So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Still waiting to see the long term effects of trade wars

Republicans used to fight for free trade
Weren't they also fiscal conservatives?? OR was that just a code word for no spending on the poor?
When a liberal says that it means tax increases.
Well Bri are you a fiscal conservative or is the whole republican platform bullshit?
The term "fiscal conservative" is propaganda. It doesn't mean anything aside from the fact that the politician using it is a douchebag.
And sayit before dinner I just would like to tell you I appreciate the comments made about Obama AND I'm not a commie
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
Socialism didn't fail Venezuela. They built their economy on a one legged platform and to make matters worse elected a dictator, just like we did.
if trump is a dictator how come you can bad mouth him in public and not get arrested?....just asking....

There's a little thing called the First Amendment, but that hasn't stopped Trump from trying to shut down criticism. He tried to stop the AT&T/Time-Warner merger to punish Time-Warner for CNN coverage. He has suggested that the FCC do something about networks that criticize him.

He calls leaked reports about him "fake news", and then threatens to prosecute the leakers. If the leaks are fakes and lies as Trump always says, how can he prosecute the leakers? You can only prosecute someone for leaking the truth, not for planting false stories.
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Yeah, he was given an economic shit sandwich, but let us make a few things clear about why.

First of all clinton rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods. Look that up. Mac, the moron thinks that had very little effect.

Clinton also passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation. He did that btw in December of 2000, which was one of his last actions as president. Wonder why he did that on his way out?

Also, who headed up the Fannie and Freddie debacle? That was pole smoking moron Barney Frank and Dodd. Both democrats.

The economy was actually fairly strong until the end of 2006. Unemployment was down and the dow was pretty high and considering 5 years after the 911 attack and total destruction of the economic heart of America qnd and the world, rather interesting.

Then.....the democrats took over after the media propaganda convinced all of us that things were horrific with the economy and as the left cried that Boooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed before he got into office, the country was conned into voting in the party of big tax and socialism. What did the economy do from 2007 to 2010, when the party of big tax had control?

Then, the republicans took back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014 and presidency in 2016.

Yet, they credit the skinny gay marxist and the democrats for an economic recovery?


You only pay attention to the Rich. Us Middle Class were already in deep trouble after 2001. It didn't hit the rich until 2009. Bush Jr. saw it and tried to do something about it but was laughed right off capital hill in 2003 with his 733 billion dollar prevention. You honestly think the Obama had to go that far to come up with what he is credited for? No, he just adjusted what Bush Jr and his financial wizards had already done. By waiting until it affected the Rich so heavily it hammered the entire globe. Shades of 1929. I condemn Bush Jr for a lot of things but I give him credit for keeping this nation afloat. His planning and broad sights made it so that Obama could get the buyout package done much quicker. I don't even know if Obama and his bunch were bright enough to pull it off without Bush Jr and his bright advisers help. We'll never know.

Guess what, the middle class is in trouble again. And it is just getting worse. You want to wait until the Rich get leveled before you say there is anything wrong? Shades of 2009 and 1929 all over again. If I used the same time frame, the others took about 5 years to fester. So we take 2 years ago, add 3 years to it and we have 2021 and another bust coming unless we get some much smarter managers in our current government fast. That means, if we continue with Trump OR if we go with the 3 front runners of the Dem Party we are in very serious trouble. I don't know about you but that scares the living crap out of me.
Just for kicks and giggles meathead
+$49,089.07 (0.76%)
Day Change
Come on, if Gator's a billionaire, you could do better than that.
If gator tells me something the chances are I'd believe before disbelieve
Of course, you're a well known idiot who believes anything that rational patriotic Americans disagree with.
Bri I appreciate that you consider yourself patriotic BUT IF SO wtf are you supporting this scumbag trump who in his lifetime has only thought about himself ???
Your lies about Trump aren't fooling anyone, shit for brains.
I'm trying to be nice bri Try not to act like your scumbag trump does Do you know anything about that POS ?? If so and you still support him ,there is no help for the likes of you
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Yeah, he was given an economic shit sandwich, but let us make a few things clear about why.

First of all clinton rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods. Look that up. Mac, the moron thinks that had very little effect.

Clinton also passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation. He did that btw in December of 2000, which was one of his last actions as president. Wonder why he did that on his way out?

Also, who headed up the Fannie and Freddie debacle? That was pole smoking moron Barney Frank and Dodd. Both democrats.

The economy was actually fairly strong until the end of 2006. Unemployment was down and the dow was pretty high and considering 5 years after the 911 attack and total destruction of the economic heart of America qnd and the world, rather interesting.

