So, has Russia been invading The Donbas region since 2014?


Apr 15, 2023
Like over a week ago I read that Ukraine just regained control of a city in Donetsk called Krasnohorivka.

According to The Guardian website, Russia’s been occupying the city since 2014.

I thought Russia just went after Crimea and Sevastopol from 2014-2022? Wikipedia never mentioned anything about any other parts of Ukraine being invaded in 2014. Anyone know what’s up with this?


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Oh dear . You have Tummy Turd problems if you read the MI6 issues of The Guardian, let alone read them for more than entertainment value . As for Wiki . They were launched just over 20 years ago as a US information misinformation site . At least follow Wikispooks if you want to follow low grade nonsense written for the Sheeple . Just goggle Minsk Agreements 2014 and you will get some idea of a sensible answer to your question(s)
Oh dear . You have Tummy Turd problems if you read the MI6 issues of The Guardian, let alone read them for more than entertainment value . As for Wiki . They were launched just over 20 years ago as a US information misinformation site . At least follow Wikispooks if you want to follow low grade nonsense written for the Sheeple . Just goggle Minsk Agreements 2014 and you will get some idea of a sensible answer to your question(s)
Off you go to the Doctor and ask him for some anti Trolling pills plus some B12 which can rouse brain activity if there is anything remaining that can be roused .
Like over a week ago I read that Ukraine just regained control of a city in Donetsk called Krasnohorivka.

According to The Guardian website, Russia’s been occupying the city since 2014.

I thought Russia just went after Crimea and Sevastopol from 2014-2022? Wikipedia never mentioned anything about any other parts of Ukraine being invaded in 2014. Anyone know what’s up with this?
It is always best not to get snippets of news from a fondle slab. Read a paper, or use a laptop or PC and read the full story.

Ukrainians dared to dream that Wagner action could be the fatal blow in war​

". . . . While Putin is forced to watch his back, many believe Russian turmoil could give Ukraine the chance to step up its counteroffensive – which, Zelenskiy has admitted, is going “slower than desired” – and boost the morale of its troops, who are grappling with bloody and uncertain battles on the frontlines.

Throughout yesterday, Ukrainian Telegram channels lit up with story after story suggesting the tide was turning. One claimed dozens of Russian units were withdrawing from the front to reach Russia and face the insurgency. Others said hundreds of soldiers were leaving the occupied territories to join the Wagner group. Another suggested Belarusian partisans were also preparing a coup to overthrow the Lukashenko regime.

On Saturday evening, Oleksandr Tarnavsky, a Ukrainian commander, told the national news agency of Ukraine, Ukrinform, that its forces have liberated territories near the city of Krasnohorivka, in the Donetsk region, which have been occupied by pro-Russia separatists since 2014.

It was difficult to say which of these currently unverifiable news stories was real or the result of renewed enthusiasm.

The Ukrainian defence ministry neither confirmed nor denied reports of a Ukrainian advance."

It sounds to me, like the Guardian is just reprinting war propaganda from Ukrinform. This outfit, clearly views ethnic Russians in the Donbas, the folks that have ALWAYS lived there, as, "occupiers."

Anyone that has followed this news story since the coup, would know, that the Ukrainian government had been ethnic cleansing them, which is the whole reason Russia invaded in the first place.


Regardless of your POV on this? America should have never gotten involved.
It is always best not to get snippets of news from a fondle slab. Read a paper, or use a laptop or PC and read the full story.

Ukrainians dared to dream that Wagner action could be the fatal blow in war​

". . . . While Putin is forced to watch his back, many believe Russian turmoil could give Ukraine the chance to step up its counteroffensive – which, Zelenskiy has admitted, is going “slower than desired” – and boost the morale of its troops, who are grappling with bloody and uncertain battles on the frontlines.

Throughout yesterday, Ukrainian Telegram channels lit up with story after story suggesting the tide was turning. One claimed dozens of Russian units were withdrawing from the front to reach Russia and face the insurgency. Others said hundreds of soldiers were leaving the occupied territories to join the Wagner group. Another suggested Belarusian partisans were also preparing a coup to overthrow the Lukashenko regime.

On Saturday evening, Oleksandr Tarnavsky, a Ukrainian commander, told the national news agency of Ukraine, Ukrinform, that its forces have liberated territories near the city of Krasnohorivka, in the Donetsk region, which have been occupied by pro-Russia separatists since 2014.

It was difficult to say which of these currently unverifiable news stories was real or the result of renewed enthusiasm.

