So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

  • Total voters
Trump is doing a great job, no matter what 99% of the media says about him. As pawns of the Democrats, the media can only influence the weak minded, and the stupid, who vote solely Democrat anyway.

Trump hasn't done a dam thing, please for all the Trump supporters please get therapy he's a failure.
What did Obama accomplish in his TWO TERMS? Obamacare? That's essentially gone. What else? Oh, yeah the multiple Trillion dollar stimuli increased our debt more than any other President COMBINED! Thanks Obama!

But wait let's talk about Obama even though he's not president.
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
Meanwhile in New York......Real Babies are being Murdered daily, even right up until seconds before they are born. Only they stab them between the eyes with a scalpel, or forceps, or burn them alive with a toxic saline solution, or just yank them out by the roots and separate them from the placenta, or they use what amounts to a blender attached to a vacumn hose and just chop them up inside the mother's womb and suck the bloody baby parts out for resale.

They tend to not want chopped up babyies though, because they can get more parts to sell, and get more money for them, leaving the baby intact as much as is possible.

God will Judge New York, and he will Judge all the wicked people that approved of these practices.

Exactly in the bible god is pro abortion
Trump is doing a great job, no matter what 99% of the media says about him. As pawns of the Democrats, the media can only influence the weak minded, and the stupid, who vote solely Democrat anyway.

Trump hasn't done a dam thing, please for all the Trump supporters please get therapy he's a failure.

Onnnk, cupcake.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments | The White House

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
How long do you think the left will go before they are literally shooting babies?

Oh wait, the left already condones partial birth abortions....
the ass hole trump is like the rooster who crows in the morning and thinks that's why the sun comes up

Can't speak for the one, but many of us view Trump as highly competent. He has a big mouth, but we appreciate the blunt honesty, and how he demonstrates he actually does care about doing the right things, less his penis anyway, Trump's a playboy.

Speak of genitals he has 10 pound balls. Trump is very intelligent, though 90% of that is just savvy. He's certainly eccentric. He gets shit done. He's a one every 100 years or so type, and we're lucky to have him.

Fuck progs, at this point I cannot see your point on much. Much of your BS is the result of Trump hatred, which stems from the 24/7 propaganda, whose promotion of division and fabrications is their business model. They're up our ass 24/7, and its managed to take down Hollywood, comedy, common sense, rational behavior and respect, the standard of living etc., more etc. and etc.

Liberalism had some meaning, who the fuck are you guys?
Last edited:
Huh, 37-1. Can't speak for the one, but a lot of us view Trump as highly competent. He has a big mouth, but we appreciate the blunt honesty, and how he demonstrates he actually does care about doing the right things. I don't mean his penis.

Speak of genitals he has 10 pound balls, he's extremely intelligent, though 90% of that is just savvy. He's certainly eccentric. He gets shit done, that's what he does.

Fuck you progs, at this point I cannot see your point on much. Much of your BS is the result of Trump hatred, which stems from the 24/7 propaganda, whose promotion of division and fabrications is their business model.

They're up our ass 24/7, and its managed to take down Hollywood, comedy, common sense, rational behavior and respect, the standard of living etc., more etc. and etc.

Liberalism had some meaning, who the fuck are you guys?
fuck you asshole pelosi has way more balls that pos in our wh has
Trump is doing a great job, no matter what 99% of the media says about him. As pawns of the Democrats, the media can only influence the weak minded, and the stupid, who vote solely Democrat anyway.

Trump hasn't done a dam thing, please for all the Trump supporters please get therapy he's a failure.

Onnnk, cupcake.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments | The White House

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

Trump’s first year was the most dishonest in history. His second was nearly three times worse

Fri., Jan. 25, 2019
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WASHINGTON—During Donald Trump’s first year in office, historians told us there had never been a president who lied so frequently.

It got worse. So much worse.


