Smithsonian: How to Talk with Evangelicals about Evolution

You calling it a "Fallacy" does not make it so. You want to buleeeeve that a cell was RANDOMLY created with all of the organelles perfectly aligned and functioning and with an exact DNA that would replicate it.

Which came first, the perfectly formed and aligned organelles or the DNA? They had to "evolve" randomly together, right because one with out the other is half an arch.

Go post more of your "fallacies" because we both know you have no other answer

Do you know how complex an individual organelle is?
As it turns out..
Most Kweationists have been brainwashed since childhood.
Their family and social lives revolve around a church.
There's no way to 'talk' to them.
Their lives would collapse if they even thought about the Truth.

As it turns out..
Most Kweationists have been brainwashed since childhood.
Their family and social lives revolve around a church.
There's no way to 'talk' to them.
Their lives would collapse if they even thought about the Truth.

An atheist babbling about the Truth is akin to a used condom wrapped around a syphilis-ridden penis.
I laugh at atheists. I open my mouth and guffaw.
You mean because you can/have shown them proof of god.
You haven't.
You haven't even picked one of the myths and made a case for it/him.
You've just broadcasted/Endlessly repeated your brain damaged irrational post here and all over the net, and got laughed off many places.
(having gotten no attention to your own blog/deluded screed)

You mean because you can/have shown them proof of god.
You haven't.
You haven't even picked one of the myths and made a case for it/him.
You've just broadcasted/Endlessly repeated your brain damaged irrational post here and all over the net, and got laughed off many places.
(having gotten no attention to your own blog/deluded screed)

Shut up. Stop boring me with the same ol' atheist blathersmack.

You can't prove God exists. derp derp There's no evidence for God's existence. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The imperatives of logic and mathematics prove God's existence, and the existence of the Universe is the evidence of God's existence. But atheists don't do logic. The atheist must necessarily assert either the absurdity of an actual infinite or the absurdity of a universe that just popped into existence without a cause. Choose.
As it turns out..
Most Kweationists have been brainwashed since childhood.
Their family and social lives revolve around a church.
There's no way to 'talk' to them.
Their lives would collapse if they even thought about the Truth.

Most Ebilutionists have been harped on since preschool.
Their family and social lives evolve around materialism.
There's no way to communicate with them because they see themselves as exclusive and more intelligent than persons of religious faith.
Their lives fall apart when they think about anything deeper than sports.,
There's no way to communicate with them because they see themselves as exclusive and more intelligent than persons of religious faith.
There is no way for YOU to communicate with them, because doing so requires understanding evolution. And you, my friend, know less than nothing about evolution. You would fail a 7th grade science quiz. You actually possess net NEGATIVE knowledge of evolution. You know nothing true about it, and everything you think you know is wrong.

It would take a take a yeoman's effort just to bring you back to net zero knowledge of evolution. I.E., the level of knowledge of evolution possessed by a newborn baby, or a fast food wrapper.
There is no way for YOU to communicate with them, because doing so requires understanding evolution. And you, my friend, know less than nothing about evolution. You would fail a 7th grade science quiz. You actually possess net NEGATIVE knowledge of evolution. You know nothing true about it, and everything you think you know is wrong.

It would take a take a yeoman's effort just to bring you back to net zero knowledge of evolution. I.E., the level of knowledge of evolution possessed by a newborn baby, or a fast food wrapper.
There is no way for YOU to communicate with them, because doing so requires understanding evolution. And you, my friend, know less than nothing about evolution. You would fail a 7th grade science quiz. You actually possess net NEGATIVE knowledge of evolution. You know nothing true about it, and everything you think you know is wrong.

It would take a take a yeoman's effort just to bring you back to net zero knowledge of evolution. I.E., the level of knowledge of evolution possessed by a newborn baby, or a fast food wrapper.
There is no way of communicating with them, because doing so requires an understanding of spirituality. And you, my fiend, no less than nothing about the spiritual. You would fail a 1st grade Bible quiz. You actually possess net negative knowledge of spirituality. You understand nothing true about it, and everything you say you know is wrong... And as for evolution, unless you can rid the world of Covid19, I could care less for your values or opinions of anything including evolution.
There is no way of communicating with them, because doing so requires an understanding of spirituality. And you, my fiend, no less than nothing about the spiritual....
So you'd be good with Tarot cards too. Logic/science, not so much.
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There is no way of communicating with them, because doing so requires an understanding of spirituality.
Nope, sorry, that's also horseshit. Plenty of scientists and others who know evolution is a fact are spiritual.

Got any other useless nonsense you would like to make up on the spot?
Dabbling in Tarot cards is Demonic. The Bible warns against getting involved with Satan.
Angelic/Demonic are just two sides of the SAME Non-existant religious/faith-based fantasy.
No better than Tarot cards.
You do Not belong here.

Shut up. Stop boring me with the same ol' atheist blathersmack.

You can't prove God exists. derp derp There's no evidence for God's existence. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The imperatives of logic and mathematics prove God's existence, and the existence of the Universe is the evidence of God's existence. But atheists don't do logic. The atheist must necessarily assert either the absurdity of an actual infinite or the absurdity of a universe that just popped into existence without a cause. Choose.
You mean because you can/have shown them proof of god.
You haven't.
You haven't even picked one of the myths and made a case for it/him.
You've just broadcasted/Endlessly repeated your brain damaged irrational post here and all over the net, and got laughed off many places.
(having gotten no attention to your own blog/deluded screed)

Angelic/Demonic are just two sides of the SAME Non-existant religious/faith-based fantasy.
No better than Tarot cards.
You do Not belong here.

You wouldn't know demonic possession if you were hit over the head with it. And I have just as much a right here as anyone. Maybe I have even more of a right than you. I'm at least aware that explainable things happen ----- and they are not all pleasant.
You wouldn't know demonic possession if you were hit over the head with it. And I have just as much a right here as anyone. Maybe I have even more of a right than you. I'm at least aware that explainable things happen ----- and they are not all pleasant.

What church do you belong to?

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