Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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You guessed wrong cave ape. They built Egypt and the pyramids.

So shouldn't you be asking for reparations from Egypt? :dunno:

What does that have to do with the US?

Speaking of the US, you still haven't told us how black people built this country. You made the claim, but you have failed to back that claim up. Before you move on to making false claims about them building Egypt too, why don't you explain how they built the US.
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So shouldn't you be asking for reparations from Egypt? :dunno:

What does that have to do with the US?

Speaking of the US, you still haven't told us how black people built this country. You made the claim, but you have failed to back that claim up. Before you move on to making false claims about them building Egypt too, why don't you explain how they built the US.

You still have not addressed my questions. When you do that I will answer yours.
What does that have to do with the US?

Speaking of the US, you still haven't told us how black people built this country. You made the claim, but you have failed to back that claim up. Before you move on to making false claims about them building Egypt too, why don't you explain how they built the US.

You still have not addressed my questions. When you do that I will answer yours.

You are the cop out king. You asked me no questions fool. Quit being a compulsive liar and back up your claims. You said it, so tell us... How did black people build this nation?
CaféAuLait;8621952 said:
Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]

LOL you still have not addressed a single question I put to you, instead you say the Harvard Professor, Henry Gates is a mere writer instead of recognizing him as an esteemed Harvard College professor and director of African American studies and history.

Again you are wrong. Just as you were about white, Irish and Romani slaves, Blacks owning slaves and mules being included in Sherman's mandate and now Professor gates. Sounds like you need to accept some facts which are hard to swallow. And read a few history books.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Department of African and African American Studies

Of course Harvard gives Gates prestigious jobs dealing with African American history and study when he has no qualifications. /sarcasm

You can't answer a single question I have asked, In fact you have ignored every one I have asked.

As far as your contention "there has never been a system in the US which was solely for the benefit of Africans" you are wrong. Freedmen's Bureau is one, congress allocated over 17 million dollars for schools and hospitals for freedmen- spent in a one year period alone. Another, which is contentious: Liberia. Private US individuals, which soon became "The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America" paid for freedmen to be sent home to Africa, anyone who desired to be. Congress allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to build Liberia up and also assured military aid and land appropriations for Freed slaves. Congress also gave loans as well.

Your points were not addressed because you are not concentrating on the points I presented. Your questions do not get precedence until mine are answered.

Regarding Gates. its a running joke that he is called Henry "Skip the truth" Gates due to his penchant for only telling the truth that is comfortable to white america. Again he is not a historian no matter his accolades.

Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, Jr., (born September 16, 1950) is an American literary critic, educator, scholar, writer, and editor.

See? No historian.

LOL you alleged Gates was nothing but a writer paid by big banks, I corrected you. The man is a Harvard Scholar, as I already pointed out he obviously uses historians whom he trusts.

Strange how you focus on minutia and not the meat and bones of the issue. :confused:

I asked you if reparations were to be granted who would pay and who would receive.

Since you wish to divide slaves and only want to focus on black slaves, let’s ponder the following (or not )since you don't seem to be able to give a response to anything I have wondered in trying to see how you would make this happen, or anyone for that matter.

Firstly, any American entering the country after abolition would not have to pay a cent and ANY black person entering the country after abolition would not get a dime or any benefit, yes? Is that fair to you?

Yes, or no and why.

Do you think such would create a divide amongst blacks in this country if only certain blacks were eligible for school and or certain incentives given their families never were slaves? Would such create another 'class' of sorts of poor black families?

What of those blacks who came here from the Caribbean after abolition who were NOT enslaved in the states but were in the Caribbean? There were some 300,000 thousand or more. Will those Caribbean slave decedents be cut off from any benefit? Yes or no?

Bloodlines have been mixed for hundreds of years since slavery. I’m sure people will be pretty ticked to learn people who appear white and rich like Jennifer Beals, Carol Channing, Vin Diesel, Soledad O'Brien, Meghan Markle, Rashida Jones, Michael FosbergCash Warren, Troian Bellisario, etc., etc., etc., and their relatives may be eligible to receive payments or special schooling etc., or would their “white” lineage stop them from doing so?

