So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."

This Hillbilly retired at 46...You?


OMG, what a needy bitch you are.

Take your hate and shove it, loser.

....And again.
So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.

And again......
Oh Jesus Christ. Thanks for confirming this Monmouth University poll NBC Polling Data Shows Sanders Voters Are 'Low Information' And Sanders Voters AREN'T Happy

Social programs are different from socialism, believe it or not. I know that because many of the letters match in the same order between the two words, so it may get a little confusing for you...but there is a difference. The Nordic nations and United States are all capitalistic countries, much different to what sanders advocates for which is the government owning/control production of entire industries. Sanders may advocate for larger social programs, but he also advocates for government owning production of industries. Venezuela, USSR, and countless other South American experiments as example, were all socialist countries that failed. The failed like they do



a narcissist comes into power who thinks they know how to properly manipulate and incredibly complex and ever evolving system like a market.

Another idiot conservative who thinks he knows who I am and what I'm thinking. Not one of you has come close, and you're so off base you're a joke.

I wouldn't vote for Bernie Sanders if he were the ONLY candidate running, assuming of course I was an American and could vote. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. He is an opportunistic asshole who wants the Dems organization and war chest for an independent run at the Presidency.

I am well aware of WHAT socialism is, and the definition YOU'RE applying is not the mixed economy that Sanders, and the other "socialist" candidates are calling for. They're calling for an economy that rewards the workers as well as the capitalists, like it did BEFORE Reagan tilted the tax code so that the wealthy were the ONLY beneficiaries of growth and higher profits. Before he gutted the anti-trust legislation leading to behemouth companies and mega-billionaires and the wages for working Americans, as a percentage of GDP, not seen since the 1800's.

The people want BETTER schools, not bigger bombs. They want health care for ALL. They want roads and bridges that aren't collapsing and falling apart. They want fair wages, not crumbs to be fought over in "right to work" states.
You're a fat socialist woman who thinks others should pay for you. See, we know.

Once again an idiot conservative gets it WRONG on all counts. I am neither fat, nor a socialist. I live on my own, both financially and socially, and I will continue to do so as long as possible. I dread the day when I can't take care of my own self, and live in my own home. I have a small business which allows me to earn a lovely little income while writing off 1/3 of my housing costs, phone, internet, travel, and much of my clothing expenses. Capitalism at its finest.

So, no, I'm not a "fat socialist woman who expects others to look after". I'm a tanned fit woman who still fits into her 35 year old wedding dress, who still swims a kilometer, three times a week, and is dating a man 12 years my junior.
They are so brainwashed....
I just have all the respected media and law enforcement in the world on my side. You have pathetic bought off High School grad ex Coke head BJ's will say anything. Conspiracy Nut Job g
Brain wash functional moron.
In your opinion Franco why is college so expensive?

Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?

So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.

No need for that...
I live in one of the top five master planned communities in the country.
Socialism didn't fail Venezuela. They built their economy on a one legged platform and to make matters worse elected a dictator, just like we did.
if trump is a dictator how come you can bad mouth him in public and not get arrested?....just asking....
There are still some things he can't do But the King thinks he's above the law
so he aint a dictator?......
Hes trying to be.
your just not use to a big mouthy guy who likes to burp and fart in public....
Who does?
Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?

He let our wonderful economy natural resources and workers do the job, unlike the Republicans who always have to have a corrupt bubble and bust economic meltdown the regular people have to pay for. Only propaganda and brainwashed fools like you make it possible.

With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?

He let our wonderful economy natural resources and workers do the job, unlike the Republicans who always have to have a corrupt bubble and bust economic meltdown the regular people have to pay for. Only propaganda and brainwashed fools like you make it possible.

Funny in the real world Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) anti bussiness (see his assnine EPAs new rules and regulations) anti gear heads (see his cash for clunkers, destroying classic cars)


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
He brought down the cost of the loans quite a bit. I would like everything else the country is desperate for Democrats to get in with 60 + votes. Without being in a GOP economic meltdown would be nice too...

