So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

  • Total voters
So not one single solitary case of voter's remorse yet?


Not from Trumpers on this forum...are you surprised?

Why would I be "surprised"? Isn't this discussion board an accurate representative cross section of Americans? It is neither a "conservative" nor a "liberal" discussion board, as there are all different types of political affiliations represented here.

The really "surprising" thing is that we're being told by you Trump-haters and by the media that this President's support among his voters is waning daily, and that's an obvious bald-faced lie. The motivation behind every single anti-Trump post on here and 90% of the media's hit pieces on him are intended to drive way his voter base, but it looks to me like you're failing at it.
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

We're two years out from the next election. I have always waited for the 3 big debates to make up my mind. However, this time I'm not even going to waste my time. Trump has my vote in 2020 for sure.

Edit - I just realized the entertainment value if Trump is debating Pocahontas, Kamala or whatever loser Liberals want to trot out there. I'll have my popcorn ready.
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!

Please quit shitting on the board and acting around like you won.

You lost, ok?
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
I'd have to have voted.
Considering the absolute hilarity and the insane hysterics that have ensued, I'm not too upset that he beat Cthulhu.
Isn't this discussion board an accurate representative cross section of Americans?

Ummm no. This is friggin Trumper Central

Well half of you Trumpers are Russian Bots but...
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

Until the Democrats get rid of the Progressive Leftist people who are utterly insane and don't believe in free speech I will vote against them no matter who the other party runs.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

You stuck needles in your eyes?
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

You stuck needles in your eyes?
I would rather do so than vote for a Trump or a Clinton.

Fortunately, it is not required to do so to abstain from voting for either one.

All caught up?
Isn't this discussion board an accurate representative cross section of Americans?

Ummm no. This is friggin Trumper Central

Well half of you Trumpers are Russian Bots but...

You seriously believe that?

Dude, are you for real?

What the hell is a "Russian Bot" and if there were "Russian Bots", wouldn't they be doing everything they could to destroy the Trump-voter's confidence in him?

Kinda like you're doing on a daily basis?

You're making very little sense.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

I never got on any train.

What I can tell you though, as a conservative all I can do is vote for people who claim to want to do things like secure the border, end abortion on demand, and stop spending trillions in deficit spending.

But at the end of the day, deep down you know that even if they get elected, those things will never happen.

I suspect Trump may get some wall up, but at the end of the day he will either be stopped or what is built will be negligible compared to the vast border that needs secure.

Oh, and I fully expect Kav to stab us in the back when it comes to abortion as well.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

You stuck needles in your eyes?

After a while the arm veins collapse.
And along with that Ilan Omar's claim that she is for LBGTQ RIGHTS ....
Apparently she doesn't realize that the Black Hebrews advocte death to all gays.

/----/ So fr 30 to Z
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
/----/ So far 30 to ZIP.
/----/ So fr 30 to Z
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
/----/ So far 30 to ZIP.

I smell lanslide.

I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.

You stuck needles in your eyes?
I would rather do so than vote for a Trump or a Clinton.

Fortunately, it is not required to do so to abstain from voting for either one.

All caught up?


My vote was anti Progressive Left. I enjoy free speech.
I voted for Trump. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I hate Hillary.

These past two years have made me a Trump supporter. These people in DC have lost their minds. They hire a bunch of corrupt investigators to try to destroy his life just because he beat a bunch of professional politicians.
The media is trying to destroy underage kids lives because they support Trump. Liberalism needs to be destroyed.

It is so easy to do too. Just expose it for what it is.

When McCain was refusing to either resign or die and was grandstanding about Obamacare. I used to tell the people I know cheering him on that if you think for 2 seconds that you would be receiving the same level of treatment for brain cancer if you are his age.

Socialism (Liberalism) is for the socialist not the people.

I wish it were that true. The left get exposed and they only carry on like fucking deranged monkees.

Nothing phases any of them. They are not able to repent, if you will. It is not their nature. Just look at it.

They are still attacking the Covington boys, even after they have been exposed.

Also, a slight correction. Socialism will only benefit the RICH socialist. The middle class will be turned into the serf class or peasants.

Things will either need to be rationed out to them, or they will need to fend for themselves. Maybe kill opossums for food or rabbits. Go back to wiping their asses with their left hands and rotted teeth. Not to mention the rise of scabies along with other things.

Then, like in Africa where they cull the herd by convincing the world that DDT is harmful to THE PLANET, and so they allowed the mosquito populations to rise exponentially. Millions of black Africans died from malaria as a result. Not reported during black patronizing month. Nope. A negro like MarcAtl does not give one shit.

I guess we can pray. Yeeeeeah that will work.

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