So it begins.. Trump supporter killed over politics

I waste time posting that not all trump supporters are knuckle dragging racists, and then there are these threads. LOL
I waste time posting that not all trump supporters are knuckle dragging racists, and then there are these threads. LOL

"LOL" is always how you respond to people getting killed?

Leftists are far worse than racists.
Sounds like he was killed by someone even further right than he was.

That would be Right Wing extremism.


It's sad how ignorant most people are about political systems. Most couldn't correctly identify left or right without a treasure map.

Left and right anarchism

The terms left anarchism, or left-wing anarchism, have been used to distinguish social anarchism from anarcho-capitalism and anti-state, right-libertarian philosophies.[204][205]

Left anarchists refer to political philosophies which posit a future society in which private property is replaced by reciprocity and non-hierarchical society.[206][207]

The term left anarchism is sometimes used synonymously with libertarian socialism,[208] left-libertarianism, or social anarchism.[53] Anarchists typically discourage the concept of left-wing theories of anarchism on grounds of redundancy and that it lends legitimacy to the notion that anarchism is compatible with capitalism[209][210] or nationalism.[211][212]

Syndicalist Ulrike Heider categorized anarchism into left anarchism, right anarchism (anarcho-capitalism) and green anarchism.[213] The terms right anarchism, or right-wing anarchism, have been used to refer to schools of thoughts which are not generally considered part of anarchism, including anarcho-capitalism[68][70] and national anarchism.[214]

Issues in anarchism - Wikipedia

There's also anarcho-syndicalism -- the anarchist political philosophy that views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy

Anarcho-syndicalism - Wikipedia

There's a reason Che Guevarra, a Marxist revolutionary and Communist bohemian, is a commonly depicted hero among social/left-wing anarchists, popularized by Rage Against The Machine. Left-wing anarchists worked closely with Guevara in his guerrilla campaign to overthrow the Batista regime in Cuba.

The Myth of Che Guevara
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The leftists were critical of a man who pulled a gun in a situation like this.

Too bad this guy didn't have a gun. Should have shot the anti-American dead right there.
The murderer was an anti-government nut job. Not a leftist.
Lol, love how you guys defend criminals daily. You wear it well, a little old fashioned but that's alright.
Not defending him at all. Just bringing up his politics we’re not liberal. Be that as it may, he should pay severely for his crime.
Progs always deny what they are, you are no different.

Which has nothing to do with what I wrote. Your post reminds me of the school yard taunt, ‘I know what I am, but what are you.” Yeah lifting the level of discourse on this board again I see.

Where did you go to school, lol? The taunt goes "I know you are, but what am I?" and it's said in response to a taunt. Observe:

"You're a stupid dummy"

"I know you are, but what am I?"

* repeat
Sorry, I am just not as knowledgeable on elementary school taunts as others on this forum. It's been a while.
The murderer was an anti-government nut job. Not a leftist.
Lol, love how you guys defend criminals daily. You wear it well, a little old fashioned but that's alright.
Not defending him at all. Just bringing up his politics we’re not liberal. Be that as it may, he should pay severely for his crime.
Progs always deny what they are, you are no different.

Which has nothing to do with what I wrote. Your post reminds me of the school yard taunt, ‘I know what I am, but what are you.” Yeah lifting the level of discourse on this board again I see.

Where did you go to school, lol? The taunt goes "I know you are, but what am I?" and it's said in response to a taunt. Observe:

"You're a stupid dummy"

"I know you are, but what am I?"

* repeat

Sorry, I am just not as knowledgeable on elementary school taunts as others on this forum. It's been a while.

I'm guessing you don't have kids. Once you do, there's no escaping it. haha
The murderer was an anti-government nut job. Not a leftist.
Lol, love how you guys defend criminals daily. You wear it well, a little old fashioned but that's alright.
Not defending him at all. Just bringing up his politics we’re not liberal. Be that as it may, he should pay severely for his crime.
Progs always deny what they are, you are no different.

Which has nothing to do with what I wrote. Your post reminds me of the school yard taunt, ‘I know what I am, but what are you.” Yeah lifting the level of discourse on this board again I see.

Where did you go to school, lol? The taunt goes "I know you are, but what am I?" and it's said in response to a taunt. Observe:

"You're a stupid dummy"

"I know you are, but what am I?"

* repeat

Sorry, I am just not as knowledgeable on elementary school taunts as others on this forum. It's been a while.

