So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump.

It has a metric ton to do with Trump - Democrats haven't turned out like this in midterms since well before Obama.

The ‘Enthusiasm Gap’ Could Turn A Democratic Wave Into A Tsunami

Well Democrats are happy when this country is going downhill. If we become conservative enough, they will all have to get off of welfare and get a job.

...I think I just crashed your hard drive and it started spewing random talking points nothing to do with the discussion.
Yes, they interfered with our elections when Ears was President. They weren't able to hack the RNC computers (they tried) but they were able to successfully hack the DNC's under DumBama.

Which country has made threats to the US the last five times threats were made?

Ooooh, threats... Yeah, I'm totally threatened by a country that can't even keep the fucking lights on.


What does this conversation have to do with the one percent or my insurance? Oh, that's right, you just woke up. Probably dreamt of my insurance all night as usual. Did you wake up screaming? Did the neighbors call the police again?

You know Joe, if they ever did make a law about mentally unstable people not being able to buy a gun, you wouldn't even be allowed to look at one yet alone buy it.

The Army trusted me with a whole vault full of M16's... so that would be the sound of you being wrong again.

But back to the point. You are the kind of dumbass who keeps voting Republican when they are foreclosing on your double wide because you just hate the thought of government taking care of people.

And every year, they find new ways to screw you over, and you keep bending over. "What, I can't get health insurance? Well, clearly, it's all the black guys fault, boss. Sure hope I don't get into a car accident on the way to work, or i'm screwed. No, I'd never think of sending out a resume to another company."

Yes I do, because Trump is the only one they ever asked. The SK"s are doing whatever they can to avoid conflict with NK. It has nothing to do with the US. Yes, our enemies think Trump is a dangerous person, just like they thought Reagan was a dangerous person. That's a good thing.

Um, no, it's really not. We are now realizing just how close we came to nuclear war a few time when the Senile Actor was running things. Like when he joked about "Bombing Russia" and the whole Soviet Eastern Command went on high alert.

I don't want leaders who scare the rest of the world. I guess if you are insecure white trash living in a slum in Cleveland, you don't mind that, since you are scared all the time anyway.
Ooooh, threats... Yeah, I'm totally threatened by a country that can't even keep the fucking lights on.

The leaders in the Soviet Union couldn't keep their people fed. Look what a threat they were to the US. The largest domestic attack in US history were by people who lived in caves and walked around in sandals during the winter.

The Army trusted me with a whole vault full of M16's... so that would be the sound of you being wrong again.

One of two things: Either you developed your mental illness after you got out, or the military was so desperate for people they took anybody. Given we are the same age, I think the latter applied. Not a lot of people interested in the military pro-Vietnam.

And every year, they find new ways to screw you over, and you keep bending over. "What, I can't get health insurance? Well, clearly, it's all the black guys fault, boss. Sure hope I don't get into a car accident on the way to work, or i'm screwed. No, I'd never think of sending out a resume to another company."

Let's see, until the "black guy" interfered WITH OUR HEALTH INSURANCE in this country, I had it all my adult life WITH preexisting conditions. But no, it can't be his fault. He's black, so he could do no wrong in Joe's eyes. It was........coincidence. Yeah, that's the ticket.....coincidence.

Um, no, it's really not. We are now realizing just how close we came to nuclear war a few time when the Senile Actor was running things. Like when he joked about "Bombing Russia" and the whole Soviet Eastern Command went on high alert.

I don't want leaders who scare the rest of the world. I guess if you are insecure white trash living in a slum in Cleveland, you don't mind that, since you are scared all the time anyway.

Nah, not scared at all. I carry my gun with me when I go into precarious situations. You on the other hand live in a city that has more shootings on a holiday weekend than we have in three months time. That's the good news. The bad news is that as blacks grow in population, it will become even more dangerous. And when that population reaches the percentage of blacks we have here in Cleveland, you will be wishing you had a gun with you.
One of two things: Either you developed your mental illness after you got out, or the military was so desperate for people they took anybody. Given we are the same age, I think the latter applied. Not a lot of people interested in the military pro-Vietnam.