He made it easier to pay off loans so university's just raised prices, like I said

Obama's student loan policy is costing twice as much as expected
That is what happens when you try to bring down costs for the students. It costs the government more. Your GOP has cut taxes on the rich for 35 years until now they pay less than most of the middle class percentage wise, and everyone is going to hell bought them. Wake up and smell the coffee. worried about taxing people? you are the people being taxed- regular people. Brainwashed functional morons are basically all GOP voters. Poor America...
We made a pact with the devil when we slashed taxes on the rich

The decreased revenue has made us cut services to the poor and working class
We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?

He let our wonderful economy natural resources and workers do the job, unlike the Republicans who always have to have a corrupt bubble and bust economic meltdown the regular people have to pay for. Only propaganda and brainwashed fools like you make it possible.

Funny in the real world Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) anti bussiness (see his assnine EPAs new rules and regulations) anti gear heads (see his cash for clunkers, destroying classic cars)

Yet it resulted in a dramatic drop in gas prices, 13 million jobs, a stock market that almost tripled

Not bad for a community organizer
We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?

He let our wonderful economy natural resources and workers do the job, unlike the Republicans who always have to have a corrupt bubble and bust economic meltdown the regular people have to pay for. Only propaganda and brainwashed fools like you make it possible.

Funny in the real world Obama was anti fracking, anti drilling, anti pipeline, anti jobs (see Boeing in South Carolina) anti bussiness (see his assnine EPAs new rules and regulations) anti gear heads (see his cash for clunkers, destroying classic cars)

Actually he just made fracking safer and let it go. The rest is total garbage propaganda. LOL
Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?


He repealed the Bush tax cuts on the wealthy, cut spending, increased revenue from a booming economy
So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.
So you cant argue the point...,.got it.

There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."

This Hillbilly retired at 46...You?


OMG, what a needy bitch you are.

Take your hate and shove it, loser.

I havent had a house payment since my late twenties and paid cash for my first weekend place and paid off the second in two years.
Paid cash for my current home 12 years ago at around 400k....oh,it's on the sixth fairway.
You're the type of person I avoid or expect to park my truck when we go out.
We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
He brought down the cost of the loans quite a bit. I would like everything else the country is desperate for Democrats to get in with 60 + votes. Without being in a GOP economic meltdown would be nice too...

He made it easier to pay off loans so university's just raised prices, like I said

Obama's student loan policy is costing twice as much as expected
That is what happens when you try to bring down costs for the students. It costs the government more. Your GOP has cut taxes on the rich for 35 years until now they pay less than most of the middle class percentage wise, and everyone is going to hell bought them. Wake up and smell the coffee. worried about taxing people? you are the people being taxed- regular people. Brainwashed functional morons are basically all GOP voters. Poor America...
We made a pact with the devil when we slashed taxes on the rich

The decreased revenue has made us cut services to the poor and working class
The middle class is being ruined even more I think. When Reagan started we had a saving rate of 7-8% now it's -6 to -8% LOL everybody's taking out loans to keep up the American dream....
Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?


With the ease of student loans university's jack up prices.. unlimited supply of cash from the government and kids with useless liberal art degrees that they are still paying for at 70 years old.

We'll see when the Democrats get in and make public universities cheap again... Liberal arts is highly underrated, at least with some history and poli-sci people like you wouldn't exist, brainwashed functional moron.


Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
The Great Obama got the deficit down to $400 billion
Crooked Donnie took no time to raise it to $1 trillion

How did the magic Negro do it?


Racist fuck?
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
The intrinsic flaw in Venezuela’s struggle is not
Socialism. It’s so pathetic how you ass hats cherry pick something like Venezuela but conveniently ignore the success of Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, Japan....Hell the US. The US is mixed economy. That makes it SOCIALIST.
Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, and Japan aren't any more socialist that the United States, shit for brains.

Franco says socialism is capitalism. Now you claim a mixed economy is socialism.

If the United States is already socialist, then why do you Trump hating commies keep saying we need to adopt socialism?
Socialism is not capitalism. If it is facilitated by a government, the type of economy itself is socialist in nature. What you aren’t getting is that socialism is a very broad term. Plain and simple, any institution that is funded by the people and utilized by the people is SOCIALISM. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. You do know the word social is in the word right? It has nothing to do with how authoritative a government is.

What we need to adopt, specifically, is social democratic principles which is what Bernie is suggesting. This doesn’t involve ending capitalism. It involves ensuring that we the people benefit from a free trade system and that democratic socialist programs like medicare, Medicare, social security, and tuition free college benefits the population.

