Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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So far you have only succeeded in demolishing your own position by carefully avoiding addressing the facts. I doubt you could demolish mine even if you had a nuclear weapon. :lol:

Now would it kill you to actually address those facts? No but it would seriously expose the flaws in your logic so I know you will continue to run from them as you suffer from a lack of belief in your ability to launch any type of resistance against me.

Let me know when you are ready to address them or i will have to take your continued avoidance as an admission you have nothing coherent or logical with which to refute my summation of the situation.

Silly lad.

Your patently phony declarations of victory fly in the face of your obvious inability and/or unwillingness to support your "arguments."

It is STILL your burden.

It is clear to all that you cannot carry your burden. Certainly you have not done so, so far.

For a guy who likes to make fraudulent claims about other people supposedly avoiding facts, you are notably shy on actually offering any. Don't think your fraudulence goes unnoticed. Everybody sees your fail. It's quite clear.

You fail.

But hurry back to falsely proclaim otherwise yet again.


You are a funny little fraud, AssClapius. :lmao:

You were the one that started falsely declaring triumph after having your argument torn to shreds. Dont make me laugh.

What do you mean by burden? I am not trying to prove anything to you. I am laying out the facts which you cannot dispute. You need to prove to me why those facts are not valid....logically. Your opinions have nothing to do with logic and seem to cloud your mind with illusions of grandeur anyway.

I'm still waiting on you to dispute those facts and you have consistently avoided them. Are you really that afraid to address them?

Practically everyone can see your avoidance to embrace the facts leave you with a distinct disadvantage. Having a tantrum and calling me names is puerile to say the least. I would be embarrassed if I were you.


IF you were honest (which you are not), you'd never say dishonest stupid nonsense like my arguments had been "torn to shreds." :eusa_liar:

You are not even capable of tearing a piece of onion paper to shreds.

You avoid and evade the force of the arguments I have made for perfectly obvious reasons. You have no valid answers to them. No rejoinders.

Thus, you waffle, flail and mostly (yet again) you fail.

Tell us again (in short, help me expose your fail again): HOW exactly do the awful actions of SOME Americans in the Southern States prior to the end of the Civil War amount to any kind of basis in logic or reason for all modern day Americans (via their tax dollars) to have to pay "reparations" to a bunch of fourth or fifth generation descendants of the long dead slaves?

How does what happened to the slaves justify YOU getting anything today?

Why would I have any obligation to pay for something I didn't do; my ancestors didn't do and none of us were even here to do?

Let's be clear. Your facile "answers" have been refuted and rejected. (Such tripe you offer.) Try using facts and logic.

Remember, AssClapius, YOU are the proponent of the absurd contention. Thus, YOU carry the burden.

At least make SOME effort to carry your burden.
Something sad about this thread, Blacks NEED whites to succeed and then blame them for failure. That is ..delicious. Yum yum. Hypocrisy, eat it up.
2% of Americans owned slaves, and the population has definitely expanded since this by a big number, so yeah.. Here again Asclepias, Blacks held whites as slaves in history as well, even today in Africa.. We don't owe you anything period

Again you miss the point. The entire US benefited from specifically Black slavery. it made the US a world power. We are not talking about what went on in Africa. We are talking about the US. Lets stay focused and not move the goal posts because you dont like the game. You personally dont owe Black people anything but this country does.

Every black in the US benefited from slavery, because they're here, instead of in some third-world country.
If that's not a benefit to you, perhaps you should move your wonderfulness elsewhere?
The US doesn't deserve you.

Even if you were correct this has nothing to do with the point. No one volunteered to gain this "benefit". Now the real truth is that you have no clue what you are talking about. How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa? We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again. To your final point. If I want to move elsewhere I would. That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.
Silly lad.

Your patently phony declarations of victory fly in the face of your obvious inability and/or unwillingness to support your "arguments."

It is STILL your burden.

It is clear to all that you cannot carry your burden. Certainly you have not done so, so far.

For a guy who likes to make fraudulent claims about other people supposedly avoiding facts, you are notably shy on actually offering any. Don't think your fraudulence goes unnoticed. Everybody sees your fail. It's quite clear.

You fail.

But hurry back to falsely proclaim otherwise yet again.


You are a funny little fraud, AssClapius. :lmao:

You were the one that started falsely declaring triumph after having your argument torn to shreds. Dont make me laugh.

