So Huma's Laptop is the worst scandal since Watergate?

That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

Carl Bernstein says not.

Carl Bernstein: Clinton email review not bigger than Watergate

There is a distinction to be made here between which incident is bigger, and which one is more serious. Do you think a president trying to cover up a crime that would likely cause the perp to get a little bit of jail time or possible probation is more serious than a Secretary of State exposing top secret documents to the public? Watergate was bigger, but not nearly as serious. Not to mention, the email server scandal is not over, so only history will show which is actually bigger.

And the fact that the guy who takes credit for exposing watergate thinks it's bigger is really not relevant. Who doesn't think that if he had discovered the server scandal he would be saying it's bigger than Watergate?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

Watergate was a president trying to cover up a simple breaking and entering. It didn't have ramifications of classified, top secret or very sensitive Government documents/information being exposed. Seriously dude, you seem to have no grasp of reality at all. Are you 12 years old, do you parents know what you're doing?

Simple burglary. lol, too funny.

Where are the exposed secret documents off the Huma laptop?
So is Huma's laptop a bigger scandal than having had a Kenyan born president for the last 8 years?

Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.
NEWSFLASH!!! Clinton Incs "pay-to-play" shenanigans are just as bad, if not worse.
The motives are different though. Nixon literally was trying to cover up actual shit he did. Perhaps they didn't start out that way if you assume Ellsberg's stealing of the Pentagon Papers started Nixon's history of breakins. Ellsberg committed a crime, btw, and only escaped punishment because the gummit engaged in misconduct prosecuting him. But Nixon's motives were plain and simple to cover up his official and personal misdeeds.

The Cintons' are more complex imo. Their entire lives have been about obtaining power, but the point of power is public service ... about making things better. It is, imo, a laudable goal. However, no matter how good a person's intentions may be, that does not excuse willfully doing wrong things to further them.
you left out "enriching themselves in the process" You a Dem by chance?
Okay, I suppose logically that it isn't surprising that the RWnuts who have for decades idolized G Gordon Liddy, one of those convicted in Watergate,

would not consider Watergate a scandal at all.
Watergate wasn't just a scandal, it was an ongoing criminal conspiracy sanctioned by Nixon, who abused the powers of the office for political gain; "emails" doesn't even compare.
NEWSFLASH!!! Clinton Incs "pay-to-play" shenanigans are just as bad, if not worse.
The motives are different though. Nixon literally was trying to cover up actual shit he did. Perhaps they didn't start out that way if you assume Ellsberg's stealing of the Pentagon Papers started Nixon's history of breakins. Ellsberg committed a crime, btw, and only escaped punishment because the gummit engaged in misconduct prosecuting him. But Nixon's motives were plain and simple to cover up his official and personal misdeeds.

The Cintons' are more complex imo. Their entire lives have been about obtaining power, but the point of power is public service ... about making things better. It is, imo, a laudable goal. However, no matter how good a person's intentions may be, that does not excuse willfully doing wrong things to further them.
you left out "enriching themselves in the process" You a Dem by chance?
Are you reading with eubonics, by chance?
Where are the exposed secret documents off the Huma laptop?
Be patient....
Another admission that there is no scandal.
Not at all. This new revelation just broke in the last 2 - 3 days. the search Warrant to go through the emails was jut received. There are 650k emails to go through, and you want to declare because no one can tell you EXACTLY what is in those e-mails RIGHT now then there is no scandal. YOU WISH!

:lmao:You sound like Hillary.

Huma testified she had turned over all devices, which was a total of 1 -- LIE / PERJURY.

Huma testified she was not saving e-mails - LIE /PERJURY

Huma was sending classified documents to Yahoo, a non-secure public system that was hacked and documents/emails stolen - Mishandling of Classified.

She gave people without security clearances access to the information - Crime!

There is already crime here.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
Trump admits that the election system isn't as rigged as he thought.
He's got his supporters frothing at the mouth, breaking out their guns ready to head down to polling stations, threatening armed uprising, engaging in election fraud and after all this he admits he was wrong!
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

WaterGate was something over nothing. No one lost a dime. No one got hurt. No one's lives were put in danger. No state secrets were lost.

That all can't be said for Hillary exposing national secrets, and the agents that collect them at risk.

Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

View attachment 96110

It's not cyber burglary and it's purpose was to not influence elections?
That's exactly what Watergate was fool.
You were there, right? LOL!

That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

WaterGate was something over nothing. No one lost a dime. No one got hurt. No one's lives were put in danger. No state secrets were lost.

That all can't be said for Hillary exposing national secrets, and the agents that collect them at risk.

Quite a few people lost their carreers, went to jail or both over " nothing".
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

WaterGate was something over nothing. No one lost a dime. No one got hurt. No one's lives were put in danger. No state secrets were lost.

That all can't be said for Hillary exposing national secrets, and the agents that collect them at risk.

Quite a few people lost their carreers, went to jail or both over " nothing".

And had I said it was nothing your point would have more validity.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

WaterGate was something over nothing. No one lost a dime. No one got hurt. No one's lives were put in danger. No state secrets were lost.

That all can't be said for Hillary exposing national secrets, and the agents that collect them at risk.

Quite a few people lost their carreers, went to jail or both over " nothing".

And had I said it was nothing your point would have more validity.

WaterGate was something over nothing.
This is the biggest scandal in history.

Trump's special prosecutor is going to have a field day purging the corrupt...
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

View attachment 96110

It's not cyber burglary and it's purpose was to not influence elections?
That's exactly what Watergate was fool.
You were there, right? LOL!


Watergate was not cyber burglary you dummy. They wiretapped the DNC.
It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

View attachment 96110

It's not cyber burglary and it's purpose was to not influence elections?
That's exactly what Watergate was fool.
You were there, right? LOL!


Watergate was not cyber burglary you dummy. They wiretapped the DNC.

It was a burglary, dope. A burglary at the DNC. Just as the hacking of the DNC servers is a burglary. Both with the goal of influencing an election.
Get it now?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

Watergate was a president trying to cover up a simple breaking and entering. It didn't have ramifications of classified, top secret or very sensitive Government documents/information being exposed. Seriously dude, you seem to have no grasp of reality at all. Are you 12 years old, do you parents know what you're doing?

Simple burglary. lol, too funny.

Where are the exposed secret documents off the Huma laptop?

The FBI hasnt said what they found, but said they could be relevant. As far as Hellary and her private sever, it is well documented that there were plenty of secret or classified shit on her private server. It was in all the news, how'd you miss it?

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton exchanged top secret emails on her private server with three aides | VICE News

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