So, let's say Obama grants amnesty through Executive Order


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
I dont think you will see an impeachment, however you will see congress cut off funding for any program that amnesty requires. Amnesty is a purely political move by the left to get them access to more votes, nothing more.
Time to use the 2nd Amendment for what it was intended, if Obama does this dastardly, unconstitutional act. I won't actually join you patriots in forcefully taking back your country, but I'll be there with you spiritually.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.

All Loyalists, friend, family and foe, to the Usurper Obama will be dealt with the same way as Obama.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.

All Loyalists, friend, family and foe, to the Usurper Obama will be dealt with the same way as Obama.

So you are going to impeach his children?
Anyone who rises up against America, the Constitution, and its authority will be dealt with summarily.
And then Obama is impeached and removed from office, but Obama refuses to leave office...

what then?
What high crimes and misdemeanors will be on the indictment? You obviously have to come up with something better than a blowjob like you morons did last time truth and logic were swapped for partisanship and sound bites.

All Loyalists, friend, family and foe, to the Usurper Obama will be dealt with the same way as Obama.

So you are going to impeach his children?

LOL, I think that was an historical reference to Cromwell and the Roundheads.
He'd be wise to think long and hard before he does this with the mood the people are in after THROWING his party out of power.

but known him he want's to stir up shit that's what he's famous for

their motto:
Never let a good crisis go to waste and if there isn't one, CREATE ONE
No point in impeachment.

Let nature take its' course and He will quietly retire to his favourite golf courses in far-flung corners of the 57 states and beyond. Perhaps even forget to come home....wherever that might be.

Much will depend, of course, on which country having no extradition treaty with The U.S. offers sanctuary. Let's hope, for His mental state, that said country has at least one decent golf course. Oh, and a white slave or two to tote His Royal Bag(s).

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