SNAP capitol is white and conservative

Who is using food stamps?

There are more white people on food stamps than black people, according to SNAP.

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program provides food stamps for almost 47 million Americans. Of those 47 million people, 43 percent of them are white and 33 percent are black. Approximately 19 percent are Hispanic, 2 percent are Asian and the remainder are Native America.

OK, we'll use your figures as a point of departure...

Then add-in US macro-level demographics...

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Total US population in 2013 = 316,000,000

Total US White population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .724 (72.4%) = 228,784,000

Total US Black population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .126 (12.6%) = 39,816,000

Total US Hispanic population in 2013 = 316,000,000 X .164 (16.4%) = 51,824,000 (excluding double-counting of White Hispanics)

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .43 (White) = 20,210,000 Whites on Food Stamps

Total Americans on food stamps 47,000,000 X .33 (Black) = 15,510,000 Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Americans on Food Stamps 47,000,000 X .19 (Hispanic) = 8.930,000 Hispanics on Food Stamps

Total Whites on Food Stamps / Total White Population ( 20,210,000 / 228,784,000 ) = 9% (8.83%) of Whites on Food Stamps

Total Blacks on Food Stamps / Total Black Population ( 15,510,000 / 39,816,000 ) = 39% (38.9%) of Blacks on Food Stamps

Total Hispanics on Food Stamps / Total Hispanic Population ( 8,930,000 / 51,824,000 ) = 17% (17.2%) of Hispanics on Food Stamps


Percentage of Whites on Food Stamps = 9%

Percentage of Blacks on Food Stamps = 39%

Percentage of Hispanics on Food Stamps = 17%


The stats that the Gubmint doesn't want us to see?
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The nice thing about numbers is you can twist them and turn them all you want.

At the end of the day...they are what they are.
The Food Stamp Capital

In spite of the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about who uses SNAP Food Stamp benefits the most in the United States, the highest usage is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

“Those with drug addictions end up in prison without effective treatment. And it happens over and over in this community. The drug problem continues to get worse every year.
And? Your point?.....That there are no poor ignorant white people?...
Shit about 15 or 20 years ago there was a small vocal movement to have the federal government recognize those Caucasians who have for generations called Appalachia home, declared as a minority group..
And this report by someone with an obvious agenda is using an unusual statistical condition to make a point..
This is no more meaningful than a blurb in an ad promoting a movie
I want to see a statistical link, other than the ones liberals pull out of their assholes, that proves this Kentucky community is 99.22% "conservative". Put up or shut up.
There is a strong anti government sentiment among people of that region of the country. It is highly likely they do not even bother to vote.


Kentucky...a prime example of how polluters and cartels have so subverted the political landscape that taxpayers are paying them. In return, they get destroyed communities, destroyed roads and their kids have respiratory problems, high incidents of cancer and chronic asthma.

But right wing regressives in America will find any excuse to cower to the dirty energy cartels.


The Impact of Coal on the Kentucky State Budget
Executive Summary

Rapid and dramatic changes in the world’s approach to energy have major implications for Kentucky and its coal industry. Concerns about climate change are driving policy that favors cleaner energy sources and increases the price of fossil fuels. The transition to sustainable forms of energy is becoming a major economic driver, and states are moving aggressively to develop, produce and install the energy technologies of the future. Long reliant on coal for jobs and electricity, Kentucky faces major challenges and difficult choices in the coming years.

These energy challenges come in the midst of Kentucky’s state fiscal crisis and sluggish economic performance. The gap between Kentucky’s revenues and expenditures makes it increasingly difficult to sustain existing public services. A recent University of Kentucky report notes that Kentucky ranks 44th among states in per capita income, just as in 1970, while other southern states like North Carolina and Georgia have out-performed the Commonwealth in recent years.1 Eastern Kentucky still includes 20 of the 100 poorest counties in the United States measured by median household income.2

In this critical energy, fiscal and economic context, it is increasingly important for Kentuckians to understand the role and impact of coal in our state. Coal provides economic benefits including jobs, low electricity rates and tax revenue. But the coal industry also imposes a number of costs ranging from regulatory and public infrastructure expenses to environmental and health impacts.

Coal and the Budget

The Impact of Coal on the Kentucky State Budget tells one aspect of the story of coal’s costs and benefits. The report provides an analysis of the industry’s fiscal impact by estimating the tax revenues generated by coal and the state expenditures associated with supporting the industry. We estimate for Fiscal Year 2006 Kentucky provided a net subsidy of nearly $115 million to the coal industry (see Figure 1).


Coal is responsible for an estimated $528 million in state revenues and $643 million in state expenditures. The $528 million in revenues includes $224 million from the coal severance tax and revenues from the corporate income, individual income, sales, property (including unmined minerals) and transportation taxes as well as permit fees. The $643 million in estimated expenditures includes $239 million to address the industry’s impacts on the coal haul road system as well as expenditures to regulate the environmental and health and safety impacts of coal, support coal worker training, conduct research and development for the coal industry, promote education about coal in the public schools and support the residents directly and indirectly employed by coal. Total costs also include $85 million in tax expenditures designed to subsidize the mining and burning of coal.