Would people such as the Obama’s not have to pay because some relatives were white and some black, which may (for the lack of a better word) “cancel” out their debt because they have family members who were once slaves and slave owners. Would ‘rich’ blacks be able to get these reparations, or only “poor” blacks?

Let’s pretend this is something that comes from ALL taxpayers, which is hardly fair to anyone entering the country after abolition, but it seems to me this does not matter to you one iota.

How much money would the government need to spend to trace lineage to prove one is eligible? How much would EVERY taxpayer need to pay to assure each person’s lineage was traced accurately? I’m sure DNA testing would be involved as well. All before any type of payment could be thought of, yes?

AND of course any black person who entered this country since abolition would NOT be eligible for ANY repatriations, such would be determined through lineage and DNA testing paid for by all taxpayers, yes?

How does one decide who gets paid and who pays and how? Or do you believe it just the color of one’s skin which will allow benefits? No matter if their family has only US slave ancestors or not?
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CaféAuLait;8621952 said:
Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]

LOL you still have not addressed a single question I put to you, instead you say the Harvard Professor, Henry Gates is a mere writer instead of recognizing him as an esteemed Harvard College professor and director of African American studies and history.

Again you are wrong. Just as you were about white, Irish and Romani slaves, Blacks owning slaves and mules being included in Sherman's mandate and now Professor gates. Sounds like you need to accept some facts which are hard to swallow. And read a few history books.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor at Harvard University, as well as director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University.

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | Department of African and African American Studies

Of course Harvard gives Gates prestigious jobs dealing with African American history and study when he has no qualifications. /sarcasm

You can't answer a single question I have asked, In fact you have ignored every one I have asked.

As far as your contention "there has never been a system in the US which was solely for the benefit of Africans" you are wrong. Freedmen's Bureau is one, congress allocated over 17 million dollars for schools and hospitals for freedmen- spent in a one year period alone. Another, which is contentious: Liberia. Private US individuals, which soon became "The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America" paid for freedmen to be sent home to Africa, anyone who desired to be. Congress allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to build Liberia up and also assured military aid and land appropriations for Freed slaves. Congress also gave loans as well.

The Freedmens Bureau was not established soley for the benefit of newly freed slaves. Poor whites were also the beneficiaries of this initiative.

Rabid, hostile southern whites, who were outraged by the very idea of any effort being put forth to assist freed slaves waged an ongoing insurgency against the Bureau, probably not realizing that some of their own were being helped through their efforts.

Freedmen?s Bureau - Black History -

SUMMARY: One in a series of racist posters attacking Radical Republicans on the issue of black suffrage, issued during the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election of 1866. (See also "The Constitutional Amendment!," no. 1866-5.) The series advocates the election of Hiester Clymer, who ran for governor on a white-supremacy platform, supporting President Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction policies. In this poster a black man lounges idly in the foreground as one white man ploughs his field and another chops wood. Accompanying labels are: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread," and "The white man must work to keep his children and pay his taxes." The black man wonders, "Whar is de use for me to work as long as dey make dese appropriations." Above in a cloud is an image of the "Freedman's Bureau! Negro Estimate of Freedom!" The bureau is pictured as a large domed building resembling the U.S. Capitol and is inscribed "Freedom and No Work." Its columns and walls are labeled, "Candy," "Rum, Gin, Whiskey," "Sugar Plums," "Indolence," "White Women," "Apathy," "White Sugar," "Idleness," "Fish Balls," "Clams," "Stews," and "Pies." At right is a table giving figures for the funds appropriated by Congress to support the bureau and information on the inequity of the bounties received by black and white veterans of the Civil War.'s_bureau.jpg
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Speaking of the US, you still haven't told us how black people built this country. You made the claim, but you have failed to back that claim up. Before you move on to making false claims about them building Egypt too, why don't you explain how they built the US.

