Sneak in that negro

Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
I do t know about you......but watching negroes make me want to go out and buy something

Beats watching racists any day
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

Do you keep a log of the racial makeup of every commercial on every channel, all day every day?

I don't need to. Again , I defy you to give me an example of a black or brown free ad. It's impossible. The disparagy of placement or perhaps replacement is staggering.
There's a simple solution, go to any state that allows for assisted suicide and have the doc give you an enema............ :eusa_whistle:
Lots of ad hominym from snowflakes. The question remains , as not all non whites are negroid. Why is the viewing public being constantly exposed to this rather small very dangerous demographic? OY!
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
They love to sneak in the darkie with the white woman too.
thankfully you cracka christers are a minority and dying off faster then flys

What about all dem nigga Christians? What? You think they ain't none? :cuckoo:

Hooo boy!

I'd rather go to the black Baptist church in my neighborhood. Less hypocrites, better people. It's not all black but, since the 1800s, that has been the tradition.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
They love to sneak in the darkie with the white woman too.
thankfully you cracka christers are a minority and dying off faster then flys
Funny how so many Americans notice the race mixing being shoved in our face by the same fake news liberal leftist propaganda trash machine that's trying to destroy the president of the United States... and you don't... or maybe you do but you're too intellectually dishonest and morally corrupt to admit it.

And no, people like me aren't me dying off, as much as we know you leftists liberal radical democrats like to see us DIE by whatever means necessary, even SHOOT us, when in actuality, you're going to see more of us that are no longer going to sit back and let you filthy piles of immoral, pervert loving, anti American dog shit run your jackass bigoted mouths without impunity.

You're in for a tough time, shit stain, get used to it. The sleeping giant is waking up.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

Do you keep a log of the racial makeup of every commercial on every channel, all day every day?

I don't need to. Again , I defy you to give me an example of a black or brown free ad. It's impossible. The disparagy of placement or perhaps replacement is staggering.
There's a simple solution, go to any state that allows for assisted suicide and have the doc give you an enema............ :eusa_whistle:
Ya know, a girl just got TWENTY YEARS IN PRISON for texting to her ex boyfriend to go KILL HIMSELF, and he did. Might be wise not to go around on the internet anymore telling people to KILL THEMSELVES... just sayin'.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
They love to sneak in the darkie with the white woman too.
thankfully you cracka christers are a minority and dying off faster then flys
Funny how so many Americans notice the race mixing being shoved in our face by the same fake news liberal leftist propaganda trash machine that's trying to destroy the president of the United States... and you don't... or maybe you do but you're too intellectually dishonest and morally corrupt to admit it.

And no, people like me aren't me dying off, as much as we know you leftists liberal radical democrats like to see us DIE by whatever means necessary, even SHOOT us, when in actuality, you're going to see more of us that are no longer going to sit back and let you filthy piles of immoral, pervert loving, anti American dog shit run your jackass bigoted mouths without impunity.

You're in for a tough time, shit stain, get used to it. The sleeping giant is waking up.

You need to calm down. You sound about as crazy as he does.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

Yes. Mocha babies are the future.

Cry, cry, little goebbles.
I must admit, before the advent of the InterWebs, I really had no idea of the number of the sub-human garbage who live among us, passing themselves as normal human beings. We need to declare open season on racist, white supremacy types. If we required an identifying tattoo on the face, we could make short work of this scourge that is a cancer on our planet.

Obviously, we would not actually harm these unfortunates. Instead, once they were surgically castrated so there would be no possibility of their breeding with each other, we could simply wall off a small bit of land in an isolated area, round up these defects and make sure they can never again infect normal human beings.

Yes, it would be expensive but well worth returning our world to its original and natural state.

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Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

Are ads supposed to represent the population ? Or are they supposed to connect with theviewer to get them to buy stuff?

The advertisers only have one agenda. Sell shit. So they add a black person to the commercial to get blacks to buy stuff too.

Why does the race of people in a commercial bother you?
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
I do t know about you......but watching negroes make me want to go out and buy something




security system



pepper spray

Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
WOW + LMFAO + LOL nad Holy Shit. What time tunnel did you crawl out of ???? You send like a 1950s Democrat . Get Real - you are doing that strictly for entertainment purposes .... Right ????
Personally I have only seen the cast offs of any race misceginate. Beastiality according to my faith. Agree with me or not , fact is attractive people of all races won't misceginate. Think mudsharks. The worst of the whites assuming a third world culture. we have purged them. Feeling cleansed Whites remain the race least willing to misceginate. Look around it's not hard to see why. About 85% will never race mix under any circumstance including death. Satoshi Kanazowa has studied and determined through algorithmic and demographic process the dgree in which ALL males find negresses attractive. Go ahead , if you dare and review why ALL races long for White Women. 14 Words.

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