So, France is Scrapping its 75% Tax Rate

Coolidge was a gd idiot who slept 12 hrs a night and whose deregulation and corporate pandering caused a world depression as much as anything. A W of the 20's, without the stupidest wars ever. And no, the 18th century doesn't work anymore. Never did for most, despite ignorant GOP dreaming.
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My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

(A luxury car is one of the “outward signs of wealth” your tax inspector has been specifically trained to query. The lesson has been learnt: last year, Rolls-Royce sold no cars in France.) ...

Today, one out of four French university graduates wants to emigrate, “and this rises to 80 per cent or 90 per cent in the case of marketable degrees”, says economics professor Jacques Régniez, who teaches at both the Sorbonne and the University of New York in Prague. “In one of my finance seminars, every single French student intends to go abroad.”

Down and out the French flee a nation in despair - Telegraph
When are the French NOT going on strike.
The working people there don't take any shytte, they have the #1 quality of life, the best health care, day care, vacations, food, and are a helluva lot happier than us lol. And no, I'm not going to move there. I'm an American, and you can't anyway.

My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

I was in France last year for a wedding. It was in southern France, close to Spain, just 20 minutes from the Mediterranean. It was beautiful down there and everyone was really friendly, not the rude stereotype you usually hear about the French.
Parisians are rude, like NYC can be, to everyone lol. Laugh at them politely and they're fine. Many Americans go there with a chip. Ugly American GOPers, mainly. And they remember our soldiers with great gratitude. Doesn't mean they have to agree with GOP idiocy.

My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

(A luxury car is one of the “outward signs of wealth” your tax inspector has been specifically trained to query. The lesson has been learnt: last year, Rolls-Royce sold no cars in France.) ...

Today, one out of four French university graduates wants to emigrate, “and this rises to 80 per cent or 90 per cent in the case of marketable degrees”, says economics professor Jacques Régniez, who teaches at both the Sorbonne and the University of New York in Prague. “In one of my finance seminars, every single French student intends to go abroad.”

Down and out the French flee a nation in despair - Telegraph

Thanks for posting.

Here is from your article:

More than 70 per cent of the French feel taxes are “excessive”, and 80 per cent believe the president’s economic policy is “misguided” and “inefficient”. This goes far beyond the tax exiles such as Gérard Depardieu, members of the Peugeot family or Chanel’s owners. Worse, after decades of living in one of the most redistributive systems in western Europe, 54 per cent of the French believe that taxes – of which there have been 84 new ones in the past two years, rising from 42 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 46.3 per cent this year – now widen social inequalities instead of reducing them.

I wonder where Billy000 bullshit is on this one ?
Ah yes I was really missing out. Another thread where a con laughably tries to make a political connection between tax policies of countries with drastically different GDP levels.
I'd ask you to explain why the GDP level makes a difference in tax policies. But you are so poorly informed and such a buffoon no good can come of it.
Are you this dumb? The level of a nation's GDP directly affects tax policy. How can you be so dense?

The irony of the last post of this multi-quoted post... What don't you understand about over-taxation (syn: stealing) of the wealthy causing them to just get up and leave? They have the ability to relocate (the gov't leeches haven't completely sucked them dry yet) and then said country gets ZERO in income taxes. Bravo liberals, bravo.

My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

(A luxury car is one of the “outward signs of wealth” your tax inspector has been specifically trained to query. The lesson has been learnt: last year, Rolls-Royce sold no cars in France.) ...

Today, one out of four French university graduates wants to emigrate, “and this rises to 80 per cent or 90 per cent in the case of marketable degrees”, says economics professor Jacques Régniez, who teaches at both the Sorbonne and the University of New York in Prague. “In one of my finance seminars, every single French student intends to go abroad.”

Down and out the French flee a nation in despair - Telegraph

Thanks for posting.

