneficiary of the war, so they can foot the bill for it. After that, I think I should get some kind of compensation because my great-great grandfather was wounded at Vicksburg. Sure, it didn't directly affect me, but someone should pay for that injustice and whatnot. Then I demand some kind of recognition for his bravery. After all, if I'm somehow responsible for the evils of a practice that ended over a century before I was born, I should get some kind of recognition for his sacrifice and bravery in battle for freeing blacks. Maybe give the white community some free shit or cut me a break on my taxes or write off my students loans or something. I've earned it.

Or we could just say it was a shitty time, it sucked to be a slave, but those days are done and over and everyone who was a slave is long dead and gone and leave it at that.
CaféAuLait;8615623 said:
Actually you dont have a choice. The POTUS already said he can do whatever he wants. Me and him are close. Its coming. You and your band of white smurfs have under estimated your intake of meth.

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

He also opposed gay marriage at first too. He just wanted to trick the people that were uptight. Are you seeing the pattern?

TIMELINE: Tracking Barack Obama's Position On Marriage Equality | ThinkProgress

I'm well aware of his "evolved" position on gay marriage. However, Obamas voting record and statements he does not support reparation.

Again. How would you pay the Irish and their families, the Berbers and Romani sold into slavery, ripped apart from their families and children just as African's were? What of the American Indians sold into slavery?

It will come down to the fact just about everyone in the US will have some relation to a once held slave. How does one decide who gets a payment and who does not?

It is the best thing they could do.

Not really. 250K would do wonders in the right hands even though it is a far cry from what is really owed. Give me 250k and I would turn it into a million inside of a year.

So this is what it's about for you? You need another handout? Try first to turn the 10 bucks you have left into something other than a crack rock, then we'll talk so more.
CaféAuLait;8615671 said:
CaféAuLait;8615618 said:
Think I'm fooling? Gates quotes historians he believed were accurate or he obviously would not have written the article.

The simple fact of the matter is blacks owned black slaves. Whites owned white slaves. Whites owned blacks slaves. Blacks sold blacks into slavery, whites sold blacks into slavery. The issue is broad and encompassing. It was not just African blacks sold into slavery. The Irish, Romani, Berbers, and others were sold into slavery as well. A horrible and terrible part of history which I had no part of, nor did you.

How would one decide which black African paid which for their part in enslaving blacks? Which white would have to pay which black? Which white would have to pay which Irish white, or Romani?

I think I outlined earlier this is only regarding the US since thats the only place you have the authority to authorize reparations. Just like the Japanese were paid via tax money the same thing should go for African Americans. Its not contingent on color or your ancestors actually owning slaves. Its a US thing.

You do realize that there were Irish, Romani and Berber slaves sent here by Cromwell and others, right? They were sold in Virginia and in New England and in fact were considered "cheaper" than African slaves and sold quicker, until the African slave trade became broader.

Yes I am aware other people were enslaved. What does this have to do with reparations for African Americans?
Reparations will be paid by the tax payers not someones family just like the Japanese were paid. If we can spend billions on war we can pay reparations owed to African Americans.

Fuck that noise. I want blacks to pay a special tax to repay the government for the Civil War. They were the main beneficiary of the war, so they can foot the bill for it. After that, I think I should get some kind of compensation because my great-great grandfather was wounded at Vicksburg. Sure, it didn't directly affect me, but someone should pay for that injustice and whatnot. Then I demand some kind of recognition for his bravery. After all, if I'm somehow responsible for the evils of a practice that ended over a century before I was born, I should get some kind of recognition for his sacrifice and bravery in battle for freeing blacks. Maybe give the white community some free shit or cut me a break on my taxes or write off my students loans or something. I've earned it.

Or we could just say it was a shitty time, it sucked to be a slave, but those days are done and over and everyone who was a slave is long dead and gone and leave it at that.

You shouldnt be trying to have sex with noise you pervert. Fighting in a war is a duty and you dont get paid extra from the people that may have benefited from the war moron. Those are called mercenaries. Why should you get something for being drafted or ordered to do by your government to keep the union together? Just like the Japanese and their heirs received reparations, Blacks should too. I cant believe you are that confused.
Blacks in Africa held whites as slaves, and only 2% of Americans back in the day had slaves. There are also more black people in the world than white people. So that answer is no.
CaféAuLait;8615689 said:
CaféAuLait;8615623 said:
Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

He also opposed gay marriage at first too. He just wanted to trick the people that were uptight. Are you seeing the pattern?

TIMELINE: Tracking Barack Obama's Position On Marriage Equality | ThinkProgress

I'm well aware of his "evolved" position on gay marriage. However, Obamas voting record and statements he does not support reparation.

Again. How would you pay the Irish and their families, the Berbers and Romani sold into slavery, ripped apart from their families and children just as African's were? What of the American Indians sold into slavery?

It will come down to the fact just about everyone in the US will have some relation to a once held slave. How does one decide who gets a payment and who does not?

Again the other people can stake their own claim. The facts are that Black people were the ones that incurred the most damage and loss of income due to slavery. No one else. This is about the US and its allowance of slavery in direct contradiction to "all men are created equal". You can think up a thousand reasons why not. None of them make any sense. its just indicative of your low class and sense of justice.

It is the best thing they could do.

