Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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And even if there exists a case for reparations to a child of a victim (usually this doesn't happen, but there are some instances of it under some pretty precise conditions), you reparation nuts have a related (and bigger) problem.

You dopes are "asking" for me and my compatriots to "pay" for shit we did not have any hand in.

I didn't do shit to you. I didn't do shit to your forebears. I owe you exactly and precisely nothing.

And if you guys want to talk about "precedent," then you might need to find a solid one that supports the notion that a person (or group of people) can somehow be ordered to "pay" for something about which they have no culpability.

Good luck on that.
Your entire premise is faulty. Where and how does reparations not apply to the descendants of the party that should have received them? If you can figure that one out you will see how faulty your position is. Reparations are payments to rectify a wrong. It doesnt specify a time limit. Maybe if you could look up the entomology of the word reparations you would not be so illogical in your stance.

You didnt couch anything. You thought I would disagree with your post and immediately got upset when I agreed. Its OK just admit that to yourself if no one else. Now that I have corrected you and your thinking you can now understand why reparations should be paid. Do you agree?

I included the link for reparations so you can be clear on what it means.

Online Etymology Dictionary

If I get hit by a car driven by some asshole in an illegal and dangerous fashion, and I suffer injuries, I can sue the bastard. When he gets ordered to pay me for my economic losses, I am getting reparations.

My son who was not in my car with me when the asshole struck my car, and therefore was not injured, has NO injuries. HE, therefore, cannot even be heard to complain. He can't sue and he can't get reparations.

It's a bitch, isn't it? :lmao:

Speaking of faulty premises, you seem to offer nothing but.

None of your facile faux analysis, however, stands up to the test of logic or reason.

You are digging yourself a hole and getting defeated by your own logic. If you are alive the reparations goes to you. If you die as a result of the accident your family gets it even if they were vacationing in the Bahamas at the time of the accident. Surely you can come up with something better than that weak analogy. :lol:

So far you have not presented one shred of logic that can explain your position on this issue. You simply have to do better than that.


You really have no ability to employ logic. Pretty sad.

If I get killed in an accident caused by your criminal or negligent behavior, then you HAVE caused injury to my family. But there is a concept you seem unable to fathom. Some injuries are too remote in time. You might owe me. You might even owe my nuclear family. But you are not going to have to pay for all time: such as any obligation to pay reparations to my grandkids or great grandkids.

Additionally, if some other guy named "Joe Blow" causes injury to me or my family, then YOU don't owe me diddly dog, you silly little man.

Here, your would-be "logic" suffers from BOTH problems. I am not the proximate cause of any injury to the original victims or their children, grandchildren or great grandchildren. I owe them and you nothing for that reason alone.

But even if had been the proximate cause of the injury to your great grandpappy, I cannot be held accountable for some third and fourth generation impact on your life.

Keep trying though. I am having fun trying to cram some education into your silly little pin head to correct your erroneous preconceived notions.

No need to thank me. Really. 'Tis my pleasure.
And even if there exists a case for reparations to a child of a victim (usually this doesn't happen, but there are some instances of it under some pretty precise conditions), you reparation nuts have a related (and bigger) problem.

You dopes are "asking" for me and my compatriots to "pay" for shit we did not have any hand in.

I didn't do shit to you. I didn't do shit to your forebears. I owe you exactly and precisely nothing.

And if you guys want to talk about "precedent," then you might need to find a solid one that supports the notion that a person (or group of people) can somehow be ordered to "pay" for something about which they have no culpability.

Good luck on that.

Ahhh! Now the anger flows since your logic has failed you again. :lol:

I didnt accuse you specifically of doing anything. I said this country benefited and should pay. Please feel free to dispute this based on logic and not an emotional outburst.

You would not be the only person responsible for paying this. I pay taxes so my money would be going towards it as well unless the deal was to not pay taxes for x amount of years for African American slave descendents.

The precedence set by the US paying the Japanese for internment is more solid than anything you can up with to refute it. The Japanese were wronged by the US. The US paid for that. Please put your best logic on display to refute that.
If I get hit by a car driven by some asshole in an illegal and dangerous fashion, and I suffer injuries, I can sue the bastard. When he gets ordered to pay me for my economic losses, I am getting reparations.

My son who was not in my car with me when the asshole struck my car, and therefore was not injured, has NO injuries. HE, therefore, cannot even be heard to complain. He can't sue and he can't get reparations.

