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So Is the President Above the Law

That appears to be where he Trump defense is headed.

Your thoughts?
No. Neither are special prosecutors when they go off track and turn the investigation into a political vendetta like Starr did and Mueller has done.
"Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis"

Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis - CNN Video

I wonder if Trump knows (or cares)?

Only the radical fringe lib loons think we're in a constitutional crisis. The rest of the country has moved on past muellers carnival.

Really? Can you support your claim with polling data?

Even with GOP frustrations, a majority of Republicans (56 percent) say Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation, while almost a quarter think he should be fired and 20 percent are undecided. Among all adults polled, 65 percent say Mueller should be retained, 15 percent want him terminated, and 20 percent aren't sure.​

Those same polls that predicted the hillary to win?

She did. She won the popular vote. She got more votes than any white man in history.
That appears to be where he Trump defense is headed.

Your thoughts?

Been there, done that. Trump defense will fail miserably.


Feel free to provide a Trump quote that resembles that in any way.


Giuliani is saying that a President cannot be subpoenaed. That is patently false.
Been there, done that. Trump defense will fail miserably.


tell us specifically which federal statute Trump has violated. Be specific or STFU

Obstruction of justice 18 U.S.C. § 1503

whoever . . . . corruptly
or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense)."

By asking Comey to drop Flynn's case while knowing full well that Flynn commited perjury Trump has clearly endeavored to corruptly influence an officer of the law.


where is the evidence of that? Its just comey's word and we know that Comey is a liar, that is well established.

Now, shall we discuss the obstruction of justice by Obama, lynch, comey, Clinton, McCabe, Holder. No? didn't think so.

Comey kept contemporaneous memos when it happened and shared this with his co-workers. He also TESTIFIED UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS.

On the other side of that we have public denials of pathological liar Trump and dupes like you.

And the contemporaneous notes taken by someone he told, echo Comey's notes taken at the time. Comey would be quite happy if there were tapes of the conversation. That's not the statements of someone who thinks he will be caught lying.

Top ex-DOJ official's notes appear to corroborate James Comey's testimony on Trump

Immediately after that conversation, I called Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, to report the substance of the call from the President, and said I would await his guidance. I did not hear back from him before the President called me again two weeks later," Comey said of the late-March encounter to the Senate Intelligence Committee during a hearing June of 2017. Sessions had already by that point recused himself of all Russia-related investigations.

In the Boente's handwritten notes obtained by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Boente said, "cloud as a result of Russia business. This makes running the country difficult," echoing the exact words Comey had told congressional investigators.

Two stories, same origin. Kind of like Steele giving the dossier to the FBI and then telling the same story to the media. Then the media story was used to bolster the dossier in the FISA application as a separate source.

"Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis"

Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis - CNN Video

I wonder if Trump knows (or cares)?

Only the radical fringe lib loons think we're in a constitutional crisis. The rest of the country has moved on past muellers carnival.

Really? Can you support your claim with polling data?

Even with GOP frustrations, a majority of Republicans (56 percent) say Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation, while almost a quarter think he should be fired and 20 percent are undecided. Among all adults polled, 65 percent say Mueller should be retained, 15 percent want him terminated, and 20 percent aren't sure.​
You keep believing that, the mid terms are coming up. People are starting to see how the world would be if you are in power. Let's just say Kanye West, keep on beating up on him. Black support for Trump has doubled. So just keep being your hateful selves.

:lol: Nice pouty rant...and untrue.

Analysis | The problem with Trump’s claim about Kanye West and rising support among African Americans

is your sig pic you and your girlfriend? which one are you?

This was you, right?

"Post intelligently and we can debate the issues. post stupidly and with ignorant partisan bias and we wont. Its simple."

Are you still obsessed with lesbian sex? Do you still not realize porn is FREE on the internet?
The only people denying that there is an alt right are the regressive alt right cons and Fake Alt Right Media outlets like Breitbart, etc. We know that the fake news generated by Trump and his allies are all lies to engender an Alt Right agenda to destroy the American Republic.

