Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Nobody today owned any slaves. Our parents did not own slaves our grand parents did not own slaves.

Why should I be enslaved by taxes to pay you?

I owe you exactly nothing.

He wants free shit and is willing to use someone else's pain as justification. Church it up all you like, but there it is.

It's disgusting.
Oddly enough, the American revolution was more about rebelling against English anti-slavery laws than personal freedoms, ironically enough. America was founded on the right to...own other human beings without fear the monarchy would interfere. Then, 80 years later, in 1861, we realized that violated our founding principals. Bingo bango, The Civil war, 600 thousand dead and the emancipation proclamation. Thank you, Mr. Lincoln. By the way, Abe's b-day was yesterday, the 12th.
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Oddly enough, the American revolution was more about rebelling against English anti-slavery laws than personal freedoms, ironically enough. America was founded on the right to...own other human beings without fear the monarchy would interfere. Then, 80 years later, in 1861, we realized that violated our founding principals. Bingo bango, The Civil war, 160 thousand dead and the emancipation proclamation. Thank you, Mr. Lincoln. By the way, Abe's b-day was yesterday, the 12th.

Indeed. The whole premise here is an over reach based on the Sherman order meant only for those freed slaves marching with him.

Additionally, it's noteworthy slavery was not some new concept to the colonies or the US. Slavery had been going on for thousands of years prior and every race practiced such. Out of the 10 million slaves sold from Africa only 388,000 ended up in the US the rest were sent to Brazil and the Caribbean.

White men and a white president fought to end the practice far before most other countries. Of course there were blacks who fought as well. But white men fought for blacks to be freed and Lincoln lost his life for it.

Are we to penalize those families who fought to end slavery twice for those lost in war and those who may have owned slaves but gave the ultimate sacrifice with their lives and force them to pay reparations?
This country. Now lets get back on point. Why is the debt not owed to the descendants of slaves? You have to be specific and rational. Can you do that?

This country.

I said be specific.
Picking cotton isn't building this country.

Why is the debt not owed to the descendants of slaves?

What debt? Be specific and rational. Can you do that?

I dont really care what you said. Deal with the answer I gave you on your diversionary question or not.

The debt called reparations. Have you been paying attention to the thread?
Cop out. You can't back up your claim that black people built this country. You never back up your silly assertions, and this particular one won't be any different.
Ending the Slavery Blame-Game

While we are all familiar with the role played by the United States and the European colonial powers like Britain, France, Holland, Portugal and Spain, there is very little discussion of the role Africans themselves played. And that role, it turns out, was a considerable one, especially for the slave-trading kingdoms of western and central Africa. These included the Akan of the kingdom of Asante in what is now Ghana, the Fon of Dahomey (now Benin), the Mbundu of Ndongo in modern Angola and the Kongo of today’s Congo, among several others.

How did slaves make it to these coastal forts? The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred.

Advocates of reparations for the descendants of those slaves generally ignore this untidy problem of the significant role that Africans played in the trade, choosing to believe the romanticized version that our ancestors were all kidnapped unawares by evil white men, like Kunta Kinte was in “Roots.” The truth, however, is much more complex: slavery was a business, highly organized and lucrative for European buyers and African sellers alike.

For many African-Americans, these facts can be difficult to accept. Excuses run the gamut, from “Africans didn’t know how harsh slavery in America was” and “Slavery in Africa was, by comparison, humane” or, in a bizarre version of “The devil made me do it,” “Africans were driven to this only by the unprecedented profits offered by greedy European countries.”

More from Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]
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Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]

LOL you still have not addressed a single question I put to you, instead you say the Harvard Professor, Henry Gates is a mere writer instead of recognizing him as an esteemed Harvard College professor and director of African American studies and history.

Again you are wrong. Just as you were about white, Irish and Romani slaves, Blacks owning slaves and mules being included in Sherman's mandate and now Professor gates. Sounds like you need to accept some facts which are hard to swallow. And read a few history books.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, as well as director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Department of African and African American Studies

Of course Harvard gives Gates prestigious jobs dealing with African American history and study when he has no qualifications. /sarcasm

You can't answer a single question I have asked, In fact you have ignored every one I have asked.

As far as your contention "there has never been a system in the US which was solely for the benefit of Africans" you are wrong. Freedmen's Bureau is one, congress allocated over 17 million dollars for schools and hospitals for freedmen- spent in a one year period alone. Another, which is contentious: Liberia. Private US individuals, which soon became "The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America" paid for freedmen to be sent home to Africa, anyone who desired to be. Congress allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to build Liberia up and also assured military aid and land appropriations for Freed slaves. Congress also gave loans as well.
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Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[URL=""]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]

690,000 white Americans of the 700,000 who died in the Civil War fight to save you from being slaves for the duration. When are you going to pay them back for your freedom?

Asc just wants whitey to give him another handout. Hey boy, why aren't you mad at the blacks back in Africa who sold your ancestors into slavery? Because they got no dough?
CaféAuLait;8621952 said:
Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]

LOL you still have not addressed a single question I put to you, instead you say the Harvard Professor, Henry Gates is a mere writer instead of recognizing him as an esteemed Harvard College professor and director of African American studies and history.

