So Huma's Laptop is the worst scandal since Watergate?

That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

1. It is Anthony Weiner Laptop that he shared with his wife. The fact you have attempted to change the facts show you are not willing to debate anything but just want to be another partisan parasite!

2. The emails on Anthony Weiner laptop should have never been there in the first place. Anthony Weiner did not have the clearance and if Huma used the laptop to do work at home then that is even dumber seeing her Husband is known for surfing sites that are not secured and his device could be hacked.

3. You will attempt to partisan spin this and ignore the fact you lied in your title by attempting to claim the laptop turned over was Huma and not Anthony Weiner.

As for Trump it would not matter what he said because to you Huma mistake is no big deal and those like you will post about Powell while not understanding that Huma should have never used her Husband Laptop to do work from!

"The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop"

The FBI is about to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner's laptop
Speaking of partisan, why would you think Hillary did anything wrong when Huma shared her own computer with little tony weiner?

Again another lie!

I did not write Clinton did anything wrong and the computer belonged to Anthony Weiner.

Your response shows for a fact you you just took what i wrote added something I never wrote and then did what the OP'er did and claim the computer was Huma when in fact the laptop belong to Anthony Weiner!

Now show where in my response I even mentioned Clinton and when you can not notice you and the OP'er have been caught in a damn lie again!

Fucking Parasites!

It is one of their oldest tricks create a lie and then repeat it. Unless it is an overall comprehension problem. Based on Clintons record, I'll go with comprehension.

It is typical partisan nonsense done from all sides. Those like the OP'er and those defending Huma mistake believe if they write something then it will become the truth.

The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop and now the OP'er and those like it will play their games until Trump says something stupid that will allow them to focus on something else!
The reality is those emails had no business being on Weiner laptop
What emails would "those" be?
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.
Watergate was Mickey Mouse shit done by Democrat operatives for Nixon. Of course the left made hay of it. But the FBI found some emails they were denied due to Hillary's deceptions. And it's Trump's fault?

In the aftermath of Richard Nixon’s resignation, Watergate continued to claim victims.

In the aftermath of Richard Nixon’s resignation, Watergate continued to claim victims.

The final toll included:

  • one presidential resignation

  • one vice-presidential resignation – although Agnew’s crimes were unrelated to Watergate

  • 40 government officials indicted or jailed

  • H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed

  • John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed

  • John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed

  • Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, both jailed

  • Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed

  • James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed
Watergate Casualties and Convictions

Pretty soon you can sum up Hillarys conviction and the fallout the same way.

Is that like the predictions that soon Obama's foreign birth was going to disqualify him from being president?
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

IT takes a back seat to your lies. Why oh why hasn't your skank made a statement? Hmmm? Why?
Just a bit of FYI, when they go through these hundreds of thousands of emails,

the first thing they do is eliminate any that are before or after Hillary Clinton was Secy of State, then,

they eliminate all that are not about government business,

they also eliminate all the ones they've seen before.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

IT takes a back seat to your lies. Why oh why hasn't your skank made a statement? Hmmm? Why?

Cite my lies or go fuck yourself with a corn cob.
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Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

IT takes a back seat to your lies. Why oh why hasn't your skank made a statement? Hmmm? Why?

Cite my lies or go fuck yourself with corn cob.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

View attachment 96110

It's not cyber burglary and it's purpose was to not influence elections?
That's exactly what Watergate was fool.
That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

IT takes a back seat to your lies. Why oh why hasn't your skank made a statement? Hmmm? Why?

Cite my lies or go fuck yourself with corn cob.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

Enjoy that corn cob.

I asked for arguments that the Huma laptop 'scandal' is the worst since Watergate.

Where's your argument?
Just a bit of FYI, when they go through these hundreds of thousands of emails,

the first thing they do is eliminate any that are before or after Hillary Clinton was Secy of State, then,

they eliminate all that are not about government business,

they also eliminate all the ones they've seen before.

Sorry, afraid not. When Hillary no longer worked as Secretary of State she no longer had an active security clearance, which meant she was not legally allowed to have classified information in her possession. If she has classified e-mails post Sect of State she is f*ed.

Hillary claimed to have turned over all work-related e-mails. If there are MORE she has not turned over - along with the thousands Comey testified the FBI found she had not turned in - that is MORE evidence she violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

In the meantime Huma is already F*ed. She testified she used only 1 device, had no e-mails, and was not collecting / saving any. Now she has hundreds of thousands on her joint-use PC.