You still have not addressed my questions. When you do that I will answer yours.

You are the cop out king. You asked me no questions fool. Quit being a compulsive liar and back up your claims. You said it, so tell us... How did black people build this nation?

Sorry but you and ever other clown that ignored the questions I posed are cop outs. You cant debate the issue so you bring up other things to distract the issue. I will deal severely with those faux arguments once you grow a pair and answer mine. If you need a refresher on what I asked then I will list them below. Refusal to address them will regulate you to the sideline in any discussion with me until you tackle them. See the highlighted facts and refute them.

Wow!! I must have really rustled some Jimmies or the dude with the weird name called all his friends. So far I see nothing but ideas that have nothing to do with the facts of reparations but I do see a lot of excuses as to why they shouldnt be paid.

Cafe if you are going to quote someone regarding history please quote a historian. Gates is a book writer financed by BoFA. He is not a historian and has been caught several times with incomplete and wrong information regarding Black history.

Lets lay out the facts again and stop with the nonsense that has nothing to do with reparations.

Slavery was wrong.
Reparations are used to right a wrong.
Ex-slaves were never paid reparations.
There has never been a system in the US that benefited only the descendants of slaves.
Japanese were paid reparations via tax money by the US government setting a precedent.
Presidents have announced slavery was wrong fulfilling the criteria of the first point.
There is no expiration period for reparations.
There is nothing that says reparations has to be paid to someone living.

If you have no argument on these points your opinions are really silly and irrelevant. Please get somone in here that can debate on these points. i wont allow my time to be wasted by anything else.

[url=]Online Etymology Dictionary[/URL]
The slaves' descendants can pay us reparations if they want, but it's really not necessary, freeing them was the good fight to fight.
I see AssClapius is still patting his own ass on the absurd claim that the 4th and 5th (and later) generation descendants of slaves are "entitled" to reparations for what clearly did not happen to THEM! :cuckoo:

And he thinks he's entitled to it from the 4th, 5th or later generation descendants not just of slave holders, but of all folks who stem from forebears who never owned slaves, or who may have even opposed slavery or fought and died to end slavery or folks who were not even here during the time of slavery. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

He can't defend this "call" for "reparations [sic]" on any LOGICAL or equitable basis. But then he pretends that it is the other folks who are refusing to use facts or logic. :lol:

AssClapius is a thoroughly unpersuasive joke.
I see AssClapius is still patting his own ass on the absurd claim that the 4th and 5th (and later) generation descendants of slaves are "entitled" to reparations for what clearly did not happen to THEM! :cuckoo:

And he thinks he's entitled to it from the 4th, 5th or later generation descendants not just of slave holders, but of all folks who stem from forebears who never owned slaves, or who may have even opposed slavery or fought and died to end slavery or folks who were not even here during the time of slavery. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

He can't defend this "call" for "reparations [sic]" on any LOGICAL or equitable basis. But then he pretends that it is the other folks who are refusing to use facts or logic. :lol:

AssClapius is a thoroughly unpersuasive joke.

And you have yet to debate the questions. You are a pussy of the worst order. The facts and the precedence is there. You wont touch that with a ten foot pole because you will be handed your ass. :lol:
I see AssClapius is still patting his own ass on the absurd claim that the 4th and 5th (and later) generation descendants of slaves are "entitled" to reparations for what clearly did not happen to THEM! :cuckoo:

And he thinks he's entitled to it from the 4th, 5th or later generation descendants not just of slave holders, but of all folks who stem from forebears who never owned slaves, or who may have even opposed slavery or fought and died to end slavery or folks who were not even here during the time of slavery. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

He can't defend this "call" for "reparations [sic]" on any LOGICAL or equitable basis. But then he pretends that it is the other folks who are refusing to use facts or logic. :lol:

AssClapius is a thoroughly unpersuasive joke.

