Slick Willey 'Ghost' Comes Back to Haunt Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary presidential run

Woman who accused Bill Clinton of assault to campaign against Hillary presidential run

Maybe the title should more appropriately be:
"Woman Slick Willey Tried to Screw Declares, "Yes, Hillary, it IS 'your turn' get screwed"!?

"One of the women who has accused former U.S. President Bill Clinton of sexual assault says she has agreed to work for an anti-Clinton political group being formed by a former advisor to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who says Bill Clinton groped her in an Oval Office hallway in 1993 when she came to him tearfully seeking a paid job, said she had agreed to become a paid national spokeswoman for a group being created by Roger Stone."

If there was any doubt in anyone's mind whether Trump would go after Hillary with 'kid gloves', if he would go after her at all, this pretty much gives you your answer.

Trump is going to make Bill Clinton's sexual harassing, raping, adulterous past and his potential return to the WH a key issue when / if he wins the nomination and goes against Hillary.

I would even bet every single thing in both Clinton's past will be brought up...

From Hillary's 'dismissal' from the Watergate Commission for 'lack of ethics' to her stealing everything NOT nailed down the last time she left the WH to her latest scandals...and she can expect every bimbo skeleton in Willey's past as well his trips to Pedophile Island brought up.

Hillary and Bill are FINALLY going to learn how it feels / felt when their and their own political machine came after someone with the intention of personally destroying them... and I can't wait!
The Democrats certainly made sure the 'faux' accusers came out of the woodwork for Herman Cain, before they disappeared right after he dropped out. The difference here is that Willey's accusers will be real...and whether they admit it or not, even the Liberals will know they are true.

With Liberals, however, as seen by the comparison between Cain and Slick Willey, a Liberal believes an affair for a GOP candidate is career-ending while they believe a Liberal's personal life is no one's business, does not effect their ability to be President, and actually is a badge of honor.
I see a 527 group in the making. Could this be Hillary's "Swift Boat" moment?
When you engage in illegal / criminal sexual misconduct there is always the chance of getting 'political herpes'. Slick Willy caught it, and it just flared up again ... just in time for Hillary's already troubled run for the WH!


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