So Much For The Dream Ticket Of Daniels/Romney. So What's The Next Best GOP Ticket?

Feb 13, 2011

The one candidate most of us were begging to get into the race as an alternative to Romney was Mitch Daniels. Who wasn't crushed that he bowed out? (well probably some of you). So what does this leave us with? A Romney/Bachmann Ticket? Maybe Romney/Ryan? All the better candidates have dropped out/and or/ still don't plan to run. If Chris Christie has a change of heart,then Obama is Toast! We need a ticket that will sweep all of the 14 States that are still in play,but leaning Red. There are no more candidates in the rust belt. So lets just assume Romney wins, what VP candidate would make the ticket a shoe in? Got any suggestions? In my opinion,,,,I am steering towards a Romney/Ryan ticket. (unless Daniels will settle for the VP spot):clap2:
My first choice way back in 2010 was a Pence/Thune ticket,,,,,that would of had Obama crapping his pants 5 nights a week!
Dream ticket? I understand having Romney on it. But Daniels? He was the candidate the liberals wanted us to pick. Why would we give them that?
There was a comedy bit about republicans digging up Reagan and running him as a zombie. That’s your only hope now.
Man do you jerk off to pictures of Ron Paul. Here is a good one for your wall! :lol:


Ron Paul / Jesse Ventura 2012


Ron Paul / Rand Paul 2012


Ron Paul / Dennis Kucinich 2012

as embarrassing as Obama is as a president, I will settle for a Big Bird/Richard Simmons ticket.
if we had a Kennedy/Reagan ticket, the left would beat the bajesus out of them trying to convince the independents that they are both too dumb and unqualified to be in the White House.

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