So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

Until Ford explains how she got home her entire story is BS.

Ford's testimony - Moments after nearly being raped and murdered, having just seconds ago escaped the house, no phone, no car, miles from home and fearing Kavanaugh would come chasing after her, this "seared" into her memory, and she can't remember what happened next? Total BS.

Did she run to a neighbors house? Did she hitch a ride from a stranger? Did her friend later ask her why she left? There are dozens of unanswered questions.

AGAIN --- what exactly is unusual about the idea of "going home"?

Being choked into near-suffocation is unusual. Being locked in a room pinned on a bed is unusual. Those would be deeply imprinted. Why would you imprint a routine ride home if the driver wasn't suffocating you with the doors locked?

Still waiting for your side to explain this blatantly obvious memory gap. What is Ford afraid of, that whoever gave her a ride home will call BS on her story? That she actually went back downstairs and stayed at the party until her ride there gave her a ride home?
As far as him being worthy to sit on the Supreme Court based on Ford's story or Mac's version above, that does not even matter anymore....

Kavanaugh disqualified himself, in the hearing on Thursday showing that he is not up for the job.

He was unhinged, belligerent, un-respectful, partisan, biased, loud, cocky, and is going to be lucky to still have a job after that performance in the hearing.

A jurist/judge can not be like he was on Thursday.... he simply does not qualify as an objective, impartial, independent jurist/judge....after his partisan rant bull crap.... he should have known better.... and he misjudged the situation with thinking it did not matter how he acted, he was going to get this job...

He showed his cards Thursday, that he was simply a partisan Politico.... and none of us needs that on the Supreme Court... it actually is an impeachable offense in our history of judicial impeachments...

He also lacked Candor in the hearing and flat out lied about him and friends being 18 when drinking senior year.... he was 17 at the time of the party on his calendar and would not be 18 for another 6 months.... why did he have to LIE about that, something so small, that we all did at 17, or many of us did at 17?

That also is a reason for his disqualification to be a Justice.... he is not honest.... yes, all on the smallest of things, which is just bat shit crazy for him to lie or lack candor on.... it makes no sense, yet he still felt the need to lie?

Please pick another conservative Judge on your list as a nominee... otherwise you are wasting your time and losing your common sense, if you keep backing Kavanaugh for this position... imo.
I don't have a theory. I just believe;

Christine Blasey Ford was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh
Kavanaugh is a lying sack of shit.
Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.
What do we need to do, shut up?

Don't apologize for us.

So basically right above we have one knuckledragger blaming the victim with "she asked for it" (in clueless all-caps no less) and calling for said victim to be "countersued",. presumably after setting somebody up to sue her first --- and a second knuckledragger who holds that a man can do anything he wants to a woman as long as he claims the status of "blotto".

That is why y'all need an apology.

Pogo: one long contiguous, ever-present ad hominem argument of irrelevance because he's run out of defense for an indefensible left-wing party tramp with emotional issues. Maybe she's just remembering and projecting suppressed memories from what her father did to her a a child.

WE have more proof of that than we do against Kavanaugh.

But then, we could say as much for the Mueller investigation and the claim that Trump was a soviet puppet.
Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

FU. You are a clown. One more PLOY to detract from the fact that this girl HAD NO BUSINESS being at that party that time of night at that age getting drunk with older boys. WHERE WERE HER PARENTS in guiding and supervising her? ANY OTHER TIME you'd be pointing out how alcohol lowers one's inhibitions and like any other drug makes the user not responsible for their actions.

Nothing makes molesting a girl against her will right, but nothing changes the fact that Chrissy can hardly be too surprised that after secretly sneaking to an older-boys all-boy party late at light BEHIND HER PARENT'S BACKS to get drunk at the tender age of 15, that some boys there plastered out of their minds in a moment of weakness, haze and horniness, mistook her presence as an invitation and interested and FELT HER UP.

It might have been wrong, but wholly predictable to anyone with a brain. So even if it happened, that certainly doesn't detract from Kavanaugh's character and qualifications to serve as a Justice on the bench. If anyone is guilty here, it should be the parents, whom today, parents are routinely prosecuted just for letting their kids walk home from the park, much less out late at night getting drunk and felt up.

We need to find out what her parents were like. Were they hippies too getting drunk and smoking pot in the home while their little girl was out getting drunk and looking for a good lay? Pogo probably sees nothing wrong with any of this because it reminds him of the home HE grew up in!