What is the point of all of this?
The same thing can be said about Michigan and the auto industry.
Connecticut and the insurance industry.
Pennsylvania and the steel industry.
The latter two states have diversified their respective economies, although CT has for a wealthy state, large pockets of extreme poverty within its borders, Michigan has long suffered from having all of its eggs in one basket.
So again....Make your point?...
BTW, coal is still to this day a viable and necessary source of fuel. It is as a result of federal regulations brought on by purely political concerns which have jeopardized the coal industry in the US.
So 5,000 people actually realize their best option for success isn't jumping on the government tit for their existence. And the left wing retard want's them to just go on government welfare, STFU and be happy with their handouts.

I guess Owelsy is a bit smarter than Chicago in this regard.

WHERE do you come up with this stuff, shit for brains?

WHAT doesn't your tiny little brain comprehend about the FACT the the highest usage of SNAP is not in Compton, Queens, nor the South Side of Chicago. Instead, a city that is 99.22% white and 95% Republican comes in the lead. Owsley County, Kentucky.
The point is invalid and summarily dismissed...
Yo, Bfgrn, if you can`t admit it, that regulations shut them down, then be happy with a 500 or 600 dollar electric bill idiot!!!

Yo turd brain, it is not regulations. It is called the MARKET...

America’s Big Bet On Natural Gas And Big Short On Coal

America is betting the kitchen sink on natural gas. No matter which estimate you look at -- the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the International Energy Agency, or Wall Street banks -- two things are clear: the United States is slated to consume enormous amounts of natural gas and the dominant fuel of electricity generation for the last 50 years, coal, is diminishing.
No...The government..In particular the current administration interfered with the marketplace.
In fact as one of the few campaign promises Obama kept, he would "necessarily bankrupt the coal industry"....
You sitting at your keyboard calling those whop refuse to kowtow to your idea, filthy names doesn't change the facts.
Yo, Bfgrn, look in a mirror before calling others names? Here is a piece on The Obama War On Coal!!! Read and Weep!
Almost immediately after taking office, the Obama Administration began rewriting a recently completed coal regulation, the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule (Rule). This unnecessary action, carried out through the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) at the Department of the Interior, proposed to dramatically alter a regulation that that took over five years of environmental analysis and careful scientific consideration to complete.

Despite the fact that a thorough Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was conducted for the 2008 Rule, OSM hired another contractor to write an entirely new EIS for the Obama Administration’s efforts to rewrite the Rule. An Associated Press story revealed that this draft EIS concluded that the Obama Administration’s regulation could cost over 7,000 mining jobs and cause economic harm in 22 states. Shortly after this information was made public, the Obama Administration criticized and dismissed the contractor it had selected to conduct this analysis. Released 9/20/2012
Obama did this out of hate. First, there are large concentrations of Caucasians in Appalachia. Second, they tend to vote GOP. Third, Appalachian people are staunchly anti government and fiercely independent.
What's the easiest way to punish your opposition and silence them? Take away their ability to make a living and their economic independence.

Strangely enough, the residents of Owsley County are almost entirely Republican, in spite of the traditional opposition to the Food Stamp program by the GOP. In fact, just last November, residents of Owsley saw their SNAP benefits reduced drastically as a result of Republican opposition to funding the program.

"There is no reason why, in a society which has reached the general level of wealth ours has, (the certainty of a given minimum of sustenance) should not be guaranteed to all without endangering general freedom; that is: some minimum of food, shelter and clothing, sufficient to preserve health. Nor is there any reason why the state should not help to organize a comprehensive system of social insurance in providing for those common hazards of life against which few can make adequate provision."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom
So these are the people who keep voting for Mitch McConnell...
It wasn't The senate Majority Leader that made sure their jobs disappeared.
I could ask...Why do poor black people continue to vote in virtual lockstep for democrats?
So what's the point of the OP?

Are you happy about or are you mourning the fact that a few thousand white conservatives have been, for all intents and purposes, been "Greened" out of work?
No, not happy about it but it seems to be the conservatives that harp on endlessly about 'getting a job' even if there are none to be had - especially in the face of an ever changing world.
There are none to be had?
I thought The Obama defeated unemployment.
You guys really should hold a meeting and get your talking points gathered
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
Non sequitur....The difference is those people are very proud and only look to government out of sheer desperation. They are not the type to just pack up and leave. Although many of the younger people if they can find a way out, do so and never look back.
The "does not follow" argument belongs to the far right reactionary thugs and the race haters.

My OP is factual and easily checked. It is true.

The point is that such poverty does not arise from race, it arises from socio-economic factors that can be addressed.
So what's the point of the OP?