Then.....the democrats took over after the media propaganda convinced all of us that things were horrific with the economy and as the left cried that Boooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed before he got into office, the country was conned into voting in the party of big tax and socialism. What did the economy do from 2007 to 2010, when the party of big tax had control?

Then, the republicans took back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014 and presidency in 2016.

Yet, they credit the skinny gay marxist and the democrats for an economic recovery?


You only pay attention to the Rich. Us Middle Class were already in deep trouble after 2001. It didn't hit the rich until 2009. Bush Jr. saw it and tried to do something about it but was laughed right off capital hill in 2003 with his 733 billion dollar prevention. You honestly think the Obama had to go that far to come up with what he is credited for? No, he just adjusted what Bush Jr and his financial wizards had already done. By waiting until it affected the Rich so heavily it hammered the entire globe. Shades of 1929. I condemn Bush Jr for a lot of things but I give him credit for keeping this nation afloat. His planning and broad sights made it so that Obama could get the buyout package done much quicker. I don't even know if Obama and his bunch were bright enough to pull it off without Bush Jr and his bright advisers help. We'll never know.

Guess what, the middle class is in trouble again. And it is just getting worse. You want to wait until the Rich get leveled before you say there is anything wrong? Shades of 2009 and 1929 all over again. If I used the same time frame, the others took about 5 years to fester. So we take 2 years ago, add 3 years to it and we have 2021 and another bust coming unless we get some much smarter managers in our current government fast. That means, if we continue with Trump OR if we go with the 3 front runners of the Dem Party we are in very serious trouble. I don't know about you but that scares the living crap out of me.
I like Biden or I can't vote
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Yeah, he was given an economic shit sandwich, but let us make a few things clear about why.

First of all clinton rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods. Look that up. Mac, the moron thinks that had very little effect.

Clinton also passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation. He did that btw in December of 2000, which was one of his last actions as president. Wonder why he did that on his way out?

Also, who headed up the Fannie and Freddie debacle? That was pole smoking moron Barney Frank and Dodd. Both democrats.

The economy was actually fairly strong until the end of 2006. Unemployment was down and the dow was pretty high and considering 5 years after the 911 attack and total destruction of the economic heart of America qnd and the world, rather interesting.

Then.....the democrats took over after the media propaganda convinced all of us that things were horrific with the economy and as the left cried that Boooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed before he got into office, the country was conned into voting in the party of big tax and socialism. What did the economy do from 2007 to 2010, when the party of big tax had control?

Then, the republicans took back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014 and presidency in 2016.

Yet, they credit the skinny gay marxist and the democrats for an economic recovery?


You only pay attention to the Rich. Us Middle Class were already in deep trouble after 2001. It didn't hit the rich until 2009. Bush Jr. saw it and tried to do something about it but was laughed right off capital hill in 2003 with his 733 billion dollar prevention. You honestly think the Obama had to go that far to come up with what he is credited for? No, he just adjusted what Bush Jr and his financial wizards had already done. By waiting until it affected the Rich so heavily it hammered the entire globe. Shades of 1929. I condemn Bush Jr for a lot of things but I give him credit for keeping this nation afloat. His planning and broad sights made it so that Obama could get the buyout package done much quicker. I don't even know if Obama and his bunch were bright enough to pull it off without Bush Jr and his bright advisers help. We'll never know.

Guess what, the middle class is in trouble again. And it is just getting worse. You want to wait until the Rich get leveled before you say there is anything wrong? Shades of 2009 and 1929 all over again. If I used the same time frame, the others took about 5 years to fester. So we take 2 years ago, add 3 years to it and we have 2021 and another bust coming unless we get some much smarter managers in our current government fast. That means, if we continue with Trump OR if we go with the 3 front runners of the Dem Party we are in very serious trouble. I don't know about you but that scares the living crap out of me.
Nothing on earth dumber than a fucking middle class American socialist.

As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
Yeah, he was given an economic shit sandwich, but let us make a few things clear about why.

First of all clinton rewrote the Community Reinvestment Act which put significant pressure on banks to lend to low income neighborhoods. Look that up. Mac, the moron thinks that had very little effect.

Clinton also passed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation. He did that btw in December of 2000, which was one of his last actions as president. Wonder why he did that on his way out?

Also, who headed up the Fannie and Freddie debacle? That was pole smoking moron Barney Frank and Dodd. Both democrats.