The Ukrainian defence ministry neither confirmed nor denied reports of a Ukrainian advance."

It sounds to me, like the Guardian is just reprinting war propaganda from Ukrinform. This outfit, clearly views ethnic Russians in the Donbas, the folks that have ALWAYS lived there, as, "occupiers."

Anyone that has followed this news story since the coup, would know, that the Ukrainian government had been ethnic cleansing them, which is the whole reason Russia invaded in the first place.


Regardless of your POV on this? America should have never gotten involved.
Myyyyy mistake.


  • 8BD9EFA5-0467-4DAA-A400-AB5625D7AC27.jpeg
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Like over a week ago I read that Ukraine just regained control of a city in Donetsk called Krasnohorivka.
Actually he didn't say it. He said, that they regained control over some territoties near Krasnogorlovka.

According to The Guardian website, Russia’s been occupying the city since 2014.
It depends on your definition of the term 'Russia'. As well as Canada is a part of America (as geographic term) it's not a part of the United States of America (at least not yet). Same way, Donetsk and Lugansk People Republics are parts of Russia (as cultural and linguistic space) they were not parts of the Russian Federation back in 2014. From the Kievan point of view - those were separatists.

I thought Russia just went after Crimea and Sevastopol from 2014-2022? Wikipedia never mentioned anything about any other parts of Ukraine being invaded in 2014. Anyone know what’s up with this?
After the 'Revolution of dignity' in Kiev (aka 'illegal Maidan Coup'), ruled by Ukrainian Neo-Nazies, there was an anti-Nazi and pro-Russian rebellion in Russian speaking South-Eastern regions of Ukraine. It was totally successful in Crimea and Sevastopol, who rejoined with the Russian Federation almost without bloodshed, partially successful in Donbass region (where Donetsk and Lugansk regions declared and de facto gained independence, backed by the Russia, like Taiwan is backed by the USA) and was cruelly supressed in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk and other regions (google Odessa Massacre 2014). There was a stalemate situation in Donbass region between 2014-2022 - Ukraine was not able to crush defence of the rebellious Donbass Republics , and Russian Federation didn't want to start bigger war (because of potential economic problems).
Trump Administration had been keeping the situation more or less balanced, because the USA was not interested in the bigger war.
Then, Baiden (highly likely because of his family's economic interests) disbalanced the situation, encouraged the Kievan regime to attack those Donbass republics. In the last attempt to prevent the war, Russian Federation recognized independence of DPR and LPR and signed a mutual defence agreement with them. Then, Ukraine attacked DPR and LPR ("separatist regions" from the Kievan point of view, and "independent states and allies of Russian Federation" from the Moscow's point of view), what was equal (from Moscow point of view) to the direct attack against Russian Federation itself, and the Russian Federation started the Special Military operation with the limited goals of demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. Biden administration didn't agree that this Russian goals are legitimate, and increased support of Kieavan regime. And here we are now, at the brink of a nuclear war.
Like over a week ago I read that Ukraine just regained control of a city in Donetsk called Krasnohorivka.

According to The Guardian website, Russia’s been occupying the city since 2014.

I thought Russia just went after Crimea and Sevastopol from 2014-2022? Wikipedia never mentioned anything about any other parts of Ukraine being invaded in 2014. Anyone know what’s up with this?

Er... yeah, there's been a "civil war" (read, Russian backed insurgency) in the east of the Ukraine. You didn't hear about an airliner shot down by a SAM missile? (while Russia said they had PROOF that from a Google Maps image that it was a Ukrainian fighter jet using missiles....)
Actually he didn't say it. He said, that they regained control over some territoties near Krasnogorlovka.

It depends on your definition of the term 'Russia'. As well as Canada is a part of America (as geographic term) it's not a part of the United States of America (at least not yet). Same way, Donetsk and Lugansk People Republics are parts of Russia (as cultural and linguistic space) they were not parts of the Russian Federation back in 2014. From the Kievan point of view - those were separatists.

