So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

  • Total voters
Voting for Trump was a last minute decision for me. I was in the voting both looking at those running for POTUS and decided I would vote for Trump.

He's not a politician. Never was and never will be. He's a billionaire who can't be bought. If you ask him a question he'll give you his answer and he doesn't give shit one if you like that answer or not.

There's not a PC bone in his body.

It was the best vote I ever cast. That man had done more in two years than Obama did in eight and he's not done yet.

Best vote I ever cast.
May God have mercy on your soul.

I don't need God's mercy but I'm sure you do.
34 indictments

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

I've lost count of how many resignations due to corruption.

"B-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!'

Doubled the deficit

"Look! Mexicans!"

Turned the entire world against us, except a KGB thug who interfered in our election.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!"

Saddled the unborn with trillions more debt

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

Stopped the eight year skyrocketing stock market dead in its tracks.

"Look! Mexicans!"

A failed trade war which has resulted in a LARGER trade deficit.

"B-b-b-b-b-b-but BUSH!"

Got even die-hard evangelicals to celebrate adultery, bearing false witness and theft.

"Look! Homos!"
34 indictments, doubled the deficit; turned the entire world against us (except a KGB thug who interfered in our election); saddled the unborn with trillions more debt; stopped the eight year skyrocketing stock market dead in its tracks; got even die-hard evangelicals to celebrate adultery, bearing false witness and theft.

What's not to like?

Haha...that’s so cherry picked the fuck out of things.
Not one mention of unifying America’s Best and making REAL American’s feel like the priority, stopping wetbacks in their tracks, exposing the filth in D.C., job growth, getting DaShawn and ShaQuita off the tit, deregulation, tax cuts for our best, stopping the world from raping our ass....etc etc
You must have forgot all that shit?
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
No I don't regret it all. I was with him on DAY ONE and at times I was pissed with his VP choice but I like his VP choice now Pence is VERY socially conservative so hopefully we get 8 years of him in 2024
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

That black guy at the end is fucking hilarious!
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
Eh shooting babies in the head or murdering them at 9 months....what difference does it make eh lefty?
Just out of curiosity...

What WOULD it take for you Uber Trumpers to jump train?

I'll answer you.
If he gives up on trying to build the wall would do it for me.
That's about it really. It all centers around that. If he gives into the leftists trying to destroy our country and essentially gives up on trying to build the wall I am done with him. If he tries until 2024 when he leaves office to build it I will support him.
My only regret is that I'm a furriner and none of you bastards would adopt me so that I could vote for him. I know; the eight kids might have made you have second thoughts and I am 62 but I was only 60 at the time. I PLEADED but no; I remain a furriner.

So not one single solitary case of voter's remorse yet?


Trump supporters are perfectly happy with their minority rule, pursuing their failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda opposed by a majority of Americans .
Trump supporters are perfectly happy with their minority rule, pursuing their failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda opposed by a majority of Americans .

When you say “opposed by a majority of Americans” what you really mean is.....”opposed by the wetbacks in Mexifornia”...right?
He did win the popular vote among the other 49 states.
23 to zero! Bravo, Trump loyalists. Loyalty is crucial, or the leftists will pick Trump apart, and the rest of us, too, like those boys in Washington.

Apparently that ha-ha "Indian" baiting those boys and trying to destroy them was one of those stolen-glory liars that said he served in Vietnam --- he didn't, ever --- and went AWOL four times here in the States!
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

"Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Hell NO!

Hillary Clinton is still the PROVEN criminal who violated numerous laws, engaged in THOUSANDS of criminal counts, to include Espionage, Perjury, Illegal Handling of Classified, Obstruction, and violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

It was / is still proven she was protected from indictment and prosecution.

It was still proven that she and the DNC rigged the Democrat Primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated Election Laws, violated Campaign Finance Laws...stacked the deck against Sanders, and the DNC ended up GIVING Hillary the nomination she could not win herself.
- In doing so, she and the DNC actually DID what they falsely accused Trump and the Russians of trying to do - alter the 2016 election.

Hillary and the DNC screwed Sanders, screwed his supporters, and stole the DNC nomination.

Evidence shows she hired thugs to beat up Americans during the campaign - Trump supporters at Trump rallies

She took MILLIONS from the Russians - for WHAT does not matter...she took millions from the Russians. Her husband took money from the Russians and met with Putin

Hillary paid a foreign spy (who hates Trump and who was working for Obama's FBI) & The RUSSIANS for their help in trying to win the 2016 election...


The strongest economy in decades
The lowest unemployment in decades
The lowest minority unemployment in recorded history
The most Americans working at one time
Millions of Americans off Food Stamps, Welfare, Unemployment
Higher pay, Raises, bonuses
Companies Obama said would NEVER come back to the US came back
Record Stock Market success

Asking if one regrets voting for Trump instead of Hillary is akin to asking someone if they regrets staying up on the curb instead of stepping out into heavy rush hour traffic....

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