Sneak in that negro

They shove homo also.

I tried to watch a movie about HS girls basketball from 2009? 2003? Of course fat old bus driver=lesbo. Has long talks with kids about how feelings determine what you are. In other words, trick twist turn some kids into the next batch of homo. Pass torch.

The sewer pipe from hollywood keeps pumping crap. You'd think 1/4 of all USA was homo or 1/2 "minority". Maketh me angry, withdrawn. tune out.

If you willingly watch a movie about girls high school basketball, you are in no position to complain about anything.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

You must have a really easy and simple life to be getting an ulcer over something nobody gives a shit about except you and the other Stormfronters.
There it is, the nazi comparison when you don't like the topic.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

The dunce is too good for this crap
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?

Do you keep a log of the racial makeup of every commercial on every channel, all day every day?

I don't need to. Again , I defy you to give me an example of a black or brown free ad. It's impossible. The disparagy of placement or perhaps replacement is staggering.

Get your meds adjusted.

I feel sorry for Stevie Wonder. That dude is paying 25,000 dollars a month child support and alimony. He ain't never even SEEN his kids!
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
seeing you betters bothers you?
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
Maybe they are making up for many, many years of whites only in TV ads. People of color watched TV for many, many years before they saw anybody who looked like them in ads.

Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
They love to sneak in the darkie with the white woman too.
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
They love to sneak in the darkie with the white woman too.
thankfully you cracka christers are a minority and dying off faster then flys
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
seeing you betters bothers you?
If you ever wonder why people call you a sorry liar....
don't like data huh?
and this was back in 2012
Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States

For the first time in U.S. history, most of the nation’s babies are members of minority groups, according to new census figures that signal the dawn of an era in which whites no longer will be in the majority.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States
Funny , can anyone watch a TV ad without negrofication? While only 12-13% of the public. One can notice a negro on each and every TV ad. Why? Do jewish ad masters push racemixing through madison ave?
seeing you betters bothers you?
If you ever wonder why people call you a sorry liar....
don't like data huh?
and this was back in 2012
Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States

For the first time in U.S. history, most of the nation’s babies are members of minority groups, according to new census figures that signal the dawn of an era in which whites no longer will be in the majority.

Census: Minority babies are now majority in United States
I haven't filled out a census report on over 30 years. Lotta people haven't because what we got aint none of the governments goddam biz.

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