So much for Republicans being at the forefront of civil rights in the 60

This is the Congressman that lied about getting spit on. Former heros can still be assholes. Look at McCain.

And you know he wasn't spat on because you were watching from Canada. Alllllllt righty then.
Yeah....and he never missed an inauguration before this one too.

I believe he did. I believe it was you who brought that info in too.

Doesn't affect how Tinydancer can declare a negative on an event she wasn't there for now does it?
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

Why is it that you try to live up to the "snow flake" moniker?????? Trump did not criticize him for his work in the Civil Rights movement. He criticized him over current events. Why is it that if democrats elect a person of color or In the case of Lewis a civil rights activist, they cannot be criticized the same as any other politician? It seems to be a real political tactic of your party. It allows every "argument" to be deflected to an issue of racism constantly putting the other person on the defensive and changing the entire subject of the dialogue.
Meanwhile, most news media outlets will just run with that. This is exactly the reason why Hillary lost and Trump won this election, and its also the reason why Conservative talk radio exists, people, normal people just get tired of this same old crap. Like I said before, John Lewis was probably a great guy for standing up in the sixties just like John McCain used to be a great guy when he served his country, but politics can change people and they dont need to be constantly protected by the shroud of being an Icon,racial minority or war hero. Politicians need to be constantly accountable and open to criticizim equally.
Just for the record, what so-called whining by the Democrats have the Republicans 'typically ignored'?

Be specific, and give multiple examples.

We sat through eights years of George Bush having insults and loony accusations constantly flung at him and I can't recall at any time him even acknowledging that nonsense. Don't sit there and pretend like you don't remember.
No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.

There is no evidence to support Lewis's claim. In fact, Andrew Breitbart had offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who could provide evidence that he was spit or called a ******, yet despite hundreds of people being present with their cell phone cameras recording all over the place not a single person came forward to claim the money.

Now, it's certainly a possibility, albeit a remote one, that nobody caught this on camera, but personally, I don't buy it.
No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.

There is no evidence to support Lewis's claim. In fact, Andrew Breitbart had offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who could provide evidence that he was spit or called a ******, yet despite hundreds of people being present with their cell phone cameras recording all over the place not a single person came forward to claim the money.

Now, it's certainly a possibility, albeit a remote one, that nobody caught this on camera, but personally, I don't buy it.

Doesn't matter what any of us buys ------ we cannot, not having been there, unilaterally declare it didn't happen and therefore he's lying. That would require first proving a negative.

And come on --- Dimbart as a basis, really? :lmao:
Just for the record, what so-called whining by the Democrats have the Republicans 'typically ignored'?

Be specific, and give multiple examples.

We sat through eights years of George Bush having insults and loony accusations constantly flung at him and I can't recall at any time him even acknowledging that nonsense. Don't sit there and pretend like you don't remember.

Excellent point -- he generally didn't take that bait, although to his further credit he once in a while worked it into a joke on himself. That was exactly the right approach. But then Shrub isn't a Narcissist and it isn't the most important all-consuming thing in the world to be up at 3:27 in the morning sending desperate tweets to massage his own ego. That's the difference.

Perhaps that's a big reason why Shrub despises Rump so much. Just a speculation.
And your political opponents in this country, 2aguy, are not nazis. Remember the fascists are nationalistic, imperialistic, nativistic, and racialist. Sound just like our far right does, it not: your side? The HSs and the colleges have the history right, and the profs, instructors, and teachers point out fake history attempts, such as yours is, to their students.
Donald Trump, the new leader of the Republican Party, vilifying John Lewis, a black man who actually fought for civil rights in the 60's.

You mean after Lewis vilified him? How dare he.

Lewis's attack was not ad hominem. He expressed his opinion that the election was not legitimate.

Which was an attack on Trump. You people sure didn't appreciate the inane birther shit thrown at Obama, did you. In the past Republicans have typically ignored the childish whining and bitching from the snot rags in the Democratic Party, but everyone should know full well by now Trump is not one to turn the other cheek. He'll hit back and evidently you crybabies aren't quite used to that yet.

The bottom line is none of us would be talking about this had Lewis not decided to grandstand before the public with his comments.
Or an AH of a president having to stoop low enough to answer
This is the Congressman that lied about getting spit on. Former heros can still be assholes. Look at McCain.

And you know he wasn't spat on because you were watching from Canada. Alllllllt righty then.
Yeah....and he never missed an inauguration before this one too.

I believe he did. I believe it was you who brought that info in too.