I was in considerably after Vietnam. To the point, though, it's not a mental illness to recognize a racist tool when you see one. The GOP has gotten away with DESTROYING the middle class our parents enjoyed because dumb fucks like you keep worrying about the pittance poor people get rather than the full ripoff the one percent is doing by cheating you out of wages and benefits.

So you aren't angry at your boss for taking the money he should have been using to pay for your health coverage. nope. You are angry that someone who is being exploited by Walmart can get ObamaCare and you can't.

Let's see, until the "black guy" interfered WITH OUR HEALTH INSURANCE in this country, I had it all my adult life WITH preexisting conditions. But no, it can't be his fault. He's black, so he could do no wrong in Joe's eyes. It was........coincidence. Yeah, that's the ticket.....coincidence.

If your health care wasn't ACA compliant, it probably wasn't any good.

Nah, not scared at all. I carry my gun with me when I go into precarious situations. You on the other hand live in a city that has more shootings on a holiday weekend than we have in three months time.

Um, yeah. Here's the thing. There are only 300K people left in your city. that's the problem. It's mostly abandoned buildings and crumbling infrastructure.

We have 3 million people and new buildings going up all the time, because people want to work here. The only new buildings i saw in Cleveland were the bank buildings. Kind of the last stage of a parasitic infection.
Republicans have greatly studied the skills of losing. It's what they have been doing for the past 100 years.

That's how... and unless they learn not to lose, but win like Trump... good bye civilization. Let's see if they can pull it off by the next election. It's not that difficult, just follow what Trump does.
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

Yes, you have sure been prognosticating elections well. Remember this one?

One of two things: Either you developed your mental illness after you got out, or the military was so desperate for people they took anybody. Given we are the same age, I think the latter applied. Not a lot of people interested in the military pro-Vietnam.

... To the point, though, it's not a mental illness to recognize a racist tool when you see one ...

Then there was how you said you switched parties under Gore in 2000, then you changed that to Romney is 2008. You're a liar, Joe.

At least you recognize that you're losing, and losing badly though. You're a racist! It's a discussion ender, which is why you use it when you want to stop having your brains beaten in and you know that's what's happening
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

So you're denying that Repugs gerrymandered this district, goober? Even though the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said they did?

How did Repugs lose a district that they gerrymandered to GUARANTEE victory???

Lamb a "standard Republican". LOL, what an idiot.

I told you how but you are too dense to read.

Now tell me that Democrats never used gerrymandering when in power. Go ahead.......I dare ya.

Well, at least you're admitting that Repugs gerrymandered the district. I'll give your unremarkable worthless Repug ass credit for that.
You are still fired up fro last night's great news, aren't you? lol Look at the total picture...a Democrat running on the Republican platform and you are bring attention to it.

Remember the insignificance of that election. Fifteen million dollars for an office anounting to 6 months! The real significance is that Pelosi is probably history. Finally!
It's hilarious and quite surprising. Repugs have cheated in Pennsylvania by using gerrymandering for years, which is why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled recently that the House districts in the state must be redrawn. However, Repugs STILL lost district PA-18 to Democrat Conor Lamb, despite it being one of the reddest districts in the state. Trump won this district by 20% in 2016.

Repugs have got to be very nervous about the 2018 election. Even "safe" red districts could be up for grabs. They better get Putin on the phone quickly and get more help.

You do know that in 8 months the race is on again right? Dont understand all the hubub over Alabama and PA. What will libtards say if they lose both seats in November?
I was in considerably after Vietnam. To the point, though, it's not a mental illness to recognize a racist tool when you see one.

It's a mental illness to be so obsessed with things that it's all that's on your mind day and night. It's called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and it's what you have. You can't write one post without bringing that up or race. It's a sickness.

