Smollett's "Empire" Role Slashed In Wake Of Scandal...

I don't doubt that he faked it.

But I am 100% against what the police are doing (and often do in high profile cases) - they hold a press conference and tell the world how guilty the accused is...before he/she has even had his/her day in court.

Jussie Smollett staged Chicago 'hate crime' seeking higher pay: police | Reuters

Hey, you egomaniacs, it is INNOCENT until proven guilty. And YOU do NOT decide that.

Just do your job, collect the evidence, pass it on to the DA and SHUT UP about the case. And keep your fucking opinions to yourselves.

How the 'f' is the accused going to get a fair trial (if it goes to a jury) if you MASSIVELY taint the masses objectivity with your 'opinions'?

I suspect because they know the system is screwed up. It's Chicago. I have been closely following this case from the beginning and really hoped, for a lot of reasons, that Smollett would be fully exposed. I don't think the Chi-town cops have any faith in the corruption in the city of Chicago, and this case seriously pi$$ed them off. So they leaked right from the start. And that is why we see the press conference. Totally fair? Maybe not, but when the system is corrupt at the top, you do what you have to do. Might it taint a jury and get Smollett reduced time or a mistrial? Maybe, but the truth is at least out.
If this knucklehead is such a great actor, I hope he uses his talent to seem sincere when he ask "would you like fries with that"...

He's a terrible, crappy actor. That "performance" on ABC was rotten. Even the photo still are complete trash, and stilted.
He's toast.

Faking a crime - Long sentence.
Faking a hate crime - Downright hateful sentence.

I think he should get the same sentence Morton Downey Junior got for faking a hate attack in 1989.

View attachment 247149

Oh, wait. He didn't get a jail sentence... people just made fun of him and that was it.

Downey Jr never filed a police report, as I told you on another thread. Therefore there was no crime.
Did he file a police report?


The police investigated and concluded he drew the swastika on his own face.

Joe he did not file a police report. This is from the NY Times, an article written at the time, 1989. Stop posting wrong information.

A spokesman for ''The Morton Downey Jr. Show,'' John Murphy, was asked about the possibility of a publicity stunt. He said: ''I don't know. I don't know anything. There is no official comment right now.''

Sgt. Paul Giguiere of the San Mateo County sheriff's office said Mr. Downey did not want a police report filed and had refused to be examined. Filing a false police report is a misdemeanor in California.

Doubt Is Cast on Report Of Attack on Downey
I don't doubt that he faked it.

But I am 100% against what the police are doing (and often do in high profile cases) - they hold a press conference and tell the world how guilty the accused is...before he/she has even had his/her day in court.

Jussie Smollett staged Chicago 'hate crime' seeking higher pay: police | Reuters

Hey, you egomaniacs, it is INNOCENT until proven guilty. And YOU do NOT decide that.

Just do your job, collect the evidence, pass it on to the DA and SHUT UP about the case. And keep your fucking opinions to yourselves.

How the 'f' is the accused going to get a fair trial (if it goes to a jury) if you MASSIVELY taint the masses objectivity with your 'opinions'?

in principle I would agree, but this guy slandered our entire city with what he did. I have no problem publicly shaming him.

And it's not like this fool will ever see a jury. He'll either cop a plea or try to claim to be insane.

I hear you - but I was more referring to the practice in general than this particular case.

It is a VERY, nasty habit police forces have gotten into over the last few decades...and I think it needs to stop.

Plus I am a HUGE believer in innocent until proven guilty AND I have heard of the nightmare innocent people have gone through when the police publicly convicted a person...only to have a jury/judge say they are innocent. But many in the public continue to treat this innocent person as guilty because all they heard was the police hype and that is what they believe is true.
I think because of the huge notoriety his claims received and the affect it had on the reputation of Chicago, they needed to respond in kind

Nothing to see here

Sorry, but it is not the job of the police to publicly state people's guilt or they see it. Not at all.

All they needed to say was that he was charged and what with and that would have been sufficient.

And if it turns out this guy is innocent (which seems unlikely - but it is possible), there will still be tons of people who do not believe it simply because the police said he was guilty.

I don't give a shit about calming the public. Number one priority should ALWAYS BE innocent until proven guilty.

What a wonderful concept if the city hall wasn't entirely corrupt, eh? But the beat cops seem to know what they're dealing with. A sad truth, but the truth nonetheless. Fighting fire with fire.