Doesn't affect how Tinydancer can declare a negative on an event she wasn't there for now does it?
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
I've watched Rep. Lewis on various committee investigations. If a Democrat is being investigated you can count on him bringing up racism. "I remember the 60s.....and this situation reminds me of it!!!"

by Joel B. Pollak15 Jan 2017

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights hero. He is also one of the most partisan members of the Democratic Party, and frequently accuses his political opponents, falsely, of racism.

Lewis also uses his iconic stature to deflect criticism when he is called out for these false attacks, exploiting — and, arguably, demeaning — the civil rights movement.

Here are five of the worst recent examples of what has become, for Rep. Lewis, a shamefully routine practice.

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism. Lewis attacked McCain and Palin, then running against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for president: “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division,” he said, going on to suggest that the Republican ticket were creating the climate for racist terrorism. “[Democrat] George Wallace never threw a bomb … but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans … four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.” Years later, McCain still had not forgiven him: “I’ll never forgive John Lewis,” he told in 2013.

Read more here......Six False Accusations by John Lewis, Hero-Turned-Hack
John Lewis and the passive aggressive tactics of the Democrats.

"Passive aggressive"?? Do you even understand the meaning of those words. There is nothing passive about the resistance at all. It's going to be in your face, for however long TrumpleThinSkin stays in office.

I understand what the resistance is all about. Take note: if you think this somehow makes the Democrats look any better you could not be more wrong. You are not the good guys. This does not in any way make you the good guys.
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And you know he wasn't spat on because you were watching from Canada. Alllllllt righty then.
Yeah....and he never missed an inauguration before this one too.

I believe he did. I believe it was you who brought that info in too.

Doesn't affect how Tinydancer can declare a negative on an event she wasn't there for now does it?
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
I've watched Rep. Lewis on various committee investigations. If a Democrat is being investigated you can count on him bringing up racism. "I remember the 60s.....and this situation reminds me of it!!!"

by Joel B. Pollak15 Jan 2017

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights hero. He is also one of the most partisan members of the Democratic Party, and frequently accuses his political opponents, falsely, of racism.

Lewis also uses his iconic stature to deflect criticism when he is called out for these false attacks, exploiting — and, arguably, demeaning — the civil rights movement.

Here are five of the worst recent examples of what has become, for Rep. Lewis, a shamefully routine practice.

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism. Lewis attacked McCain and Palin, then running against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for president: “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division,” he said, going on to suggest that the Republican ticket were creating the climate for racist terrorism. “[Democrat] George Wallace never threw a bomb … but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans … four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.” Years later, McCain still had not forgiven him: “I’ll never forgive John Lewis,” he told in 2013.

Read more here......Six False Accusations by John Lewis, Hero-Turned-Hack

Cool story Bro.

It's got absolute zero to do with the point though. Tinydancer cannot prove a negative.
Yeah....and he never missed an inauguration before this one too.

I believe he did. I believe it was you who brought that info in too.

Doesn't affect how Tinydancer can declare a negative on an event she wasn't there for now does it?
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
I've watched Rep. Lewis on various committee investigations. If a Democrat is being investigated you can count on him bringing up racism. "I remember the 60s.....and this situation reminds me of it!!!"

by Joel B. Pollak15 Jan 2017

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights hero. He is also one of the most partisan members of the Democratic Party, and frequently accuses his political opponents, falsely, of racism.

Lewis also uses his iconic stature to deflect criticism when he is called out for these false attacks, exploiting — and, arguably, demeaning — the civil rights movement.

Here are five of the worst recent examples of what has become, for Rep. Lewis, a shamefully routine practice.

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism. Lewis attacked McCain and Palin, then running against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for president: “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division,” he said, going on to suggest that the Republican ticket were creating the climate for racist terrorism. “[Democrat] George Wallace never threw a bomb … but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans … four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.” Years later, McCain still had not forgiven him: “I’ll never forgive John Lewis,” he told in 2013.

Read more here......Six False Accusations by John Lewis, Hero-Turned-Hack

Cool story Bro.

It's got absolute zero to do with the point though. Tinydancer cannot prove a negative.
It has everything to do with the point.
John Lewis is a compulsive liar. Nobody without an agenda bothers taking his statements as gospel.
I believe he did. I believe it was you who brought that info in too.

Doesn't affect how Tinydancer can declare a negative on an event she wasn't there for now does it?
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
I've watched Rep. Lewis on various committee investigations. If a Democrat is being investigated you can count on him bringing up racism. "I remember the 60s.....and this situation reminds me of it!!!"

by Joel B. Pollak15 Jan 2017

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights hero. He is also one of the most partisan members of the Democratic Party, and frequently accuses his political opponents, falsely, of racism.

Lewis also uses his iconic stature to deflect criticism when he is called out for these false attacks, exploiting — and, arguably, demeaning — the civil rights movement.

