SNAP capitol is white and conservative

I didnt say anything about Jakes claim. Listen closely...You said over and over you provide links while not providing links. Both cant be true.
Yurt has trouble with reality.

He may truly believe what he is saying.
Yurt, prove you always give links. I certainly did above, and that you don't get it is your problem. Prove you get it, or you proved yourself to be a liar again.

you don't get a once more jake.

why is it you can't explain your OP with the very simple question i asked? my hunch is because you know it is nothing but left wing trollery.....
I did explain my OP above.

That you don't get it is your problem.

You don't get just once more, Yurt.
Yurt, how many times are you going to type the words "I give links" while not giving links?

i do give links. jake made a claim i don't, why don't you ask him to back it up, but i know you won't bother your fellow lefty for links....

He doesnt have to back it up...the lack of you giving links is proof is it not?

i'm supposed to back up jake's claim....:lol:

you two are stupid beyond belief....

Huh? So you provided links but laugh at not providing links?

how can you be so dense? jake made a claim but you both are telling me to prove his claim.


jake has a good friend in you....
I made a claim. I gave the links. That you don't get it, Yurt, is not meaningful at all. Now where are these links you claim you give?
jake, you never linked to where i have not given a link and you never linked to where you explained your OP in response to my question.

you are a liar and have a good friend in closed caption....
I didnt say anything about Jakes claim. Listen closely...You said over and over you provide links while not providing links. Both cant be true.

yet you are talking specifically about jakey's claim....:lol:

you too are such stupid liars you don't even see it

go cite a post where someone asked me for a link to back up a claim i made and i didn't provide a link. until then you and fakey are two liars.
Yurt hates being judged as he judges others, always has, and he never applies the same standards to himself.

Yurt, you don't get "just once more. You have been a Board Member for more than ten years, and you call for proof but so often don't give it yourself.

We all know that.
jake, you're the one who isn't offering any proof here or any link to where you supposedly answered my question....but as usual, you simply project back onto the other person because you're a lying tool.

what is the point of this thread jake? for fuck sake you have spent about a half hour DODGING this very simple question. instead of sticking to the topic you merely rant that you've answered that, yet, you can't give a single link to where you answered that?

you're a troll jake. you could have simply answered my question instead of fucking up your own thread
Yurt, you don't deserve and you don't get "just once more."

Your pitiful standing on the Board is you own doing.
and once again you troll instead of addressing your own thread topic


good to know your supporters closed caption and guno have your back. LOL...and you talk about standing
Yurt, you have no standing on the Board, you know that.

The OP is clear, it is linked, and you want to troll attack with the same results you have been getting for years: I kick your ass.

That will always be the result, Yurt. Always.
and more trolling and thinking he speaks for the entire board


poor fakey, when asked the point of his OP...all he does is lie and ad hom and run away from answering a simple on topic question...and he is now on record that if you ask him about his OP you are trolling

what is the point of this thread? that one little town outweighs all the other people on food stamps?

more jaketrollery

i'm not the only one to ask jakey about the point of his thread...but as usual, when backed in a corner he simply lashes out like a little boy who has been caught lying
My point is quite clear above: that not race but socio-economic imperatives determine the path of such communities. OK, if you want to believe that being black is the reason, be my guest.
My point is quite clear above: that not race but socio-economic imperatives determine the path of such communities. OK, if you want to believe that being black is the reason, be my guest.

finally. was that really that difficult? did you really have to spend all that time trolling? and no, your point is not clear at all. pointing to one small town of white people does not negate statistically that more blacks on are snap than any other group. if race is not a reason, why the hell did you make it about race and political ideology?

i never said being black is a reason. if you want to create strawmen, enjoy self. but you don't get to lie about my positions.
Yurt, I said more than once above. You were too lazy to go look for it. And once again you posted without giving a link to anything, showing you are a liar. Only racists like you made it about race. I said it was about socio-economic issues other than race.
Yurt, I said more than once above. You were too lazy to go look for it. And once again you posted without giving a link to anything, showing you are a liar. Only racists like you made it about race. I said it was about socio-economic issues other than race.

i did not see any such post by you. and you of course can't provide a link to any such post because i doubt any such post exists. further, if you did in fact make it about race with your thread title. WHITE and conservative. yeah...making it about white people had nothing to do with race :lol: and then you started babbling about yeah...mentioning WHITE people in your thread title, crying racism...means you didn't make it about race. good lord jake.

and what links would i need to give? the link to the stats were already provided by another poster in this thread. but yeah, i'm a liar for simply repeating what someone else already linked to. and how am i a racist jake?
Who is using food stamps?

There are more white people on food stamps than black people, according to SNAP.

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program provides food stamps for almost 47 million Americans. Of those 47 million people, 43 percent of them are white and 33 percent are black. Approximately 19 percent are Hispanic, 2 percent are Asian and the remainder are Native America.

OK, we'll use your figures as a point of departure...

Then add-in US macro-level demographics...

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Total US population in 2013 = 316,000,000

Total US White population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .724 (72.4%) = 228,784,000

Total US Black population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .126 (12.6%) = 39,816,000

Total US Hispanic population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .164 (16.4%) = 51,824,000 (excluding double-counting of White Hispanics)

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .43 (White) = 20,210,000 Whites on Food Stamps

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .33 (Black) = 15,510,000 Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Americans on Food Stamps 47,000,000 X .19 (Hispanic) = 8.930,000 Hispanics on Food Stamps

Total Whites on Food Stamps / Total White Population ( 20,210,000 / 228,784,000 ) = 9% (8.83%) of Whites on Food Stamps

Total Blacks on Food Stamps / Total Black Population ( 15,510,000 / 39,816,000 ) = 39% (38.9%) of Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Hispanics on Food Stamps / Total Hispanic Population ( 8,930,000 / 51,824,000 ) = 17% (17.2%) of Hispanics on Food Stamps


Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%


The stats that the Gubmint doesn't want us to see?

miss much fakey? and see the quoted post made my guno....your stats were already provided by your fellow lefty
Read it above, Yurt, and stop lying. The link is posted in the OP.

Notice that the racists, including you, turned it from a socio-economic perspective, using that community, to prove poverty is not race based.

But you believe, obviously, by siding with the racists above, that blacks must deserve poverty.

If you disagree, then you agree with my OP and the link.
you keep harping about a link, so what? and YOU are the one who made this thread about race jake. no one else but YOU.

you started the thread and picked YOUR OWN thread title that made it about race.

nothing i said remotely comes close to saying blacks deserve poverty you lying shit.

fuck off troll.

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