Ford's story may be complete BS, but holy crap are you twisting around to put blame somewhere else if it did happen. Kavanaugh was wrong, but Ford was asking for it and her parents should be blamed? Seriously?

Why not just stick with saying the story is untrue?
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Only issue I have,

1. No one backs her account.
2. No time, no place, no accounting for very simple details, how did you get home, how did you get there
3. She was not credible. She seemed like she was faking her way through the testimony. Weepy and tearful when she talked to the republican questioner, happy and cool when she talked to democrats.
5. She never went to the police. She could have and should have started there. She diddnt.

Was she driven home? Did she walk? Did her friend, cayser ask her why she left at anytime after the event......basic questions any real victim would be able to answer.....actual victims of sexual assault remember the details...all of them..... they have a problem forgetting them, not remembering them...that is why they go to deal with the things they can't forget....

What one remembers vividly in a scenario like that is the adrenaline part --- being unable to breathe first and foremost. Being unable to escape. The circumstances around that, such as the position of the bed, the music, the staircase etc. That's why those details would be vivid, and why Ford was universally analyzed as completely credible.

The ride home by contrast would have been entirely anticlimactic unless it also involved a dramatic incident, e.g. a collision. Since it apparently did not it's just one of thousands of routine rides in a car. Can you remember every time you rode home in a car? I can't. Moreover in the immediate aftermath of a life-threatening situation one has just survived it's *FAR* more likely that she's turning over what just happened in the bedroom, than whether the next traffic light is red or not.

I can certainly recall, for instance, car collisions I've been in. But I can't recall how I got home from them.

Oh yeah, and about that ride home, who drove ? I know the poor hag can’t remember because of all the trama, but still, why hasn’t the driver stepped up? Sure, her memory could omit bits and pieces, but what about those around her? 4 of those people say it diddnt happen. What would really be helpful for Mrs. Ford is for the person who drove her to and from that party. The people she was hanging out with before that party would be useful to. Very simple details. On a 6 mile drive how would this not come up? No one asking “hey where you go” or “why you run out” ? Going by her own words, one of the people at the party had to have driven her.

AGAIN --- why would a driver OR a passenger somehow "remember" one routine ride home among hundreds, if she had said nothing about it?

AGAIN --- NOBODY ANYWHERE said it "didn't happen" outside of Kavanaugh himself. NOBODY ANYWHERE *CAN* say that. It's IMPOSSIBLE to say that.

You made it more complicated then you had to. Ima school you some so you can relax more. Draw a circle, then draw a line through it. That’s a graphic for cutting the bull shit.

Now, the driver could have only don’t that. Maybe a taxi? It would be another witness for Mrs. Ford. It would be another witness who could testify to how Mrs. Ford was before, and after the party. Lots of details missing here. To many to wreck a persons life over.

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.
wow that is a rough looking 52 year old
---------------------------------------- yeah man , yikes . Looking in the mirror gotta scare zhit outa her !! [yike again]
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.
Only issue I have,

1. No one backs her account.
2. No time, no place, no accounting for very simple details, how did you get home, how did you get there
3. She was not credible. She seemed like she was faking her way through the testimony. Weepy and tearful when she talked to the republican questioner, happy and cool when she talked to democrats.
5. She never went to the police. She could have and should have started there. She diddnt.

Was she driven home? Did she walk? Did her friend, cayser ask her why she left at anytime after the event......basic questions any real victim would be able to answer.....actual victims of sexual assault remember the details...all of them..... they have a problem forgetting them, not remembering them...that is why they go to deal with the things they can't forget....

What one remembers vividly in a scenario like that is the adrenaline part --- being unable to breathe first and foremost. Being unable to escape. The circumstances around that, such as the position of the bed, the music, the staircase etc. That's why those details would be vivid, and why Ford was universally analyzed as completely credible.

The ride home by contrast would have been entirely anticlimactic unless it also involved a dramatic incident, e.g. a collision. Since it apparently did not it's just one of thousands of routine rides in a car. Can you remember every time you rode home in a car? I can't. Moreover in the immediate aftermath of a life-threatening situation one has just survived it's *FAR* more likely that she's turning over what just happened in the bedroom, than whether the next traffic light is red or not.

