So Huma's Laptop is the worst scandal since Watergate?

That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

No, it appears WEINERS laptop is going to be the worst scandal in the history of American politics.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

The Russians aren't the ones doing it....juilan assanges buddy in New Zealand is the likely hacker.....and the info on the emails......are crimes and don't ignore evidence like that...
That's not what I meant, I meant this:
just goes to prove that hiLIARy and her closest advisers are inept when it comes to the most basic of security protocols and OP wants to hand her the launch codes. This thread is laughable
Yeah but look at the alternative. He thinks he knows more than the generals and swaps spit with Putin

Not that I'd vote for either, but ..... sheesh.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.
just goes to prove that hiLIARy and her closest advisers are inept when it comes to the most basic of security protocols and OP wants to hand her the launch codes. This thread is laughable

Those launch codes are on the Presidential price list for sale when hilary gets into office......

See? There's why conservatism is dead.
Obama comrade Blagojevich is sitting in prison right now for pay to play that is pennies compared to what Hillary has done.

Since I am from this state......Rod Blago didn't even complete the sale of the seat and wasn't even close to closing the deal...Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, arrested him before he sold the seat to a buyer...which is unusual because a normal sting would get the buyer and the seller, the problem...? It looked like obama was going to get implilcated in the sale fitzgerald scooped up Rod before that could happen.....
And Nixon only attempted to use the IRS as a political weapon.

He talked about it...never did it.....obama actually did it and he also used the other alphabet agencies to harrass and attack his enemies as well...
LOL. God help you if you ever had to define a constitutional crisis.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

The Russians aren't the ones doing it....juilan assanges buddy in New Zealand is the likely hacker.....and the info on the emails......are crimes and don't ignore evidence like that...
That's not what I meant, I meant this: drank the Koo-aide.........if our press won't do the job then I'll take any attempt to expose vast corruption in our government...and if the Russians or the guy in New Zealand are the Whistle Blowers...then so be it...better that than a felon in the white house.
just goes to prove that hiLIARy and her closest advisers are inept when it comes to the most basic of security protocols and OP wants to hand her the launch codes. This thread is laughable

Those launch codes are on the Presidential price list for sale when hilary gets into office......

See? There's why conservatism is dead.

How is that.......the clintons sold everything they could when they were in the White House the first time including classified technology to the Chinese....
The Clinton Foundation-State Department Bribery Scandal is worse than Watergate...the email scandal provides visibility into it.

lol, prove it. Start with the convictions.

It must be sad to go through life without being able to evaluate information for yourself.

This would all be much easier for you to GROK if Obabble and Loretta weren't blocking the investigation.
I'm no fan of the Foundation, and personally will not vote for Hillary under any circumstance because of the fund raising. But imo you seriously underestimate the cancer at the heart of the Nixon WH. It wasn't "just" the Watergate breakin. Nixon personally authorized bombing the Brookings Inst, which thankfully didn't work out. Nixon's view was that the president had legal authority to break any law to prevent information that he considered harmful to the nation from being disclosed.

The Clintons suffer hubris and greed for power. Nixon's entire view of the presidency was a crime.

So is the Clintons' view of the presidency. Nixon is long dead and gone. I focus my concern on the present threat.
No the Clintons' view is no where near Nixon's. One cannot dispute that the Foundation itself is beneficial. The Clintons' view is that their beneficence makes what would be unethical, ethical. That's wrong. But they've never SERIOUSLY been accused of ordering crimes, including potentially life threatening crimes, to hide information that would be politically damaging. Nixon's real fault was that as president, he thought his political interests were the same as the nation's.
The only thing the Clinton Foundation benefits is the Clintons.
$143 million went to the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Of whom Chelsea gets paid huge amounts of money to sit on their board. They also refuse to be audited by charity watchdogs.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) | GiveWell

$13.5 million went to the Clinton library. How does that help those in need?

All of their money goes to a "Clinton X" charity, each of which can be ripped apart. None of them are open to being audited by charity watchdogs.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

The Russians aren't the ones doing it....juilan assanges buddy in New Zealand is the likely hacker.....and the info on the emails......are crimes and don't ignore evidence like that...
Holy crap......did you say "skullduggery"?

Donald Trump engages in underhanded and unscrupulous behavior as part of his job description, every day.

Romney by a landslide!!!!!!!
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.

So is this. Do try and keep up.
Email scandal proves Hillary learned wrong lessons from Nixon and Watergate
-- Email scandal proves Hillary learned wrong lessons from Nixon and Watergate

"The comparisons of Secretary Clinton’s email scandal are eerily similar to Nixon’s Watergate scandal. The evidence against Hillary is contained in her emails with aides. The evidence against Nixon was contained in tapes of his Oval Office meetings with aides.

The very fact that Hillary had a private email server was discovered almost by accident, in an unrelated investigation into the Benghazi scandal. Similarly, Nixon’s private taping system in the Oval Office was discovered almost by accident, in unrelated investigation into the Watergate break-in.

The FBI has reopened its case against Hillary because they found new evidence while pursuing a separate investigation into the creepy sexual exploits of Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary’s closest aide. The evidence of Nixon’s relationship to Watergate came from investigations into his staff’s involvement in the cover up.

It was nearly two years between the Watergate break in, and Nixon’s forced resignation. Hillary’s private server was discovered over a year ago, and it will take months before the FBI can conclude its investigation.

Hillary advanced through her political career thinking if she could always destroy the evidence she and the rest of Clinton Inc. could never be held responsible for their actions.

That was the wrong lesson to learn from Watergate. The right lesson was don’t do the crime in the first place."
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
First witnesses in your trial will be Hillary and her testimony al Queda was in Iraq and Bill saying Iraq had WMD's when Bush was in office, dufus.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
It may not be as big as Watergate....but the timming of this, the optics, this is and will be headline news up and till the election. I don't like Trump at all but the momentum has shifted to him....Will be have enough to catch her? Will this be a photo finish? Or will Hillary ride this out? Future uncertain....many moving parts.

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