After the 'Revolution of dignity' in Kiev (aka 'illegal Maidan Coup'), ruled by Ukrainian Neo-Nazies, there was an anti-Nazi and pro-Russian rebellion in Russian speaking South-Eastern regions of Ukraine. It was totally successful in Crimea and Sevastopol, who rejoined with the Russian Federation almost without bloodshed, partially successful in Donbass region (where Donetsk and Lugansk regions declared and de facto gained independence, backed by the Russia, like Taiwan is backed by the USA) and was cruelly supressed in Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipropetrovsk and other regions (google Odessa Massacre 2014). There was a stalemate situation in Donbass region between 2014-2022 - Ukraine was not able to crush defence of the rebellious Donbass Republics , and Russian Federation didn't want to start bigger war (because of potential economic problems).
Trump Administration had been keeping the situation more or less balanced, because the USA was not interested in the bigger war.
Then, Baiden (highly likely because of his family's economic interests) disbalanced the situation, encouraged the Kievan regime to attack those Donbass republics. In the last attempt to prevent the war, Russian Federation recognized independence of DPR and LPR and signed a mutual defence agreement with them. Then, Ukraine attacked DPR and LPR ("separatist regions" from the Kievan point of view, and "independent states and allies of Russian Federation" from the Moscow's point of view), what was equal (from Moscow point of view) to the direct attack against Russian Federation itself, and the Russian Federation started the Special Military operation with the limited goals of demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine. Biden administration didn't agree that this Russian goals are legitimate, and increased support of Kieavan regime. And here we are now, at the brink of a nuclear war.
Tip top summary though I am not convinced that your last sentence is yet true . However , if the insane Zelenskyy is the main "signatory" to a False Flag attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Reactor , this will surely change everything and could immediately escalate matters to a likely disaster point .
Tip top summary though I am not convinced that your last sentence is yet true . However , if the insane Zelenskyy is the main "signatory" to a False Flag attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Reactor , this will surely change everything and could immediately escalate matters to a likely disaster point .
May be. But I'm not sure that Zelenskiy is the one, who's really in charge there, and even Biden isn't that stupid to allow Kievan regime to commit an attack against a nuclear plant.
May be. But I'm not sure that Zelenskiy is the one, who's really in charge there, and even Biden isn't that stupid to allow Kievan regime to commit an attack against a nuclear plant.
I agree entirely with you but using the Midget War Criminal is as good a quick label as is reasonable . It seems highly likely that the link back could be to Igor Kolomoysyki who is a likely CIA asset and most certainly is loved within the Pentagon .
Like over a week ago I read that Ukraine just regained control of a city in Donetsk called Krasnohorivka.

According to The Guardian website, Russia’s been occupying the city since 2014.

I thought Russia just went after Crimea and Sevastopol from 2014-2022? Wikipedia never mentioned anything about any other parts of Ukraine being invaded in 2014. Anyone know what’s up with this?

Source: Moskau und Kiew: Chronik bis zum Angriff – DW – 24.02.2022


The current armed conflicts between Russia and Ukraine have a history that goes back to the Middle Ages. The two countries have common roots in the East Slavic state of Kievan Rus, which is why Russia's President Vladimir Putin likes to speak of "one people" today. In reality, the two nations' paths were divided for centuries, creating two languages and cultures - closely related yet distinct.

While Russia developed politically into one empire, Ukraine did not manage to build its own state. In the 17th century, large areas of what is now Ukraine became part of the Russian Empire. After its disintegration in 1917, Ukraine became independent for a short time until Soviet Russia reconquered it militarily.
1990s: Russia lets Ukraine go

In December 1991, Ukraine joined Russia and Belarus as one of the three sister republics that sealed the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Moscow wanted to retain its influence and saw, among other things, the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as an instrument for doing so. The Kremlin also believed it could bind the neighboring country to itself through cheap gas supplies. Things turned out differently. While Russia and Belarus formed a close alliance, Ukraine increasingly looked to the West.

This irritated the Kremlin, but there was no conflict in the 1990s. Moscow seemed relaxed, because the West did not want to integrate Ukraine. Russia itself was economically depressed and tied up with the Chechen wars. In 1997, Moscow recognized Ukraine's borders, including the Crimean peninsula, inhabited by a majority of ethnic Russians, by signing the so-called "Great Treaty."

Under Putin as president, the first major diplomatic crisis occurred between Moscow and Kiev. In the fall of 2003, Russia surprisingly began building a causeway in the Kerch Strait toward the Ukrainian island of Kossa Tusla. Kiev saw this as an attempt to redraw the border. The conflict escalated and was settled only after a face-to-face meeting between the presidents. Construction was halted, but the declared friendship of the two countries began to show cracks.

In the 2004 presidential election in Ukraine, Russia massively supported the pro-Russian candidate Viktor Yanukovych. But the "Orange Revolution" prevented his fake victory, and the pro-Western politician Viktor Yushchenko won. During his term in office, Russia cut off Ukraine's gas supply twice, in 2006 and 2009, and transit deliveries to the EU were interrupted.