The GOP has gotten away with DESTROYING the middle class our parents enjoyed because dumb fucks like you keep worrying about the pittance poor people get rather than the full ripoff the one percent is doing by cheating you out of wages and benefits.

So how did the GOP do that? Unions? Unions are what chased all the jobs out of this country to start with. Republicans were (are) just trying to keep those jobs here. You don't keep jobs with unions, environmental regulations and high taxes, you chase those jobs away. They move somewhere else.

I'd rather have a less paying job than no job at all. Democrats think it's better to have no job, that way you end up on some social program where they control you.

So you aren't angry at your boss for taking the money he should have been using to pay for your health coverage. nope. You are angry that someone who is being exploited by Walmart can get ObamaCare and you can't.

I'm mad at both. Commie Care was designed for likely Republican voters: french fry makers, floor sweepers, shelf stockers. It's the middle-class and small businesses who got screwed the most.

If your health care wasn't ACA compliant, it probably wasn't any good.

Did you ever see the plans in Commie Care? Take a look sometime. I did. I never had plans that poor in my life by employers. I never seen 7 to 9 K deductibles, no dental or eye, no prescription for about a third of your net pay. Oh! But you have birth control and abortion coverage. Yippee!

Um, yeah. Here's the thing. There are only 300K people left in your city. that's the problem. It's mostly abandoned buildings and crumbling infrastructure.

We have 3 million people and new buildings going up all the time, because people want to work here. The only new buildings i saw in Cleveland were the bank buildings. Kind of the last stage of a parasitic infection.

Then maybe you should have looked out your hotel window. Our football and baseball stadiums are only a few years old. Our Justice Center is only a few years old. Not to mention our science center and R and R Hall of Fame. We have a brand new aquarium. Sounds like whoever made your travel arrangements must have played a joke on you.
Then there was how you said you switched parties under Gore in 2000, then you changed that to Romney is 2008. You're a liar, Joe.

Um... no, i can't be responsible for your reading comprehension problems.

I've actually been pretty consistent in my story. I voted Republican up until 2008. I even voted for McCain. Then in 2008, after looking at my 25% salary reduction, my busted 401K and my underwater mortgage, I realized that the only real conflict in this country isn't about race, it isn't about religion, and it isn't about where people are sticking their genitals.

It's about the rich vs. the rest of us, and the GOP only favor the rich.

Probably should have figured that out two recessions earlier, but there you are.

Romney was everything I thought was wrong with the GOP in concentrate form. A member of an insane cult who made his fortune fucking over working people to make himself richer.

I could go into more detail, but again, given your poor reading comprehension skills, not sure it would do much good.

At least you recognize that you're losing, and losing badly though. You're a racist! It's a discussion ender, which is why you use it when you want to stop having your brains beaten in and you know that's what's happening

How would I recognize that? You guys haven't won the national popular vote honestly once since 1988. Demographics are not on your side. there aren't enough angry old white guys to keep you afloat.

The thing is, the GOP made its own bed when it decided to pander to angry old white guys.
Then maybe you should have looked out your hotel window. Our football and baseball stadiums are only a few years old. Our Justice Center is only a few years old. Not to mention our science center and R and R Hall of Fame. We have a brand new aquarium. Sounds like whoever made your travel arrangements must have played a joke on you.

Guy, I had to drive the route from my hotel to the company where they were holding the conference every day... it was sad and pathetic.

It's a mental illness to be so obsessed with things that it's all that's on your mind day and night. It's called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and it's what you have. You can't write one post without bringing that up or race. It's a sickness.

Guy, I've written 90K posts here. I doubt more than a few hundred mock your stupidity with sucking up to a guy who stole your health insurance.

So how did the GOP do that? Unions? Unions are what chased all the jobs out of this country to start with. Republicans were (are) just trying to keep those jobs here. You don't keep jobs with unions, environmental regulations and high taxes, you chase those jobs away. They move somewhere else.

