SNAP capitol is white and conservative

papa is getting worke up because he is wrong. :lol:

Yurt miss the point of the OP. Again. :lol:

i asked you what the point was and of course you don't even know because you're a stupid liberal troll
Yurt, you babbled as usual. Go back and read it. You don't get "just once more."

you NEVER answered my question. not once. stop lying you turd.
I did not say I did. I told you that you don't get "just once more." You are babbling. Go back and read the OP.
I spent one week in 1996 and one week in 1997 in Hazard, KY doing volunteer work under the auspices of Appalachian Service Project.

I also spent several weeks between 1993 and 2003 doing volunteer work in Homestead, FL with Habitat for Humanity.

I know it is anecdotal but after conversations with people in both places it was clear to me that whites vote Republican and blacks vote Democrat.

It was also clear that none of my fellow volunteers was a Democrat.
What a shocker....
BTW, for demonstrative purposes. In the months following the devastating hurricane Katrina, two things happened...Locals either left or refused to take advantage of the thousands of opportunities to take jobs which would help, rebuild the city..Those democrat voting people decided government was needed to give them a handout..
The next thing..In the absence of qualified workers, contractors were forced to look across the region and even across the country for workers. Ray School Bus Nagin then mayor of NOLA( Now inmate Nagin) went on tv and complained about "outsiders" taking jobs away from NOLA residents who in his opinion were once again getting pushed aside..Presumably because they are black...

Links, please, because you are known for this type of nonsense.

you asking someone for a link...:lol:you don't get a once more liar
You are known for not giving links, either, Yurt. I gave one above in the OP, and I have a right to ask for one. You don't until you demonstrate you understand the OP.
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
The jobs in this area were not outsourced. They were simply destroyed. As industries were dismantled the people moved to what jobs remained. From tobacco to lumber to coal. One by one falling to the democrat axe until nothing was left.
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
In the area now under discussion nothing was outsourced. The jobs were destroyed by democrat policies. There is another discussion. That discussion is about outsourcing. Until democrats cease their hostility towards business every company has an obligation to outsource whenever and wherever possible. Devastate the economy. Punish hostile politicians by taking jobs and money from them. Put the outsourcing screws to them until they start being reasonable.
What specific policies led to the loss of those jobs?
Obama cut loose the EPA to do his bidding. As promised, he bankrupted many coal producers by enacting heavy handed regulations which made the cost to produce nearly exceed the market price for coal .
Show us where he promised. You, like Yurt, say shitty things but can't link or prove them.
The jobs in this area were not outsourced. They were simply destroyed. As industries were dismantled the people moved to what jobs remained. From tobacco to lumber to coal. One by one falling to the democrat axe until nothing was left.
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
In the area now under discussion nothing was outsourced. The jobs were destroyed by democrat policies. There is another discussion. That discussion is about outsourcing. Until democrats cease their hostility towards business every company has an obligation to outsource whenever and wherever possible. Devastate the economy. Punish hostile politicians by taking jobs and money from them. Put the outsourcing screws to them until they start being reasonable.
What specific policies led to the loss of those jobs?
That is the same sort of nonsense such as "ACA kills jobs."

The far right corporatists are fucks, pure and simple, who hate everybody who does not agree with them.
Oh sure.....Jake, you are phony as a three dollar bill.
That is you in the mirror to whom you are talking.
Ah, it burns, I am under your skin. :lol: Sux to be you.

You are racist because you immediately counter any white racism with comments about lack racism. Yes, you are racist, because your own words burn you.

Your segue into welfare corporatism is an interesting distraction, but a distraction nonetheless.
To whom are you responding.....Please use the quote feature.
You are not even in control of your own feelings, thus not in charge of yourself. Step along.
Yo, Bfgrn, look in a mirror before calling others names? Here is a piece on The Obama War On Coal!!! Read and Weep!
Almost immediately after taking office, the Obama Administration began rewriting a recently completed coal regulation, the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule (Rule). This unnecessary action, carried out through the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) at the Department of the Interior, proposed to dramatically alter a regulation that that took over five years of environmental analysis and careful scientific consideration to complete.

Despite the fact that a thorough Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was conducted for the 2008 Rule, OSM hired another contractor to write an entirely new EIS for the Obama Administration’s efforts to rewrite the Rule. An Associated Press story revealed that this draft EIS concluded that the Obama Administration’s regulation could cost over 7,000 mining jobs and cause economic harm in 22 states. Shortly after this information was made public, the Obama Administration criticized and dismissed the contractor it had selected to conduct this analysis. Released 9/20/2012

Yo, Rambo, why don't we ask the PEOPLE who live there instead of listening to lobbyist and coal mining cartel propaganda?

Hey Rambo, a BRAIN is required, seek one!


Appalachia Needs a Strong Stream Protection Rule Appalachian Voices


Stream Protection Rule Appalachian Voices
So when others do it its because they are consumed with exacerbating division. But when you do it its different.....LMAO.

Oh ok buddy :itsok:
I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

Not because you're not intelligent, but because the clearer I make it, the smaller the chance you'll try to pretend you don't get it.