Trump, seen here in Montana in July 5, is never more dishonest than when he’s in front of his supporters — of the 10 most dishonest single events of his presidency, nine were 2018 campaign rallies. (CAROLYN KASTER / AP)
Trump made 3,135 false claims in the second year in office that ended last Saturday, 8.6 per day. That was almost three times as many as he made in his first year, 1,072 or 2.9 per day.

The 15 most dishonest weeks of Trump’s presidency all came in the second year, and 23 of the most dishonest 25 weeks. The 15 most dishonest days of his presidency all came in the second year, and 45 of the most dishonest 50.

The second-year lies were not only incessant but frequently ridiculous, so unsophisticated they could be fact-checked with a single Google search. Or less.

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Trump lied that Americans need photo ID to buy cereal.

Now you can stay on top of Donald Trump’s lies and false claims like never before with Daniel Dale’s new Trumpcheck newsletter. Sign up here.

Trump lied that the tariffs he imposed and bragged about do not exist.

He lied 52 times that he was the one who managed to pass the Veterans Choice health care program, which was passed under Barack Obama in 2014. He lied 30 times that his tariffs had prompted U.S. Steel to open six, seven, eight or nine new plants — the claim varied by the day — though the company was making investments in two existing plants.

The actual investments could have made for an effective boast. But Trump is Trump, and there is rarely an accurate boast he doesn’t think could be improved with some inaccuracy.

“He can’t tell the truth even when the truth is in his favour,” said Rick Tyler, an MSNBC political analyst and former spokesperson for Republicans Ted Cruz and Newt Gingrich, who describes Trump’s lying as “pathological.”

“There’s nobody who’s lied like Donald Trump. He lies every day, all day long. To fabricate is part of his nature,” said Rice University presidential historian Douglas Brinkley.

Article Continued Below

The midterm election campaign was a fusillade of lying unlike any we have seen before. His worst week ever, with 240 false claims, was the week that included the last three days of the campaign. His second-worst week ever? The week before that, with 173.

Trump is never more dishonest than when improvising in front of his supporters, and a primary factor in the amount of lying Trump does is the number of campaign rallies he holds. Of the 10 most dishonest single events of his presidency, nine were campaign rallies in 2018.

He lied more in the second year partly because he talked more: he averaged about 25,000 spoken words per week in weeks that began in the second year, up from about 15,000 in the first year, according to the tracking website But, as we showed in the summer, he also got much more dishonest per word.

One big difference between the first year and the second was what Trump was lying about.

Trump made 88 false claims about immigration in the first year, fewer than he made about the economy (159), the 2016 election (105), taxes (103), health care (100), the media (99), and Obama (93).

In the second year, he made immigration the centrepiece of the midterm campaign and then his government shutdown — and, naturally, lied about the subject incessantly, with 584 false claims. He made nearly twice as many false claims in the second year about his proposed border wall, 189, than he did about the entire subject of immigration in the first year.

The economy, his No. 1 subject of dishonesty in the first year, was No. 2 in the second year, though with more than three times as many false claims (554 to 159). As Trump attempted to negotiate trade agreements with several major countries, trade catapulted up the list from tenth in the first year, with 78, to third in the second year, with 472.

But is it working?

Other than the occasional gripe about how fact-checkers are too nitpicky, Trump has been uniquely unresponsive to corrections of his lies. His relentlessness causes Americans who don’t like him to despair, worried that the country’s apparent inability to stop the deception suggests it must be succeeding.

But Trump’s second-year struggles suggested it is not working at all with the people who will determine his political future.

Two of his biggest lies — his denial of involvement in the hush-money payment he funded to porn performer Stormy Daniels, and his denial of campaign-period business dealings with Russia — were exposed by prosecutors and his former lawyer Michael Cohen. His lies about Obamacare did not help him persuade enough senators from his own party to repeal the law.

A majority of voters weren’t buying the lying, either. His fabulism about immigration did not stop Democrats from convincingly winning the midterms. And it has not helped him sell the shutdown, which voters overwhelmingly say should be ended whether or not he gets a border wall, or the wall itself, which a majority of voters continues to find unnecessary.