Guy, your argument would work if we were losing out to countries with no unions... but um, no. The Germans and Japanese have stronger unions than we have, and they are eating our lunch. They also have single payer and make the rich pay their fair share.

I'm mad at both. Commie Care was designed for likely Republican voters: french fry makers, floor sweepers, shelf stockers. It's the middle-class and small businesses who got screwed the most.

You aren't mad enough at your boss to send out resumes... (Hey, I know a guy!) So again- battered housewife keeps takign the beating, and stays in the abusive relationship.

The French Fry maker was smart enough to get health care...

Did you ever see the plans in Commie Care? Take a look sometime. I did. I never had plans that poor in my life by employers. I never seen 7 to 9 K deductibles, no dental or eye, no prescription for about a third of your net pay. Oh! But you have birth control and abortion coverage. Yippee!

Um, yeah, i looked at them when I took my business full time. They weren't bad, but I got a pretty good deal through a private company. Of course, I actually bothered to shop around.
You do know that in 8 months the race is on again right? Dont understand all the hubub over Alabama and PA. What will libtards say if they lose both seats in November?

Well, first, the AL Senate Seat doesn't come up again until 2020. Maybe you should do your research.

The PA seat will probably change because of the redistricting that the courts have ordered, but that will make it easier for Lamb to win in a new district that will be created.
You do know that in 8 months the race is on again right? Dont understand all the hubub over Alabama and PA. What will libtards say if they lose both seats in November?

Well, first, the AL Senate Seat doesn't come up again until 2020. Maybe you should do your research.

The PA seat will probably change because of the redistricting that the courts have ordered, but that will make it easier for Lamb to win in a new district that will be created.

Change nothing. You confirmed my point. What did you dorks win? Go look at all your 2016 political predictions. All hafve made you look stoopid.
Then there was how you said you switched parties under Gore in 2000, then you changed that to Romney is 2008. You're a liar, Joe.

Um... no, i can't be responsible for your reading comprehension problems.

I've actually been pretty consistent in my story. I voted Republican up until 2008. I even voted for McCain. Then in 2008, after looking at my 25% salary reduction, my busted 401K and my underwater mortgage, I realized that the only real conflict in this country isn't about race, it isn't about religion, and it isn't about where people are sticking their genitals.

It's about the rich vs. the rest of us, and the GOP only favor the rich.

Probably should have figured that out two recessions earlier, but there you are.

Romney was everything I thought was wrong with the GOP in concentrate form. A member of an insane cult who made his fortune fucking over working people to make himself richer.

I could go into more detail, but again, given your poor reading comprehension skills, not sure it would do much good.

And before you switched parties in 2000 because the SCOTUS stopped Al Gore from stealing the election and you were outraged. Then you flipped side on every position to the Democrat party line. You also forgot what Republicans believe and decided you agree with every stereotypical leftist accusation that Republicans love corporations, hate the poor, are racists, think women have no right to their own view, ...

Even if somehow you became a socialist, there is no reason you'd believe the shallow leftist lies about why Republicans think what they do because you would know they are lies.

It's amazing how the lamest obvious Democrat leftists are always the lamest fake Republicans

At least you recognize that you're losing, and losing badly though. You're a racist! It's a discussion ender, which is why you use it when you want to stop having your brains beaten in and you know that's what's happening

How would I recognize that? You guys haven't won the national popular vote honestly once since 1988. Demographics are not on your side. there aren't enough angry old white guys to keep you afloat.

The thing is, the GOP made its own bed when it decided to pander to angry old white guys.

Bull shit. Libertarians did not win the election in 1988. That was Republicans.

And you weren't a math whiz, were you? Count angry old white guys and tell me how they voted Republicans into most of the governorships, legislature majority, US house and Senate and the white house.

You're an idiot. But you admitted that already when again you went back to you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?

They lost in a district Trump won by 20 points.

The only thing it was about was Trump.

Who by the way will be a one term President, and will lose to a Democrat in 2020, if he isn't impeached and prosecuted first.