Because you're a standard, obedient, predictable, transparent, intellectually dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, and being obtuse is a primary tool of people like you.

Here's the (obvious) difference: You divide people by race, I point out how you divide people by race.

Okay buddy? :itsok:


Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
The problem your 'duck' has is that it ignores factual material in lieu of talking points.

Actually no...his constant explanations of his bullshit doesnt make it less bullshit. Nice try tho
Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.

I didnt call him racist. He jumped to that conclusion himself. I bet you're still mad at me about it tho right?

Yo, Bfgrn, look in a mirror before calling others names? Here is a piece on The Obama War On Coal!!! Read and Weep!
Almost immediately after taking office, the Obama Administration began rewriting a recently completed coal regulation, the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule (Rule). This unnecessary action, carried out through the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) at the Department of the Interior, proposed to dramatically alter a regulation that that took over five years of environmental analysis and careful scientific consideration to complete.

Despite the fact that a thorough Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was conducted for the 2008 Rule, OSM hired another contractor to write an entirely new EIS for the Obama Administration’s efforts to rewrite the Rule. An Associated Press story revealed that this draft EIS concluded that the Obama Administration’s regulation could cost over 7,000 mining jobs and cause economic harm in 22 states. Shortly after this information was made public, the Obama Administration criticized and dismissed the contractor it had selected to conduct this analysis. Released 9/20/2012

Yo, Rambo, why don't we ask the PEOPLE who live there instead of listening to lobbyist and coal mining cartel propaganda?

Hey Rambo, a BRAIN is required, seek one!


Appalachia Needs a Strong Stream Protection Rule Appalachian Voices


Stream Protection Rule Appalachian Voices

Oooh they got this covered too. They'll blame to liberal media for wanting to protect silly shit like water. Or they will minimize streams as not being big enough to matter or some other deflective bullshit.

When that doesnt work they'll just trot out the old "They are too stupid to understand that we know better than they do" garbage
I spent one week in 1996 and one week in 1997 in Hazard, KY doing volunteer work under the auspices of Appalachian Service Project.

I also spent several weeks between 1993 and 2003 doing volunteer work in Homestead, FL with Habitat for Humanity.

I know it is anecdotal but after conversations with people in both places it was clear to me that whites vote Republican and blacks vote Democrat.

It was also clear that none of my fellow volunteers was a Democrat.
What a shocker....
BTW, for demonstrative purposes. In the months following the devastating hurricane Katrina, two things happened...Locals either left or refused to take advantage of the thousands of opportunities to take jobs which would help, rebuild the city..Those democrat voting people decided government was needed to give them a handout..
The next thing..In the absence of qualified workers, contractors were forced to look across the region and even across the country for workers. Ray School Bus Nagin then mayor of NOLA( Now inmate Nagin) went on tv and complained about "outsiders" taking jobs away from NOLA residents who in his opinion were once again getting pushed aside..Presumably because they are black...

Links, please, because you are known for this type of nonsense.

you asking someone for a link...:lol:you don't get a once more liar
You are known for not giving links, either, Yurt. I gave one above in the OP, and I have a right to ask for one. You don't until you demonstrate you understand the OP.

i always give links. but i am not at all surprised you can't discuss your OP and what it means.

more far left trollery from you....
Yurt, prove you always give links. I certainly did above, and that you don't get it is your problem. Prove you get it, or you proved yourself to be a liar again.
Yurt, prove you always give links. I certainly did above, and that you don't get it is your problem. Prove you get it, or you proved yourself to be a liar again.

you don't get a once more jake.

why is it you can't explain your OP with the very simple question i asked? my hunch is because you know it is nothing but left wing trollery.....
Yurt, how many times are you going to type the words "I give links" while not giving links?
And yet poor whites will continue to vote against their own good...we really do need a 3rd party that's viable. Socially conservative an economically liberal. They would vote for that party. Poor whites as a majority don't and won't vote for democrats because democrats are socially liberal...I used to vote republican now I won't vote period.
Yurt, how many times are you going to type the words "I give links" while not giving links?

i do give links. jake made a claim i don't, why don't you ask him to back it up, but i know you won't bother your fellow lefty for links....

He doesnt have to back it up...the lack of you giving links is proof is it not?

i'm supposed to back up jake's claim....:lol:

you two are stupid beyond belief....
Yurt, how many times are you going to type the words "I give links" while not giving links?

i do give links. jake made a claim i don't, why don't you ask him to back it up, but i know you won't bother your fellow lefty for links....

He doesnt have to back it up...the lack of you giving links is proof is it not?

i'm supposed to back up jake's claim....:lol:

you two are stupid beyond belief....

Huh? So you provided links but laugh at not providing links?
Yurt, how many times are you going to type the words "I give links" while not giving links?

i do give links. jake made a claim i don't, why don't you ask him to back it up, but i know you won't bother your fellow lefty for links....

He doesnt have to back it up...the lack of you giving links is proof is it not?

i'm supposed to back up jake's claim....:lol:

you two are stupid beyond belief....

Huh? So you provided links but laugh at not providing links?

how can you be so dense? jake made a claim but you both are telling me to prove his claim.


jake has a good friend in you....

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