Though Trump keeps insisting the state of the southern border is a chief national security concern, Brinkley noted, “He just can’t seem to convince 50 per cent of the country that that is true.”

“It’s very hard to govern with 35 per cent,” he said.

About a third of voters continue to tell pollsters that they think Trump is honest and trustworthy. Amanda Carpenter, a CNN commentator and former Cruz aide who wrote a book about Trump’s lying, said Trump can sometimes trick people by telling lies with “so much confidence and bravado” that they think “maybe there’s something to it.”

Carpenter said, though, that even the Republican base overwhelmingly knows he is not a truthful person. Some of them are willing to overlook the lies, she said, because they became convinced long before Trump that Democrats are “the Devil.”

“Once you get into that mindset,” Carpenter said, “you’ll go along with almost anything.”

For the foreseeable future, there is probably no convincing these loyalists. But Trump is in big trouble because he hasn’t been truthful enough to earn the faith of anyone else.

Trump speaks at the most-dishonest single event of his presidency: a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on Aug. 2, 2018. He made 36 false claims. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
Some lowlights from Trump’s second-year dishonesty

Feb. 22, 2018: Trump calls CNN “fake news” for “saying I want teachers to have guns. I don’t want teachers to have guns.” He then says that he wants some teachers to have guns: “Certain highly adept people, people that understand weaponry, guns.”

April 5: Asked if he knew about the $130,000 hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, Trump says “no.” Asked if he knew where lawyer Michael Cohen got the money, Trump says “no.” Trump is later forced to admit he was the one who reimbursed Cohen for the payment.

May 26: Trump urges people to “put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there (sic) parents.” There was no such law. Family separation was Trump’s own policy, which Democrats already wanted to end.

June 20: Trump says that Republicans “applauded and laughed loudly” when he insulted congressman Mark Sanford at a party meeting. Three Republicans at the meeting told the Washington Post that nobody responded that way. “There was absolutely no applause,” said Rep. Raul R. Labrador. “Silence,” said Rep. Mark Amodei.

July 12: Trump boasts to a British paper that he predicted Brexit when he was in Scotland “the day before the Brexit vote.” He was not in Scotland until the day after the vote.

Aug. 5: Trump tweets that “California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse” by the state’s policy of diverting water into the Pacific Ocean. California firefighters reported that they do not have a water problem. Water experts noted that the water naturally flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Oct. 1: At a campaign rally in Tennessee, Trump boasts that there were “45,000 people” stuck outside of his previous campaign rally in Springfield, Mo. A Springfield spokesperson later said that just “1,000 or so” people were unable to get in.

Oct. 4: Trump says of Republicans: “We will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. We’re going to take care of them. Some of the Democrats have been talking about ending pre-existing conditions.” The truth was the precise opposite. Republicans had made an extensive effort to scrap or weaken Obamacare’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions; no prominent Democrat was talking about doing so.

Oct. 23: Trump boasts about his tariffs to the Wall Street Journal — then, when pressed about their negative consequences, says they don’t exist. “I didn’t put tariffs,” he says. “Where do we have tariffs? We don’t have tariffs anywhere.”

Dec. 25: On Christmas, Trump makes five consecutive false claims to the media, going 317 words without saying anything true.

Jan. 19, 2019: On the last day of his second year, Trump says “mainstream media has truly lost its credibility” … then lies that “the New York Times apologized after the election for their bad coverage and their faulty coverage,” which never happened.

If Trump is a serial liar, why call them of “false claims,” not lies? You can read our detailed explanation here. The short answer is that we can’t be sure that each and every one was intentional. In some cases, he may have been confused or ignorant. What we know, objectively, is that he was not telling the truth.

Daniel Dale is the Star’s Washington bureau chief. He covers U.S. politics and current affairs. Follow him on Twitter: @ddale8

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© Copyright Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd. 1996 - 2019

Trump is doing a great job, no matter what 99% of the media says about him. As pawns of the Democrats, the media can only influence the weak minded, and the stupid, who vote solely Democrat anyway.