It's a bitch, isn't it? :lmao:

Speaking of faulty premises, you seem to offer nothing but.

None of your facile faux analysis, however, stands up to the test of logic or reason.

You are digging yourself a hole and getting defeated by your own logic. If you are alive the reparations goes to you. If you die as a result of the accident your family gets it even if they were vacationing in the Bahamas at the time of the accident. Surely you can come up with something better than that weak analogy. :lol:

So far you have not presented one shred of logic that can explain your position on this issue. You simply have to do better than that.


You really have no ability to employ logic. Pretty sad.

If I get killed in an accident caused by your criminal or negligent behavior, then you HAVE caused injury to my family. But there is a concept you seem unable to fathom. Some injuries are too remote in time. You might owe me. You might even owe my nuclear family. But you are not going to have to pay for all time: such as any obligation to pay reparations to my grandkids or great grandkids.

Additionally, if some other guy named "Joe Blow" causes injury to me or my family, then YOU don't owe me diddly dog, you silly little man.

Here, your would-be "logic" suffers from BOTH problems. I am not the proximate cause of any injury to the original victims or their children, grandchildren or great grandchildren. I owe them and you nothing for that reason alone.

But even if had been the proximate cause of the injury to your great grandpappy, I cannot be held accountable for some third and fourth generation impact on your life.

Keep trying though. I am having fun trying to cram some education into your silly little pin head to correct your erroneous preconceived notions.

No need to thank me. Really. 'Tis my pleasure.

Your logic again falls down and skins its knees. No one is asking you to pay for all time and no one is asking you specifically to pay. The US government is doing the paying through everyones tax dollars. This is not a recurring payment. This is the payment that was never paid to the orginal victims. Huge difference.

Now once you get out of your fantasy land that you are actually being logical you will see the truth in what I am saying. Again for the record reparations are to mend or repair a wrong. There is no time stipulation for that. Once it is paid its over. Since it has never been paid it is still due. Again please explain to me how this is not the case?
And even if there exists a case for reparations to a child of a victim (usually this doesn't happen, but there are some instances of it under some pretty precise conditions), you reparation nuts have a related (and bigger) problem.

You dopes are "asking" for me and my compatriots to "pay" for shit we did not have any hand in.

I didn't do shit to you. I didn't do shit to your forebears. I owe you exactly and precisely nothing.

And if you guys want to talk about "precedent," then you might need to find a solid one that supports the notion that a person (or group of people) can somehow be ordered to "pay" for something about which they have no culpability.

Good luck on that.

Ahhh! Now the anger flows since your logic has failed you again. :lol:

I didnt accuse you specifically of doing anything. I said this country benefited and should pay. Please feel free to dispute this based on logic and not an emotional outburst.

You would not be the only person responsible for paying this. I pay taxes so my money would be going towards it as well unless the deal was to not pay taxes for x amount of years for African American slave descendents.

The precedence set by the US paying the Japanese for internment is more solid than anything you can up with to refute it. The Japanese were wronged by the US. The US paid for that. Please put your best logic on display to refute that.

Poor lad. I see you are completely flummoxed now and cannot even admit the obvious truth.

So, I'll be gentle.

You are entirely wrong.

The Japanese example is a fail for the reason I already provided. Reparations was for the wrong done to the living and their immediate offspring. It was not a matter of paying some victims' subsequent generations three and four times removed. And the US people (acting through the duly elected liberal Democrat President) had done it to the Japanese in America.

By contrast, slavery was inflicted on the slaves not by the American people, but by a small faction of the American People in just a portion of the country. But, more significantly, it was soemthing done several generations back.

"We" would not be repaying the original victims nor their immediate offspring. "We" would be paying off 3rd and fourth and later GENERATIONS. And by "we" I don't mean the ones responsible, either.

Again, your stubborn refusal to even admit reality doesn't change it AssClapius.

The "argument" for "reparations" is a non starter. Everything you have said in support of it is a fail. It's laughable, in fact.
And even if there exists a case for reparations to a child of a victim (usually this doesn't happen, but there are some instances of it under some pretty precise conditions), you reparation nuts have a related (and bigger) problem.

You dopes are "asking" for me and my compatriots to "pay" for shit we did not have any hand in.

I didn't do shit to you. I didn't do shit to your forebears. I owe you exactly and precisely nothing.

