
mmm .. I'm thinking she kicked the asses of most left wing hosts on the topic so they're actually too cowardly to invite her on unless she's outnumber by several loud mouthed and ignorant left wing pricks.
There you go thinking again, Roland Martin has invited her multiple times, she won't show up. Joy Reid has invited her multiple times, she won't show up. Rashard Ritchey has invited her multiple times, her scary ass won't show up.
Barely Jr High level stuff. The Chattel slavery and industrial farming with slaves were two of the things that made American slavery peculiar and brutal. Especially after the slave trade was ended. Not that other civilizations didn't enslave their enemies or mistreat their slave class. It was a European institution that New World Settlers brought with them. Practiced all across the New World.
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Barely Jr High level stuff. The Chattel slavery and industrial farming with slaves were two of the things that made American slavery peculiar and brutal. Especially after the slave trade was ended. Not that other civilizations didn't enslave their enemies or mistreat their slave class. It was a European institution that New World Settlers brought with them. Practiced all across the New World.
Separate the nation. Make smaller ones.
mmm .. I'm thinking she kicked the asses of most left wing hosts on the topic so they're actually too cowardly to invite her on unless she's outnumber by several loud mouthed and ignorant left wing pricks.
She showed up against Cornell West and Michael Eric Dyson and got chewedd up. Thiis is an extremely stupid woman. Of course white racists will brag about how great and intelligent she, but that's what they do for house......
Not really. I've seen her content. She speaks The Truth.

No reparations.

I showed an example where she is wrong.

Reparations are coming. And if you racists get violent and destroy what we build, reparations will be paid again.
Just saw the movie "The Sound of Freedom" about today's slave trade. Slavery today is children being sold as sex slaves. Enabled by Biden's open borders.
There are more children slaves today than there ever were "slaves" in the past, so claims the movie script at the end.
So who should pay reparations to today's sex slaves?
The governments of this nation owe reparations to blacks for slavery, jim crow and continuing systemic racism in America. There are no open borders.
You ever wonder why Coondace Owens only shows up on right wing TV and radio shows, she won't bring her boot licking ass on a show will the host will challenge that garbage she is spewing. It's easy to crush that boot licking, sell out.
There are black republicans this idiot won't debate. She's a grifter.
I'm not sure if this belongs in the politics section but found it quite interesting.

Yawn. This video has been posted by history deniers for years.

Propaganda for people who want an alternate history where the southern strategy didn't happen.

Did you have any credible history books that agree or are they all in on decades long plot to malign Republicans?
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The Confederacy only existed for about 4 years. The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for 200 years was predominately the Union Jack. Hypocrite left wing liberals hate the Confederate flag but forgive the Brits and respect the Union Jack.
The governments of this nation owe reparations to blacks for slavery, jim crow and continuing systemic racism in America. There are no open borders.
There will be no reparations dumbass. Get off that porch and get a fucking job.

wtf does "governments of this nation" mean? There is only one government of this nation.

Why shouldn't I?

Owens dropped out of college. I have degrees. Why should I listen to her factless babble?

You have not heard anyone say that slavery was invented by whites. But slavery in America was a white controlled institution. Whoever owned who in 25 BC is irrelevant. Then there is that 100 years of Apartheid that came after slavery and now we are in year 59 of laissez faire racism.

So listening to black idiots will only make you dumber.
Precisely why nobody listens to you. Whine away.
There you go thinking again, Roland Martin has invited her multiple times, she won't show up. Joy Reid has invited her multiple times, she won't show up. Rashard Ritchey has invited her multiple times, her scary ass won't show up.
Why should she bother, although in the past I think I’ve seen her with fat & ugly to the bone Joy.

😄.. they’re all low rated morons .. only the densest of dense bother watching/listening to them.. Sheesh, get the message..😉
So the vid o still hasn't convinced me that slave owners were ill begotten useless lazy people? They wanted others to do their work for no pay. Not one slave owner that I have an ounce of respect for. Want people to work then it's easy to pay them.
There will be no reparations dumbass. Get off that porch and get a fucking job.

wtf does "governments of this nation" mean? There is only one government of this nation.
Dumbass, there are local, county, state and federal governments. And reparations will eventually be paid. White man, you're the king of government handouts, so shut up.
Why should she bother, although in the past I think I’ve seen her with fat & ugly to the bone Joy.

😄.. they’re all low rated morons .. only the densest of dense bother watching/listening to them.. Sheesh, get the message..😉
Apparently you're talking about Owens.

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