Small Hands Rump went after Elizabeth Warren Big Big Mistake. He did the old ugly and dumb routine

So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

I agree with Trump. She is old dumb and ugly.
Cold War is over. Trump knows it. Hillary does not.

No need to imagine blackmail, simply that the two men see reality and they are happy to not have needless conflict.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?
Do ewe believe the US does not hack other countries?
I believe we do,,,,,,,,for purposes more noble than what russia and china do to us
And what might those reasons be?
to see if they plan attacks on any country or person or company etc etc Use your imagination willow You like trump so I know you have a vivid imagination
I like Trump? You got me. I like him more than I hate Hillary!
A lot of people are hoping for Trump to fail.

I wonder how many millions of Americans need to suffer to satisfy them.

This is why partisans on both ends are America's biggest threats. Ideology over country.
Well if your suggesting that I should want our American Nazi to do what he thinks is good for this country then no I don't buy your crap. This man is a psychopath that the hate party put next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind. Well under the circumstances I definitely want him to fail. I find it amazing that anyone in this country can get behind this dangerous evil hateful person.
I honestly don't know how much of that you actually believe, and how much is just partisan hyperbole.

From your comments, I suspect that any failure, any suffering, will be fine if it gets him out of the White House.

I didn't vote for him, but I'm still hoping for good things. So we're different.
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A lot of people are hoping for Trump to fail.

I wonder how many millions of Americans need to suffer to satisfy them.

This is why partisans on both ends are America's biggest threats. Ideology over country.
Well if your suggesting that I should want our American Nazi to do what he thinks is good for this country then no I don't buy your crap. This man is a psychopath that the hate party put next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind. Well under the circumstances I definitely want him to fail. I find it amazing that anyone in this country can get behind this dangerous evil hateful person.
I honestly don't know how much of that you actually believe, and how much is just partisan hyperbole.

From your comments, I suspect that any failure, any suffering, will be fine if it gets him out of the White House.

I didn't vote for him, but I'm still hoping for good things. So we're different.
I am hoping for good things....or at least no harm.....but I'm not that optimistic....simply because a leopard doesn't change its spots.
A lot of people are hoping for Trump to fail.

I wonder how many millions of Americans need to suffer to satisfy them.

This is why partisans on both ends are America's biggest threats. Ideology over country.
Well if your suggesting that I should want our American Nazi to do what he thinks is good for this country then no I don't buy your crap. This man is a psychopath that the hate party put next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind. Well under the circumstances I definitely want him to fail. I find it amazing that anyone in this country can get behind this dangerous evil hateful person.
I honestly don't know how much of that you actually believe, and how much is just partisan hyperbole.

From your comments, I suspect that any failure, any suffering, will be fine if it gets him out of the White House.

I didn't vote for him, but I'm still hoping for good things. So we're different.
Sorry mac put hope in one hand shit in the other and see which comes true first ,,Among other things the AH has already blasted our 80 billion dollar intelligence service
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

Lying about being Native American to get special treatment opens you up to criticism.

Fuck her.
A lot of people are hoping for Trump to fail.

I wonder how many millions of Americans need to suffer to satisfy them.

This is why partisans on both ends are America's biggest threats. Ideology over country.
I don't want him to fail but he gives many indications he's heading in that direction AND I wonder IF Putin has something on him Maybe that's the reason for his buddy buddy with him

Cold War is over. Trump knows it. Hillary does not.

No need to imagine blackmail, simply that the two men see reality and they are happy to not have needless conflict.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?
They have to support that as OK because the Psychopath has made a position on this but it is just another chink in their armor. people who can think and believe in this country know it is wrong.
Only chance we have to stop the orange rectum imo, is for some republicans to step up ,some that think of country before party I hope there are a few
That would be nice if there was one or two patriots in the group but that can't happen , to stay in the hate party you have to pledge allegiance to hate itself and that means a verbal contract with the psychopath that leads them
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

Lying about being Native American to get special treatment opens you up to criticism.

Fuck her.
How small are the minds of the hate party, well just look at this , this is a crime to them while their Psychopath does this daily and then some. But when your that much of a puppet , you do and say and think what your told to . My family for my whole life have thought we were native American until my sister had a DNA test. for 69 years I thought and my family thought we were at least 25% native American. we are actually less then 1% native American. So now I'm a terrible person in the hate parties minds.
So we just let MANY years of hacking our system go unpunished? Wonder how Repubs would feel if it was their RNC that was hacked?

The Cold War was about an existential threat to the nation. That was why we had decades of high military spending and multiple proxy wars, and MAD.

Some POSSIBLE hacking, in the context of repeated provocations, is hardly the stuff of new Cold Wars.

Do you realize you are being a Warmonger?
How else can we interpret this but that Trump is defending Russia against all of our own intelligence agencies?

Donald Trump says it is 'unfair' to blame Russia for election interference
President-elect warns reporters on New Year’s Eve against being quick to pin blame on Moscow for the hacking of Democratic Party emails

I don't see how your post was a response to what I said.

Please walk me though that slower.

Here is my previous post.

The Cold War was about an existential threat to the nation. That was why we had decades of high military spending and multiple proxy wars, and MAD.

Some POSSIBLE hacking, in the context of repeated provocations, is hardly the stuff of new Cold Wars.
I disagree ,,strongly Hacking into our elections is worthy of a big smack down,,,,never mind all the other years of their hacking

YOu really think that some hacking is worthy of a new Cold War?

Man, and I can remember when you lefties said that the reasons for the Old One were not enough.

Anyway I disagree. Trump and I both disagree. We want peace, you warmonger.

And we will have it.
And just Months ago the right told them to hate Putin and Russia and they did totally . now they lead hater in the hate party tells them to do the opposite and look what happened.
So she responded in kind---"We get it, @realDonaldTrump: When a woman stands up to you, you’re going to call her a basket case. Hormonal. Ugly." , "Do you think you're going to shut us up, @realDonaldTrump? Think again. It's time to answer for your dangerous ideas."--"You care so much about struggling American workers, @realDonaldTrump, that you want to abolish the federal minimum wage?"---"ou feel so much for people with college debt, @realDonaldTrump, that you raked in millions scamming students with Trump University?" "You're so concerned about Wall Street, @realDonaldTrump, that you say you’d “absolutely” repeal Dodd-Frank?" Then Psychopath responded "When asked what gov should stop doing, @realDonaldTrump said overseeing banks! How can you be tough on Wall Street by letting them off?" "@realDonaldTrump: Your policies are dangerous. Your words are reckless. Your record is embarrassing. And your free ride is over." The show just got started , he will be frothing at the mouth and drooling when His little power trip is dumped on by all good Progressives. Thin skin and all, Yup the show just begun.

Lying about being Native American to get special treatment opens you up to criticism.

Fuck her.
How small are the minds of the hate party, well just look at this , this is a crime to them while their Psychopath does this daily and then some. But when your that much of a puppet , you do and say and think what your told to . My family for my whole life have thought we were native American until my sister had a DNA test. for 69 years I thought and my family thought we were at least 25% native American. we are actually less then 1% native American. So now I'm a terrible person in the hate parties minds.

If you used the bullshit narrative of your Native American ancestry to benefit financially or garner favorable treatment in any way, you are a terrible person, like Warren.

If it's just a old family tale, it doesn't matter.

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