And if you guys want to talk about "precedent," then you might need to find a solid one that supports the notion that a person (or group of people) can somehow be ordered to "pay" for something about which they have no culpability.

Good luck on that.

Ahhh! Now the anger flows since your logic has failed you again. :lol:

I didnt accuse you specifically of doing anything. I said this country benefited and should pay. Please feel free to dispute this based on logic and not an emotional outburst.

You would not be the only person responsible for paying this. I pay taxes so my money would be going towards it as well unless the deal was to not pay taxes for x amount of years for African American slave descendents.

The precedence set by the US paying the Japanese for internment is more solid than anything you can up with to refute it. The Japanese were wronged by the US. The US paid for that. Please put your best logic on display to refute that.

Poor lad. I see you are completely flummoxed now and cannot even admit the obvious truth.

So, I'll be gentle.

You are entirely wrong.

The Japanese example is a fail for the reason I already provided. Reparations was for the wrong done to the living and their immediate offspring. It was not a matter of paying some victims' subsequent generations three and four times removed. And the US people (acting through the duly elected liberal Democrat President) had done it to the Japanese in America.

By contrast, slavery was inflicted on the slaves not by the American people, but by a small faction of the American People in just a portion of the country. But, more significantly, it was soemthing done several generations back.

"We" would not be repaying the original victims nor their immediate offspring. "We" would be paying off 3rd and fourth and later GENERATIONS. And by "we" I don't mean the ones responsible, either.

Again, your stubborn refusal to even admit reality doesn't change it AssClapius.

The "argument" for "reparations" is a non starter. Everything you have said in support of it is a fail. It's laughable, in fact.

Poor guy. Keep telling yourself that. I dont mind really. Please show me where reparations has to conform to your narrowly described definition. I know it bothers you your logic is non existent but it was a nice try on your part. Maybe you should notify someone else that can bring a coherent argument and not contradict themselves. Nothing you have said changes the definition of reparations. Go rest and come back with a better argument. Preferably one that makes sense. Let me give you a hint. When you resort to name calling instead of proving your point I know I have you stumbling and frantically searching for something to bolster your failed argument. I know you can do better.
I would give reparations to ex-slaves. But, here we are 149 years later. How many generations past this issue are we? Blacks can’t let it go and transcend the race issue and prove their worth, they need crutches like this issue . No. Slavery reparations aren’t going to help nor are they going to stop the dysfunctions of the black communities. Stop blaming Racism for blacks inherent failures.
I would give reparations to ex-slaves. But, here we are 149 years later. How many generations past this issue are we? Blacks can’t let it go and transcend the race issue and prove their worth, they need crutches like this issue . No. Slavery reparations aren’t going to help nor are they going to stop the dysfunctions of the black communities. Stop blaming Racism for blacks inherent failures.

Why should we "let it go"? Its never been paid. Its a debt this country owes. Whats funny is that you think Black people have anything to prove to you. :lol:

We will be the judge of whether or not reparations will help. Your input is not needed. Just pay your taxes.
Oh, and AssClapius: If the claim for "reparations" isn't designed to have me write a check (your latest false spin attempt), then make damn sure you don't ask the "government" to "pay," either. Because it might have eluded YOUR notice, but most of the rest of us recognize that when the "government" pays (out of the "Treasury"), it is actually the TAXPAYERS who are paying.

Our government already spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave. The fucking LAST thing we need is yet ANOTHER damn thing to spend OUR money on. This is especially true when the "reparations" are not "owed" to anybody alive or their children, and when NOBODY alive today has ANY responsibility for the original wrong.

To then layer your claim (as you try so badly to do) with the contention that "we have all benefited" from slavery is just another cheap ass attempt to evade the basic principle: we are responsible for our OWN behavior and even if we later generations derive some indirect benefit from OTHER people's past wrongs, that doesn't make US responsible for those wrongs.

You remain a complete total abject fail AssClapius.
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.


but for shits and giggles..... back wages to whom? The dead slaves?

or how about the equivalent of 1864 dollars, a lifetime what 40 years max at minimum wage ........ divided among all of the descendents equally.

now... go and get the slave owners and ring it out of them. Go and round up all of the tribes men who hunted them down and SOLD them into slavery.... pay up.
Oh, and AssClapius: If the claim for "reparations" isn't designed to have me write a check (your latest false spin attempt), then make damn sure you don't ask the "government" to "pay," either. Because it might have eluded YOUR notice, but most of the rest of us recognize that when the "government" pays (out of the "Treasury"), it is actually the TAXPAYERS who are paying.

