So, Does Anybody Still Support Biden?

Pulling the US out of Afghanistan is putting America first.
Not like this: Abandoning bunch of MRAPS, Humvees, light weapons, 4 million dollars a piece brand new drones, etc. for the enjoyment of the savage thugs who sent many US soldiers with double if not triple emputations home. That is if they did not kill them. etc, etc, etc.
He is a thug who deserve to be tried for treason, as well as bunch of other crimes against the American people. Of course the tramp deserve the same thing for daring to negociate with terrorists. They're all dirty in my book.
China supports the Taliban. The CCP won't send troops to fight them. They'll send equipment and technology to mine the lithium deposits.
Actually China doesn’t exactly. They are concerned about Taliban destabilizing provinces along the border. They are just clear eyed and pragmatic.
Not like this: Abandoning bunch of MRAPS, Humvees, light weapons, 4 million dollars a piece brand new drones, etc. for the enjoyment of the savage thugs who sent many US soldiers with double if not triple emputations home. That is if they did not kill them. etc, etc, etc.
He is a thug who deserve to be tried for treason, as well as bunch of other crimes against the American people. Of course the tramp deserve the same thing for daring to negociate with terrorists. They're all dirty in my book.
I guess you haven’t paid attention that we spent billions and billions to build up the Afghan military and they’re the ones who abandoned the equipment.

We took our stuff and what we didn’t take we destroyed.
You're asking a board that all the member's stand by the person they support. So why ask?
Because he is a blithering idiot and now responsible for the murder and rape of thousands. What a disgrace to the Presidency!
Because he didn't want them to kill us that's why.

Have you been keeping up with this discussion at all?
Think about it....negiotating with terrorists, partly responsible for 911 and no preconditions? Tbe Taliban never even held to the cease fire.
Only on Fox!! And internet insanity. In the whole world -which thinks you are nuts. Change the damn channel. Idiots
You promote children to seen and heard and used as with Covid and the environment and everything else. Children are children. Only in reality.
Y’all aren’t convincing anyone of your newfound concern for Afghan refugees. These are the people you elected Trump to keep out of this country.
That's why thousands traveled here under Trump. DJT would not have left thousands to die at the hands not the Taliban including between 5,000 and 10,000 Americans. Biden is indefensible on this failure. Anyone who would defend him is making a fool of themselves.
What does the Taliban have to gain by “going after us”?
They wanna islamize the world for starters, The US happens to be within the world, then, now thanks to JOe Bin Laden they think they defeated the most powerful military in the world. And then if for anything all is to steal and loot American assets domestically as well as abroad, and this is Only the beginning...
One mistake doesn't write him off.

So why did you support tRump? That's pretty much a dead-nuts description Of him.
He supported trump so he could cheer this past May when Trump pulled everyone from Afghanistan with the same outcome. He would have cheered when the afghan security forces stood down and didn't lift a fucking finger to fight back.
If they're are not going to help themselves why should anyone else? Same outcome under any President.
Wrong! You have to have a contingency plan. Lost boy Biden had none. When the Taliban started this offensive in June where the fuck were the B-52'S? Where the fuck were A-10 gunships?

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