What do you mean by burden? I am not trying to prove anything to you. I am laying out the facts which you cannot dispute. You need to prove to me why those facts are not valid....logically. Your opinions have nothing to do with logic and seem to cloud your mind with illusions of grandeur anyway.

I'm still waiting on you to dispute those facts and you have consistently avoided them. Are you really that afraid to address them?

Practically everyone can see your avoidance to embrace the facts leave you with a distinct disadvantage. Having a tantrum and calling me names is puerile to say the least. I would be embarrassed if I were you.


IF you were honest (which you are not), you'd never say dishonest stupid nonsense like my arguments had been "torn to shreds." :eusa_liar:

You are not even capable of tearing a piece of onion paper to shreds.

You avoid and evade the force of the arguments I have made for perfectly obvious reasons. You have no valid answers to them. No rejoinders.

Thus, you waffle, flail and mostly (yet again) you fail.

Tell us again (in short, help me expose your fail again): HOW exactly do the awful actions of SOME Americans in the Southern States prior to the end of the Civil War amount to any kind of basis in logic or reason for all modern day Americans (via their tax dollars) to have to pay "reparations" to a bunch of fourth or fifth generation descendants of the long dead slaves?

How does what happened to the slaves justify YOU getting anything today?

Why would I have any obligation to pay for something I didn't do; my ancestors didn't do and none of us were even here to do?

Let's be clear. Your facile "answers" have been refuted and rejected. (Such tripe you offer.) Try using facts and logic.

Remember, AssClapius, YOU are the proponent of the absurd contention. Thus, YOU carry the burden.

At least make SOME effort to carry your burden.

I already answered your silly questions with facts you have yet to dispute. The ball is in your court. You can pretend the facts do not exist but everyone knows they do and they also know you have not addressed them.

You are a knee slapper for real. I'm not going to let you skate on answering my facts. Once you do that then you will be free to pursue your slant on the topic. Man up and answer the questions or admit your demise.
Something sad about this thread, Blacks NEED whites to succeed and then blame them for failure. That is ..delicious. Yum yum. Hypocrisy, eat it up.

Something is indeed sad. You keep saying Blacks need instead of the US owes. You will never be able to reconcile until you understand the premise. I still think you trying with all your might to use the shame tactic. Unfortunately, that will never work because my ancestors were not compensated for their work. The US owing Blacks is not my shame. Dont be threatened by that fact.
A handout would be getting something for nothing. Your ancestors are the ones that got a handout. Free labor to make profits which lined their pockets and enable them to create a legacy to pass on to their heirs. The ability to claim credit for inventions made by Black people but who were legally unable to file patents and reap the financial rewards. I know you are not too bright but I thought you should be able to read this later.

Do you have a patent on whining?
Because you're doing it like you invented it.
Great job!

No white people got the whining patent first. It started when they did not want to work the fields of cotton and sugar cane. The whined about not being able to do it themselves and tried the NA's. The NA's died out from the work. Then they whined again so they brought Africans over. To this day you guys whine. Right now you are whining about paying a debt your ancestors owe.

Whiner says what?
You were the one that started falsely declaring triumph after having your argument torn to shreds. Dont make me laugh.

What do you mean by burden? I am not trying to prove anything to you. I am laying out the facts which you cannot dispute. You need to prove to me why those facts are not valid....logically. Your opinions have nothing to do with logic and seem to cloud your mind with illusions of grandeur anyway.

I'm still waiting on you to dispute those facts and you have consistently avoided them. Are you really that afraid to address them?

Practically everyone can see your avoidance to embrace the facts leave you with a distinct disadvantage. Having a tantrum and calling me names is puerile to say the least. I would be embarrassed if I were you.


IF you were honest (which you are not), you'd never say dishonest stupid nonsense like my arguments had been "torn to shreds." :eusa_liar:

You are not even capable of tearing a piece of onion paper to shreds.

You avoid and evade the force of the arguments I have made for perfectly obvious reasons. You have no valid answers to them. No rejoinders.

Thus, you waffle, flail and mostly (yet again) you fail.

Tell us again (in short, help me expose your fail again): HOW exactly do the awful actions of SOME Americans in the Southern States prior to the end of the Civil War amount to any kind of basis in logic or reason for all modern day Americans (via their tax dollars) to have to pay "reparations" to a bunch of fourth or fifth generation descendants of the long dead slaves?

How does what happened to the slaves justify YOU getting anything today?

Why would I have any obligation to pay for something I didn't do; my ancestors didn't do and none of us were even here to do?