I can certainly recall, for instance, car collisions I've been in. But I can't recall how I got home from them.

Oh yeah, and about that ride home, who drove ? I know the poor hag can’t remember because of all the trama, but still, why hasn’t the driver stepped up? Sure, her memory could omit bits and pieces, but what about those around her? 4 of those people say it diddnt happen. What would really be helpful for Mrs. Ford is for the person who drove her to and from that party. The people she was hanging out with before that party would be useful to. Very simple details. On a 6 mile drive how would this not come up? No one asking “hey where you go” or “why you run out” ? Going by her own words, one of the people at the party had to have driven her.

AGAIN --- why would a driver OR a passenger somehow "remember" one routine ride home among hundreds, if she had said nothing about it?

AGAIN --- NOBODY ANYWHERE said it "didn't happen" outside of Kavanaugh himself. NOBODY ANYWHERE *CAN* say that. It's IMPOSSIBLE to say that.

You made it more complicated then you had to. Ima school you some so you can relax more. Draw a circle, then draw a line through it. That’s a graphic for cutting the bull shit.

Now, the driver could have only don’t that. Maybe a taxi? It would be another witness for Mrs. Ford. It would be another witness who could testify to how Mrs. Ford was before, and after the party. Lots of details missing here. To many to wreck a persons life over.

Yeah I have all my taxi receipts from 1982 saved right here in a shoe box.

Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

FU. You are a clown. One more PLOY to detract from the fact that this girl HAD NO BUSINESS being at that party that time of night at that age getting drunk with older boys. WHERE WERE HER PARENTS in guiding and supervising her? ANY OTHER TIME you'd be pointing out how alcohol lowers one's inhibitions and like any other drug makes the user not responsible for their actions.

Nothing makes molesting a girl against her will right, but nothing changes the fact that Chrissy can hardly be too surprised that after secretly sneaking to an older-boys all-boy party late at light BEHIND HER PARENT'S BACKS to get drunk at the tender age of 15, that some boys there plastered out of their minds in a moment of weakness, haze and horniness, mistook her presence as an invitation and interested and FELT HER UP.

It might have been wrong, but wholly predictable to anyone with a brain. So even if it happened, that certainly doesn't detract from Kavanaugh's character and qualifications to serve as a Justice on the bench. If anyone is guilty here, it should be the parents, whom today, parents are routinely prosecuted just for letting their kids walk home from the park, much less out late at night getting drunk and felt up.

We need to find out what her parents were like. Were they hippies too getting drunk and smoking pot in the home while their little girl was out getting drunk and looking for a good lay? Pogo probably sees nothing wrong with any of this because it reminds him of the home HE grew up in!
You really ought to read up on what she reports happened before you spout off. Makes you look ignorant.

You mean reading the 10,000 posts here on the subject as well as hours of both live coverage and reports on the testimony after the fact still aren't enough? Enough of this horsecrap. End the charade. Confirm the poor guy. Time to move on.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

There is never a "right" answer with you libs. It is never enough. You will always demand more.

YOur lies are fooling no one.
Was she driven home? Did she walk? Did her friend, cayser ask her why she left at anytime after the event......basic questions any real victim would be able to answer.....actual victims of sexual assault remember the details...all of them..... they have a problem forgetting them, not remembering them...that is why they go to deal with the things they can't forget....

What one remembers vividly in a scenario like that is the adrenaline part --- being unable to breathe first and foremost. Being unable to escape. The circumstances around that, such as the position of the bed, the music, the staircase etc. That's why those details would be vivid, and why Ford was universally analyzed as completely credible.

The ride home by contrast would have been entirely anticlimactic unless it also involved a dramatic incident, e.g. a collision. Since it apparently did not it's just one of thousands of routine rides in a car. Can you remember every time you rode home in a car? I can't. Moreover in the immediate aftermath of a life-threatening situation one has just survived it's *FAR* more likely that she's turning over what just happened in the bedroom, than whether the next traffic light is red or not.

I can certainly recall, for instance, car collisions I've been in. But I can't recall how I got home from them.

Oh yeah, and about that ride home, who drove ? I know the poor hag can’t remember because of all the trama, but still, why hasn’t the driver stepped up? Sure, her memory could omit bits and pieces, but what about those around her? 4 of those people say it diddnt happen. What would really be helpful for Mrs. Ford is for the person who drove her to and from that party. The people she was hanging out with before that party would be useful to. Very simple details. On a 6 mile drive how would this not come up? No one asking “hey where you go” or “why you run out” ? Going by her own words, one of the people at the party had to have driven her.

