So Huma's Laptop is the worst scandal since Watergate?

Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
The scandal was Nixon okaying, and participating, in covering up the conspiracy that led to the burglary.
No, the Nixon impeachment was all about the cover-up. Most of the Nixon Articles of Impeachment now apply to Hillary:
  1. making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;
  4. interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;
  5. approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
  6. endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency of the United States;
  7. disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
  8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: or
  9. endeavouring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals duly tried and convicted, to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
You gotta admit......

Between fits of crying.....

A Trump Presidency would be funny.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
The scandal was Nixon okaying, and participating, in covering up the conspiracy that led to the burglary.

The crime of burglary itself wasn't scandalous?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.
Hillary selling SecState to the highest foreign bidder is bigger than Watergate

Too bad no one's proven that, eh?

The 80's called they asked why is Hillary selling Uranium to the Russians
Both countries have excessive amounts of uranium available. Russia does not have a shortage of uranium. The difference is that Russian deposits are harder to mine and more expensive to process, making the US deposits more valuable.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!
Personally I have to go with the Bush administration's elaborate scheme to lie us into the Iraq war as the biggest scandal since Watergate that
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
You gotta admit......

Between fits of crying.....

A Trump Presidency would be funny.

Oh hell, if it weren't for the real world consequences, a Trump presidency would be a 4 year long satirical comedy.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!

What the fuck did I write that isn't true?
The Clinton Foundation-State Department Bribery Scandal is worse than Watergate...the email scandal provides visibility into it.
1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!

What the fuck did I write that isn't true?

Do you think anyone has the time to list them?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
It's obvious Trump doesn't know any more about Watergate than he knows about anything else, which is practically nil.

His knowledge is that of a common person who knows that when you think political scandal you think Watergate. It's the cliche, which has gone on to name all the other 'gates'.

But because Trump now insulates himself from anyone who'll ask the hard questions, he'll never get called on this.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
Isn't it odd how they forget Iran-Contra?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

No moron...the emails that hilary was hiding because they show her selling her office and using the clinton foundation to launder bribe money....and that those emails that she tried to destroy with bleach bit may be on that laptop...that is the Watergate killing scandal...moron....
It isn't where the emails were. It's what the emails said. In this case, what's leaking out is a discussion among hillys staff about the sale of the state department to,benefit the Clinton foundation. The name coming up in prominence is Morocco and a sale of access for 12 million dollars.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
The scandal was Nixon okaying, and participating, in covering up the conspiracy that led to the burglary.
No, the Nixon impeachment was all about the cover-up. Most of the Nixon Articles of Impeachment now apply to Hillary:
  1. making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  2. withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;
  3. approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;
  4. interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;
  5. approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;
  6. endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency of the United States;
  7. disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;
  8. making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: or
  9. endeavouring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals duly tried and convicted, to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.

You left out the part where Hillary used the IRS to harass political opponents.

Wait...that was someone bad.
The Clinton Foundation-State Department Bribery Scandal is worse than Watergate...the email scandal provides visibility into it.

lol, prove it. Start with the convictions.

It must be sad to go through life without being able to evaluate information for yourself.

This would all be much easier for you to GROK if Obabble and Loretta weren't blocking the investigation.

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