Let's be clear. Your facile "answers" have been refuted and rejected. (Such tripe you offer.) Try using facts and logic.

Remember, AssClapius, YOU are the proponent of the absurd contention. Thus, YOU carry the burden.

At least make SOME effort to carry your burden.

I already answered your silly questions with facts you have yet to dispute. The ball is in your court. You can pretend the facts do not exist but everyone knows they do and they also know you have not addressed them.

You are a knee slapper for real. I'm not going to let you skate on answering my facts. Once you do that then you will be free to pursue your slant on the topic. Man up and answer the questions or admit your demise.

I guess maybe you just don't understand what a "fact" is.

Anyway, you haven't presented any.

Calling for justifications for your "logical" propositions does not necessarily call on you to offer "facts" anyway. Good thing. You don't seem to have any.

The justification is more something dealing with logic.

You clearly lack that, too.

By the way: none of my questions were 'silly' and you answered none of them. You can't even be honest about that. Damn, you suck at this.
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Again you miss the point. The entire US benefited from specifically Black slavery. it made the US a world power. We are not talking about what went on in Africa. We are talking about the US. Lets stay focused and not move the goal posts because you dont like the game. You personally dont owe Black people anything but this country does.

Every black in the US benefited from slavery, because they're here, instead of in some third-world country.
If that's not a benefit to you, perhaps you should move your wonderfulness elsewhere?
The US doesn't deserve you.

Even if you were correct this has nothing to do with the point. No one volunteered to gain this "benefit". Now the real truth is that you have no clue what you are talking about. How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa? We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again. To your final point. If I want to move elsewhere I would. That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

No one volunteered to gain this "benefit".

If it's too much of a burden, please, release the yoke.
Free yourself from the American nightmare.
I'm sure there are plenty of countries that would welcome a failed whiner like yourself.
Let us know when you land in your new home.

How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa?

The slaves weren't bought from a colony, they were bought from your fellow Africans.
So go back, we clearly don't deserve you. Get some reparations from your homeys.

We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again.

What's stopping you now? Besides your incessant whining? Go back, build civilization.
Your continent could use some civilizing. Chop chop!

That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

Sorry, but all the shirts made from that cotton they picked done wore out.
CaféAuLait;8615671 said:
I think I outlined earlier this is only regarding the US since thats the only place you have the authority to authorize reparations. Just like the Japanese were paid via tax money the same thing should go for African Americans. Its not contingent on color or your ancestors actually owning slaves. Its a US thing.

You do realize that there were Irish, Romani and Berber slaves sent here by Cromwell and others, right? They were sold in Virginia and in New England and in fact were considered "cheaper" than African slaves and sold quicker, until the African slave trade became broader.

Yes I am aware other people were enslaved. What does this have to do with reparations for African Americans?

Obviously you missed the point entirely. Not to mention that at first you said it was other countries who enslaved white. It was the colonies as well. My point was quite simple as Gates pointed out Blacks, not only enslaved other blacks they also enslaved whites. Of course the reverse holds true and in greater numbers for whites.

If you wish to pay reparations then, they all must be paid. Blacks must repay blacks they enslaved and the whites they enslaved. Whites must repay blacks.

Now you need to find ONLY those families who were proven to have held slaves, which means whites and blacks need to PAY former black and white slaves.

This means Obama and his daughters since he and they are descendants of slave owners NEED to pay repatriations.

As I said before it is convoluted, everyone ancestry is so mixed up now, it would be impossible to find those responsible. No one who has entered the US since slavery was abolished should be required to pay a cent.

As for your 40 acres and a Mule argument. First, a mule was never mentioned, secondly, when Sherman decreed those freedmen marching with him needed land, this was a temporary solution for those marching with Sherman. He himself said it was a temporary solution for those misplaced marching with him.

Third, when congress did get involved the deal was for freedmen to PAY reduced rent for a period of three years until they could pay the correct price for the land after a three year period of time.
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IF you were honest (which you are not), you'd never say dishonest stupid nonsense like my arguments had been "torn to shreds." :eusa_liar:

You are not even capable of tearing a piece of onion paper to shreds.

You avoid and evade the force of the arguments I have made for perfectly obvious reasons. You have no valid answers to them. No rejoinders.

Thus, you waffle, flail and mostly (yet again) you fail.