Barack Obama, biggest Predatory lender in human history! Got a generation hooked on over $1 TRILLION in debt
He brought down the cost of the loans quite a bit. I would like everything else the country is desperate for Democrats to get in with 60 + votes. Without being in a GOP economic meltdown would be nice too...

He made it easier to pay off loans so university's just raised prices, like I said

Obama's student loan policy is costing twice as much as expected
That is what happens when you try to bring down costs for the students. It costs the government more. Your GOP has cut taxes on the rich for 35 years until now they pay less than most of the middle class percentage wise, and everyone is going to hell bought them. Wake up and smell the coffee. worried about taxing people? you are the people being taxed- regular people. Brainwashed functional morons are basically all GOP voters. Poor America...
We made a pact with the devil when we slashed taxes on the rich

The decreased revenue has made us cut services to the poor and working class
The middle class is being ruined even more I think. When Reagan started we had a saving rate of 7-8% now it's -6 to -8% LOL everybody's taking out loans to keep up the American dream....
Obamacare was the best thing that ever happened to the working poor and the poor, except in real a****** red States.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
The intrinsic flaw in Venezuela’s struggle is not
Socialism. It’s so pathetic how you ass hats cherry pick something like Venezuela but conveniently ignore the success of Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, Japan....Hell the US. The US is mixed economy. That makes it SOCIALIST.
Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, and Japan aren't any more socialist that the United States, shit for brains.

Franco says socialism is capitalism. Now you claim a mixed economy is socialism.

If the United States is already socialist, then why do you Trump hating commies keep saying we need to adopt socialism?
Socialism is not capitalism. If it is facilitated by a government, the type of economy itself is socialist in nature. What you aren’t getting is that socialism is a very broad term. Plain and simple, any institution that is funded by the people and utilized by the people is SOCIALISM. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. You do know the word social is in the word right? It has nothing to do with how authoritative a government is.

What we need to adopt, specifically, is social democratic principles which is what Bernie is suggesting. This doesn’t involve ending capitalism. It involves ensuring that we the people benefit from a free trade system and that democratic socialist programs like medicare, Medicare, social security, and tuition free college benefits the population.
You aren't listening closely enough. When told 150 million Americans have private health insurance through their employers and 68% consider it good or excellent, Bernie still insisted they must be forced to surrender their coverage for the common good.

For some odd reason all those "good" socialist policies always empower big, greasy central gov't at the expense of freedom.
Fuck him, fuck socialism, and :fu:

Oh yeah ... and have a nice day.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
The intrinsic flaw in Venezuela’s struggle is not
Socialism. It’s so pathetic how you ass hats cherry pick something like Venezuela but conveniently ignore the success of Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, Japan....Hell the US. The US is mixed economy. That makes it SOCIALIST.
Norway, England, Denmark, S. Korea, and Japan aren't any more socialist that the United States, shit for brains.

Franco says socialism is capitalism. Now you claim a mixed economy is socialism.

If the United States is already socialist, then why do you Trump hating commies keep saying we need to adopt socialism?
Socialism is not capitalism. If it is facilitated by a government, the type of economy itself is socialist in nature. What you aren’t getting is that socialism is a very broad term. Plain and simple, any institution that is funded by the people and utilized by the people is SOCIALISM. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world. You do know the word social is in the word right? It has nothing to do with how authoritative a government is.

What we need to adopt, specifically, is social democratic principles which is what Bernie is suggesting. This doesn’t involve ending capitalism. It involves ensuring that we the people benefit from a free trade system and that democratic socialist programs like medicare, Medicare, social security, and tuition free college benefits the population.
You aren't listening closely enough. When told 150 million Americans have private health insurance through their employers and 68% consider it good or excellent, Bernie still insisted they must be forced to surrender their coverage for the common good.

For some odd reason all those "good" socialist policies always empower big, greasy central gov't at the expense of freedom.
Fuck him, fuck socialism, and :fu:

Oh yeah ... and have a nice day.
Lol I would love to see this poll because that sounds like complete bullshit. What is true that only 1 in 7 people with insurance through their employer do not have a deductible. This means most people choose not to have certain important medical procedures because they can’t afford them.

Higher health insurance deductibles a sickening trend for Americans

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