So Huma's Laptop is the worst scandal since Watergate?

If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
As opposed to 2 UN-Authorized Wars to HELP Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries....financing/supplying/arming/protecting/taking the nation to war to help terrorists.... :p
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
As opposed to 2 UN-Authorized Wars to HELP Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries....financing/supplying/arming/protecting/taking the nation to war to help terrorists.... :p


Measure the cost of Bush's Iraq war vs. ANY war you want to falsely blame on Obama.
Donald Trump has:
1. Publicly encouraged his supporters to attack protesters.
2. Called for an assassination of Hillary Clinton.
3. Asked a foreign power to hack a US citizen.
4. Openly called for voter fraud, several times.
5. His supporters have sent death threats to Republicans in at least two states. Was he responsible?

and maybe other things I don't remember.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.

So is this. Do try and keep up.

Post the incriminating evidence from the laptop.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.
Interesting question. And I read it while pondering some of Bodecca's thoughts, and I have to admit I find her to have a touch of Clinton derangement syndrome. Just a touch.

Assuming Nixon ordered the breakin, and that is debateable, his motive was to steal or find out if Democratic National Committee knew of loans Howard Hughes made to him. Hughes made loans to Nixon's brother, and that was used against him in his race against JKF in 1960. (A campaign that he may have won and was literally stolen by Joe Kennedy Sr. and Richard Daley, btw. And that may have left a mark on Tricky Dicky. LOL)

The hacking is more about uncovering unflattering things the Dems say themselves.

Nixon incidentally ordered breakins of private citizens property and a conspiracy planning bombing that wasn't carried out of the Brookings Inst.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.
What's the most transparent administration in history have to fear? <snicker>
So think Watergate was an attempt at transparency?
Partisanship is blinding. (-:
Let's see Donald Trump's emails.
masochist. (-:
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.
NEWSFLASH!!! Clinton Incs "pay-to-play" shenanigans are just as bad, if not worse.
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
As opposed to 2 UN-Authorized Wars to HELP Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries....financing/supplying/arming/protecting/taking the nation to war to help terrorists.... :p


Measure the cost of Bush's Iraq war vs. ANY war you want to falsely blame on Obama.
Denial is a terrible thing, NY, and it doesn't look good on you.

Allying themselves with Al Qaeida and ISIS and dragging the US into war ON THEIR OWN - without Congressional approval is far worse than taking the nation to war with the Liberals' / Congress' approval.
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
As opposed to 2 UN-Authorized Wars to HELP Al Qaeida and ISIS take over their own countries....financing/supplying/arming/protecting/taking the nation to war to help terrorists.... :p


Measure the cost of Bush's Iraq war vs. ANY war you want to falsely blame on Obama.
Denial is a terrible thing, NY, and it doesn't look good on you.

Allying themselves with Al Qaeida and ISIS and dragging the US into war ON THEIR OWN - without Congressional approval is far worse than taking the nation to war with the Liberals' / Congress' approval.

Allying themselves with al qaeda and ISIS. lol, you're at a new level of idiocy.
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
Obama has wars going with five nations right now, boots on the ground in all of them.

Almost all of it traceable to the mess created by Bush lying us into Iraq in the first place.
If you want to take convictions out of the discussion as part of the argument,

then the worst scandal since Watergate was the Bush administration lying us into the Iraq war.
Obama has wars going with five nations right now, boots on the ground in all of them.

Almost all of it traceable to the mess created by Bush lying us into Iraq in the first place.
Dumbass, Hillary was the one insisting al Queda was in Iraq and Bill said Iraq had WMD's when Bush was in office.
Allying themselves with al qaeda and ISIS. lol, you're at a new level of idiocy.
Sorry, but it's known, documented FACT, complete with past posted links, articles, etc.

Short Version:

Hillary and Barry used an arms dealer to run weapons to Al Qaeida in Libya and to ISIS / 'rebels' through Benghazi - Barry just dropped charges on the arms dealer who still blabbed.

Hillary/Barry armed then drug the US to war to help Al Qaeida kill Qaddafi - who was HELPING the US fight terrorists in North Africa - and take over Libya. ISIS is there now thanks to them.

Barry's disastrous 'Red line' led to his obsession to redeem himself and oust Assad, leading him to ally himself with 'rebels' / ISIS to fight Assad. Barry also allowed ISIS to flow freely into Iraq, taking over much of the country our military had already liberated at great cost.

Hillary and Barry are TRAITERS who took the nation to war twice ON THEIR OWN - without Congressional approval to do so.

Yet YOU keep on whining, 'B...b...but Boooosh!' :p
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.
NEWSFLASH!!! Clinton Incs "pay-to-play" shenanigans are just as bad, if not worse.
The motives are different though. Nixon literally was trying to cover up actual shit he did. Perhaps they didn't start out that way if you assume Ellsberg's stealing of the Pentagon Papers started Nixon's history of breakins. Ellsberg committed a crime, btw, and only escaped punishment because the gummit engaged in misconduct prosecuting him. But Nixon's motives were plain and simple to cover up his official and personal misdeeds.

The Cintons' are more complex imo. Their entire lives have been about obtaining power, but the point of power is public service ... about making things better. It is, imo, a laudable goal. However, no matter how good a person's intentions may be, that does not excuse willfully doing wrong things to further them.
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.

What does that have to do with the facts that will come out? And keep in mind Hillary almost screwed up Watergate with her unethical behavior for which she was fired.
You know that's not true, right?
She was not 'fired' - 'her services were no longer needed' on the case after she unethically knowingly filed a false brief in an attempt to strip Nixon of rightful council.
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!

What the fuck did I write that isn't true?

Do you think anyone has the time to list them?
If there was so much, you wouldn't have any trouble listing some....wouldn't you?
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.

So is this. Do try and keep up.

Post the incriminating evidence from the laptop.

Stop your damned whining
Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!

What the fuck did I write that isn't true?

Do you think anyone has the time to list them?
If there was so much, you wouldn't have any trouble listing some....wouldn't you?

This ain't a TV show silly person where we get the results immediately. Grow up.
It sure is fun watching the retards make fools of themselves as they ASSUME things about the emails on Abedin's computer.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
She is not a sitting President, but in 3 months when the impeachment trials start it will be.

Another failed impeachment of a Clinton. That sounds like obsessive/compulsive behaviour.
Perjury over a bj should not have been an impeachable offense, which is why the Senate didn't convict, but selling access to the Sec of State would actually be a crime going to official govt duties, which imo actually would be impeachable.

I don't see how she gets elected now anyway.

Selling access?
I believe that you would have to first show that she personally profited and second the nature of the access that was given.
So far no one has shown that to have happened.

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