Tell us again (in short, help me expose your fail again): HOW exactly do the awful actions of SOME Americans in the Southern States prior to the end of the Civil War amount to any kind of basis in logic or reason for all modern day Americans (via their tax dollars) to have to pay "reparations" to a bunch of fourth or fifth generation descendants of the long dead slaves?

How does what happened to the slaves justify YOU getting anything today?

Why would I have any obligation to pay for something I didn't do; my ancestors didn't do and none of us were even here to do?

Let's be clear. Your facile "answers" have been refuted and rejected. (Such tripe you offer.) Try using facts and logic.

Remember, AssClapius, YOU are the proponent of the absurd contention. Thus, YOU carry the burden.

At least make SOME effort to carry your burden.

I already answered your silly questions with facts you have yet to dispute. The ball is in your court. You can pretend the facts do not exist but everyone knows they do and they also know you have not addressed them.

You are a knee slapper for real. I'm not going to let you skate on answering my facts. Once you do that then you will be free to pursue your slant on the topic. Man up and answer the questions or admit your demise.

I guess maybe you just don;t understand what a "fact" is.

Anyway, you haven't presented any.

Calling for justifications for your "logical" propositions does not necessarily call on you to offer "facts" anyway. Good thing. You don't seem to have any.

The justification is more something dealing with logic.

You clearly lack that, too.

By the way: none of my questions were 'silly' and you answered none of them. You can't even be honest about that. Damn, you suck at this.

We all know you are aware of what a fact is because you avoid them like the plague. :lol:

Yes your questions are silly in light that you have not answered mine. Claiming I suck at something does not excuse your avoidance of my facts.
Every black in the US benefited from slavery, because they're here, instead of in some third-world country.
If that's not a benefit to you, perhaps you should move your wonderfulness elsewhere?
The US doesn't deserve you.

Even if you were correct this has nothing to do with the point. No one volunteered to gain this "benefit". Now the real truth is that you have no clue what you are talking about. How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa? We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again. To your final point. If I want to move elsewhere I would. That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

No one volunteered to gain this "benefit".

If it's too much of a burden, please, release the yoke.
Free yourself from the American nightmare.
I'm sure there are plenty of countries that would welcome a failed whiner like yourself.
Let us know when you land in your new home.

How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa?

The slaves weren't bought from a colony, they were bought from your fellow Africans.
So go back, we clearly don't deserve you. Get some reparations from your homeys.

We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again.

What's stopping you now? Besides your incessant whining? Go back, build civilization.
Your continent could use some civilizing. Chop chop!

That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

Sorry, but all the shirts made from that cotton they picked done wore out.

None of what you posted is addressing my comments. Its a diversionary tactic on par with a 2 year old covering their face and playing peek-a-boo. You fail on so many levels its shameful.
Even if you were correct this has nothing to do with the point. No one volunteered to gain this "benefit". Now the real truth is that you have no clue what you are talking about. How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa? We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again. To your final point. If I want to move elsewhere I would. That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

No one volunteered to gain this "benefit".

If it's too much of a burden, please, release the yoke.
Free yourself from the American nightmare.
I'm sure there are plenty of countries that would welcome a failed whiner like yourself.
Let us know when you land in your new home.

How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa?

The slaves weren't bought from a colony, they were bought from your fellow Africans.
So go back, we clearly don't deserve you. Get some reparations from your homeys.

We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again.

What's stopping you now? Besides your incessant whining? Go back, build civilization.
Your continent could use some civilizing. Chop chop!

That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

Sorry, but all the shirts made from that cotton they picked done wore out.

None of what you posted is addressing my comments. Its a diversionary tactic on par with a 2 year old covering their face and playing peek-a-boo. You fail on so many levels its shameful.

My post showed the ridiculousness of your comments.

Take your whining to another country.
You're too wonderful for the US.
We don't deserve you. Leave.
Reparations for slavery? Aren't blacks past that now? We are "Post racial" now, get over the past slings and arrows, boyos. It's done. I49 years ago, We fought a civil war and lost countless white boys that died to free the slaves and they weren’t enough? History is history. At what price is THAT? How many dollars is that worth to spend to set slaves free, does make any account here?
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CaféAuLait;8620646 said:
CaféAuLait;8615671 said:
You do realize that there were Irish, Romani and Berber slaves sent here by Cromwell and others, right? They were sold in Virginia and in New England and in fact were considered "cheaper" than African slaves and sold quicker, until the African slave trade became broader.

Yes I am aware other people were enslaved. What does this have to do with reparations for African Americans?