Here are five of the worst recent examples of what has become, for Rep. Lewis, a shamefully routine practice.

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism. Lewis attacked McCain and Palin, then running against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for president: “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division,” he said, going on to suggest that the Republican ticket were creating the climate for racist terrorism. “[Democrat] George Wallace never threw a bomb … but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans … four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.” Years later, McCain still had not forgiven him: “I’ll never forgive John Lewis,” he told in 2013.

Read more here......Six False Accusations by John Lewis, Hero-Turned-Hack

Cool story Bro.

It's got absolute zero to do with the point though. Tinydancer cannot prove a negative.
It has everything to do with the point.
John Lewis is a compulsive liar. Nobody without an agenda bothers taking his statements as gospel.

Dude. You didn't even cite any lies. You cited partisan opinions. Opinions can't be lies, by definition.

And even if you had cited lies and established a pattern --- it does not prove a negative in an individual event none of us was there to not-wintess.

Tinydancer's assumption still has no basis, and there's nothing in the world you can do about that.
Where was Trump during the Civil Rights movement?

Whelp, depending on what part of that era he was either punching out his music teacher, getting sent off to reform school, waging his own personal Vietnam by sidestepping AIDS, or playing squash :gay: while ignoring the agony of bone spurs like a manly-man.

All the while passing as white. He didn't come out as an Orange-American until it was safe.
I think the point is that John Lewis is dishonest, so what he says needs to be taken as dubious at best.

No, the point is that Tinydancer is declaring Lewis to be "lying" about something she has no way of knowing.
She doesn't say "he needs to be taken as dubious at best"; she doesn't say "I think he lied" --- she says "the Congressman that lied about getting spit [sic] on". She can't do that. It's just as fallacious as the "Liz Warren lied" mythology.
I've watched Rep. Lewis on various committee investigations. If a Democrat is being investigated you can count on him bringing up racism. "I remember the 60s.....and this situation reminds me of it!!!"

by Joel B. Pollak15 Jan 2017

Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) is a civil rights hero. He is also one of the most partisan members of the Democratic Party, and frequently accuses his political opponents, falsely, of racism.

Lewis also uses his iconic stature to deflect criticism when he is called out for these false attacks, exploiting — and, arguably, demeaning — the civil rights movement.

Here are five of the worst recent examples of what has become, for Rep. Lewis, a shamefully routine practice.

2008: Falsely accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Gov. Sarah Palin of racism. Lewis attacked McCain and Palin, then running against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) for president: “Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division,” he said, going on to suggest that the Republican ticket were creating the climate for racist terrorism. “[Democrat] George Wallace never threw a bomb … but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans … four little girls were killed on Sunday morning when a church was bombed in Birmingham, Alabama.” Years later, McCain still had not forgiven him: “I’ll never forgive John Lewis,” he told in 2013.

Read more here......Six False Accusations by John Lewis, Hero-Turned-Hack

Cool story Bro.

It's got absolute zero to do with the point though. Tinydancer cannot prove a negative.
It has everything to do with the point.
John Lewis is a compulsive liar. Nobody without an agenda bothers taking his statements as gospel.

Dude. You didn't even cite any lies. You cited partisan opinions. Opinions can't be lies, by definition.

And even if you had cited lies and established a pattern --- it does not prove a negative in an individual event none of us was there to not-wintess.

Tinydancer's assumption still has no basis, and there's nothing in the world you can do about that.
So basically Bush didn't lie about WMDs because it was his "opinion" that Saddam had them.

To be specific......Lewis lied about Trump being illegitimate.....even though he won the election according to the legal process laid out in the Constitution.

Lewis has been known to make similar statements in the past.

One can assume that his honesty is highly questionable.
So basically Bush didn't lie about WMDs because it was his "opinion" that Saddam had them.

I don't know. That depends on whether he knew what he was saying was bullshit at the time he said it. Only Shrub knows that.

To be specific......Lewis lied about Trump being illegitimate.....even though he won the election according to the legal process laid out in the Constitution.

Again that's a value judgment, also known as "opinion". And you deliberately changed the subject's base of reasoning from Russian interference to "election according to the legal process" so you're engaging in dishonesty yourself right here.

Lewis has been known to make similar statements in the past.

One can assume that his honesty is highly questionable.

One can assume anything one wants. What one CAN'T do is declare a subject is "lying" about a spitting incident that one does not know DIDN'T take place.

This is kind of basic existence versus nonexistence stuff. You can't just declare something exists (in this case a 'lie') because you would like for it to have happened. Existence doesn't work like that.

Can't believe I have to actually explain this to an adult.

It is however telling that the original perpetrator of this fallacy --- ran away.

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