Smoking Gun on Ron Paul Newsletters! I told you Paulbots So!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Another example of where Ron Paul is a kook LIAR who's running away from his past as fast as he can.

***I grant permission to anyone to take the content in this entry and redistribute it. The truth needs to get out.***

People wonder who wrote the Ron Paul newsletters.

First, if you’re new to this topic, it’s important because for around two decades, he had newsletters written that contained much racist content. He financially profited off of the newsletters. You can read about it more in depth here .

The purpose of this entry is to answer a simple question.
Who wrote the Ron Paul newsletters?

In a 1996 interview with the Dallas Morning News, Ron Paul was asked about his newsletters. In that interview he defended them. You can read a copy of the interview here. You can purchase a hard copy of that interview here.
In the interview, he did not deny he made the statement about the swiftness of black men.

“If you try to catch someone that has stolen a purse from you, there is no chance to catch them,” Dr. Paul said.
He also said the comment about black men in the nation’s capital was made while writing about a 1992 study produced by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank based in Virginia.

Citing statistics from the study, Dr. Paul then concluded in his column: `Given the inef! ficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”

“These aren’t my figures,” Dr. Paul said Tuesday. “That is the assumption you can gather from” the report

Let’s look at some internal evidence.

Who Wrote The Ron Paul Newsletters? Ron Paul Wrote Them – Clear Proof | Conservatives Network

More evidence to come. More than I can possibly include in one post.

I told you I've seen the signatures. The slimy liar signed his own newsletters and now LIES about that! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:


And there's more​

Smoking Ron Paul Gun: Part II

Our friend Andrew McCarthy from National Review has made a very interesting discovery in the piece I linked to on Ron Paul's newsletters, to which he has kindly alerted me.

If you noticed in the photo images of the Ron Paul Newsletters over at Conservatives News you will see that one of the images clearly shows Ron Paul listed as "editor."

Now move on to this link provided in the story...a link that takes one to a Ron Paul interview
with CNN's Wolf Blitzer on the newsletters. At 2:45 into the interview Blitzer asks about "how did this stuff" (various racist nonsense) get into the newsletter. "Who wrote it?"

To which Ron Paul responds:

"I have no idea. Have you ever heard of a publisher of a magazine not knowing every single thing ....The editor is responsible for the daily activity." :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

And who is listed in the pictured newsletter as the editor?
That's right: Ron Paul. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog
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he cant win a general election even without this information

Indeed, it’s not like any of this will turn-off Paul supporters, and those who oppose him have ample other reasons to do so.
he cant win a general election even without this information

Indeed, it’s not like any of this will turn-off Paul supporters, and those who oppose him have ample other reasons to do so.

Oh there have been Ron Paul bots who have claimed Ron Paul didn't write his own newsletters.

I'ved told them since 2008 that's bogus.
I'll bet the Paul supporters are devastated to learn that TPS does not count himself among them. He's a guy every candidate wishes were on their side.
The great thing about these attacks are that now everyone has to acknowledge that Ron Paul is a "Top Tier Candidate" and has an actual chance of winning.

Bring it on!

That guy Rachel Maddow tried the same thing on Rand Paul when he ran for Senator. How did that work out?
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"I feel all Black Americans and all people of color should vote for Ron Paul"

Bad news for Obama and you Democrats. Now that Ron Paul is the front runner, the discussion will rightfully turn to serious topics like "The Constitution" and no more "who has the nicest hair" or "has the best looking kids".

That does not bode well for Obama, his Justice Department and the Federal Reserve.

Another example of where Ron Paul is a kook LIAR who's running away from his past as fast as he can.

***I grant permission to anyone to take the content in this entry and redistribute it. The truth needs to get out.***

People wonder who wrote the Ron Paul newsletters.

First, if you’re new to this topic, it’s important because for around two decades, he had newsletters written that contained much racist content. He financially profited off of the newsletters. You can read about it more in depth here .

The purpose of this entry is to answer a simple question.
Who wrote the Ron Paul newsletters?

In a 1996 interview with the Dallas Morning News, Ron Paul was asked about his newsletters. In that interview he defended them. You can read a copy of the interview here. You can purchase a hard copy of that interview here.
In the interview, he did not deny he made the statement about the swiftness of black men.

“If you try to catch someone that has stolen a purse from you, there is no chance to catch them,” Dr. Paul said.
He also said the comment about black men in the nation’s capital was made while writing about a 1992 study produced by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank based in Virginia.

Citing statistics from the study, Dr. Paul then concluded in his column: `Given the inef! ficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”
“These aren’t my figures,” Dr. Paul said Tuesday. “That is the assumption you can gather from” the report
Let’s look at some internal evidence.

Who Wrote The Ron Paul Newsletters? Ron Paul Wrote Them – Clear Proof | Conservatives Network

More evidence to come. More than I can possibly include in one post.

Hmm. A politician who may or may not have lied or said something inappropriate! OMG!

Well I guess we should get rid of Obama, Gingrich, Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Perry, Reid, Congress, The Senate, State Legislatures....
I've noticed that there are, generally speaking, two different kinds of people who don't like Ron Paul:

1. Guilt ridden Liberal White People.
2. People who don't know how gov't is supposed to be run.

The great thing about Ron Paul is that his campaign will inject REAL ISSUES into the campaign. Americans will learn about their gov't this time around.

You wanna' know how ignorant Americans are about their gov't and how it's run? You want an example of how dumbed-down we've become as a nation?

Do this:

Find any person on the street wearing a sports jersey or baseball cap. Ask that person all about that team. I'm certain he/she will "dazzle" you with all sorts of worthless info like division, win-loss record, coach, schedule, even how much a player gets paid.

Then ask them this:

"What is the 4th Amendment to the Constitution?" and watch their eyes glaze over.

Then ask them "If the NFL went out of business tomorrow, how would your life change?" They'll probably say "Not at all".

Then ask them "If the Constitution 'went out of business' tomorrow, how would your life change?" If they're smart they'll get the point and be woken up.

Ron Paul has been talking about Constitutional Issues his entire career and will be a fantastic President! Be honest with yourself, you know it's true.
The great thing about these attacks are that now everyone has to acknowledge that Ron Paul is a "Top Tier Candidate" and has an actual chance of winning.

Bring it on!

That guy Rachel Maddow tried the same thing on Rand Paul when he ran for Senator. How did that work out?

Dude none of what you say ADDRESSES the issue.

Ron Paul has been lying about these newsletters since the 2008 election, where he claimed he didn't write his own newsletters.

And these are NOT attacks from the left wing media. The left wing media wishes someone like Paul would become our candidate, because they know kooky Paul cannot win in the general election.

This is coming from conservatives who know Paul is NOT a conservative and want the truth that Paul is running away from to get out to as many voters as possible.

Like *I'm* some kind of liberal who doesn't want Paul because I'm for Obama or something?

You lie to yourself and tell yourself that!

It just makes it more and more clear how divorced Paulbots are from REALITY!
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