650K? I am thinking all those Hillary had destroyed are on her PC.

Hillary is still in serious trouble.
Just a bit of FYI, when they go through these hundreds of thousands of emails,

the first thing they do is eliminate any that are before or after Hillary Clinton was Secy of State, then,

they eliminate all that are not about government business,

they also eliminate all the ones they've seen before.

Sorry, afraid not. When Hillary no longer worked as Secretary of State she no longer had an active security clearance, which meant she was not legally allowed to have classified information in her possession. If she has classified e-mails post Sect of State she is f*ed.

Hillary claimed to have turned over all work-related e-mails. If there are MORE she has not turned over - along with the thousands Comey testified the FBI found she had not turned in - that is MORE evidence she violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

In the meantime Huma is already F*ed. She testified she used only 1 device, had no e-mails, and was not collecting / saving any. Now she has hundreds of thousands on her joint-use PC.

650K? I am thinking all those Hillary had destroyed are on her PC.

Hillary is still in serious trouble.

It's a shame you have no pride.
I asked for arguments that the Huma laptop 'scandal' is the worst since Watergate.

I respect your intelligence...and as an intelligent human being I recognize what you are doing, trying to make / twist the argument into an argument about Huma's laptop being the scandal. Huma's laptop is NOT the scandal. Hillary's email/server issue is the scandal. Huma's laptop is just a small piece of the Hillary scandal. And it is the Hillary scandal that is larger than Watergate.
Can someone explain to me why hacking into the DNC is not as bad as Watergate? I mean despite of someone encouraging the Russians to do it.

It's cyber burglary and the exact same thing really. Except of course for the idiots on the right who applaud and encourage it.
Like you have any clue what happened. You're just another media fed fool.

View attachment 96110

It's not cyber burglary and it's purpose was to not influence elections?
That's exactly what Watergate was fool.
You were there, right? LOL!
I asked for arguments that the Huma laptop 'scandal' is the worst since Watergate.

I respect your intelligence...and as an intelligent human being I recognize what you are doing, trying to make / twist the argument into an argument about Huma's laptop being the scandal. Huma's laptop is NOT the scandal. Hillary's email/server issue is the scandal. Huma's laptop is just a small piece of the Hillary scandal. And it is the Hillary scandal that is larger than Watergate.
I'd hazard a guess that you weren't alive for Watergate. LOL
It's a shame you have no pride.
My pride, which I do have, is not the issue - it's your refusal to accept the fact that this entire Hillary scandal is a self-inflicted wound of her own making. She is corrupt, scandalous, lying, and dirty as hell, whether you want to believe it or not. She is currently under MULTIPLE FBI investigations right now - which has nothing to do with my 'pride' and everything to do with Hillary's corruption, scandal, poor judgment, and poor decision making.

If anything it has to do with Hillary having no ethics, no morals, no integrity, no respect for the law...

Don't blame me. Don't blame Comey. Blame Hillary!
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I'd hazard a guess that you weren't alive for Watergate. LOL
Such a guess would be 'hazardous' for you, as you would be wrong.

Did you read the link I posted to the article explaining / arguing why this scandal is larger than Watergate? It's not just my opinion.

Here's a simple reason this is true. Watergate did not involve putting our national security in 'grave danger'. Hillary's email scandal - according to the WHITE HOUSE - did / does. According to the WH, Hillary's emails - on an unauthorized, unencrypted server stored in an unsecure bathroom of an IT company that was accessed by people without security clearances - 'contained information SO classified that it could not be released in any format because it would cause grave danger to our national security'. Watergate did not.
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That's what Trump and his people have declared. I declare that to be the one of the most idiotic Trump claims yet.

Someone give me one good argument to defend his claim.

Watergate was a president trying to cover up a simple breaking and entering. It didn't have ramifications of classified, top secret or very sensitive Government documents/information being exposed. Seriously dude, you seem to have no grasp of reality at all. Are you 12 years old, do you parents know what you're doing?
Donald Trump has:
1. Publicly encouraged his supporters to attack protesters.
2. Called for an assassination of Hillary Clinton.
3. Asked a foreign power to hack a US citizen.
4. Openly called for voter fraud, several times.
5. His supporters have sent death threats to Republicans in at least two states. Was he responsible?

and maybe other things I don't remember.
You don't remember much of anything. You're in a stupor. All lies except the first one where he said he'd pay the legal bills if someone smacked the filthy maggot (my words) for trying to shut down his free speech rights.

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