SNAP capitol is white and conservative

I want to see a statistical link, other than the ones liberals pull out of their assholes, that proves this Kentucky community is 99.22% "conservative". Put up or shut up.

Look at my avatar. Do you know who that is under the clown makeup? The senior senator from Kentucky. He's been in office for 30 fucking years, he's ultra-conservative and Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the country. (No. 6 Poorest State Kentucky - In Photos The 10 Richest And Poorest States In 2014 - Forbes

So it's not a great leap to connect the dots on this one.

I wonder how many Republican posters are on this forum collecting Govt. assistance? I'm guessing quite a few.
That is so deep...
Indeed, I often go out of my way to illustrate how you people cram race into every last opportunity.

Does anyone not know that?

You continue to do great damage.



So when others do it its because they are consumed with exacerbating division. But when you do it its different.....LMAO.

Oh ok buddy :itsok:
I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

Not because you're not intelligent, but because the clearer I make it, the smaller the chance you'll try to pretend you don't get it.

Because you're a standard, obedient, predictable, transparent, intellectually dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, and being obtuse is a primary tool of people like you.

Here's the (obvious) difference: You divide people by race, I point out how you divide people by race.

Okay buddy? :itsok:


Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
The problem your 'duck' has is that it ignores factual material in lieu of talking points.
I want to see a statistical link, other than the ones liberals pull out of their assholes, that proves this Kentucky community is 99.22% "conservative". Put up or shut up.

Look at my avatar. Do you know who that is under the clown makeup? The senior senator from Kentucky. He's been in office for 30 fucking years, he's ultra-conservative and Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the country. (No. 6 Poorest State Kentucky - In Photos The 10 Richest And Poorest States In 2014 - Forbes

So it's not a great leap to connect the dots on this one.

I wonder how many Republican posters are on this forum collecting Govt. assistance? I'm guessing quite a few.

Stephanie is one but they believe if they grunt and look grumpy while cashing in their welfare then it doesnt count

Staph certainly likes to bite the hand that feeds her. She's just a regular ole Negative Nancy!
Have you ever noticed that you've never contributed to a thread, nor can I recall you ever starting your own thread.
You are a drone.
I'll try to make this as simple as I can.

Not because you're not intelligent, but because the clearer I make it, the smaller the chance you'll try to pretend you don't get it.

Because you're a standard, obedient, predictable, transparent, intellectually dishonest hardcore partisan ideologue, and being obtuse is a primary tool of people like you.

Here's the (obvious) difference: You divide people by race, I point out how you divide people by race.

Okay buddy? :itsok:


Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.

Good. Does this mean the left will stop leveling charges of racism when people talk about welfare reform?

No, it sure doesn't.

Of course not...Because screeching "RACIST" as loudly as possible is all your side has....
The divisiveness of today's white racists are the greatest it has been in four generations.
The divisiveness of all racists is the greatest it has ever been. It's still not as great as it should be.
Spoken like a true racist. Next time, just use some mouthwash...your breath smells like you just sucked your grand wizard's penis.
Racist...There it is again....Hey sunshine....Nobody cares...Your side's days of being able to use "racist" as a bludgeon are OVER...
I spent one week in 1996 and one week in 1997 in Hazard, KY doing volunteer work under the auspices of Appalachian Service Project.

I also spent several weeks between 1993 and 2003 doing volunteer work in Homestead, FL with Habitat for Humanity.

I know it is anecdotal but after conversations with people in both places it was clear to me that whites vote Republican and blacks vote Democrat.

It was also clear that none of my fellow volunteers was a Democrat.
What a shocker....
BTW, for demonstrative purposes. In the months following the devastating hurricane Katrina, two things happened...Locals either left or refused to take advantage of the thousands of opportunities to take jobs which would help, rebuild the city..Those democrat voting people decided government was needed to give them a handout..
The next thing..In the absence of qualified workers, contractors were forced to look across the region and even across the country for workers. Ray School Bus Nagin then mayor of NOLA( Now inmate Nagin) went on tv and complained about "outsiders" taking jobs away from NOLA residents who in his opinion were once again getting pushed aside..Presumably because they are black...

Links, please, because you are known for this type of nonsense.

you asking someone for a link...:lol:

you don't get a once more liar
There are none to be had?
I thought The Obama defeated unemployment.
You guys really should hold a meeting and get your talking points gathered
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
The jobs in this area were not outsourced. They were simply destroyed. As industries were dismantled the people moved to what jobs remained. From tobacco to lumber to coal. One by one falling to the democrat axe until nothing was left.
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
In the area now under discussion nothing was outsourced. The jobs were destroyed by democrat policies. There is another discussion. That discussion is about outsourcing. Until democrats cease their hostility towards business every company has an obligation to outsource whenever and wherever possible. Devastate the economy. Punish hostile politicians by taking jobs and money from them. Put the outsourcing screws to them until they start being reasonable.
What specific policies led to the loss of those jobs?
Obama cut loose the EPA to do his bidding. As promised, he bankrupted many coal producers by enacting heavy handed regulations which made the cost to produce nearly exceed the market price for coal .
The divisiveness of today's white racists are the greatest it has been in four generations.
It is because that white privilege is gone...those guaranteed jobs at the factory are they are paying the price for not getting an education (what they told blackie to do).

Sort of funny how whites are now blaming blacks for their failures. But I guess Affirmative Action is that 'institutionalized racism' like Jim Crow that holds mediocre whites back. Maybe it's the Negro President. Who knows, but I bet their fingers are locked in point at the black man position.