Part of the "agenda" is to suggest Obama and the Clintons and their real American supporters have somehow subverted our American political processes. That lie will be rejected this November.

One by one, the anti-Trump resistance is checking off policy goals despite rabid opposition by the far right and alt right anti American forces. The tax and budget bill were passed by partisanship, despite the screaming from the far right. Gorsuch has turned out to be an appointment that most Americans support.

The pro Trump alt right is using fake news to suggest what he did was not as bad as Clinton or Nixon. That is a lie.

The agenda is to downplay the seriousness of the Trump disaster.

AL, NJ, WI, VA, in national and state races the Dems have been steadily winning since last fall as the Dems have moved from the left-center toward the center will the idiot alt right cons keep trying to run far right weirdos like Moore and Blankenship.

All that hopey-trump nonsense is being flushed down the toilet.

your partisan ignorance is amazing. Nothing in your post is true. 100% bullshit far left wing talking points an lies.

November 2018 and 2020 will be the end of the left wing of the dem party forever. You failed, you lost, America rejected your socialist anti-constitution ideology. Obama and the Clintons have managed to destroy the party of Truman and Kennedy and its the fault of people like you who support these traitors.
The Alt Right lying and agenda continue to go off the road into the ditch.

Redfish's posts prove that time and time. All that hopey-trump nonsense is brain frying.
"Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis"

Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis - CNN Video

I wonder if Trump knows (or cares)?

Only the radical fringe lib loons think we're in a constitutional crisis. The rest of the country has moved on past muellers carnival.
Where did you get that idea?
Did you find a poll?

What percentage of US voters think Mueller's investigation should be terminated?

Based on the 2016 results plus the limited amount of sampling.
tell us specifically which federal statute Trump has violated. Be specific or STFU

Obstruction of justice 18 U.S.C. § 1503

whoever . . . . corruptly
or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be (guilty of an offense)."

By asking Comey to drop Flynn's case while knowing full well that Flynn commited perjury Trump has clearly endeavored to corruptly influence an officer of the law.


where is the evidence of that? Its just comey's word and we know that Comey is a liar, that is well established.

Now, shall we discuss the obstruction of justice by Obama, lynch, comey, Clinton, McCabe, Holder. No? didn't think so.

Comey kept contemporaneous memos when it happened and shared this with his co-workers. He also TESTIFIED UNDER OATH BEFORE CONGRESS.

On the other side of that we have public denials of pathological liar Trump and dupes like you.

And the contemporaneous notes taken by someone he told, echo Comey's notes taken at the time. Comey would be quite happy if there were tapes of the conversation. That's not the statements of someone who thinks he will be caught lying.

Top ex-DOJ official's notes appear to corroborate James Comey's testimony on Trump

Immediately after that conversation, I called Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente, to report the substance of the call from the President, and said I would await his guidance. I did not hear back from him before the President called me again two weeks later," Comey said of the late-March encounter to the Senate Intelligence Committee during a hearing June of 2017. Sessions had already by that point recused himself of all Russia-related investigations.

In the Boente's handwritten notes obtained by MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Boente said, "cloud as a result of Russia business. This makes running the country difficult," echoing the exact words Comey had told congressional investigators.

Two stories, same origin. Kind of like Steele giving the dossier to the FBI and then telling the same story to the media. Then the media story was used to bolster the dossier in the FISA application as a separate source.


No. It's like you and I having a conversation. When we are done, I immediately write down what you said and tell someone who also writes it down at that time. (That is what contemporaneous means.)

You didn't write anything down or tell anyone at the time. Which side of our conversation is more likely to stand up in court?
I remember when Sanjay Kumar from Computer Associates served 17 years for cooking books and funneling money through various entities. Clean cut and crooked as shit businessman.

CA had to rebrand from the fallout. It was a mess. Expect the same with Filthy Don.

First it would have to be proven Trump took that money from his campaign; a check or something. Not likely given Trump's great wealth. A $130ed some thousand dollars to Trump is like a buck fifty to us.