The economy was actually fairly strong until the end of 2006. Unemployment was down and the dow was pretty high and considering 5 years after the 911 attack and total destruction of the economic heart of America qnd and the world, rather interesting.

Then.....the democrats took over after the media propaganda convinced all of us that things were horrific with the economy and as the left cried that Boooosh enforced the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that clinton signed before he got into office, the country was conned into voting in the party of big tax and socialism. What did the economy do from 2007 to 2010, when the party of big tax had control?

Then, the republicans took back the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014 and presidency in 2016.

Yet, they credit the skinny gay marxist and the democrats for an economic recovery?


You only pay attention to the Rich. Us Middle Class were already in deep trouble after 2001. It didn't hit the rich until 2009. Bush Jr. saw it and tried to do something about it but was laughed right off capital hill in 2003 with his 733 billion dollar prevention. You honestly think the Obama had to go that far to come up with what he is credited for? No, he just adjusted what Bush Jr and his financial wizards had already done. By waiting until it affected the Rich so heavily it hammered the entire globe. Shades of 1929. I condemn Bush Jr for a lot of things but I give him credit for keeping this nation afloat. His planning and broad sights made it so that Obama could get the buyout package done much quicker. I don't even know if Obama and his bunch were bright enough to pull it off without Bush Jr and his bright advisers help. We'll never know.

Guess what, the middle class is in trouble again. And it is just getting worse. You want to wait until the Rich get leveled before you say there is anything wrong? Shades of 2009 and 1929 all over again. If I used the same time frame, the others took about 5 years to fester. So we take 2 years ago, add 3 years to it and we have 2021 and another bust coming unless we get some much smarter managers in our current government fast. That means, if we continue with Trump OR if we go with the 3 front runners of the Dem Party we are in very serious trouble. I don't know about you but that scares the living crap out of me.
LOL The rich are NEVER going to get leveled Take my word for it
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
You're a fat socialist woman who thinks others should pay for you. See, we know.

Once again an idiot conservative gets it WRONG on all counts. I am neither fat, nor a socialist. I live on my own, both financially and socially, and I will continue to do so as long as possible. I dread the day when I can't take care of my own self, and live in my own home. I have a small business which allows me to earn a lovely little income while writing off 1/3 of my housing costs, phone, internet, travel, and much of my clothing expenses. Capitalism at its finest.

So, no, I'm not a "fat socialist woman who expects others to look after". I'm a tanned fit woman who still fits into her 35 year old wedding dress, who still swims a kilometer, three times a week, and is dating a man 12 years my junior.
Yeah Eddie. We know. We're all highly successful and savy business people on USMB. Did you know Gator was a Marine war hero, a billionaire and a PhD? We have millionaires on food stamps here ffs!
Well I take some folks with a grain of salt too There's no way to prove it so can't fault you for thinking it's all BS Just a pretty shitty way IMO to go thru life believing nothing anyone says
I distinctly recall dozens of liberals on this board predicting Venezuela would become a virtual workers' paradise. I also distinctly recall hundreds of Muslims in NJ standing on rooftops cheering as the Towers collapsed. And the Rams won last year's superbowl.
Did you here the one about Eddie being a real rich old guy?

This is fun, ain;t it?
It's a conspiracy!!!!
If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong
Sarcasm about the conspiracy nut job GOP voter.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
You're a fat socialist woman who thinks others should pay for you. See, we know.

Once again an idiot conservative gets it WRONG on all counts. I am neither fat, nor a socialist. I live on my own, both financially and socially, and I will continue to do so as long as possible. I dread the day when I can't take care of my own self, and live in my own home. I have a small business which allows me to earn a lovely little income while writing off 1/3 of my housing costs, phone, internet, travel, and much of my clothing expenses. Capitalism at its finest.

So, no, I'm not a "fat socialist woman who expects others to look after". I'm a tanned fit woman who still fits into her 35 year old wedding dress, who still swims a kilometer, three times a week, and is dating a man 12 years my junior.
They are so brainwashed....
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.

So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.
Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.
Thats all you got you fuck? That is what I thought. The fact that you pathetic dipshits, predictably claim the Nordic countries when I never asked about them is pathetic.

When did a dictator or totalitarian leader take over under a free market style of rule you fucking idiot?

I already anticipate you pieces of shit bringing up hitler, cause you are that fucking dumb, and that fucking predictable. I always love how you stupid fucking morons ignore that National Socialist German Workers' Party. You dumb fucking loser.


Just the fact that you pieces of shit bring up the Nordic countries when I bring up Venezuela....

