So...does OWS want more government control over our lives or less?


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
This question is for the OWS supporters mostly, I can't seem to get a clear answer from the people on the official OWS Facebook page.

Is the solution more government or less government?
This question is for the OWS supporters mostly, I can't seem to get a clear answer from the people on the official OWS Facebook page.

Is the solution more government or less government?

I have heard several interviews of protesters supporting the use of force and violence by the government, all sounding eerily similar, to achieve 'fairness' or whatever the hell it is they want.

It's too bad Tea Party people all have jobs and lives or else we could have 24/hour protests too :lol:
So, true Google. The thing is, I can't seem to find any open honesty among OWS. If they want government control, and to seize the use of force to achieve their own ends, that's fine but they should at least be honest about it.
Strawman. I support the OWS movement because they have different opinions about who's to blame for this economy. Some say the Fed, some say Wallstreet and I think all are correct. IMO.

To put it in a super simple choice like "more govt or less" is a false choice. Example: shut down some military bases and do something else with the money for Americans. Is that more or less govt?
Maybe the gubmint monster you keep having your mom look under the bed for doesn't live in their neighborhood. :dunno:
This question is for the OWS supporters mostly, I can't seem to get a clear answer from the people on the official OWS Facebook page.

Is the solution more government or less government?

I have heard several interviews of protesters supporting the use of force and violence by the government, all sounding eerily similar, to achieve 'fairness' or whatever the hell it is they want.

It's too bad Tea Party people all have jobs and lives or else we could have 24/hour protests too :lol:

They haven't given that much thought. Too many other things to think about. Like gimmee, gimmee, gimmee. And NOW!
If the ones who don't want to work for a living want everything handed to them,they can move to California.
They can protest in all the blue states they want, Odds are you wont see the type of protests&trash they delivered to New York happen in the 7-10 swing states. It looks like the larger protests will occur in New York,Cally and Illinois. But when you get into the rust belt, I just dont see the governors allowing them to destroy the cleaner communities of their States.
"Social Government" only works in ethnically homogeneous countries where people are universially committed to self-accountability as a priority.
Not more or less, just fair and intelligent control. A bas the Party of No! just to make Obama fail....Read something.
Does anyone want a mulligan on this thread? Surely, the collective wit and wisdom of the nutters who frequent this forum can do better.

C'mon.......challenge yourselves a little.
Strawman. I support the OWS movement because they have different opinions about who's to blame for this economy. Some say the Fed, some say Wallstreet and I think all are correct. IMO.

To put it in a super simple choice like "more govt or less" is a false choice. Example: shut down some military bases and do something else with the money for Americans. Is that more or less govt?

You support the OWS because they have to be right about who they are blaming because they are blaming everyone?
So...does OWS want more government control over our lives or less?

From what I have heard thier beef is with the 1%ers. That has absolutely nothing to do with government. It does reflect rather badly on greed mongers and hoarders.

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