In 2008, then-U.S. President George Bush sought to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO and include them in a formal preparation program. Putin protested. Moscow made clear at the time that it did not fully accept Ukraine's independence. Germany and France prevented Bush's plan. At the NATO summit in Bucharest, Ukraine and Georgia were promised membership, but without a date.

Because things did not work out quickly with NATO, Ukraine tried to push ahead with Western ties through an association agreement with the EU. In the summer of 2013, a few months before the agreement was signed, Moscow exerted massive economic pressure on Kiev and hindered Ukrainian imports. Against this backdrop, the government of then-President Yanukovych, who had won the election in 2010, put the fully negotiated agreement on hold. Yanukovych had thus triggered opposition protests that led to his flight to Russia in February 2014.

The Kremlin took advantage of the power vacuum in Kiev to annex Crimea in March 2014. It was a watershed moment, the beginning of an undeclared war. At the same time, Russian paramilitary forces began mobilizing for an insurgency in the eastern Ukrainian coalfield of Donbass. "People's republics" were declared in Donetsk and Luhansk - with Russians at the helm. The government in Kiev waited until after the presidential election in May 2014 before launching a major military offensive it called an "anti-terrorist operation."

In June 2014, newly elected Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Putin met for the first time under German and French mediation at the 70th anniversary celebrations of D-Day in Normandy. The so-called Normandy format was born.

At the time, the Ukrainian army was able to push back the separatists, but in late August, according to Kiev's account, Russia intervened militarily on a massive scale. Moscow denies this. Ukrainian units near Ilovaysk, a town east of Donetsk, suffered a defeat. It was a turning point. The war on a broad front ended in September with the signing of the cease-fire in Minsk.

After that, a war of position began, and in early 2015 separatists again went on the offensive, and again, according to Kiev, the Russian army was deployed without insignia. Moscow denies this as well. Ukrainian forces suffered a second defeat, this time at the strategically important city of Debaltseve, which they were forced to abandon in flight. At that time, Minsk-2 was agreed upon under Western mediation, an agreement that is likely to remain forever unfulfilled after recent developments.

I agree entirely with you but using the Midget War Criminal is as good a quick label as is reasonable . It seems highly likely that the link back could be to Igor Kolomoysyki who is a likely CIA asset and most certainly is loved within the Pentagon .
Kolomoyskiy is under US sanctions and CIA can't use him officially (or even "unofficially officially").

You are wrong, Russian. Stop your stupid, senseless and criminal war against Europe in the Ukraine. Leave the Ukraine. Yesterday.
Last edited:

You are wrong, Russian. Stop your stupid, senseless and criminal war against Europe in the Ukraine. Leave the Ukraine. Yesterday.
I think that you have me confused with someone else.

I'm no fan of war for a lot of reasons. And I firmly believe that Russia has acted in a criminal fashion towards several nations and continues to do so. From atrocities to genocide; lies so much that I'd have to check if they said the sky was blue.

Where I do think that Ukraine is no proverbial choir boy on the world is more innocent than Russia in this conflict and that world scrutiny has enabled Ukraine to clean up its act from the corruption than it was capable of previously.
Who exactly did you think I was?
You're kinda massively. I don't live in Russia, Africa, Iran, or Serbia....

PS. Latest is that Serbia is about to face similar sanctions as Russia for their support of Russia and selling Russia weapons. The troll farm workers there all had their personal information posted publicly as well as the hundreds of thousands of accounts they represented.

Edited: I see now was a mistake on my part. I fixed it. Peace?
I think that you have me confused with someone else.

Yes. Sorry. I thought you had sent to me one of the "fake news" (="You are a liar") messages of one of the Russian propagandists here in this forum. Again: I am sorry! I was wrong!
Yes. Sorry. I thought you had sent to me one of the "fake news" (="You are a liar") messages of one of the Russian propagandists here in this forum. Again: I am sorry! I was wrong!
You weren't wrong....I accidentally did do that because I thought that your extensive post was written by someone else who regularly harasses anything that I post (i dont bother reading their perponderance of lies)....but once I realized my mistake I fixed it immediately.
It's not exactly your fault....but now you know who I am. And if I fat finger something again just let me know and I'll fix it. No need to raise your blood pressure.

And I do agree about the Russian propagandists here. They have stations in Serbia, Africa, Iran, and of course Russia itself. There might be another couple in Belarus, Syria, and South America....
Prigozhin has been rather busy.

I wonder if we could hire a PMC to remove them.....

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