I'm surprised you two braindead racists haven't pointed out that the coal is black yet.

That would be an argument a brain dead racist will make...justifying not hiring amy black coal miners because the coal was black and you can't tell if the Negro is working because they blend in with the soot.
And the image of a Clipper Ship on the original Snapple Iced Tea label was actually a "slave ship"...Yeah we get it... Under every bed, behind every piece of furniture, there resides a racist.....
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
The jobs in this area were not outsourced. They were simply destroyed. As industries were dismantled the people moved to what jobs remained. From tobacco to lumber to coal. One by one falling to the democrat axe until nothing was left.
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
In the area now under discussion nothing was outsourced. The jobs were destroyed by democrat policies. There is another discussion. That discussion is about outsourcing. Until democrats cease their hostility towards business every company has an obligation to outsource whenever and wherever possible. Devastate the economy. Punish hostile politicians by taking jobs and money from them. Put the outsourcing screws to them until they start being reasonable.
What specific policies led to the loss of those jobs?
That is the same sort of nonsense such as "ACA kills jobs."

The far right corporatists are fucks, pure and simple, who hate everybody who does not agree with them.
Oh sure.....Jake, you are phony as a three dollar bill.
The divisiveness of today's white racists are the greatest it has been in four generations.
It is because that white privilege is gone...those guaranteed jobs at the factory are they are paying the price for not getting an education (what they told blackie to do).

Sort of funny how whites are now blaming blacks for their failures. But I guess Affirmative Action is that 'institutionalized racism' like Jim Crow that holds mediocre whites back. Maybe it's the Negro President. Who knows, but I bet their fingers are locked in point at the black man position.

I'm surprised you two braindead racists haven't pointed out that the coal is black yet.

That would be an argument a brain dead racist will make...justifying not hiring amy black coal miners because the coal was black and you can't tell if the Negro is working because they blend in with the soot.
And the image of a Clipper Ship on the original Snapple Iced Tea label was actually a "slave ship"...Yeah we get it... Under every bed, behind every piece of furniture, there resides a racist.....
Have you ever read the racist posts of Tipsy?
Yet you act here as if the world does revolve around you, that you are not insignificant in the scheme of things, when in fact you truly have no meaning in this discussion.

Racism is real in America. White racism as the testimony demonstrated is real enough to get some folks and a company kicked in the face and wallet very hard.

You don't demonstrate one whit here, that you are "a peaceful person who sticks to my God given and trained principles of love, peace, joy, faith and so on."

Quite the opposite, so that is why your nonsense, your rejection of reality, your "it's the other guys' fault" get slapped down, down, down.

That will always be so until you change for the better.
Have you ever been the first person to catch yourself projecting?
The divisiveness of today's white racists are the greatest it has been in four generations.
It is because that white privilege is gone...those guaranteed jobs at the factory are they are paying the price for not getting an education (what they told blackie to do).

Sort of funny how whites are now blaming blacks for their failures. But I guess Affirmative Action is that 'institutionalized racism' like Jim Crow that holds mediocre whites back. Maybe it's the Negro President. Who knows, but I bet their fingers are locked in point at the black man position.

I'm surprised you two braindead racists haven't pointed out that the coal is black yet.

That would be an argument a brain dead racist will make...justifying not hiring amy black coal miners because the coal was black and you can't tell if the Negro is working because they blend in with the soot.
And the image of a Clipper Ship on the original Snapple Iced Tea label was actually a "slave ship"...Yeah we get it... Under every bed, behind every piece of furniture, there resides a racist.....
Have you ever read the racist posts of Tipsy?
No..Which ones?
Ah, it burns, I am under your skin. :lol: Sux to be you.

You are racist because you immediately counter any white racism with comments about lack racism. Yes, you are racist, because your own words burn you.

Your segue into welfare corporatism is an interesting distraction, but a distraction nonetheless.
To whom are you responding.....Please use the quote feature.
It is because that white privilege is gone...those guaranteed jobs at the factory are they are paying the price for not getting an education (what they told blackie to do).

Sort of funny how whites are now blaming blacks for their failures. But I guess Affirmative Action is that 'institutionalized racism' like Jim Crow that holds mediocre whites back. Maybe it's the Negro President. Who knows, but I bet their fingers are locked in point at the black man position.

I'm surprised you two braindead racists haven't pointed out that the coal is black yet.

That would be an argument a brain dead racist will make...justifying not hiring amy black coal miners because the coal was black and you can't tell if the Negro is working because they blend in with the soot.
And the image of a Clipper Ship on the original Snapple Iced Tea label was actually a "slave ship"...Yeah we get it... Under every bed, behind every piece of furniture, there resides a racist.....
Have you ever read the racist posts of Tipsy?
No..Which ones?
You can look for yourself...but I do believe your hero is an admitted KKK member. I could be confusing the racist pussy with someone else...but I think it was her.
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.
Thats in the Heart of Dixie/Red State MURICA.
Sure!! And with more words you can even convince someone thats the truth!! Good luck!
Oh, I don't try to convince people like you of anything.

It's like trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist on the streets of the Middle East.

You're a true believer. No light gets in.


A good thing to...I'm not persuaded by justification or explanations. I've learned that when it quacks like a duck....well, you know. You're just a duck that tries to explain why he's an eagle.
Oh, so I'm a racist.

There it is.

You make this too easy.


Your words not mine bud. Good self reflection tho
Get this through your liberal skull. Call us racist. We don't give a fuck....The label no longer works.

Oh, when you are talking as a racist, as you do, it surely does work.

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