Snow White is Now "Snow Brown-ish"

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Back in the day you could watch "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" and enjoy yourself, whether by laughing at the funny little fuckers or harboring impure thoughts about Snowy. BTW, have you ever seen the live chicks portraying Snow White at Disney Land? They are usually hotter than a pair of Air Jordans in downtown Chicago! Of course, that was back in simpler times before all this goofball gender crap that is out there today. But I digress.

Now they are going to make Snow White a Latinx. Now, you may wonder what, exactly, is a "Latinx". The answer is that it is nothing. It is a fake term. It means nothing. Worse, it takes all the browns from their diverse heritage and reduces them to a single identity. But you know how the leftist are. They HATE individualism. So no longer is Snow White actually white. Contrary to the original work, she is now brown, politicizing the heretofore apolitical tale. Like Stalin and Hitler did, now our art is being politicized, censored and edited. At least she is not a fat, ugly hispanic, though.

What about the seven dwarves? Well, now they are a cadre of swarthy black and brown people. One of them even has a Jimi Hendrix style afro. This makes me wonder. Is Snow Brown now having her adventure in sub-Saharan Africa? Or, is she in the west and her Dwarves are negro slaves? That would make Snow Brown a slave owner, right? Surely that is not the implication they mean to convey. Perhaps they are freed slaves and Snow Brown is some sort of Harriett Tubman character? I don't know.

It is not that I have an objection to the race of Snow Brown and her little basket of diversity buddies. The bug crawling up my butt on this is how (1) the story is altered from the original work; (2) is being politicized; and (3) is being used as a tool to manipulate the populace. This is the sort of shit that authoritarians do. Why can't these allegedly "marginalized people", who are supposed to be so talented, create their own fairy tales and entertainment? Let's not forget that it used to be only whites that played basketball and football. Then the blacks took it over. That's no big deal to me. In a meritocracy that is what SHOULD happen. They are simply better at those two sports, generally speaking.

But why don't they created their own shit? They kind of did it with Wakanda, even if the entire story was patterned according to formulaic Hollywood paradigms created by the white Jewish folks who control Hollywood. And before you get any ideas, I love Jews. We would all be far better off if we patterned our lives after theirs. They are a hard-working and prosperous group of folx. Have you seen the photos of Ben Shapiro's sister? She is hotter than a Rolex in Baltimore.

So these people take an American institution and pervert it to serve their leftist political views. That is propaganda. Then they petulantly stick it in our faces and and eagerly wait to call us racists when we scoff at them. So what? The fact is that this thing will fail monetarily just like everything else Disney is releasing these days. Nobody wants to take their kids to a heavy handed woke political movie where the women have dicks and people who look like crack heads are treated with respect. At least, not enough of them will do it to turn a profit on this turd. But, sure, go ahead and keep releasing fiscal bombs. I don't care. I have not been to the theater to see a movie since "John Wick 3". Before that it was probably "Jaws" or some shit.

Back in the day you could watch "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs" and enjoy yourself, whether by laughing at the funny little fuckers or harboring impure thoughts about Snowy. BTW, have you ever seen the live chicks portraying Snow White at Disney Land? They are usually hotter than a pair of Air Jordans in downtown Chicago! Of course, that was back in simpler times before all this goofball gender crap that is out there today. But I digress.

Now they are going to make Snow White a Latinx. Now, you may wonder what, exactly, is a "Latinx". The answer is that it is nothing. It is a fake term. It means nothing. Worse, it takes all the browns from their diverse heritage and reduces them to a single identity. But you know how the leftist are. They HATE individualism. So no longer is Snow White actually white. Contrary to the original work, she is now brown, politicizing the heretofore apolitical tale. Like Stalin and Hitler did, now our art is being politicized, censored and edited. At least she is not a fat, ugly hispanic, though.

What about the seven dwarves? Well, now they are a cadre of swarthy black and brown people. One of them even has a Jimi Hendrix style afro. This makes me wonder. Is Snow Brown now having her adventure in sub-Saharan Africa? Or, is she in the west and her Dwarves are negro slaves? That would make Snow Brown a slave owner, right? Surely that is not the implication they mean to convey. Perhaps they are freed slaves and Snow Brown is some sort of Harriett Tubman character? I don't know.