Hey, fuckface. Tell all of us how sean penn or oliver stone and the rest of you losers worshiping hugo chavez. You dumb fucking loser.

I know a fucking loser won't listen to this, but this for the rest of the losers that might. You dumb fuck.

What an angry little tRumpet.

Enjoy your day in the sun little Trumpet, soon you will be banished back to your closet.

Why is it that you never address the question?

I can;t wait till you dolts are back in teh closet where you belong.

Enjoy your hate now because very soon you will again be relegated to obscurity.
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
As your ilk was want to do under Obama No mater how high employment and our markets rose ,no matter how low our unemployment sunk you bashed the hell out of him And you still can't give him a little credit for handing over a good economy to the AH in our WH now
Up until Obamacare I thought he was a pretty good POTUS and am still proud that so many Americans could look beyond his skin tone and vote for him. That said, there was indeed far too much racism in the criticism he and his fam took.

The point you assiduously avoided is that you bitter leftards would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS.

In my book that makes you traitors … every one of you.
I am willing to enjoy our continued economic strength
But am unwilling to accept the claim that the economy sucked under Obama and was rescued by Trump...
As am I. Obama was handed an economic shit-sandwich and was smart enough to get out of our way and allow Americans to do what we do best … succeed & prosper. That this historically long economic expansion has continued under Trump is nothing short of remarkable and it has broadened to include as wide a swath of Americans as I've seen in my lifetime. As advertised, the rising tide surely has raised all ships.

Say what you will about his persona, his hair, his skin tone, his whatever … we have done well in Trump's 2.5 years as POTUS and from what I've heard from the Democrat Socialist Party Clown Car, they would undo it because - like you - they hate him far more than they love this country.
You do know our markets have spun it's wheels for 17 months ?

These ass holes really do not know. They are as stupid as dirt.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.

So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.
I'm not for value-added tax. But the flat tax if you count all taxes, the middle class and our infrastructure falling apart, with ridiculously expensive college and training, this is not working.

In your opinion Franco why is college so expensive?

Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
He brought down the cost of the loans quite a bit. I would like everything else the country is desperate for Democrats to get in with 60 + votes. Without being in a GOP economic meltdown would be nice too...
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
Socialism didn't fail Venezuela. They built their economy on a one legged platform and to make matters worse elected a dictator, just like we did.
if trump is a dictator how come you can bad mouth him in public and not get arrested?....just asking....

There's a little thing called the First Amendment, but that hasn't stopped Trump from trying to shut down criticism. He tried to stop the AT&T/Time-Warner merger to punish Time-Warner for CNN coverage. He has suggested that the FCC do something about networks that criticize him.

He calls leaked reports about him "fake news", and then threatens to prosecute the leakers. If the leaks are fakes and lies as Trump always says, how can he prosecute the leakers? You can only prosecute someone for leaking the truth, not for planting false stories.
so is he a dictator or not?...
In your opinion Franco why is college so expensive?

Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
He brought down the cost of the loans quite a bit. I would like everything else the country is desperate for Democrats to get in with 60 + votes. Without being in a GOP economic meltdown would be nice too...

He made it easier to pay off loans so university's just raised prices, like I said

Obama's student loan policy is costing twice as much as expected
Come on, if Gator's a billionaire, you could do better than that.
If gator tells me something the chances are I'd believe before disbelieve
Of course, you're a well known idiot who believes anything that rational patriotic Americans disagree with.
Bri I appreciate that you consider yourself patriotic BUT IF SO wtf are you supporting this scumbag trump who in his lifetime has only thought about himself ???
Your lies about Trump aren't fooling anyone, shit for brains.
I'm trying to be nice bri Try not to act like your scumbag trump does Do you know anything about that POS ?? If so and you still support him ,there is no help for the likes of you
Your lies about Trump aren't fooling anyone, shit for brains.
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
You're a fat socialist woman who thinks others should pay for you. See, we know.

Once again an idiot conservative gets it WRONG on all counts. I am neither fat, nor a socialist. I live on my own, both financially and socially, and I will continue to do so as long as possible. I dread the day when I can't take care of my own self, and live in my own home. I have a small business which allows me to earn a lovely little income while writing off 1/3 of my housing costs, phone, internet, travel, and much of my clothing expenses. Capitalism at its finest.

So, no, I'm not a "fat socialist woman who expects others to look after". I'm a tanned fit woman who still fits into her 35 year old wedding dress, who still swims a kilometer, three times a week, and is dating a man 12 years my junior.
They are so brainwashed....

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