So liberals do you think illegals should have the right to vote"

It's time we conservatives started registering Canadian conservatives to vote in US elections. I'd be willing to use my ranch as residence address for say 100,000 Canadian "guest workers." We'd simply comply with election law the same way the left does, then dare the bastards to challenge us in court. There are millions of conservatives in Canada who I'm sure would welcome the proactive opportunity to steer North America's political destiny more directly than they do now...the same way Mexicans do it! We sent 3 million "absentee ballots" to Mexico during the last presidential election. Let's send 6 million absentee ballots to Canadian conservatives for the next one.
Yea, if they become citizens. What a stupid fucking question. Next, you'll be telling us they get food stamps.
Can't beat 'em, join 'em and up their ante
It's time we conservatives started registering Canadian conservatives to vote in US elections. I'd be willing to use my ranch as residence address for say 100,000 Canadian "guest workers." We'd simply comply with election law the same way the left does, then dare the bastards to challenge us in court. There are millions of conservatives in Canada who I'm sure would welcome the proactive opportunity to steer North America's political destiny more directly than they do now...the same way Mexicans do it! We sent 3 million "absentee ballots" to Mexico during the last presidential election. Let's send 6 million absentee ballots to Canadian conservatives for the next one.
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Can't beat 'em, join 'em and up their ante
It's time we conservatives started registering Canadian conservatives to vote in US elections. I'd be willing to use my ranch as residence address for say 100,000 Canadian "guest workers." We'd simply comply with election law the same way the left does, then dare the bastards to challenge us in court. There are millions of conservatives in Canada who I'm sure would welcome the proactive opportunity to steer North America's political destiny more directly than they do now...the same way Mexicans do it! We sent 3 million "absentee ballots" to Mexico during the last presidential election. Let's send 6 million absentee ballots to Canadian conservatives for the next one.

Some people say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.

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