And yet people tragically keep pulling the lever for just one single party--Democrats. Corrupt all up and down the ticket
Did the brothers even technically commit a crime? All they did was took some guy's money to throw a rope around his neck, and punch him a couple times.

That is a typical night at the local leather bar...

If he is found guilty, the two brothers involved must be also. I can't believe the cops set them free, they should of called Smollett in and got to the bottom of it. They admitted it was a set up, or stated it was, if they were involved they should be found guilty.

They're going to voluntarily testify, and from what I've read they haven't asked for any immunity, though that could happen further down the line. I don't think the police have much of an ax to grind with these two. They're probably grateful for anything that will help them end this charade as quick as possible.

Unless they get a confession or he paid them with a check, its a they said or he said deal. So no nothing.

He filed the false police report and not the brothers.

The only thing the brothers should be guilty of is not beating his ass after he attempted to make it a race crime!

Anyone from Chi-town knows that is as much MAGA country as the Montrose area of Houston...

He should have went to Joliet to pull that stunt if he wanted someone to believe him but he might have ended up dead had he and not by whites but by blacks!
We kind of live everyday where someone who is a Trump voter is accused of vicious things and are stated as guilty by the shills.

Yes, when you get on here supporting throwing children in cages, you don't really get the benefit of the doubt on being a nice person.

He said that Molly made him do that.

As The Blast reports, according to the documents filed for the actor’s bond hearing, prosecutors believe that he used to purchase MDMA, the drug more commonly known as Molly,

Again, all the more reason for the State's Attorney to offer him a deal before he gets on a stand and convinces a jury that he's a poor victim here.

Downey Jr never filed a police report, as I told you on another thread. Therefore there was no crime.

The police still investigated. And it was in an airport.
I suspect because they know the system is screwed up. It's Chicago. I have been closely following this case from the beginning and really hoped, for a lot of reasons, that Smollett would be fully exposed. I don't think the Chi-town cops have any faith in the corruption in the city of Chicago, and this case seriously pi$$ed them off. So they leaked right from the start. And that is why we see the press conference. Totally fair? Maybe not, but when the system is corrupt at the top, you do what you have to do. Might it taint a jury and get Smollett reduced

again, the most corrupt institution in chicago is our police department. The police department that looked at Jason van Dyke and John Burge and said, "Yeah, let's totally hire those guys!"

If this comes down to a contest between the CPD and Smollett, with an inner city jury... I doubt they'll be too keen to side with the cops.

Again- smart move. Get a plea with no jail time, a few hundred thousand dollar fine (he can afford it), and a public apology. Done.
We kind of live everyday where someone who is a Trump voter is accused of vicious things and are stated as guilty by the shills.

Yes, when you get on here supporting throwing children in cages, you don't really get the benefit of the doubt on being a nice person.

He said that Molly made him do that.

As The Blast reports, according to the documents filed for the actor’s bond hearing, prosecutors believe that he used to purchase MDMA, the drug more commonly known as Molly,

Again, all the more reason for the State's Attorney to offer him a deal before he gets on a stand and convinces a jury that he's a poor victim here.

Downey Jr never filed a police report, as I told you on another thread. Therefore there was no crime.

The police still investigated. And it was in an airport.

So what Joe? The airport called the police, and the police investigated. So what? That's not "filing a false report". And Downey himself probably did not even call the police, from the sound of it. That would be like you're having a party, your neighbors call the cops, the cops show up and ask you turn down the music, you do...and then YOU get hammered for "filing a false police report" or something. You didn't even file a report; no report was filed. "Investigating" just means the police showed up.

So what Joe? The airport called the police, and the police investigated. So what? That's not "filing a false report". And Downey himself probably did not even call the police, from the sound of it. That would be like you're having a party, your neighbors call the cops, the cops show up and ask you turn down the music, you do...and then YOU get hammered for "filing a false police report" or something. You didn't even file a report; no report was filed. "Investigating" just means the police showed up.


So..... Smollet isn't just being charged with filing a false police report... and there were plenty of things that they COULD have charged Downey with, such as disorderly conduct in an airport.

They didn't.. because White Privilege.
Did he file a police report?


The police investigated and concluded he drew the swastika on his own face.

Joe he did not file a police report. This is from the NY Times, an article written at the time, 1989. Stop posting wrong information.

A spokesman for ''The Morton Downey Jr. Show,'' John Murphy, was asked about the possibility of a publicity stunt. He said: ''I don't know. I don't know anything. There is no official comment right now.''