Obviously you missed the point entirely. Not to mention that at first you said it was other countries who enslaved white. It was the colonies as well. My point was quite simple as Gates pointed out Blacks, not only enslaved other blacks they also enslaved whites. Of course the reverse holds true and in greater numbers for whites.

If you wish to pay reparations then, they all must be paid. Blacks must repay blacks they enslaved and the whites they enslaved. Whites must repay blacks.

Now you need to find ONLY those families who were proven to have held slaves, which means whites and blacks need to PAY former black and white slaves.

This means Obama and his daughters since he and they are descendants of slave owners NEED to pay repatriations.

As I said before it is convoluted, everyone ancestry is so mixed up now, it would be impossible to find those responsible. No one who has entered the US since slavery was abolished should be required to pay a cent.

As for your 40 acres and a Mule argument. First, a mule was never mentioned, secondly, when Sherman decreed those freedmen marching with him needed land, this was a temporary solution for those marching with Sherman. He himself said it was a temporary solution for those misplaced marching with him.

Third, when congress did get involved the deal was for freedmen to PAY reduced rent for a period of three years until they could pay the correct price for the land after a three year period of time.

I have no problem with all people that were enslaved being paid reparations. If you can locate the whites that had ancestors that were enslaved have at it. They are not my concern nor did they suffer the generations of slavery Black people endured. I'm speaking strictly about Black people. Other people can represent their own ethnicity.

Yes the forty acres and a mule did include a mule. Why do you think it was named that? However that is just another diversionary tactic. Lets stick to the point. Without that failed promise the US is still on the hook for back wages plus interest. The slaves were never compensated. The US owes. Disagree if you must but you have not shown anything that would invalidate the debt.
No one volunteered to gain this "benefit".

If it's too much of a burden, please, release the yoke.
Free yourself from the American nightmare.
I'm sure there are plenty of countries that would welcome a failed whiner like yourself.
Let us know when you land in your new home.

How do you know what my life would have been like if Europe had not colonized Africa?

The slaves weren't bought from a colony, they were bought from your fellow Africans.
So go back, we clearly don't deserve you. Get some reparations from your homeys.

We built the greatest civilization in history before so I pretty sure we could have done it again.

What's stopping you now? Besides your incessant whining? Go back, build civilization.
Your continent could use some civilizing. Chop chop!

That however has nothing to do with the US paying the debt owed to my ancestors.

Sorry, but all the shirts made from that cotton they picked done wore out.

None of what you posted is addressing my comments. Its a diversionary tactic on par with a 2 year old covering their face and playing peek-a-boo. You fail on so many levels its shameful.

My post showed the ridiculousness of your comments.

Take your whining to another country.
You're too wonderful for the US.
We don't deserve you. Leave.

You being uncomfortable with the facts is not a valid excuse for being ridiculous. Why don't you take your whining to another country? My ancestors built this one so I have more claim to it than you as a white person ever will.
CaféAuLait;8620646 said:
Yes I am aware other people were enslaved. What does this have to do with reparations for African Americans?

Obviously you missed the point entirely. Not to mention that at first you said it was other countries who enslaved white. It was the colonies as well. My point was quite simple as Gates pointed out Blacks, not only enslaved other blacks they also enslaved whites. Of course the reverse holds true and in greater numbers for whites.

If you wish to pay reparations then, they all must be paid. Blacks must repay blacks they enslaved and the whites they enslaved. Whites must repay blacks.

Now you need to find ONLY those families who were proven to have held slaves, which means whites and blacks need to PAY former black and white slaves.

This means Obama and his daughters since he and they are descendants of slave owners NEED to pay repatriations.

As I said before it is convoluted, everyone ancestry is so mixed up now, it would be impossible to find those responsible. No one who has entered the US since slavery was abolished should be required to pay a cent.

As for your 40 acres and a Mule argument. First, a mule was never mentioned, secondly, when Sherman decreed those freedmen marching with him needed land, this was a temporary solution for those marching with Sherman. He himself said it was a temporary solution for those misplaced marching with him.

Third, when congress did get involved the deal was for freedmen to PAY reduced rent for a period of three years until they could pay the correct price for the land after a three year period of time.

I have no problem with all people that were enslaved being paid reparations. If you can locate the whites that had ancestors that were enslaved have at it. They are not my concern nor did they suffer the generations of slavery Black people endured. I'm speaking strictly about Black people. Other people can represent their own ethnicity.

