So Bernie Sanders Would Be President If Not For Clinton Back Stabbing

You can thank Hillary and the Democratic Party for that.

The screwed you and the pooch both, but good.
Nobody was beating Trump...democrats thought gays, blacks, muslims, and latino's could win them the election while turning their backs on whites....I don't see them learning their lesson anytime soon.
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??
There is no way to know if Bernie's young Bolsheviks would have outnumbered Trump's TV audience.

All the other media predictions about Trump were wrong so the prediction about Bernie beating him is likely wrong too.

What do you want out of all this anyway ?? Free college ??

I like free government chit

You do not?
Yeah right and Gary Johnson might have been elected if the libertarians got their heads out of their bongs long enough to vote.
I did not want either socialist to win, just funny how life works for the wicked

XXXX - Mod Edit -- "C" word is on the short list of banned words. Edgetho

wasn't/isn't a socialist but she was/is something of a Fascist. Which is a quick walk across the street from socialism.

National Socialism involves patriotism. Fascism does not require it.

socialism requires -- Nothing. Only enslavement.

There is a difference between Fascism and National Socialism. Both are the bastard children of socialism.
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Nobody was beating Trump...democrats thought gays, blacks, muslims, and latino's could win them the election while turning their backs on whites....I don't see them learning their lesson anytime soon.

When those uneducated whites find out the jobs aren't coming back, they'll turn on Trump in a heartbeat.

As bad as you've been at predicting politics, you ought to just shut the fuck up for a while.
I did not want either socialist to win, just funny how life works for the wicked

If you think that is funny, consider that if not for the dem voters giving the job to the less qualified black man, Hillary would be finishing up her second term.
If you think that is funny, consider that if not for the dem voters giving the job to the less qualified black man, Hillary would be finishing up her second term.

Actually, Obama won on principle. He said the Iraq War was a bad idea. Hillary tried to defend it.

That's why Obama won.

And since when did you redneck brownshirts start dun der caring about dem der qualifications, Cleetus

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