Trump hasn't done a dam thing, please for all the Trump supporters please get therapy he's a failure.

Onnnk, cupcake.

President Trump's 100 Days of Historic Accomplishments | The White House

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

7 million Americans have lost their healthcare insurance under Donald Trump — so far

Donald J. Trump/Shutterstock

“We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.” —Donald Trump, Jan. 11, 2017
Republicans weren’t able to repeal the popular Affordable Care Act, but Donald Trump has been effective at undermining the law, discouraging people from signing up for healthcare plans and/or making them unaffordable, particularly for women and young people. Instead of spending the first two years fixing the gaps in the Affordable Care Act, Trump and his cabal of greedy Republicans have simply widened the gap. From the Huffington Post:

About 7 million fewer Americans had health insurance at the end of last year compared with two years prior, and the share of people who are uninsured is the highest it’s been since 2014, according to a new survey.

During the fourth quarter of 2018, 14 percent of Americans were uninsured. That’s up from 11 percent at the end of 2016, and the increase has been steady over the months since then, according to the latest figures from the Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index, released Wednesday. Women, people who earn less than $48,000 a year and adults younger than 35 saw the highest increases in the uninsured rate.

Andy Slavitt, the former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Obama, marked up a Huffington Post graphic to highlight when the increase in numbers of uninsured Americans began—when Donald Trump became president.

No word exactly on how 7 million Americans losing their healthcare coverage is making this country great again. As HuffPo notes, the rate increases for many of these Americans are the direct result of Donald Trump’s actions.

Instead, the Trump administration has taken a number of steps that have had the effect of further driving up premiums for exchange customers and those who buy policies directly from insurers or through brokers. While subsidized consumers generally are shielded from higher premiums because their tax credits increase along with the prices, people who earn more than four times the federal poverty level ― that’s about $49,000 a year for a single person ― must pay full price for their coverage.

Promises made, promises broken.

One of Trump’s central campaign promises was to fix the healthcare system and have better, less-expensive insurance for all. Here he was on 60 Minutes promising a healthcare system that would cover everyone! How is that gonna work? He’s gonna be a master negotiator and fix it all!

Trump: But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.

Everything! Do you have everything? Are you better off? When pressed for details in that interview, he went further—his master negotiating was going to be a cure-all.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?

Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side.

Liar. And then after the election, here is is again in January 2017 as he prepared to take office:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”

All the way back in January 2017, he had his Obamacare replacement plan ready to go!

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid.

Where is that plan now? Are you paying less? No. Instead, 7 million Americans and growing don’t have basic healthcare coverage, thanks to Donald Trump. Just one more con in the big book of Don cons. Unfortunately, real people are getting hurt, real people will go bankrupt because of medical debt, and real people will die because they aren’t getting check-ups or the care they need, because it has become unaffordable.

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34 indictments, doubled the deficit; turned the entire world against us (except a KGB thug who interfered in our election); saddled the unborn with trillions more debt; stopped the eight year skyrocketing stock market dead in its tracks; got even die-hard evangelicals to celebrate adultery, bearing false witness and theft.

What's not to like?

What a dumbass .
Huh, 37-1. Can't speak for the one, but a lot of us view Trump as highly competent. He has a big mouth, but we appreciate the blunt honesty, and how he demonstrates he actually does care about doing the right things. I don't mean his penis.

Speak of genitals he has 10 pound balls, he's extremely intelligent, though 90% of that is just savvy. He's certainly eccentric. He gets shit done, that's what he does.

Fuck you progs, at this point I cannot see your point on much. Much of your BS is the result of Trump hatred, which stems from the 24/7 propaganda, whose promotion of division and fabrications is their business model.

They're up our ass 24/7, and its managed to take down Hollywood, comedy, common sense, rational behavior and respect, the standard of living etc., more etc. and etc.

