So, France is Scrapping its 75% Tax Rate

With taxes you get civilization, although it's doubtful that care about such things since that would interfere with taking care of number one.
Of course. Reasonable rates of taxation are essential to fund government operations.
However, the subject matter is not taxation in and of itself. The issue here is confiscatory taxation which forces people to make choices. And one of those choices is to move to another country.
For those who wish to leave, I'll help pack. The rich no longer make, they take. See ya.
And that is the issue discussed in this thread. France is losing wealth as well as talented and creative people over excessive taxation.
Fewer than us. Many fewer selfish RW a-holes over there, despite bs Pub propaganda. French people love their country too much.

What are you talking about ?
French like to stay in France. Big reason they lost their colonies to the English etc. Also, their aristocrats split their fortunes and lands among heirs, while in England the first born got everything, and the rest had to travel and find their fortune. Of, course, having lots of idle aristocrats in France led to some problems lol...
Parisians are rude, like NYC can be, to everyone lol. Laugh at them politely and they're fine. Many Americans go there with a chip. Ugly American GOPers, mainly. And they remember our soldiers with great gratitude. Doesn't mean they have to agree with GOP idiocy.
More idiot francocrape.
Hey empty head.....Try engaging the subject matter of the thread
Was I talking to you, moron hater dupe ugly American Pubtroll? Duh.
Public forum there shit in mouth. Don't like it? Don't fucking post here.
You pinko commie plastic doll fucker,
Keep it up...I will fuck with you all day, pal. And you WILL lose this battle. You do't have shit for me, meat.
Classic pubtroll freak out. Truth hurt? lol Go ahead, dingbat.
The horse shit you post here is hurting you.
But you carry it beyond. Your style is one of utter contempt for everything and everyone who dares not kowtow to your demands and viewpoint.
Then you top it off with hate.
That puts you in my cross hairs.
I don't troll but my posts tend to get people hot. Telling people what they don't want to hear or face tends to do such a thing.

Bet you also think girls get "hot" for you when you pull their hair on the playground.
They were hot for me when they pulled mine, a few decades ago.
There were fag hags back then
There was everything back then, you just believe that the world came into being when you were born.
Shocking. Just shocking
I don't troll but my posts tend to get people hot. Telling people what they don't want to hear or face tends to do such a thing.

Bet you also think girls get "hot" for you when you pull their hair on the playground.
They were hot for me when they pulled mine, a few decades ago.
There were fag hags back then
There was everything back then, you just believe that the world came into being when you were born.
Shocking. Just shocking
No, it's infantile, but entirely expected.
Parisians are rude, like NYC can be, to everyone lol. Laugh at them politely and they're fine. Many Americans go there with a chip. Ugly American GOPers, mainly. And they remember our soldiers with great gratitude. Doesn't mean they have to agree with GOP idiocy.
More idiot francocrape.
Hey empty head.....Try engaging the subject matter of the thread
Was I talking to you, moron hater dupe ugly American Pubtroll? Duh.
Public forum there shit in mouth. Don't like it? Don't fucking post here.
You pinko commie plastic doll fucker,
Keep it up...I will fuck with you all day, pal. And you WILL lose this battle. You do't have shit for me, meat.
Classic pubtroll freak out. Truth hurt? lol Go ahead, dingbat.
The horse shit you post here is hurting you.
But you carry it beyond. Your style is one of utter contempt for everything and everyone who dares not kowtow to your demands and viewpoint.
Then you top it off with hate.
That puts you in my cross hairs.
You people are incredibly misinformed, proud of it, and violent when proven wrong, typical of the ignorant, and knowing a lot of destructive propaganda doesn't count. Read my whole sig, especially the last line. I only hate your greedy idiot masters who misinform you.
High income people pay the vast majority of taxes.
The lowest 40% of income earners get more than they pay in, an effective negative tax rate.
Remind me who isnt paying their fair share.

The rich don't pay their fair share because the poor get walloped with sales taxes, payroll taxes and other fees and levies they really can't afford.

sorry, the country worked a lot better when the rich paid their fair share.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.

It's just not smart economics in a global economy.

The theorists haven't quite figured that one out yet.


The stupidity is having a global economy instead of looking out for your own economic interests.

Ah, the truth comes out.

So instead of competing on a global scale, the idea is to create an artificial economy where things like labor are overvalued (overpriced).

It is not unattainable....Canada does it quite well.

I had to travel to Canada monthly for about a year and a half. I must have taken 50 cab rides and almost every cab driver was an immigrant from India or Pakistan who had a PhD but could not practice their trade because of Canadian Regulations. This included doctors in provinces that were screaming because of the lack of doctors.