Our government already spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave. The fucking LAST thing we need is yet ANOTHER damn thing to spend OUR money on. This is especially true when the "reparations" are not "owed" to anybody alive or their children, and when NOBODY alive today has ANY responsibility for the original wrong.

To then layer your claim (as you try so badly to do) with the contention that "we have all benefited" from slavery is just another cheap ass attempt to evade the basic principle: we are responsible for our OWN behavior and even if we later generations derive some indirect benefit from OTHER people's past wrongs, that doesn't make US responsible for those wrongs.

You remain a complete total abject fail AssClapius.

I think you may have missed the fact i said this before you engaged me and also during our conversation. You personally are not paying the tab. Its the government with my and your contributions as a a tax payer. As a matter of fact I know you saw it because you said it yourself and got mad when I agreed.

You keep missing the fact that my ancestors were never paid so yes it is still owed. The same country that enslaved my ancestors still exist. Since my ancestors are not around to collect reparations, the funds would go to their descendants. The government spending is not my concern in this matter. If they can spend on war they can make this happen and pay off the debt.

Again your name calling really underscores the fact that I have you emotional about the fact that your logic does not work. If you are responsible for your own behavior you would not form a country, pay taxes, and reap the benefits of societal help. Save that for the next 5th grader you debate. The difference is that a debt is owed. The country should pay it. Nothing else is acceptable and there will always be an issue until this is rectified.
I would give reparations to ex-slaves. But, here we are 149 years later. How many generations past this issue are we? Blacks can’t let it go and transcend the race issue and prove their worth, they need crutches like this issue . No. Slavery reparations aren’t going to help nor are they going to stop the dysfunctions of the black communities. Stop blaming Racism for blacks inherent failures.

Why should we "let it go"? Its never been paid. Its a debt this country owes. Whats funny is that you think Black people have anything to prove to you. :lol:

We will be the judge of whether or not reparations will help. Your input is not needed. Just pay your taxes.

Who isn't owed? My Irish ancestors were used and abused when they got here. So were my German ancestors and my English ancestors that came as indentured servants. Where's my free shit for their suffering? Can we cut a check to Chinese Americans because their coolie ancestors did laundry and built a railroad? Can I get some free shit because my coal miner ancestors were killed for trying to get fair wages? Everyone that's come to this country has gotten a raw deal at one time or another.

You just want free shit and will use other's suffering as your justification.
Oh, and AssClapius: If the claim for "reparations" isn't designed to have me write a check (your latest false spin attempt), then make damn sure you don't ask the "government" to "pay," either. Because it might have eluded YOUR notice, but most of the rest of us recognize that when the "government" pays (out of the "Treasury"), it is actually the TAXPAYERS who are paying.

Our government already spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave. The fucking LAST thing we need is yet ANOTHER damn thing to spend OUR money on. This is especially true when the "reparations" are not "owed" to anybody alive or their children, and when NOBODY alive today has ANY responsibility for the original wrong.

To then layer your claim (as you try so badly to do) with the contention that "we have all benefited" from slavery is just another cheap ass attempt to evade the basic principle: we are responsible for our OWN behavior and even if we later generations derive some indirect benefit from OTHER people's past wrongs, that doesn't make US responsible for those wrongs.

You remain a complete total abject fail AssClapius.

I think you may have missed the fact i said this before you engaged me and also during our conversation. You personally are not paying the tab. Its the government with my and your contributions as a a tax payer. As a matter of fact I know you saw it because you said it yourself and got mad when I agreed.

You keep missing the fact that my ancestors were never paid so yes it is still owed.
The same country that enslaved my ancestors still exist. Since my ancestors are not around to collect reparations, the funds would go to their descendants. The government spending is not my concern in this matter. If they can spend on war they can make this happen and pay off the debt.

Again your name calling really underscores the fact that I have you emotional about the fact that your logic does not work. If you are responsible for your own behavior you would not form a country, pay taxes, and reap the benefits of societal help. Save that for the next 5th grader you debate. The difference is that a debt is owed. The country should pay it. Nothing else is acceptable and there will always be an issue until this is rectified.

paid by the salve owners..... go find them. Leave the government out of it.

they can pay in 1860 dollar equivalents......
* * * *

I think you may have missed the fact i said this before you engaged me and also during our conversation. You personally are not paying the tab. * * * *

You appear to be missing the fact that I already rebutted your pathetic and weak effort at deflection.