Are you happy about or are you mourning the fact that a few thousand white conservatives have been, for all intents and purposes, been "Greened" out of work?
No, not happy about it but it seems to be the conservatives that harp on endlessly about 'getting a job' even if there are none to be had - especially in the face of an ever changing world.
There are none to be had?
I thought The Obama defeated unemployment.
You guys really should hold a meeting and get your talking points gathered
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
Not at all.
I'm in favor of a hand up NOT a hand out.
The OP is knocking hard hit citizens for needing temporary help and trying to compare it to career leaches
OK, so what's the prognosis for this area? It doesn't seem like education is their strong suit and the local resource isn't in demand. Should they open some sweatshops and try to compete with Bangladesh?
You are evading the issue.
The following is a straight lie: "The OP is knocking hard hit citizens for needing temporary help and trying to compare it to career leaches." The OP is pointing out that socio-economic deprivation not race is the reason for these situations.
I spent one week in 1996 and one week in 1997 in Hazard, KY doing volunteer work under the auspices of Appalachian Service Project.

I also spent several weeks between 1993 and 2003 doing volunteer work in Homestead, FL with Habitat for Humanity.

I know it is anecdotal but after conversations with people in both places it was clear to me that whites vote Republican and blacks vote Democrat.

It was also clear that none of my fellow volunteers was a Democrat.
What a shocker....
BTW, for demonstrative purposes. In the months following the devastating hurricane Katrina, two things happened...Locals either left or refused to take advantage of the thousands of opportunities to take jobs which would help, rebuild the city..Those democrat voting people decided government was needed to give them a handout..
The next thing..In the absence of qualified workers, contractors were forced to look across the region and even across the country for workers. Ray School Bus Nagin then mayor of NOLA( Now inmate Nagin) went on tv and complained about "outsiders" taking jobs away from NOLA residents who in his opinion were once again getting pushed aside..Presumably because they are black...
I spent one week in 1996 and one week in 1997 in Hazard, KY doing volunteer work under the auspices of Appalachian Service Project.

I also spent several weeks between 1993 and 2003 doing volunteer work in Homestead, FL with Habitat for Humanity.

I know it is anecdotal but after conversations with people in both places it was clear to me that whites vote Republican and blacks vote Democrat.

It was also clear that none of my fellow volunteers was a Democrat.
What a shocker....
BTW, for demonstrative purposes. In the months following the devastating hurricane Katrina, two things happened...Locals either left or refused to take advantage of the thousands of opportunities to take jobs which would help, rebuild the city..Those democrat voting people decided government was needed to give them a handout..
The next thing..In the absence of qualified workers, contractors were forced to look across the region and even across the country for workers. Ray School Bus Nagin then mayor of NOLA( Now inmate Nagin) went on tv and complained about "outsiders" taking jobs away from NOLA residents who in his opinion were once again getting pushed aside..Presumably because they are black...

Links, please, because you are known for this type of nonsense.
So what's the point of the OP?

Are you happy about or are you mourning the fact that a few thousand white conservatives have been, for all intents and purposes, been "Greened" out of work?
No, not happy about it but it seems to be the conservatives that harp on endlessly about 'getting a job' even if there are none to be had - especially in the face of an ever changing world.
There are none to be had?
I thought The Obama defeated unemployment.
You guys really should hold a meeting and get your talking points gathered
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
The jobs in this area were not outsourced. They were simply destroyed. As industries were dismantled the people moved to what jobs remained. From tobacco to lumber to coal. One by one falling to the democrat axe until nothing was left.
The democrat axe huh? Whatever. In most of the hard hit areas of this country, the culprit is outsourcing and the results are the same. No jobs available in the area. So I'll ask again, should we further decimate the safety net?
First, you are another one of these mental giants who only looks upon the term "outsourcing" as a talking point while failing to even understand the meaning of the term.
Second.....The so called "safety net" which you so blindly accuse these people of taking use of, is part of the federal budget that is non discretionary. Meaning, the budget for social programs cannot be reduced. The only affect Congress can place upon social spending is to reduce the amount of annual increase in the budgets that make up social spending.
No, not happy about it but it seems to be the conservatives that harp on endlessly about 'getting a job' even if there are none to be had - especially in the face of an ever changing world.
There are none to be had?
I thought The Obama defeated unemployment.
You guys really should hold a meeting and get your talking points gathered
Hey guess what? I'm not much of an Obama fan. So what are people supposed to do when their jobs are outsourced? Would you like to further decimate the safety net like most right wingers would?
Not at all.
I'm in favor of a hand up NOT a hand out.
The OP is knocking hard hit citizens for needing temporary help and trying to compare it to career leaches
OK, so what's the prognosis for this area? It doesn't seem like education is their strong suit and the local resource isn't in demand. Should they open some sweatshops and try to compete with Bangladesh?
Either move or provide a marketable service or commodity.
These people are hearty souls. But they are independent. They tend to stay close to home.

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