And after he does leave office, there are at least 3 states attorney generals that are going to bar b que his fat ass in state courts, including prison time and civil forfeiture of his assets.

Which will make him the first President in history that will happen to.

You're really going to enjoy my company on this board when that happens.

See you down the road.
Change nothing. You confirmed my point. What did you dorks win? Go look at all your 2016 political predictions. All hafve made you look stoopid.

Jesus fucking Christ, man, why do you embarrass yourself like this? You can't spell, you can't construct an argument and you don't even do the basic research. You are like Corky the Retard showing up at a Mensa conference.

Bull shit. Libertarians did not win the election in 1988. That was Republicans.

Oh, I'm sorry. You belong to the party that hates government but wants to hit a whopping 5% of the vote so they can get matching funds... and have failed to do that.

And you weren't a math whiz, were you? Count angry old white guys and tell me how they voted Republicans into most of the governorships, legislature majority, US house and Senate and the white house.

Again, controlling the parts of the country where few people live isn't much to brag about... but most of those guys will be gone in November.

You're an idiot. But you admitted that already when again you went back to you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist

Sorry, guy, hate to break this to you... you're a racist.

You guys nominated people who used Willie Horton and Welfare Queens and "Mexicans are rapists", but there aren't enough of you to keep afloat...
Change nothing. You confirmed my point. What did you dorks win? Go look at all your 2016 political predictions. All hafve made you look stoopid.

Jesus fucking Christ, man, why do you embarrass yourself like this? You can't spell, you can't construct an argument and you don't even do the basic research. You are like Corky the Retard showing up at a Mensa conference.

Bull shit. Libertarians did not win the election in 1988. That was Republicans.

Oh, I'm sorry. You belong to the party that hates government but wants to hit a whopping 5% of the vote so they can get matching funds... and have failed to do that.

And you weren't a math whiz, were you? Count angry old white guys and tell me how they voted Republicans into most of the governorships, legislature majority, US house and Senate and the white house.

Again, controlling the parts of the country where few people live isn't much to brag about... but most of those guys will be gone in November.

You're an idiot. But you admitted that already when again you went back to you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist

Sorry, guy, hate to break this to you... you're a racist.

You guys nominated people who used Willie Horton and Welfare Queens and "Mexicans are rapists", but there aren't enough of you to keep afloat...

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump. You must be a racist then
Change nothing. You confirmed my point. What did you dorks win? Go look at all your 2016 political predictions. All hafve made you look stoopid.

Jesus fucking Christ, man, why do you embarrass yourself like this? You can't spell, you can't construct an argument and you don't even do the basic research. You are like Corky the Retard showing up at a Mensa conference.

Bull shit. Libertarians did not win the election in 1988. That was Republicans.

Oh, I'm sorry. You belong to the party that hates government but wants to hit a whopping 5% of the vote so they can get matching funds... and have failed to do that.

And you weren't a math whiz, were you? Count angry old white guys and tell me how they voted Republicans into most of the governorships, legislature majority, US house and Senate and the white house.

Again, controlling the parts of the country where few people live isn't much to brag about... but most of those guys will be gone in November.

You're an idiot. But you admitted that already when again you went back to you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist

Sorry, guy, hate to break this to you... you're a racist.

You guys nominated people who used Willie Horton and Welfare Queens and "Mexicans are rapists", but there aren't enough of you to keep afloat...

I do it for you Joe. Go look at all your posts where you gripe about spelling. Use your spell check. I remember you hiding behind one of your alternate accounts when you spelled “campaigns” wrong and you were getting called out because you told everyone you are a writer, lol.

Racist? Mmm, maybe, but the Latin culture is a very rapey culture. You may be into that, but many arent. Your arguments are stupid and launched from your emotions and not common sense.
If lefties can use a Pa. victory in their fantasy of reversing the presidential election , go for it. At least it keeps them off the streets and away from republican baseball teams this year.

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