So, Does Anybody Still Support Biden?

He supported trump so he could cheer this past May when Trump pulled everyone from Afghanistan with the same outcome. He would have cheered when the afghan security forces stood down and didn't lift a fucking finger to fight back.
Outcome would be 100% different. Your forgetting that Trump was a real Commander-in-Chief. Biden is a weak, senile, old man.
That's why thousands traveled here under Trump. DJT would not have left thousands to die at the hands not the Taliban including between 5,000 and 10,000 Americans. Biden is indefensible on this failure. Anyone who would defend him is making a fool of themselves.
The government has been telling Americans to not go to Afghanistan. That doing so was dangerous. That they couldn’t guarantee their safety. That they should leave immediately. That the country was unstable and unpredictable.

Saying they were “left” there would imply that we were in any way responsible for them being there in the first place. We aren’t. The government evacuated and protect the people whom are there on our behalf.
Who? How?

You should read through a thread first before asking questions. :sigh2:

Think about it....negiotating with terrorists, partly responsible for 911 and no preconditions? Tbe Taliban never even held to the cease fire.

Well if somebody was a threat to you or your loved ones wouldn't you still want to negotiate with them regardless of their status or what rules they might or might not have so they wouldn't kill you and or them?
One mistake!? That brain dead idiotic started making mistakes on his first day in office.
and one can hardly call that "one mistake". How about "worldwide Notorious and Hopeless Phak Up?! Everybody is laughing at the US.
Outcome would be 100% different. Your forgetting that Trump was a real Commander-in-Chief. Biden is a weak, senile, old man.
Yes. It would have been 100% different. Trump wouldn’t have left because he was too afraid of being responsible for it. That’s why he left troops there for four years.
Funny. A bunch of non Biden supporters not supporting Biden. News at 11.
Wrong! You have to have a contingency plan. Lost boy Biden had none. When the Taliban started this offensive in June where the fuck were the B-52'S? Where the fuck were A-10 gunships?
Get this straight you dumb mf the majority of people in the middle east hate our guts. If their Army stands down they're the ones who fucked themselves. So soldier boy you ever served in the middle east? They have always hated us.
They wanna islamize the world for starters, The US happens to be within the world, then, now thanks to JOe Bin Laden they think they defeated the most powerful military in the world. And then if for anything all is to steal and loot American assets domestically as well as abroad, and this is Only the beginning...
Do they want to Islamize the world?
Funny. A bunch of non Biden supporters not supporting Biden. News at 11.
What's even funnier is the trumper's that whooped it up when he signed a deal with them and drew down our troops to 2500 thinking their army could handle it and wouldn't run away. Man, they would have had orgasms in the past few days if trump had did this. If anyone thinks the outcome would have been different regardless trump, biden, obama bush or any President then they have something wrong upstairs and don't need to be walking around in the general population.
You should read through a thread first before asking questions. :sigh2:

Well if somebody was a threat to you or your loved ones wouldn't you still want to negotiate with them regardless of their status or what rules they might or might not have so they wouldn't kill you and or them?
The Taliban was no direct threat to us, they were a regional group with regional interests who provided safe harbor to other terrorist Groups like Al Queda. Negotiating with terrorists gives them what they want, legitimacy, without much in return. When you exclude the legitimate government of Afghanistan you are undermining them if not cutting them off at tbe knees.
The government has been telling Americans to not go to Afghanistan. That doing so was dangerous. That they couldn’t guarantee their safety. That they should leave immediately. That the country was unstable and unpredictable.

Saying they were “left” there would imply that we were in any way responsible for them being there in the first place. We aren’t. The government evacuated and protect the people whom are there on our behalf.
They were private contractors that supported the Afghan military at the urging of the DoD. The maintenance on Afghan aircraft was done by Americans. 72 hours didn't give them time to escape because Biden didn't have a plan and was AWOL at Camp David.
The Taliban was no direct threat to us, they were a regional group with regional interests who provided safe harbor to other terrorist Groups like Al Queda. Negotiating with terrorists gives them what they want, legitimacy, without much in return. When you exclude the legitimate government of Afghanistan you are undermining them if not cutting them off at tbe knees.

Forgive me for saying this but it makes me just a bit uncomfortable that our president seems to be friends with a lot of people who are all about control.
What's even funnier is the trumper's that whooped it up when he signed a deal with them and drew down our troops to 2500 thinking their army could handle it and wouldn't run away. Man, they would have had orgasms in the past few days if trump had did this. If anyone thinks the outcome would have been different regardless trump, biden, obama bush or any President then they have something wrong upstairs and don't need to be walking around in the general population.
Trump would have blown the fucking Taliban to pieces with our air power. Biden was AWOL at Camp David. The outcome would have been different but we will never know. Biden owns this shit sandwich 100%.
Read this, you stupid motherfucker.

A recently unearthed 2007 United States Geological Service survey appears to have discovered nearly $1 trillion in mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself.

6. Chinese Interest
American officials also fear that resource-hungry China will try to dominate the development of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth which would upset the United States, given its heavy investment in the region. After winning the bid for its Aynak copper mine in Logar Province, China clearly wants more, American officials said.
Yes the medieval religious lunatics of the area are sure to welcome them with open arms. China will win hearts and minds! :lmao:
Why did Trump want to invite them to Camp David and negotiate with them then?
To negotiate peace.

Do you think he'd be stupid enough to go to Afghanistan to negotiate with them?

Are you aware that he cancelled the invitation?


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