I WOULD be paying since I PAY taxes and the "government" USES our tax dollars for everything it buys or "pays" for.

Try again. You are proving much to easy to swat down.

:lmao: @ AssClapius.
* * * *

I think you may have missed the fact i said this before you engaged me and also during our conversation. You personally are not paying the tab. * * * *

You appear to be missing the fact that I already rebutted your pathetic and weak effort at deflection.

I WOULD be paying since I PAY taxes and the "government" USES our tax dollars for everything it buys or "pays" for.

Try again. You are proving much to easy to swat down.

:lmao: @ AssClapius.

Looks like you are fast losing your grip on reality. Better call up the next guy. You have failed to show me reparations has a time limit. You have failed to understand that you dont have enough money to pay the tab and it has to be a collective effort via taxes. You have failed to recognize the debt was never paid and that the heirs to the debt are traditionally the ones that benefit. Just like Israel was accommodated and given their present location. Not one of them was alive during their initial habitation of that land. Like I said you may not agree but then that is not really logic. Thats just your opinion.
* * * *

I think you may have missed the fact i said this before you engaged me and also during our conversation. You personally are not paying the tab. * * * *

You appear to be missing the fact that I already rebutted your pathetic and weak effort at deflection.

I WOULD be paying since I PAY taxes and the "government" USES our tax dollars for everything it buys or "pays" for.

Try again. You are proving much to easy to swat down.

:lmao: @ AssClapius.

Looks like you are fast losing your grip on reality. Better call up the next guy. You have failed to show me reparations has a time limit. You have failed to understand that you dont have enough money to pay the tab and it has to be a collective effort via taxes. You have failed to recognize the debt was never paid and that the heirs to the debt are traditionally the ones that benefit. Just like Israel was accommodated and given their present location. Not one of them was alive during their initial habitation of that land. Like I said you may not agree but then that is not really logic. Thats just your opinion.


I accept your concession.

Tell you what. It's obvious that you are feeling humiliated. Justifiable.

But you are the one who tried to make an 'argument" premised on precedent. I easily refuted it.

Then I turn your attention to a similar proposition. I maintain that there is NO "precedent" for paying "reparations" to third and fourth generations. And there is absolutely no "precedent" for making people who have zero responsibility paying "reparations" at all.

I know that even you realize what a massive fail you have been. Embrace it. Be who and what you are. It's not like you will ever be anything but a fail as long as you keep making this silly "demand."


"Reparations." :lmao:

What a ridiculous notion.
You appear to be missing the fact that I already rebutted your pathetic and weak effort at deflection.

I WOULD be paying since I PAY taxes and the "government" USES our tax dollars for everything it buys or "pays" for.

Try again. You are proving much to easy to swat down.

:lmao: @ AssClapius.

Looks like you are fast losing your grip on reality. Better call up the next guy. You have failed to show me reparations has a time limit. You have failed to understand that you dont have enough money to pay the tab and it has to be a collective effort via taxes. You have failed to recognize the debt was never paid and that the heirs to the debt are traditionally the ones that benefit. Just like Israel was accommodated and given their present location. Not one of them was alive during their initial habitation of that land. Like I said you may not agree but then that is not really logic. Thats just your opinion.


I accept your concession.

Tell you what. It's obvious that you are feeling humiliated. Justifiable.

But you are the one who tried to make an 'argument" premised on precedent. I easily refuted it.

Then I turn your attention to a similar proposition. I maintain that there is NO "precedent" for paying "reparations" to third and fourth generations. And there is absolutely no "precedent" for making people who have zero responsibility paying "reparations" at all.

I know that even you realize what a massive fail you have been. Embrace it. Be who and what you are. It's not like you will ever be anything but a fail as long as you keep making this silly "demand."


"Reparations." :lmao:

What a ridiculous notion.

When thoroughly defeated people tend to claim they won something in order to feel better. :lol:

You still have not shown anything to refute the claim. The precedent is clear. What you want the definition of reparations to be is as irrelevant as your argument against them.

I see you are projecting your feelings of humiliation in order to feel better about being so badly shown up for your illogical argument. i could let you feel better but I wont.