Here is from your article:

More than 70 per cent of the French feel taxes are “excessive”, and 80 per cent believe the president’s economic policy is “misguided” and “inefficient”. This goes far beyond the tax exiles such as Gérard Depardieu, members of the Peugeot family or Chanel’s owners. Worse, after decades of living in one of the most redistributive systems in western Europe, 54 per cent of the French believe that taxes – of which there have been 84 new ones in the past two years, rising from 42 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 46.3 per cent this year – now widen social inequalities instead of reducing them.

I wonder where Billy000 bullshit is on this one ?
Ah yes I was really missing out. Another thread where a con laughably tries to make a political connection between tax policies of countries with drastically different GDP levels.
The premise is clear.
The French government has run out of people and things to tax. It's gotten so bad, the nation's most talented, hard working and creative people are headed to other countries. And taking their wealth with them.
Who can blame them.
The theme is France's middle to top level management people, technology experts and of course wealthy business owners are tired of supporting the unproductive masses who enjoy job protections seen nowhere else in the modern world.

My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

Down and out the French flee a nation in despair - Telegraph

Thanks for posting.

Here is from your article:

More than 70 per cent of the French feel taxes are “excessive”, and 80 per cent believe the president’s economic policy is “misguided” and “inefficient”. This goes far beyond the tax exiles such as Gérard Depardieu, members of the Peugeot family or Chanel’s owners. Worse, after decades of living in one of the most redistributive systems in western Europe, 54 per cent of the French believe that taxes – of which there have been 84 new ones in the past two years, rising from 42 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 46.3 per cent this year – now widen social inequalities instead of reducing them.

I wonder where Billy000 bullshit is on this one ?
Ah yes I was really missing out. Another thread where a con laughably tries to make a political connection between tax policies of countries with drastically different GDP levels.
I'd ask you to explain why the GDP level makes a difference in tax policies. But you are so poorly informed and such a buffoon no good can come of it.
Are you this dumb? The level of a nation's GDP directly affects tax policy. How can you be so dense?

The irony of the last post of this multi-quoted post... What don't you understand about over-taxation (syn: stealing) of the wealthy causing them to just get up and leave? They have the ability to relocate (the gov't leeches haven't completely sucked them dry yet) and then said country gets ZERO in income taxes. Bravo liberals, bravo.

like locusts they the liberals will move on to its next victim
Parisians are rude, like NYC can be, to everyone lol. Laugh at them politely and they're fine. Many Americans go there with a chip. Ugly American GOPers, mainly. And they remember our soldiers with great gratitude. Doesn't mean they have to agree with GOP idiocy.
More idiot francocrape.
Hey empty head.....Try engaging the subject matter of the thread
Republicans live in terror the rich might actually pay their fair share.
Oh please....Fair share....
That moronic premise?
And what the fuck do members of an American political party have to do with France's confiscatory taxes? Nothing. Absolutely zilch.

My family and I were deciding whether we should go to Germany or France next year for vacation. We decided to go to Germany. I like France, but I'm not convinced the French won't go on strike and screw up my vacation. So we're going to Germany.

(A luxury car is one of the “outward signs of wealth” your tax inspector has been specifically trained to query. The lesson has been learnt: last year, Rolls-Royce sold no cars in France.) ...

Today, one out of four French university graduates wants to emigrate, “and this rises to 80 per cent or 90 per cent in the case of marketable degrees”, says economics professor Jacques Régniez, who teaches at both the Sorbonne and the University of New York in Prague. “In one of my finance seminars, every single French student intends to go abroad.”

Down and out the French flee a nation in despair - Telegraph

Thanks for posting.

Here is from your article:

More than 70 per cent of the French feel taxes are “excessive”, and 80 per cent believe the president’s economic policy is “misguided” and “inefficient”. This goes far beyond the tax exiles such as Gérard Depardieu, members of the Peugeot family or Chanel’s owners. Worse, after decades of living in one of the most redistributive systems in western Europe, 54 per cent of the French believe that taxes – of which there have been 84 new ones in the past two years, rising from 42 per cent of GDP in 2009 to 46.3 per cent this year – now widen social inequalities instead of reducing them.