AGAIN --- why would a driver OR a passenger somehow "remember" one routine ride home among hundreds, if she had said nothing about it?

AGAIN --- NOBODY ANYWHERE said it "didn't happen" outside of Kavanaugh himself. NOBODY ANYWHERE *CAN* say that. It's IMPOSSIBLE to say that.

You made it more complicated then you had to. Ima school you some so you can relax more. Draw a circle, then draw a line through it. That’s a graphic for cutting the bull shit.

Now, the driver could have only don’t that. Maybe a taxi? It would be another witness for Mrs. Ford. It would be another witness who could testify to how Mrs. Ford was before, and after the party. Lots of details missing here. To many to wreck a persons life over.

Yeah I have all my taxi receipts from 1982 saved right here in a shoe box.


It’s a simple detail. How about the staff who was working the club she was at before this party? Cops would have done all this it’s very basic investigation stuff. Not tech, no academic acrobatics. Just the basics.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Wow...I always thought you were stupid....but I never realized you were this stupid. If anyone watching the democrats and what they are doing to Kavanaugh could come away with what you just posted...they would be just as stupid as you are....If he did that, he would not only be done with the nomination, they would be drawing up articles of impeachment for his current post, you moron.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

You certainly could be right. I find it hard to have a firm opinion about the events, as they happened so long ago and memories that old tend to be unreliable. Add in the fact that whatever happened could have seemed different from different perspectives, and the addition of alcohol consumption, and it's very difficult for me to say things did or did not happen. It's unfortunate, but without any evidence other than the testimony of those involved, the reality is that there's simply no way to know. :dunno:
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

There is never a "right" answer with you libs. It is never enough. You will always demand more.

YOur lies are fooling no one.

I like the new one...where morons like pogo are saying that since he got mad at the hearing because they are falsely accusing him of rape....that he doesn't have the composure to be a judge....

Democrats are vile, they are evil.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

There is never a "right" answer with you libs. It is never enough. You will always demand more.

YOur lies are fooling no one.

I like the new one...where morons like pogo are saying that since he got mad at the hearing because they are falsely accusing him of rape....that he doesn't have the composure to be a judge....

Democrats are vile, they are evil.

They have zero intellectual honesty or decency.

They are vile scum.

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

I don't know if that's a real non-photoshopped picture or not (and I doubt it considering the source) but my mother had a scar just like that. It was from a thyroid operation. I remember the time she was in the hospital, vividly.

By the way Einstein --- how exactly do you "countersue" if you haven't been sued?

--------------------------------------------- its an ugly woman aging in an ugly way , i wish her more Uglyness Pogo .

More so, you can see a lot of ugliness and loneliness inside her. I almost feel sorry for her. These accusations are her reaching out for attention and help.
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Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
A tougher girl would have smacked him or hit him in the balls. She was a snowflake. Remembers it worse than it was. Or remembers it exactly how it happened from her viewpoint.

I agree with you completely. This was a long time ago and that’s how drunk young men acted in the 80s.

After hearing her testimony they need to seat that son of a bitch. I don’t like it but it’s true
that’s how drunk young men acted in the 80s.
No, it's not. Well, at least not in the 70's they didn't, and I have asked all of my students, of various ages, some just out of high school and they ALL have told me that this is not "normal" behavior. It is highly aggressive and on the verge of criminal, if you ask me. It's not just copping a feel. It is a whole lot more than that. He locked the door so no one else could come walking in to "rescue" her. He turned up the stereo to drown out her yells and covered her mouth with his hand. He attempted to rip off her clothes. He may have done it as some kind of dare or joke with his buddy, but it was anything but "that's how drunk young men acted " in any decade.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Wow...I always thought you were stupid....but I never realized you were this stupid. If anyone watching the democrats and what they are doing to Kavanaugh could come away with what you just posted...they would be just as stupid as you are....If he did that, he would not only be done with the nomination, they would be drawing up articles of impeachment for his current post, you moron.

Your implication is, Kavanaugh lied, under oath, before he testified before the Senate committee this week? Is that correct?
Your statement sounds like that is the implication.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

There is no proof in what she is saying. Everything else is just speculation.

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