As long as you try to talk yourself into thinking your logic is sound the more humiliating it will get for you. Your avoidance of answering the questions speak volumes more than anything you can type. You better get someone more logical to help you form your arguments. You are about as astute as a 1rst grader.
Looks like you are fast losing your grip on reality. Better call up the next guy. You have failed to show me reparations has a time limit. You have failed to understand that you dont have enough money to pay the tab and it has to be a collective effort via taxes. You have failed to recognize the debt was never paid and that the heirs to the debt are traditionally the ones that benefit. Just like Israel was accommodated and given their present location. Not one of them was alive during their initial habitation of that land. Like I said you may not agree but then that is not really logic. Thats just your opinion.


I accept your concession.

Tell you what. It's obvious that you are feeling humiliated. Justifiable.

But you are the one who tried to make an 'argument" premised on precedent. I easily refuted it.

Then I turn your attention to a similar proposition. I maintain that there is NO "precedent" for paying "reparations" to third and fourth generations. And there is absolutely no "precedent" for making people who have zero responsibility paying "reparations" at all.

I know that even you realize what a massive fail you have been. Embrace it. Be who and what you are. It's not like you will ever be anything but a fail as long as you keep making this silly "demand."


"Reparations." :lmao:

What a ridiculous notion.

When thoroughly defeated people tend to claim they won something in order to feel better. :lol:

You still have not shown anything to refute the claim. The precedent is clear. What you want the definition of reparations to be is as irrelevant as your argument against them.

I see you are projecting your feelings of humiliation in order to feel better about being so badly shown up for your illogical argument. i could let you feel better but I wont.

As long as you try to talk yourself into thinking your logic is sound the more humiliating it will get for you. Your avoidance of answering the questions speak volumes more than anything you can type. You better get someone more logical to help you form your arguments. You are about as astute as a 1rst grader.


You are even worse at pop psychology when you are humiliated than you are at making your lame "reparations" argument in the first place.

In any event, there is still not a shred of logic in your arguments.

I'd break it all down for you nice and simple, again, but clearly you haven't been paying any attention. Be honest. You got shitty grades in school until the day you dropped out. amirite?

But I will spare you a LITTLE bit more of your ceaseless self-humiliation. Since YOU are the proponent of the proposition in favor of "reparations" (that means you are the person making the original argument here in favor of that stupid shit), it is YOU who carries what is known as the burden of persuasion. True story.

Have an adult 'splain it to you. Anyway, it boils down to the fact that YOU have the burden of proof here. So, make your arguments, but stop trying to rely on your utterly shoddy logic and already refuted contentions.

NO. The Japanese Internment "reparations" are NOT "precedent" for slavery reparations to the third and fourth and later GENERATIONS of the descendants of slaves.

NO. Reparations are NOT payable by people who were not responsible in the first place.

NO. Even if some of us can actually be said to have derived some much-later generation "benefits" from the ancient slavery practice, those "benefits" do NOT result in us "owing" anything to long dead victims OR their fourth or fifth generation offspring.

You tend to make these broad based and unsupported claims, but YOU studiously avoid backing up your self-serving claims.

Try carrying your burden their child.
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I would give reparations to ex-slaves. But, here we are 149 years later. How many generations past this issue are we? Blacks can’t let it go and transcend the race issue and prove their worth, they need crutches like this issue . No. Slavery reparations aren’t going to help nor are they going to stop the dysfunctions of the black communities. Stop blaming Racism for blacks inherent failures.

Why should we "let it go"? Its never been paid. Its a debt this country owes. Whats funny is that you think Black people have anything to prove to you. :lol:

We will be the judge of whether or not reparations will help. Your input is not needed. Just pay your taxes.

Who isn't owed? My Irish ancestors were used and abused when they got here. So were my German ancestors and my English ancestors that came as indentured servants. Where's my free shit for their suffering? Can we cut a check to Chinese Americans because their coolie ancestors did laundry and built a railroad? Can I get some free shit because my coal miner ancestors were killed for trying to get fair wages? Everyone that's come to this country has gotten a raw deal at one time or another.

You just want free shit and will use other's suffering as your justification.

Shut up and ask for reparations if feel your people are owed due to the damage caused by the US. Dont tell me why my claims are not valid because of your inaction. Your people did not go through anything like what my people went through. They may have been poor, illiterate, white trash but they were free. They got paid for their work. Your failure to act is not a reason why reparations should not be paid to Blacks. Stop whining and being a hater.
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