If we wanted to do something like that.....and I am not necessarily arguing against it....we'd need to carpet bomb our southern border to make sure nobody got in.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.

It's just not smart economics in a global economy.

The theorists haven't quite figured that one out yet.


The stupidity is having a global economy instead of looking out for your own economic interests.

A global economy is in our economic interests.

Countries that have embraced free trade and open markets have grown faster than those that have not.

That's empirically true.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.

It's just not smart economics in a global economy.

The theorists haven't quite figured that one out yet.


The stupidity is having a global economy instead of looking out for your own economic interests.

Ah, the truth comes out.

So instead of competing on a global scale, the idea is to create an artificial economy where things like labor are overvalued (overpriced).

It is not unattainable....Canada does it quite well.

I had to travel to Canada monthly for about a year and a half. I must have taken 50 cab rides and almost every cab driver was an immigrant from India or Pakistan who had a PhD but could not practice their trade because of Canadian Regulations. This included doctors in provinces that were screaming because of the lack of doctors.

If we wanted to do something like that.....and I am not necessarily arguing against it....we'd need to carpet bomb our southern border to make sure nobody got in.
Apparently, the French think paying 75% isn't fair.

It's just not smart economics in a global economy.

The theorists haven't quite figured that one out yet.


The stupidity is having a global economy instead of looking out for your own economic interests.

A global economy is in our economic interests.

Countries that have embraced free trade and open markets have grown faster than those that have not.

That's empirically true.

You guys don't really think he's going to understand this, do you?

Coolidge was a gd idiot who slept 12 hrs a night and whose deregulation and corporate pandering caused a world depression as much as anything. A W of the 20's, without the stupidest wars ever. And no, the 18th century doesn't work anymore. Never did for most, despite ignorant GOP dreaming.


Coolidge was certainly off the mark when it came to regulation. He was too hands off, and it did help to set up bad times. That being said, if Coolidge had been reelected instead of Hoover winning, the Great Depression probably would never have happened.

All that being said, regulation policy is not taxation policy. That Coolidge was wrong on regulation does not change the fact that he was very, very right on taxation and spending. No other President since Coolidge has left office with less public debt than when he entered office.
Progressive taxation is nothing more than sanctioned government theft and political pandering.
Every earner should pay the same percentage of their income.
So if one makes $50k per year, let's say 15% is the flat tax rate....The first $30k is free of taxation.....That person's tax burden in $3000...As opposed to an earner of $150k.....He or she pays 15% of $120k or $18,000.....The latter makes three times as much but pays 6 times the tax of the former.
Oh, we eliminate ALL deductions. No Earned income credits. No child care credits. No mortgage interest deductions. No business write offs.....Such as equipment or supplies. The taxpayers should not be subsidizing the purchase of lap tops for each of its employees.
Businesses should pay a simple flat 10% on their net income. That is after their expenses and overhead. They would no longer function as tax and fee collectors for the federal government.
This would result in more in the hands of business and individuals which in turn would put the saving back into the economy which would result in increased revenue to Washington.

This will never happen as long as lobbyists have the influence they do in D.C.
Coolidge was a gd idiot who slept 12 hrs a night and whose deregulation and corporate pandering caused a world depression as much as anything. A W of the 20's, without the stupidest wars ever. And no, the 18th century doesn't work anymore. Never did for most, despite ignorant GOP dreaming.


Coolidge was certainly off the mark when it came to regulation. He was too hands off, and it did help to set up bad times. That being said, if Coolidge had been reelected instead of Hoover winning, the Great Depression probably would never have happened.

All that being said, regulation policy is not taxation policy. That Coolidge was wrong on regulation does not change the fact that he was very, very right on taxation and spending. No other President since Coolidge has left office with less public debt than when he entered office.
What did Hoover do in 6 months?
There are many more English ex-pats living in France, even commuting to London by chunnel. EU residents can move anywhere and vote immediately, etc.

Yeah, let's ignore the part of the article that says it is getting harder to recruit people to France because of the tax rates.

Sure...let's just bring up a useless fact.

English Ex-pats living in what ?

Now, if you have a bunch of top tax payers, that might be some thing else.

But you never think of that.

Liar, hater dupe.
Your article is total BS- The 75% tax rate was deemed unconstitutional by the courts, replaced with a tax on companies that had salaries over 1.6 million dollars that raised 200 million altogether, Pub dupe. Change the channel.

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