Afterwards it would have to be proven that the money was a repayment for Stormy and nothing else. Good luck with that.

The Trump attorney who made the original deal made it clear that this needed to be done before the election because Trump did not want it coming out before the election. Also the money would have to be reported as a loan to his campaign. Of course Trump could claim he gave $130,000 to Cohen and had no idea what it was uses from. This from someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills that are like a couple of dollars to us.

That dog won't hunt.
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While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us.FAKE NEWS

4:35 AM - 22 Jul 2017

Yes, indeed, why mention, or even think about, Pardon powers?

Oh, right, that's shortly after news broke of Don, Jr., Manafort, and Kushner meeting with Veselnitskaya about - how did they say it? - "part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump".
"Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis"

Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis - CNN Video

I wonder if Trump knows (or cares)?

Only the radical fringe lib loons think we're in a constitutional crisis. The rest of the country has moved on past muellers carnival.

Really? Can you support your claim with polling data?

Even with GOP frustrations, a majority of Republicans (56 percent) say Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation, while almost a quarter think he should be fired and 20 percent are undecided. Among all adults polled, 65 percent say Mueller should be retained, 15 percent want him terminated, and 20 percent aren't sure.​

Those same polls that predicted the hillary to win?

She did. She won the popular vote. She got more votes than any white man in history.

Yes, but she lost the electoral college and the difference in popular was all CA, therefore the polls were wrong. What does white have to do with anything?
That appears to be where he Trump defense is headed.

Your thoughts?

He is not above the law, but what has Trump done to make you think otherwise?

Statements from his legal team.

Nothing they have said so far hints at illegallity........

It is obvious from public statements from his legal team that they are angling for the idea that the President cannot obstruct justice since it is quite obvious that Mueller is looking hard at obstruction.
The alt right cons and their Christian con allies are so filled with hate and rage, as they see the end times for Trump approach.
That appears to be where he Trump defense is headed.

Your thoughts?

He is not above the law, but what has Trump done to make you think otherwise?

Statements from his legal team.

Nothing they have said so far hints at illegallity........

It is obvious from public statements from his legal team that they are angling for the idea that the President cannot obstruct justice since it is quite obvious that Mueller is looking hard at obstruction.

What would he have done that obstructed Justice? Considering there is no Russian collusion, other than when hilary was doing it through her foundation when she was Secretary of State......
"Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis"

Bernstein: We're in a constitutional crisis - CNN Video

I wonder if Trump knows (or cares)?

Only the radical fringe lib loons think we're in a constitutional crisis. The rest of the country has moved on past muellers carnival.

Really? Can you support your claim with polling data?

Even with GOP frustrations, a majority of Republicans (56 percent) say Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation, while almost a quarter think he should be fired and 20 percent are undecided. Among all adults polled, 65 percent say Mueller should be retained, 15 percent want him terminated, and 20 percent aren't sure.​

Those same polls that predicted the hillary to win?

She did. She won the popular vote. She got more votes than any white man in history.

Yes, but she lost the electoral college and the difference in popular was all CA, therefore the polls were wrong. What does white have to do with anything?

Stop being silly. "The popular vote was all in California" canard has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday.

It’s true that if California’s vote totals were entirely removed from the equation then Hillary Clinton would lose her popular vote lead, but the logic of that assessment is somewhat flawed. One could, for example, arbitrarily remove the states of New York and Massachusetts from the vote count, docking Clinton roughly 2.6 million votes (and wiping out her popular vote win). Or one could similarly claim that Trump’s electoral vote victory “came entirely from Texas,” since if Clinton had taken the Lone Star state (and its 38 electoral votes), she would also have won the overall election. One could combine any number of states’ vote counts and exclude them from the aggregate, but doing so wouldn’t undo the basic mathematical principle that a vote difference in one state can’t sway the election results to or from a candidate who doesn’t also have significant support from multiple other states. In this case, California wouldn’t have put Clinton over the top in the popular vote total without the additional 61.4 million votes she received in other states.

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