And you have yet to debate the questions. You are a pussy of the worst order. The facts and the precedence is there. You wont touch that with a ten foot pole because you will be handed your ass. :lol:

Your obvious lies and defensiveness cannot assist you, AssClapius.

As between you and me, i am the only one who HAS debated the question.

You, being the slovenly un-thinking hack bitch you are, pretend that making your assertions is the same as "debating."

It isn't.

You are just an assclown.
I see AssClapius is still patting his own ass on the absurd claim that the 4th and 5th (and later) generation descendants of slaves are "entitled" to reparations for what clearly did not happen to THEM! :cuckoo:

And he thinks he's entitled to it from the 4th, 5th or later generation descendants not just of slave holders, but of all folks who stem from forebears who never owned slaves, or who may have even opposed slavery or fought and died to end slavery or folks who were not even here during the time of slavery. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

He can't defend this "call" for "reparations [sic]" on any LOGICAL or equitable basis. But then he pretends that it is the other folks who are refusing to use facts or logic. :lol:

AssClapius is a thoroughly unpersuasive joke.

And you have yet to debate the questions. You are a pussy of the worst order. The facts and the precedence is there. You wont touch that with a ten foot pole because you will be handed your ass. :lol:

Your obvious lies and defensiveness cannot assist you, AssClapius.

As between you and me, i am the only one who HAS debated the question.

You, being the slovenly un-thinking hack bitch you are, pretend that making your assertions is the same as "debating."

It isn't.

You are just an assclown.

Yet you still have not debated the points offered. Everyone can read the posts and see your only posts are trying to personally engage me instead of debating the questions posed. Your weak attempts to get past this will not be allowed. Answer the questions posed and lets see what you got. Shouldnt be too hard if you are half as smart as you think you are.
And you have yet to debate the questions. You are a pussy of the worst order. The facts and the precedence is there. You wont touch that with a ten foot pole because you will be handed your ass. :lol:

Your obvious lies and defensiveness cannot assist you, AssClapius.

As between you and me, i am the only one who HAS debated the question.

You, being the slovenly un-thinking hack bitch you are, pretend that making your assertions is the same as "debating."

It isn't.

You are just an assclown.

Yet you still have not debated the points offered. * * * *

You really ought to stop being such a massive and obvious liar, AssClap.

I am the one who HAS debated, and you are the one who refused to even begin the process. And yes. Everyone CAN see that.

Again: You endlessly state and re-state your desired conclusion. But you have not yet begun to support it.

If you had even the first ounce of integrity and honesty (you don't), you'd admit that so far you have sucked badly. So, out of an abundance of fairness, I will invite you to finally (at long long last) TRY to "make your case."

Is there some universal "principle" that supports your contention that the 4th and 5th and later generation progeny of former (long dead) slaves are "owed" anything by anybody now alive?

Is there some universal "principle" that would make the 4th and 5th and later generation progeny of even former (long dead) slave holders responsible for the sins of those ancient forebears?

Is there any logical, rational or fair "principle" at all that would call upon the 4th or 5th or later generation progeny of NON slave owners to provide "recompense" to the descendents of former (long dead) slaves?

What are those "principles?" How are they "fair?" Or do you propose that fairness can be dispensed with?

Come on, AssClap. It's way overdue. Step up to the plate. Say something that even begins to approximate a logical "argument."
Speaking as a part Wendat Indian, our nation have claims that precede those of our African-American brothers. For instance, there is the matter of what could logically be considered genocide whether it be due to omission or commission in which somewhere between 9 and 20 million native American people died after contact with the Europeans. Followed by such things as the broken treaties and the trail of tears, residential schools, and on and on.

Now, on my other side, the Irish side, its high time we got our reparations from the British. We were forcibly evicted from our own land, or turned into tenants and left to starve when crops failed. An Irish population of 8 million in 1841 shrunk to 4.5 million in 1900.

As I see it, more or less everyone is owed some reparations for past wrongs.
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