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Smoking Bans

Should Smoking be Banned in Businesses?

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I smoked for 37 years. The fact that smoking was banned virtually everywhere by 1993 was instrumental in my decision to quit. It saved my life. There are thousands like me, whose lives are being saved for the same reason. Lung cancer is decreasing dramatically. We have been slaves to the tobacco industry for too long. I would love to see laws prohibiting the growing and packaging of tobacco in this country. Now, we are poisoning the rest of the world...at a profit.

I worked for a company in Turkey that had a smoker's lounge. They had named the lounge after one of their beloved co-workers who had spent a lot of time there: he had died of lung cancer.

They did not see the irony.

That was 11 years ago. At that time it seemed like everyone in Turkey smoked. Cigarettes were a little over one dollar for 20. The US companies who produce cigarettes intensely market the products overseas. Many of those countries don't tax cigarettes or put warning labels on them. The attitude toward smoking in many countries is similar to what it was in the US in the 50s.

And the US can still make $$ off them before they wise up.

I was shocked to see a Repub congressman who has children working his tobacco fields and suffering from the tobacco-caused illnesses. He's probably a close friend of Newt Gingrich's.

I'll try to remember to google his name when I'm back online.

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I'm a smoker myself and I support banning smoking near all business or government establishments. If there is even one person there who doesn't smoke, you are harming them by smoking around them. I don't support a ban on smoking in general, because it can be done without hurting anybody, and no victimless act should be illegal. The only businesses that should be exempt from the ban on smoking in businesses are those whose purpose is smoking, such as a cigar lounge, or a smoker bar/casino, where no nonsmoker would have a need or want to go.

I'm not going to dissect every piece of that, because it pretty much has by both sides earlier in the thread. I will however object to the last statement. My grandmother abhors smoking yet frequents the local casino.

I said 'smoker bar/casino," which may have been a bit ambiguous. I meant a smoker casino. One that specifically allows smoking.
I can't see a poll but no, I don't think smoking should be banned in one's home or car, except if there are minor children there.

I smoked for a lot of years and nothing is more stupid. But if somebody wants to smoke, I don't care. But your right to smoke ends where my breathing begins so keep it out of public places and away from the doorways to businesses.

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I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision
I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision

Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.
I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision

Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.

You keep wet-dreaming on Business Almighty rhetorical porn and leaving out the inconvenient part. That is, you still haven't 'splained what gives a smoker the right to force others to smoke who may not choose to. That's taking away their right to breathe.

Why are you against freedom of choice?
I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision

Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.

You keep wet-dreaming on Business Almighty rhetorical porn and leaving out the inconvenient part. That is, you still haven't 'splained what gives a smoker the right to force others to smoke who may not choose to. That's taking away their right to breathe.

Why are you against freedom of choice?

Nah. He's just all for the smoker. You work next to a smoker. Tough shit. Nobody is making you work in this place. You get asthma attacks breathing smoke in the work place. Tough shit. No one's making you work there.
It very important to skull that personal decisions, even if those personal decisions harm others, that those people be allowed to do what they choose.

Unless it has a negative impact on skull. Then there's an issue. Right skull?
I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision

Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.

You keep wet-dreaming on Business Almighty rhetorical porn and leaving out the inconvenient part. That is, you still haven't 'splained what gives a smoker the right to force others to smoke who may not choose to. That's taking away their right to breathe.

Why are you against freedom of choice?


Smoke if you want but don't even think about forcing me to smoke too.

Since many more do not smoke, no business is going to be dumb enough to make themselves unattractive to customers.

And, you're right about the stench. And its worse if the smoker tries chewing gum or pouring on perfume because they think that will cover the stink. I am embarrassed to think that I smelled THAT bad and didn't know it because I was smoking. Dumb. Just damn dumb.

The widow I described elsewhere, who cleaned for us and we let stay almost rent-free in one of our houses ... She smelled SO bad. I could be a couple of rooms away from her and know she was here. And, she promised not to smoke in our house but she left a burn in the couch and and full ashtrays. Being kind to her will end up costing us thousands and I am so glad she's gone.

[MENTION=47812]CorvusRexus[/MENTION] - Instead of wanting more places to smoke, why don't you wise up, grow up and quit? You're just a kid and there are real freedoms out there to fight for.
I don't believe smoking should be banned

I just believe that smokers should be social outcasts and held up for derision

Your opinion.

But you still haven't told me how a privately owned business operated on private property allowing smoking would be of any danger to you.

I have explained multiple times

It is a privately held public conveyance. If they want to operate in our society they must conform to our rules

Public safety is one of those rules
You cannot do whatever the fuck you want with your business

Remember ......We do not serve negroes?

Unlike you I have no problem with people choosing who is allowed in their establishments.

If some bigot is stupid enough to turn away a paying customer simply because of their skin color I would be happy to serve that person in my business.

In fact with today's sentiments I don't think a business that didn't serve blacks wouldn't last very long. You should want that a bigot be put out of business.

Just like I don't think with today's sentiments that if smoking bans were relaxed that all businesses would allow it.

Some would sure but so what? You don't have to go there and you should like that too because then smokers would congregate where they could smoke and you wouldn't have to be near them or walk through a gauntlet of smokers on the way in and out of an establishment.

The problem with your strategy is that it assumes that for every establishment turning away a "negro" there would be one willing to serve him. That was not the case. To prevent offending white customers.....all sothern businesses refused to serve negroes

See, you just lied again!

Same applied to bars and restaurants. They did not want to offend the 40-50% of customers who wanted to spew their filth so they would all allow smoking

And you lied yet again.
Unlike you I have no problem with people choosing who is allowed in their establishments.