It is not that I have an objection to the race of Snow Brown and her little basket of diversity buddies. The bug crawling up my butt on this is how (1) the story is altered from the original work; (2) is being politicized; and (3) is being used as a tool to manipulate the populace. This is the sort of shit that authoritarians do. Why can't these allegedly "marginalized people", who are supposed to be so talented, create their own fairy tales and entertainment? Let's not forget that it used to be only whites that played basketball and football. Then the blacks took it over. That's no big deal to me. In a meritocracy that is what SHOULD happen. They are simply better at those two sports, generally speaking.

But why don't they created their own shit? They kind of did it with Wakanda, even if the entire story was patterned according to formulaic Hollywood paradigms created by the white Jewish folks who control Hollywood. And before you get any ideas, I love Jews. We would all be far better off if we patterned our lives after theirs. They are a hard-working and prosperous group of folx. Have you seen the photos of Ben Shapiro's sister? She is hotter than a Rolex in Baltimore.

So these people take an American institution and pervert it to serve their leftist political views. That is propaganda. Then they petulantly stick it in our faces and and eagerly wait to call us racists when we scoff at them. So what? The fact is that this thing will fail monetarily just like everything else Disney is releasing these days. Nobody wants to take their kids to a heavy handed woke political movie where the women have dicks and people who look like crack heads are treated with respect. At least, not enough of them will do it to turn a profit on this turd. But, sure, go ahead and keep releasing fiscal bombs. I don't care. I have not been to the theater to see a movie since "John Wick 3". Before that it was probably "Jaws" or some shit.

I remember seeing the Snow White at Disneyworld back in the 90s....and back then it was clear it was a guy dressed up to be a woman.
Disney has been doing Drag Shows for decades.
There is a reason her name was Snow White... and it had nothing to do with her virginity or her character...

Anyone familiar with The Brothers Grimm fairy tale knows this.
Here's where I stand on this re-imagining of known fictional or even real individuals, not that it matters.
For both real individuals and "well-established fictional characters (i.e., Batman, Superman, James Bond, et cetera), they should remain how they were originally created.
There is absolutely no reason why minorities cannot create their own fictional characters as well as keeping real individuals in their own actual identities, when possible.
One of the problems and a good example, is a race (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) claiming a historical figure was a race in which history shows they were definitely not. The latest example of blacks claiming that Cleopatra was black, which is blatantly false. The Egyptian government is now suing the producers of this latest Cleopatra, as they know that Cleopatra was a Ptolemy (Macedonian). The Macedonians who conquered Egypt installed Macedonian General Ptolemy as the ruler of Egypt and the Macedonian didn't believe in marrying outside of their racial heritage. Alexander's generals and troops objected to his marrying a Persian Princess (he was described as a blond haired caucasian by his contemporaries) and once he died, the generals divvied up the areas conquered and married Greek/Macedonian women from their original lands. The only difference that Cleopatra had from her father, was that she spoke Egyptian as well as Greek/Macedonian.
"Roll on the day when we are instructed to euthanise those suffering from a Neurological Disease like this . These Mutants are a danger to our species " , said our Prime Minister adressing the UN and discussing ways to combat climate and reduce population .
Look at the crap that gets these people off.

I know right, I some how cannot imagine giving a fuck about the race of who is playing Snow White.

Then again, I never thought the White part of Snow White was referring to her skin color.
Truthfully, this sort of thing doesn't bother me all that much. What Disney does has no effect on me, my children are all grown. I don't necessarily see the need for it, but that's not my call. They could, rather than rewrite the story, create a new Disney princess and tell the same or very similar story, but I suppose that's the bibliophile in me talking...
I know right, I some how cannot imagine giving a fuck about the race of who is playing Snow White.

Then again, I never thought the White part of Snow White was referring to her skin color.
Really? You never read the original Snow White so named because her skin was white as snow. Her lips were as red as an apple and hair as black as a raven's wing.

No more Dwarven miners. It's the non binary companions.
I know right, I some how cannot imagine giving a fuck about the race of who is playing Snow White.

Then again, I never thought the White part of Snow White was referring to her skin color.
Actually, it is referring to her skin color. Her mother wanted a daughter whose skin was as white as snow. Thus, her name.

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