Liberalism had some meaning, who the fuck are you guys?
fuck you asshole pelosi has way more balls that pos in our wh has

You've mistook balls for a 24/7 menstrual cycle that has the best of her. The woman is devious. Politics is more important than homeland security. Immigrants are folk heroes and walls are racist & immoral, the same with conservatives. She promotes racism and stupidity while prostituting for votes.
No, I have not jumped off. He is the first President since Reagan to actually do what he said he would do when campaigning. He's either done it, doing it, or at least attempting to do it. His own Party hates him, and fights him.

Just look at the economy, energy prices, regulatory reductions, attempts to secure the border, and many other factors.
Yep. Every day it becomes clearer where the problem lies, and it sure ain't Trump!

7 million Americans have lost their healthcare insurance under Donald Trump — so far

Donald J. Trump/Shutterstock

“We’re going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better.” —Donald Trump, Jan. 11, 2017
Republicans weren’t able to repeal the popular Affordable Care Act, but Donald Trump has been effective at undermining the law, discouraging people from signing up for healthcare plans and/or making them unaffordable, particularly for women and young people. Instead of spending the first two years fixing the gaps in the Affordable Care Act, Trump and his cabal of greedy Republicans have simply widened the gap. From the Huffington Post:

About 7 million fewer Americans had health insurance at the end of last year compared with two years prior, and the share of people who are uninsured is the highest it’s been since 2014, according to a new survey.

During the fourth quarter of 2018, 14 percent of Americans were uninsured. That’s up from 11 percent at the end of 2016, and the increase has been steady over the months since then, according to the latest figures from the Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index, released Wednesday. Women, people who earn less than $48,000 a year and adults younger than 35 saw the highest increases in the uninsured rate.

Andy Slavitt, the former acting administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Obama, marked up a Huffington Post graphic to highlight when the increase in numbers of uninsured Americans began—when Donald Trump became president.

No word exactly on how 7 million Americans losing their healthcare coverage is making this country great again. As HuffPo notes, the rate increases for many of these Americans are the direct result of Donald Trump’s actions.

Instead, the Trump administration has taken a number of steps that have had the effect of further driving up premiums for exchange customers and those who buy policies directly from insurers or through brokers. While subsidized consumers generally are shielded from higher premiums because their tax credits increase along with the prices, people who earn more than four times the federal poverty level ― that’s about $49,000 a year for a single person ― must pay full price for their coverage.

Promises made, promises broken.

One of Trump’s central campaign promises was to fix the healthcare system and have better, less-expensive insurance for all. Here he was on 60 Minutes promising a healthcare system that would cover everyone! How is that gonna work? He’s gonna be a master negotiator and fix it all!

Trump: But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything.

Everything! Do you have everything? Are you better off? When pressed for details in that interview, he went further—his master negotiating was going to be a cure-all.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?

Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side.

Liar. And then after the election, here is is again in January 2017 as he prepared to take office:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”

All the way back in January 2017, he had his Obamacare replacement plan ready to go!

President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,” while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid.

Where is that plan now? Are you paying less? No. Instead, 7 million Americans and growing don’t have basic healthcare coverage, thanks to Donald Trump. Just one more con in the big book of Don cons. Unfortunately, real people are getting hurt, real people will go bankrupt because of medical debt, and real people will die because they aren’t getting check-ups or the care they need, because it has become unaffordable.

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TL;DR. You have any personal input to go with that, or are you just spamming for Daily Kos?
Do you regret constantly underestimating Trump?

Yes, I regret underestimating Trump.

I thought he was just an extreme narcissist.

I've learned that he's both an extreme narcissist and a TRAITOR!

Oh please. This coming from the party that elected a Muslim to the house that fights for light sentences for traitors of the US that tried to join ISIS.

I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

Until the Democrats get rid of the Progressive Leftist people who are utterly insane and don't believe in free speech I will vote against them no matter who the other party runs.
^^ this is exactly how I feel as well.
Who in their correct mind would vote for such a vile and ignorant beast to begin with? I do not see anyone that demented being able to discern moral and ethical differences.
Yeah. Hillary was vile. Exactly why I didn’t vote for her.

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