Not really. 250K would do wonders in the right hands even though it is a far cry from what is really owed. Give me 250k and I would turn it into a million inside of a year.

So this is what it's about for you? You need another handout? Try first to turn the 10 bucks you have left into something other than a crack rock, then we'll talk so more.

A handout would be getting something for nothing. Your ancestors are the ones that got a handout. Free labor to make profits which lined their pockets and enable them to create a legacy to pass on to their heirs. The ability to claim credit for inventions made by Black people but who were legally unable to file patents and reap the financial rewards. I know you are not too bright but I thought you should be able to read this later.
2% of Americans owned slaves, and the population has definitely expanded since this by a big number, so yeah.. Here again Asclepias, Blacks held whites as slaves in history as well, even today in Africa.. We don't owe you anything period
2% of Americans owned slaves, and the population has definitely expanded since this by a big number, so yeah.. Here again Asclepias, Blacks held whites as slaves in history as well, even today in Africa.. We don't owe you anything period

Again you miss the point. The entire US benefited from specifically Black slavery. it made the US a world power. We are not talking about what went on in Africa. We are talking about the US. Lets stay focused and not move the goal posts because you dont like the game. You personally dont owe Black people anything but this country does.
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2% of Americans owned slaves, and the population has definitely expanded since this by a big number, so yeah.. Here again Asclepias, Blacks held whites as slaves in history as well, even today in Africa.. We don't owe you anything period

Again you miss the point. The entire US benefited from specifically Black slavery. it made the US a world power. We are not talking about what went on in Africa. We are talking about the US. Lets stay focused and not move the goal posts because you dont like the game. You personally dont owe Black people anything but this country does.

The only people who benefited from slavery were the slave owners. These were a fairly small minority of Southerners. Farmers who did not own slaves had difficulty competing with farmers who did.

Any trade or profession paid better in the North than the South. The North is where the factories were built, not the South.

During the 1850's there was a large influx of immigrants to the United States. Most of the immigrants moved to the North, because that is where the economic opportunities were.

Since the Negroes were freed they have been a continual problem with their crime and their low intelligence.

The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed, and if Negroes had not been allowed to immigrate to the United States. The crime rate would be much lower. Performance in schools would be higher.

Although whites are worse off because of the presence of blacks, blacks are better off. They have a much higher standard of living than blacks do in Africa. They benefit from living in a civilization far superior to anything they have been able to create on their own.

As long as there was a need for unskilled labor in the United States, and as long as the economy was growing, we could endure a large black population. This is no longer the case. We would be better off if the blacks disappeared tomorrow. They would be lost without us.

We owe blacks nothing. They owe us for the damage they are doing to the United States.
CaféAuLait;8615623 said:
Actually you dont have a choice. The POTUS already said he can do whatever he wants. Me and him are close. Its coming. You and your band of white smurfs have under estimated your intake of meth.

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

Obama Opposes Slavery Reparations

He also opposed gay marriage at first too. He just wanted to trick the people that were uptight. Are you seeing the pattern?

TIMELINE: Tracking Barack Obama's Position On Marriage Equality | ThinkProgress

You beat me to that comment, but I don't think it was so much of a trick as it was just another lie that came out of a politician's mouth.
2% of Americans owned slaves, and the population has definitely expanded since this by a big number, so yeah.. Here again Asclepias, Blacks held whites as slaves in history as well, even today in Africa.. We don't owe you anything period

Again you miss the point. The entire US benefited from specifically Black slavery. it made the US a world power. We are not talking about what went on in Africa. We are talking about the US. Lets stay focused and not move the goal posts because you dont like the game. You personally dont owe Black people anything but this country does.

The only people who benefited from slavery were the slave owners. These were a fairly small minority of Southerners. Farmers who did not own slaves had difficulty competing with farmers who did.

Any trade or profession paid better in the North than the South. The North is where the factories were built, not the South.

During the 1850's there was a large influx of immigrants to the United States. Most of the immigrants moved to the North, because that is where the economic opportunities were.

Since the Negroes were freed they have been a continual problem with their crime and their low intelligence.

The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed, and if Negroes had not been allowed to immigrate to the United States. The crime rate would be much lower. Performance in schools would be higher.

Although whites are worse off because of the presence of blacks, blacks are better off. They have a much higher standard of living than blacks do in Africa. They benefit from living in a civilization far superior to anything they have been able to create on their own.

As long as there was a need for unskilled labor in the United States, and as long as the economy was growing, we could endure a large black population. This is no longer the case. We would be better off if the blacks disappeared tomorrow. They would be lost without us.

We owe blacks nothing. They owe us for the damage they are doing to the United States.

The entire US benefited from Black slavery regardless of whether they owned slaves or not. The US is the world power it is today because Black labor built it into one. If there were no Black slaves then there would have been no King Cotton. No cotton no power. That type of work killed off the whites and the NA's. Black people were the only ones that could survive the physical toil. You would not be better off without Black people because history has shown you cannot build anything without help from outside civilizations. We taught you civilization when you were eating each other. You would still be doing so in Europe had we not taught you not only once but twice. Black Africans built the worlds first civilizations and founded the sciences, medicine, philosophies, and math you use today. Of the original wonders of the world only the one from a Black civilization remains. Wake up cave ape. There is a good reason you have a simian as your avatar. Without Black people teaching you thats exactly who you would be trying to compete with.
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