Yes the forty acres and a mule did include a mule. Why do you think it was named that? However that is just another diversionary tactic. Lets stick to the point. Without that failed promise the US is still on the hook for back wages plus interest. The slaves were never compensated. The US owes. Disagree if you must but you have not shown anything that would invalidate the debt.

Without that failed promise the US is still on the hook for back wages plus interest.

Sorry, the US didn't hire the slaves and doesn't owe them wages.
None of what you posted is addressing my comments. Its a diversionary tactic on par with a 2 year old covering their face and playing peek-a-boo. You fail on so many levels its shameful.

My post showed the ridiculousness of your comments.

Take your whining to another country.
You're too wonderful for the US.
We don't deserve you. Leave.

You being uncomfortable with the facts is not a valid excuse for being ridiculous. Why don't you take your whining to another country? My ancestors built this one so I have more claim to it than you as a white person ever will.

The fact that you're a whiner doesn't make me uncomfortable.

My ancestors built this one

What did they build? Be specific.
Reparations for slavery? Aren't blacks past that now? We are "Post racial" now, get over the past slings and arrows, boyos. It's done. I49 years ago, We fought a civil war and lost countless white boys that died to free the slaves and they weren’t enough? History is history. At what price is THAT? How many dollars is that worth to spend to set slaves free, does make any account here?

Blacks dont have to be past anything. The US has not asked for a forgiveness of the debt nor has the Black population en mass said it is forgiven. Regardless if we are post racial or not (we are not) the debt has not been paid. We probably will never be post racial until that happens. White boys did not die to free slaves. They died to keep the Union intact. The only people that fought over slavery were the losers from the south and we know they wanted slavery to continue so I dont care how many of those white boys died. They are not my concern at all. Matter of fact I am glad they died. A dead southern white boy is not worth spit. A northern white boy fighting to keep the union intact was not looking out for my ancestors best interest. The only people fighting for our freedom were the Blacks that helped turn the tide for the Union.
CaféAuLait;8620646 said:
Obviously you missed the point entirely. Not to mention that at first you said it was other countries who enslaved white. It was the colonies as well. My point was quite simple as Gates pointed out Blacks, not only enslaved other blacks they also enslaved whites. Of course the reverse holds true and in greater numbers for whites.

If you wish to pay reparations then, they all must be paid. Blacks must repay blacks they enslaved and the whites they enslaved. Whites must repay blacks.

Now you need to find ONLY those families who were proven to have held slaves, which means whites and blacks need to PAY former black and white slaves.

This means Obama and his daughters since he and they are descendants of slave owners NEED to pay repatriations.

As I said before it is convoluted, everyone ancestry is so mixed up now, it would be impossible to find those responsible. No one who has entered the US since slavery was abolished should be required to pay a cent.

As for your 40 acres and a Mule argument. First, a mule was never mentioned, secondly, when Sherman decreed those freedmen marching with him needed land, this was a temporary solution for those marching with Sherman. He himself said it was a temporary solution for those misplaced marching with him.

Third, when congress did get involved the deal was for freedmen to PAY reduced rent for a period of three years until they could pay the correct price for the land after a three year period of time.

I have no problem with all people that were enslaved being paid reparations. If you can locate the whites that had ancestors that were enslaved have at it. They are not my concern nor did they suffer the generations of slavery Black people endured. I'm speaking strictly about Black people. Other people can represent their own ethnicity.

Yes the forty acres and a mule did include a mule. Why do you think it was named that? However that is just another diversionary tactic. Lets stick to the point. Without that failed promise the US is still on the hook for back wages plus interest. The slaves were never compensated. The US owes. Disagree if you must but you have not shown anything that would invalidate the debt.

Without that failed promise the US is still on the hook for back wages plus interest.

Sorry, the US didn't hire the slaves and doesn't owe them wages.

Wages are merely an acceptable starting point for allowing the heinous behavior in contradiction to the constitution. If you want to dicker about the wording have at it but you will be talking to yourself.
My post showed the ridiculousness of your comments.

Take your whining to another country.
You're too wonderful for the US.
We don't deserve you. Leave.

You being uncomfortable with the facts is not a valid excuse for being ridiculous. Why don't you take your whining to another country? My ancestors built this one so I have more claim to it than you as a white person ever will.

The fact that you're a whiner doesn't make me uncomfortable.

My ancestors built this one

What did they build? Be specific.

This country. Now lets get back on point. Why is the debt not owed to the descendants of slaves? You have to be specific and rational. Can you do that?
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