I wonder where Billy000 bullshit is on this one ?
Ah yes I was really missing out. Another thread where a con laughably tries to make a political connection between tax policies of countries with drastically different GDP levels.
I'd ask you to explain why the GDP level makes a difference in tax policies. But you are so poorly informed and such a buffoon no good can come of it.
Are you this dumb? The level of a nation's GDP directly affects tax policy. How can you be so dense?
Immaterial to the discussion.
Republicans live in terror the rich might actually pay their fair share.
how the fuck is paying more than other people 'fair'?

Because you have more and get more out of living in that society.

Government doesn't protect the poor, it protects the rich. That's why you don't see billionaires fleeing to Somalia to get a helping of that there "Freedom" you guys keep talking about. No, they want government to protect their privileges... and if they can get your dumb white cracker ass to pay for it, so much the better.
Who is "the government"?
And of course, like a typical no clue lib, right on queue you play the fucking race card..
You and that stupid twat, sarahg should get married. But please, don't make any babies. We enough envious and stupid people on the planet.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.
50% will do. Pay to play boys.

What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.
Of course. Reasonable rates of taxation are essential to fund government operations.
However, the subject matter is not taxation in and of itself. The issue here is confiscatory taxation which forces people to make choices. And one of those choices is to move to another country.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.
50% will do. Pay to play boys.

What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.

Apparently France feels it is to civilized.

More than willing to pay for fire and police.
We all pay for things we'd rather not. Welcome to reality.
No shit...That's not the issue here.
Or are you just going to keep making drive by posts?
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.
50% will do. Pay to play boys.

What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.
Of course. Reasonable rates of taxation are essential to fund government operations.
However, the subject matter is not taxation in and of itself. The issue here is confiscatory taxation which forces people to make choices. And one of those choices is to move to another country.
For those who wish to leave, I'll help pack. The rich no longer make, they take. See ya.
What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.

Apparently France feels it is to civilized.

More than willing to pay for fire and police.
We all pay for things we'd rather not. Welcome to reality.

Apparently the French are going to pay less !!!
I am unconcerned, entirely.
Then why are you here posting to a thread in which you have no concerns?
50% will do. Pay to play boys.

What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.

Apparently France feels it is to civilized.

More than willing to pay for fire and police.
We all pay for things we'd rather not. Welcome to reality.
No shit...That's not the issue here.
Or are you just going to keep making drive by posts?
I post the truths. Dealing with them is your choice, and most don't.
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.

Apparently France feels it is to civilized.

More than willing to pay for fire and police.
We all pay for things we'd rather not. Welcome to reality.

Apparently the French are going to pay less !!!
I am unconcerned, entirely.
Then why are you here posting to a thread in which you have no concerns?
Why are you here, are you French and therefore subject to these tax rates?
Republicans live in terror the rich might actually pay their fair share.
High income people pay the vast majority of taxes.
High income people should pay the vast majority of taxes. It's call Progressive Taxation. Even Adam Smith was okay with the rich paying more, since they benefited more.
Progressive taxation is nothing more than sanctioned government theft and political pandering.
Every earner should pay the same percentage of their income.
So if one makes $50k per year, let's say 15% is the flat tax rate....The first $30k is free of taxation.....That person's tax burden in $3000...As opposed to an earner of $150k.....He or she pays 15% of $120k or $18,000.....The latter makes three times as much but pays 6 times the tax of the former.
Oh, we eliminate ALL deductions. No Earned income credits. No child care credits. No mortgage interest deductions. No business write offs.....Such as equipment or supplies. The taxpayers should not be subsidizing the purchase of lap tops for each of its employees.
Businesses should pay a simple flat 10% on their net income. That is after their expenses and overhead. They would no longer function as tax and fee collectors for the federal government.
This would result in more in the hands of business and individuals which in turn would put the saving back into the economy which would result in increased revenue to Washington.
What do they call that....

A TAX BREAK !!!!!!
With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.

Apparently France feels it is to civilized.

More than willing to pay for fire and police.
We all pay for things we'd rather not. Welcome to reality.
No shit...That's not the issue here.
Or are you just going to keep making drive by posts?
I post the truths. Dealing with them is your choice, and most don't.
Truth about what?

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