Sgt. Paul Giguiere of the San Mateo County sheriff's office said Mr. Downey did not want a police report filed and had refused to be examined. Filing a false police report is a misdemeanor in California.

Doubt Is Cast on Report Of Attack on Downey

It appears JoeB did not speak the truth, even when it doesn't matter. Even if he had filed a report the law is not the same in Texas and California. Unfortunately if he actually believes that this is due to racism, he will have to provide evidence.
Smollette has some serious anxiety issues to pull off something like this. I kind of feel sorry for him and give him credit for not slandering a specific person, unlike the Covington student fiasco.

But still, I think he is going to get some hard time for making so many talking heads look like the idiots they truly are.

The crime was non-violent. He gets probation for something like this.
I think he should get some time behind bars personally but it’s more likely he gets probation.
Hopefully he goes to the Illinois state prison, And gets his wish meeting Bubba... intimately
I don't doubt that he faked it.

But I am 100% against what the police are doing (and often do in high profile cases) - they hold a press conference and tell the world how guilty the accused is...before he/she has even had his/her day in court.

Jussie Smollett staged Chicago 'hate crime' seeking higher pay: police | Reuters

Hey, you egomaniacs, it is INNOCENT until proven guilty. And YOU do NOT decide that.

Just do your job, collect the evidence, pass it on to the DA and SHUT UP about the case. And keep your fucking opinions to yourselves.

How the 'f' is the accused going to get a fair trial (if it goes to a jury) if you MASSIVELY taint the masses objectivity with your 'opinions'?

in principle I would agree, but this guy slandered our entire city with what he did. I have no problem publicly shaming him.

And it's not like this fool will ever see a jury. He'll either cop a plea or try to claim to be insane.

I hear you - but I was more referring to the practice in general than this particular case.

It is a VERY, nasty habit police forces have gotten into over the last few decades...and I think it needs to stop.

Plus I am a HUGE believer in innocent until proven guilty AND I have heard of the nightmare innocent people have gone through when the police publicly convicted a person...only to have a jury/judge say they are innocent. But many in the public continue to treat this innocent person as guilty because all they heard was the police hype and that is what they believe is true.
I think because of the huge notoriety his claims received and the affect it had on the reputation of Chicago, they needed to respond in kind

Nothing to see here

Sorry, but it is not the job of the police to publicly state people's guilt or they see it. Not at all.

All they needed to say was that he was charged and what with and that would have been sufficient.

And if it turns out this guy is innocent (which seems unlikely - but it is possible), there will still be tons of people who do not believe it simply because the police said he was guilty.

I don't give a shit about calming the public. Number one priority should ALWAYS BE innocent until proven guilty.
.....he's NOT innocent--this is obvious to all with an IQ above sea level and/or who are not racist
It appears JoeB did not speak the truth, even when it doesn't matter. Even if he had filed a report the law is not the same in Texas and California. Unfortunately if he actually believes that this is due to racism, he will have to provide evidence.

I kind of don't have to.

Downey faked a hate attack, got no jail time.
Smollet faked a hate attack, he's facing charges.

Check your privilege, buddy.
We kind of live everyday where someone who is a Trump voter is accused of vicious things and are stated as guilty by the shills.

Yes, when you get on here supporting throwing children in cages, you don't really get the benefit of the doubt on being a nice person.

He said that Molly made him do that.

As The Blast reports, according to the documents filed for the actor’s bond hearing, prosecutors believe that he used to purchase MDMA, the drug more commonly known as Molly,

Again, all the more reason for the State's Attorney to offer him a deal before he gets on a stand and convinces a jury that he's a poor victim here.

Downey Jr never filed a police report, as I told you on another thread. Therefore there was no crime.

The police still investigated. And it was in an airport.
Yes they are. They are going to put him into a out patient drug treatment program. That is why Soros uses only drug addicts, the mentally challenge and the elderly as members of his little army. Because for every offenses that they do. That it can always be dropped down to a misdemeanor. Like the reason why Comey didn't further the investigation and have her arrested for lying to the FBI. because she had fell down that it has affected her memory. Hillary is a lawyer. These lawyers can toy around with the system all day long. Hillary is the best actor of them all. The media helped her, to make it look as if she is falling all over the place. When she collapsed at the van during the memorial. Her head was stiff as a board. But when someone collapse. Everything collapses. She would of have been like melted butter in their hands. But she was okay to run for the presidency.
And so if Smollett gets off with a slap on the wrist. Just give him a wink for letting everyone to know that there is something fishy going on.

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