I'm guessing you don't have kids. Once you do, there's no escaping it. haha
Of course not, two male homo's cannot bear children.
most tRump supporters are Nazi wannabes.

See? This partisan confirmation bias is why we can't have nice things.
Truth hurt?

This is a lie. No Trump supporter worth his shit can be a Nazi apologist in any way. Socialism is an anti-American idea. Making America great again has nothing to do with socialism, whether it be democratic socialism, national socialism, or just plain socialism.
No matter how many times you say it NAZIs weren't socialists.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.
See? This partisan confirmation bias is why we can't have nice things.
Truth hurt?

This is a lie. No Trump supporter worth his shit can be a Nazi apologist in any way. Socialism is an anti-American idea. Making America great again has nothing to do with socialism, whether it be democratic socialism, national socialism, or just plain socialism.
No matter how many times you say it NAZIs weren't socialists.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
most tRump supporters are Nazi wannabes.

See? This partisan confirmation bias is why we can't have nice things.
Truth hurt?

This is a lie. No Trump supporter worth his shit can be a Nazi apologist in any way. Socialism is an anti-American idea. Making America great again has nothing to do with socialism, whether it be democratic socialism, national socialism, or just plain socialism.

Bail outs are a socialist idea. Taking from one to give to another. That is what MAGA got you.
Truth hurt?

This is a lie. No Trump supporter worth his shit can be a Nazi apologist in any way. Socialism is an anti-American idea. Making America great again has nothing to do with socialism, whether it be democratic socialism, national socialism, or just plain socialism.
No matter how many times you say it NAZIs weren't socialists.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
So then you believe the DPRK is democratic too?

It's right there in the name, after all!
This is a lie. No Trump supporter worth his shit can be a Nazi apologist in any way. Socialism is an anti-American idea. Making America great again has nothing to do with socialism, whether it be democratic socialism, national socialism, or just plain socialism.
No matter how many times you say it NAZIs weren't socialists.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
So then you believe the DPRK is democratic too?

It's right there in the name, after all!

No, that's false marketing just like with the democrat party.

When the Nazis said they were national socialists on the other hand, that's not marketing, rather it characterizes them.
No matter how many times you say it NAZIs weren't socialists.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
So then you believe the DPRK is democratic too?

It's right there in the name, after all!

No, that's false marketing just like with the democrat party.

When the Nazis said they were national socialists on the other hand, that's not marketing, rather it characterizes them.
But the NAZIs were telling the truth.

Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds.

And DemocratIC party.
Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
So then you believe the DPRK is democratic too?

It's right there in the name, after all!

No, that's false marketing just like with the democrat party.

When the Nazis said they were national socialists on the other hand, that's not marketing, rather it characterizes them.
But the NAZIs were telling the truth.

Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds.

And DemocratIC party.

Yes, they told the truth about their political identity. They are characterized as national socialists even today, and no one is contesting that. Feel free to make the case, although we know you won't be able to.

The democrats are the power party, whatever gives them power over people they support. Unlimited democracy initially is what enabled them to buy votes of people who did not know better. Today people know better and as result we get to hear them rail against democracy. So just the usual leftist party...
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Yes they were socialists

and I will keep saying it because its true

they were also progressives
Lol!! It's not true.

That is absolutely true, which is why it is said right in the name.
So then you believe the DPRK is democratic too?

It's right there in the name, after all!

No, that's false marketing just like with the democrat party.

When the Nazis said they were national socialists on the other hand, that's not marketing, rather it characterizes them.
But the NAZIs were telling the truth.

Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds.

And DemocratIC party.
I think modern progressives in the democrat party would find much in common with german national socialists of 1925

Not all of the nazi platform of course since modern progressives are not nationalists or nativists like the old nazi’s were

but otherwise pretty close

Nazi platform of 1925 - Conservapedia
"His mother, Julia Knight, was in tears as she spoke with a reporter from WKMG-TV. She told the TV station, “I can’t explain what happened to my son. I never thought Mason would do this to my son.”

Mrs. Knight added, “It wasn’t about politics. I can tell you right now… There’s something wrong with Mason.”

WKMG reported that Julia Knight had also mentioned that she thought Toney had been acting “strange” as of late. She allegedly warned her son not to hire Toney."


Mason Toney: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Along with thinking the government was out to get him, I think it's safe to conclude that the guy is just plain crazy. Florida Man strikes again.


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