If some bigot is stupid enough to turn away a paying customer simply because of their skin color I would be happy to serve that person in my business.

In fact with today's sentiments I don't think a business that didn't serve blacks wouldn't last very long. You should want that a bigot be put out of business.

Just like I don't think with today's sentiments that if smoking bans were relaxed that all businesses would allow it.

Some would sure but so what? You don't have to go there and you should like that too because then smokers would congregate where they could smoke and you wouldn't have to be near them or walk through a gauntlet of smokers on the way in and out of an establishment.

The problem with your strategy is that it assumes that for every establishment turning away a "negro" there would be one willing to serve him. That was not the case. To prevent offending white customers.....all sothern businesses refused to serve negroes

See, you just lied again!

Same applied to bars and restaurants. They did not want to offend the 40-50% of customers who wanted to spew their filth so they would all allow smoking

And you lied yet again.

Sure, you can choose where to shop, that's fine; if you don't want carcinogens in your lungs you can patronize somewhere else, nobody forces you in there. All true. BUT...

That business, in order to operate, must have employee staff. And they can't be forced to breathe that stuff against their will -- unless the business wants to hire only smokers, which they can't do. So keep it out of the workplace to protect the employees -- who have no choice -- and the dilemma of what to do about the clientele takes care of itself. Problem solved.

A business cannot discriminate in its hiring of employees by only hiring smokers. Non-smokers have a right to breath smoke free air, hence smoking bans.

But businesses can discriminate in hiring smokers

Purely on principle I think that is wrong, but I do understand the employer's right to limit employees to those who do not smoke. The fact is that smokers miss more work and are less productive, because they are not as healthy as non-smokers. Since I quit smoking nearly three years ago, I've had one cold, and it only lasted three days. When I was a smoker, my average cold lasted ten days. On top of that, smokers increase health insurance premiums for the entire company.
You don't have to patronize establishments that allow smoking do you?

I have a right to patronize any business establishment

If there is one bowling alley in town, I don't have an option to "bowl somewhere else"
If I am attending a party or social gathering, I don't have an option to go elsewhere

As a smoker, you don't have a right to spew your filth anywhere you please

no. but that's true of smokers, as well, isn't it. so it isn't about rights, it's about choice. and if there is a smoking section... and a non-smoking section, then everyone is covered

and you would still have the *right* to use smoking facilities, you would just choose not to.

i feel about this mostly like i feel about the radical right trying to control women... if you don't agree with something, don't do it. if there's a way to accommodate everyone's concerns, then you should.

The problem with smoking sections is that the smoke does not stay in the smoking section. On top of that, non-smoking employees will most likely be forced to work in those smoking sections exposing them to toxins they should not be forced to breathe. It's not about controlling smokers; it's about putting the rights of the non-smoker first, which makes sense because the non-smoker isn't doing anything to cause harm to others whereas the smoker is. It really is that simple.
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Of course there is, it is a perfectly legal activity. What compelling government interest is there in banning it on private property or outside?

If you have the right to blow cigarette smoke in my face in open air, then I should certainly have the right to spit in your face.

By that "logic", I now demand that the public consumption of coffee be criminalized.

:cuckoo: That made no sense at all.
no one is forced to work for an employer that allows smoking. Smoking is permitted in most casinos, no one is forced to work as a dealer or cocktail waitress. If you accept a job in a place that allows smoking, you do so voluntarily.

why does freedom confuse you liberals so much?

Casinos are starting to go smoke free also. The new one here in Toledo is non-smoking. There is an outdoor smoking section available for all those who choose to smoke.

I suspect that will go over like a lead balloon. Reality: gamblers smoke and smokers gamble!

It's working out just fine. The casino is making money hand over fist and it's enjoyable for everyone to gamble there, not just the smokers.
Are you forced to work in a place that allows smoking? yes or no.

untli smoking becomes illegal, it can be allowed in any place that people enter voluntarily. Do you comprehend the difference between a casino and a drivers license bureau?

Won't be long until a casino worker sues his/her employer because he is diagnosed with lung cancer due to the second hand smoke. That will put an end to smoking in casinos if nothing else does first.

Considering that many of the casinos are on Indian reservations & therefore basically above the law...unlikely. Also note: having been in several, there is ZERO smoke and zero odor even in the areas that DO allow smoking.

Where there is smoking, there is smoke and odor. A smoker may not notice it, but any non-smoker will. I can smell cigarette smoke fifty feet away outdoors.
When the smoking ban was imposed in this area, many restaurants lost business, and waiters saw their tips crash.

Typical conservative whine

Businesses without smoking are cleaner, have less damage due to careless smokers and do not have those nasty cigarette butts to clean up

Remember the good ole days with smoking? White walls turned yellow, curtains and rugs were ruined.

And now back to the real world: waitstaff took about a 25% pay cut, literally overnight. Why do you hate waiters & waitresses so much? Why do you despise bartenders? Why do you want dishwashers & busboys to lose their jobs and go on welfare?

Unfortunately, saying something does not make it true. There is no evidence showing that smoking bans harmed restaurants or bars. In fact, there is some evidence that it may have helped increase the number of patrons as non-smokers enjoyed staying in these establishments for longer periods of time.

Smoking ban study finds no overall harm to Michigan bars, restaurants (poll) | MLive.com


State smoking bans appear to positively impact bars, restaurants | cleveland.com

While I am sure there are exceptions, the fact is that overall restaurants and bars have not been negatively affected by smoking bans.

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