

Why shouldn't I?

Owens dropped out of college. I have degrees. Why should I listen to her factless babble?

You have not heard anyone say that slavery was invented by whites. But slavery in America was a white controlled institution. Whoever owned who in 25 BC is irrelevant. Then there is that 100 years of Apartheid that came after slavery and now we are in year 59 of laissez faire racism.

So listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.
my degree got me a great job washing dishes at pizza hut
Just saw the movie "The Sound of Freedom" about today's slave trade. Slavery today is children being sold as sex slaves. Enabled by Biden's open borders.
There are more children slaves today than there ever were "slaves" in the past, so claims the movie script at the end.
So who should pay reparations to today's sex slaves?
and biden is letting in haitians where child slavery is common as dirt
So a woman that boldly and directly states her point of view backed up with reality is a bootlicking sell out .. interesting ..🤔
So why did this bold woman have the NAACP help her get money out of a few racist who were heckling her at school, only to turn around and now attack that very organization? You call that bold, I call her for exactly what she is. A boot licking, sellout.
So why did this bold woman have the NAACP help her get money out of a few racist who were heckling her at school, only to turn around and now attack that very organization? You call that bold, I call her for exactly what she is. A boot licking, sellout.
You ever wonder why Coondace Owens only shows up on right wing TV and radio shows, she won't bring her boot licking ass on a show will the host will challenge that garbage she is spewing. It's easy to crush that boot licking, sell out.
Sooo, people like Thomas Sowell, Eldridge Cleaver, Byron Donalds, Mark Robinson, Carol Swain, Condoleeza Rice, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Wilt Chamberlain, Amy Holmes, Allen West and Peter Boulware, to mention some blacks, are all sellouts because they are independent minded and believe that in this nation you can stand with any party that you prefer?
Personally, I think that if one sticks with a political party simply because they are given handouts, rather than challenging themselves to achieve their goals on their own, are the sellouts.
Sooo, people like Thomas Sowell, Eldridge Cleaver, Byron Donalds, Mark Robinson, Carol Swain, Condoleeza Rice, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Wilt Chamberlain, Amy Holmes, Allen West and Peter Boulware, to mention some blacks, are all sellouts because they are independent minded and believe that in this nation you can stand with any party that you prefer?
Personally, I think that if one sticks with a political party simply because they are given handouts, rather than challenging themselves to achieve their goals on their own, are the sellouts.
No.... they're sellouts because like their white counterparts, they exist to promote the propaganda of the wealthy where poor and working class people aren't supposed to expect anything from their government but they should want tax cuts for the wealthy because that will trickle on down the economy eventually.
Sooo, people like Thomas Sowell, Eldridge Cleaver, Byron Donalds, Mark Robinson, Carol Swain, Condoleeza Rice, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Wilt Chamberlain, Amy Holmes, Allen West and Peter Boulware, to mention some blacks, are all sellouts because they are independent minded and believe that in this nation you can stand with any party that you prefer?
Personally, I think that if one sticks with a political party simply because they are given handouts, rather than challenging themselves to achieve their goals on their own, are the sellouts.
Take Eldridge Cleaver and Wilt Chamberlain out of that group. I find it comical how you right wing fools try to present black folks who kiss white folks asses as independent and free thinking. That's funny as hell. Please tell me Duck what handouts are you speaking of?
Take Eldridge Cleaver and Wilt Chamberlain out of that group. I find it comical how you right wing fools try to present black folks who kiss white folks asses as independent and free thinking. That's funny as hell. Please tell me Duck what handouts are you speaking of?
When talking about handouts, I'm referring to Leftists that are in the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie frame of mind when it comes to the government.
Gimmie: Pay our student loans, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
Gimmie: Free health care, for all humans that are already here and those that illegally wander over our borders, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
Gimmie: Free food, free roofs over our heads, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
I still remember JFK's Inauguration Speech in which he said: Ask NOT what your country can do for you, but what YOU CAN DO for your country.
When talking about handouts, I'm referring to Leftists that are in the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie frame of mind when it comes to the government.
Gimmie: Pay our student loans, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
You didn't have a problem paying PPP loans for the rich and they have money.
Gimmie: Free health care, for all humans that are already here and those that illegally wander over our borders, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
You don't have a problem footing the bill for the rich and they have money.
Gimmie: Free food, free roofs over our heads, because there is no end to the money that American citizens have.
I still remember JFK's Inauguration Speech in which he said: Ask NOT what your country can do for you, but what YOU CAN DO for your country.
We have a lot of homeless veterans living on the street, what did they do for their country that many of the cowards in this country wouldn't do.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, that is the Republican way.
Black people owned slaves … white people owned slaves. That’s where the discussion on slavery ends, but you have a tiny portion of Americans who want to take it to different lengths.

people like Im2 , and super bad brother and C Clayton Jones want all white people to feel bad for Black people. And they think that blacks have never done anything in history.. they think that the black man was always held down by the white man. A really astonishing way to look at history and it’s an insult to the great nation of Africa.. These people seemingly are brainwashed, although perhaps one of them might be a BLM type leader. So it’s either they’re brainwashed or they’re knowingly engaging in racism along with weakness,….

I can’t imagine what it’s like to live like these people like Im2 or super bad brother…. Every day these posters, make things up about Trump supporters calling them racist without evidence, while engaging in racism themselves by their support or Black Lives Matter.

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