So how long after the election will we get the "working together" speech by the Democrats?

I don't the the Neo-GOP will ever get it.

The come together moment of the standard concession speech is for the supporters of the losing candidate, so they don't do what the Neo-GOP have done, having been so stewed in Benedict Donald's vocal hatred of half of America that they have a visceral hate the other half now too.
yah, we are angry.
I can tell. Your posts just come across as belligerent, incoherent whining.

I’m glad we have websites like this so that people like you can vent. I’m sure it’s healthy for you to let it all out.

Let it all out, buddy. I know you’re upset. :itsok:
You say that while cowardly hiding behind your keyboard.

But that's what demented perverts do I hear. That and project a lot.
Since I have you as a Mentally Ill Demotwat to talk to today, what is it with your party and grooming children in the Alphabet Pedo lifestyle?
And why do you hate Challengers, Mustangs, and Corvettes?
You made Bro because you drive a PRIUS?
Does a V8 sound too masculine for you?
Do you like your wominz with Facial Hair and Armpit Hair?
Do you have TOFU parties in your Cult of the Holy Melting Iceberg meetings?
Do you get your Estrogen levels checked regularly to make sure you are feminine enough for your peers?
Do you guys wear women's panties, or did they finally start making panties for your lil bathroom confused group?
I can tell. Your posts just come across as belligerent, incoherent whining.

I’m glad we have websites like this so that people like you can vent. I’m sure it’s healthy for you to let it all out.

Let it all out, buddy. I know you’re upset. :itsok:
It should come across as Beligerant. Joe declared WAR on for The SOUL of America.
There is Joe's side which you belong to, The Side of Hell
Then there is our side fighting for what little righteousness and goodness there is still left in this country to protect.

We will lose the battle The Bible says, and your Global Fuehrer The AntiChrist will come to power soon. You will worship him like a god.

But We Win The War when Christ returns to smash your Evil Babel Tower, and Babylon System to pieces and establish His Kingdom of Peace and Perfection.

You know why it will be perfect?

Because you nor your god Satan will have any part of it.

Stay away from our children, our American V8s, and our Churches. If you want to eat Tofu, drink Soy Milk, Drive a Prius, Wear A Dress, and admire hairy man ass, do it on your own time.

Stop asking us to approve of your lifestyle, or go along with your Globalist DemNazi 666 Hair Sniffing Agenda, and stop asking us to join your Cult of The Holy Melting Iceberg.
I was a Charger fan. Then it was two wheels for me after High School.

Why would a pussy like you care? You're too busy being a girliebusybody.....
So you do have a little testosterone, you are just fucked up in the head.

When did you start buying into The Marxist Globalist Propaganda?
You do realize that everywhere it was tried that it ended up in disaster, right?

Yet, you think you are pushing something new?

Collectivism has killed more human beings through starvation, war, and genocide more than any singular philosophy.
UNITY, is a parasite that does nothing but destroy human ingenuity, human productivity, human progress, and stamp out human freedoms.

America was founded for such a reason, and now you want to kill The Goose that laid THE GOLDEN EGG?


Are you just stupid, mentally ill, or brainwashed, or spiritually corrupt?

No free thinking, free human being is for this.

It is nothing but shackles and chains cloaked in the dogma of equity.

Why are you FOR Enslaving Mankind?
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I prefer the guy who doesn’t try to overthrow a democratically held election over retarded baseless claims of election fraud.

If you believe in those retarded claims, then I think you’re retarded too.
Only Under the Present System Can Evolution's Sore Losers Win

I believe in electorate fraud. We deserved a choice on letting feral minorities and unwanted naturalized citizens vote. If the will of the people is ever empowered, all these elections will be nullified.
So you do have a little testosterone, you are just fucked up in the head. When did you start buying into The Marxist Globalist Propaganda?
You do realize that everywhere it was tried that it ended up in disaster, right?
There is no Marxist Global Movement. Just us. The US and the Allied forces and the New World Order set in motion after the end of WWII. The attack on 9-11 was an attack on that. Either you're with us or your against us.
You're not even making an argument Short Bus, you're just asking the same question over and over. Your earnings should be taxed, you feel free with your business to decide how that happens. 😄
Again, I ask are they my earnings if, I, as a business owner choose not to use them personally and instead retain them for future use?

And you inadvertently, or perhaps intentionally, made fun of my son who, due to his condition beyond his control, took the short bus.

Live with it.
It should come across as Beligerant.
Oh it does.

Let me be completely honest with you here: I think you’re bat-shit crazy. No joke.

I read most of the posts that I come across around here. I always skip yours.

Sometimes when I’m downtown I’ll see homeless people rambling incoherently about something. They’re clearly on drugs and they’re not making any sense whatsoever. I just walk past them, feeling sorry for them, and not paying much attention to anything they’re rambling about.

That’s kind of what I do when I see your posts, for the exact same reason.
It's funny to watch the hypocrites in action when they lose an election. When in power, DumBama said Republicans want the keys back to the car they drove into the ditch. He went on to say, they can come along for the ride, but they'll have to sit in the back seat. During and after Trump's presidency, they hounded him month after month, year after year, and are still hounding him today nearly two years after leaving office, something that's never been done in our history.

So as usual, depending on how large the win, the devil will become an angel. You know, "we look forward to working together NOW!" Oh, forget about the fact we wouldn't give Republicans the time of day when we had all the power. Now it's time to bury the past and move forward as Americans together!

Of course, I expect this pathetic pandering to be delivered by Biden a few days after the election, but Whorris will continue echoing it long after, especially if we take the Senate by more than two seats.

At least a week of

Two weeks of 'Republicans STOLE the election!'

After going through all 5 stages of grief Democrats will then DEMAND the GOP work with them.

The Slave holding South wanted Independence and the North didn't want to let them go. The North punished the old power in the South by taking away their slaves and political power. They damn sure regained their power after the Northern Occupiers gave up in Louisiana and withdrew in 1877. After that, the old Masters visited great revenge on the former slaves too, (Probably makes the Neo-GOP thugs jealous.)
One of your best posts in my eyes.
Oh it does.

Let me be completely honest with you here: I think you’re bat-shit crazy. No joke.

I read most of the posts that I come across around here. I always skip yours.

Sometimes when I’m downtown I’ll see homeless people rambling incoherently about something. They’re clearly on drugs and they’re not making any sense whatsoever. I just walk past them, feeling sorry for them, and not paying much attention to anything they’re rambling about.

That’s kind of what I do when I see your posts, for the exact same reason.
Interesting. You skip his/ her post's yet you respond to them.

Speaks volumes.
Interesting. You skip his/ her post's yet you respond to them.

Speaks volumes.
Well sure, I’ll respond to anyone who replies to me. It is a message board, after all.

I just don’t care to look at his posts otherwise because they’re all the same. Just a jumbled mess of incoherent anger.

What’s the problem?
Well sure, I’ll respond to anyone who replies to me. It is a message board, after all.

I just don’t care to look at his posts otherwise because they’re all the same. Just a jumbled mess of incoherent anger.

What’s the problem?
No problem for me. You claimed to always skip his/her posts and that is obviously not the truth.

Thats all.
Losing an election doesn’t mean it was rigged.
However statistical anomalies are a strong indicator that something unusual happened.

Statistical anomalies six standard deviations out, are a gigantic red flag.

"Rigging" is too nebulous a concept. It's politics talk, not security talk.

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