Again you are wrong. Just as you were about white, Irish and Romani slaves, Blacks owning slaves and mules being included in Sherman's mandate and now Professor gates. Sounds like you need to accept some facts which are hard to swallow. And read a few history books.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, as well as director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Department of African and African American Studies

Of course Harvard gives Gates prestigious jobs dealing with African American history and study when he has no qualifications. /sarcasm

You can't answer a single question I have asked, In fact you have ignored every one I have asked.

As far as your contention "there has never been a system in the US which was solely for the benefit of Africans" you are wrong. Freedmen's Bureau is one, congress allocated over 17 million dollars for schools and hospitals for freedmen- spent in a one year period alone. Another, which is contentious: Liberia. Private US individuals, which soon became "The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America" paid for freedmen to be sent home to Africa, anyone who desired to be. Congress allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to build Liberia up and also assured military aid and land appropriations for Freed slaves. Congress also gave loans as well.

Your points were not addressed because you are not concentrating on the points I presented. Your questions do not get precedence until mine are answered.

Regarding Gates. its a running joke that he is called Henry "Skip the truth" Gates due to his penchant for only telling the truth that is comfortable to white america. Again he is not a historian no matter his accolades.

Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr., (born September 16, 1950) is an American literary critic, educator, scholar, writer, and editor.

See? No historian.
I think he believes that since a black person said something all blacks should agree with him or it increases its legitimacy
Many Black African tribes along with Arabic traders have been largely responsible for trading to the Europeans for slavery, ya know. How about that? In fact, I posit; Slavery was a African issue Americans inherited, something, granted, we never should have. But reparations ? No soup for YOU. Life isn’t and has never been fair. Please.

Being a accomplice in a wrong is still a wrong. Besides that has nothing to do with the US having generations of slavery and benefitting from it and becoming a world power. How about that?
Many Black African tribes along with Arabic traders have been largely responsible for trading to the Europeans for slavery, ya know. How about that? In fact, I posit; Slavery was a African issue Americans inherited, something, granted, we never should have. But reparations ? No soup for YOU. Life isn’t and has never been fair. Please.

Being a accomplice in a wrong is still a wrong. Besides that has nothing to do with the US having generations of slavery and benefitting from it and becoming a world power. How about that?

What about whitey bringing you all over from that shithole called Africa and now you are way better off then if your ancestors would have been left there. Seems like you should say thanks or even pay us reparations for being better off.
Many Black African tribes along with Arabic traders have been largely responsible for trading to the Europeans for slavery, ya know. How about that? In fact, I posit; Slavery was a African issue Americans inherited, something, granted, we never should have. But reparations ? No soup for YOU. Life isn’t and has never been fair. Please.

Being a accomplice in a wrong is still a wrong. Besides that has nothing to do with the US having generations of slavery and benefitting from it and becoming a world power. How about that?

What about whitey bringing you all over from that shithole called Africa and now you are way better off then if your ancestors would have been left there. Seems like you should say thanks or even pay us reparations for being better off.

I would if I had asked to be brought over and Africa was indeed a shit hole. Since you are wrong on both counts what does that do for your theory you melanin deprived cave ape?
Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.

If you can find one person still alive who lived as a slave when slavery was legal in the U.S., I will personally give them 40 acres and a mule.
Being a accomplice in a wrong is still a wrong. Besides that has nothing to do with the US having generations of slavery and benefitting from it and becoming a world power. How about that?

What about whitey bringing you all over from that shithole called Africa and now you are way better off then if your ancestors would have been left there. Seems like you should say thanks or even pay us reparations for being better off.

I would if I had asked to be brought over and Africa was indeed a shit hole. Since you are wrong on both counts what does that do for your theory you melanin deprived cave ape?
If you're pissed about being here, you would have gone back to Africa by now. So you must be happy here. Please try again.
What about whitey bringing you all over from that shithole called Africa and now you are way better off then if your ancestors would have been left there. Seems like you should say thanks or even pay us reparations for being better off.

I would if I had asked to be brought over and Africa was indeed a shit hole. Since you are wrong on both counts what does that do for your theory you melanin deprived cave ape?
If you're pissed about being here, you would have gone back to Africa by now. So you must be happy here. Please try again.
Who told you I was pissed white boy? I have went back to Africa and its beautiful. I may move there when I get older. What does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?
I would if I had asked to be brought over and Africa was indeed a shit hole. Since you are wrong on both counts what does that do for your theory you melanin deprived cave ape?
If you're pissed about being here, you would have gone back to Africa by now. So you must be happy here. Please try again.
Who told you I was pissed white boy? I have went back to Africa and its beautiful. I may move there when I get older. What does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?

Africa is so great, you live here. Please try again, you fucking asswipe. :lol:
If you're pissed about being here, you would have gone back to Africa by now. So you must be happy here. Please try again.
Who told you I was pissed white boy? I have went back to Africa and its beautiful. I may move there when I get older. What does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?

Africa is so great, you live here. Please try again, you fucking asswipe. :lol:

I just told you that I may when I get older. How did you miss that white monkey boy? :lol:

Again what does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?
Who told you I was pissed white boy? I have went back to Africa and its beautiful. I may move there when I get older. What does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?

Africa is so great, you live here. Please try again, you fucking asswipe. :lol:

I just told you that I may when I get older. How did you miss that white monkey boy? :lol:

Again what does that have to do with you being wrong cave ape?

Me? Ape? I think you're looking in a fucking mirror, boy.
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