So much for the left's "concern" about the wall


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Both sides know what the issue is all about - the left believes they can ignore the giant pink elephant in the corner of the room. They desperately want people from other nations invading the U.S., then they hope to grant them citizenship, and add millions of loyal voters to ensure power for them.

Rather than admit that repulsive, diabolical plan, the left attempts to frame it as they are "concerned" about the economy. They are sooooo worried that we won't have the farm-hands for our agriculture needs. Common sense dictates that the market will take care of itself. If the American people don't fill those jobs at their current rates, then farms will increase the salaries until they can get the people they need. If that means more expensive groceries, so be it. After all, how does one justify exploiting people for cheap groceries (something the left would otherwise be vehemently agains if it weren't for the fact that they can't admit why they really want the U.S. to be invaded by foreigners).

I've stated dozens of times that the market would solve the problem itself. That solution is already underway. Robotics will replace the illegal alien. They can work 24x7 - even during holidays - without every tiring. They will cause the price of agriculture to decrease. Sorry Democrats - you are out of lame excuses for why you don't want to secure the border.

Robotic fruit pickers may help orchards with worker shortage
Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.
I care about animals and don't want to see them go extinct.

It is called caring and being good stewards.
Both sides know what the issue is all about - the left believes they can ignore the giant pink elephant in the corner of the room. They desperately want people from other nations invading the U.S., then they hope to grant them citizenship, and add millions of loyal voters to ensure power for them.

Rather than admit that repulsive, diabolical plan, the left attempts to frame it as they are "concerned" about the economy. They are sooooo worried that we won't have the farm-hands for our agriculture needs. Common sense dictates that the market will take care of itself. If the American people don't fill those jobs at their current rates, then farms will increase the salaries until they can get the people they need. If that means more expensive groceries, so be it. After all, how does one justify exploiting people for cheap groceries (something the left would otherwise be vehemently agains if it weren't for the fact that they can't admit why they really want the U.S. to be invaded by foreigners).

I've stated dozens of times that the market would solve the problem itself. That solution is already underway. Robotics will replace the illegal alien. They can work 24x7 - even during holidays - without every tiring. They will cause the price of agriculture to decrease. Sorry Democrats - you are out of lame excuses for why you don't want to secure the border.

Robotic fruit pickers may help orchards with worker shortage

They have developed machines to harvest most crops, even grapes.
Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.

Bullshit. You want illegals to flood this country so you can win elections. No one with a brain believes your excuses.
Both sides know what the issue is all about - the left believes they can ignore the giant pink elephant in the corner of the room. They desperately want people from other nations invading the U.S., then they hope to grant them citizenship, and add millions of loyal voters to ensure power for them.

Rather than admit that repulsive, diabolical plan, the left attempts to frame it as they are "concerned" about the economy. They are sooooo worried that we won't have the farm-hands for our agriculture needs. Common sense dictates that the market will take care of itself. If the American people don't fill those jobs at their current rates, then farms will increase the salaries until they can get the people they need. If that means more expensive groceries, so be it. After all, how does one justify exploiting people for cheap groceries (something the left would otherwise be vehemently agains if it weren't for the fact that they can't admit why they really want the U.S. to be invaded by foreigners).

I've stated dozens of times that the market would solve the problem itself. That solution is already underway. Robotics will replace the illegal alien. They can work 24x7 - even during holidays - without every tiring. They will cause the price of agriculture to decrease. Sorry Democrats - you are out of lame excuses for why you don't want to secure the border.

Robotic fruit pickers may help orchards with worker shortage

The leftists want to FUCK the poor, by importing bunch of cheap labor to replace them. Then they won't ever be able to leave the democrat plantation.
Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.
Building a wall along our southern border is ENTIRELY feasible and most effective. Stop accepting propaganda from the Left media.
Patriot's writings belong in the conspiracy forum, whenever a poster makes up reasons for their bogeyman's actions you are in a fantasy land that only exists in the head of the right wing so called patriot. Patriots are not BS artists who make crap up. Donald Trump, a draft dodger, is an example of a non patriot. Maybe that is his appeal among the right wing in America, they too live in BS land? When money* has managed your mind for so long what else can you think?

Strangers in Their Own Land | The New Press

*Google right wing so called think tanks and look who funds them. See 'Dark Money' by Jane Mayer too.
I've stated dozens of times that the market would solve the problem itself. That solution is already underway. Robotics will replace the illegal alien. They can work 24x7 - even during holidays - without every tiring. They will cause the price of agriculture to decrease. Sorry Democrats - you are out of lame excuses for why you don't want to secure the border.

Robotic fruit pickers may help orchards with worker shortage

Or we could just have the government funnel welfare recipients into farms, kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
I've stated dozens of times that the market would solve the problem itself. That solution is already underway. Robotics will replace the illegal alien. They can work 24x7 - even during holidays - without every tiring. They will cause the price of agriculture to decrease. Sorry Democrats - you are out of lame excuses for why you don't want to secure the border.

Robotic fruit pickers may help orchards with worker shortage

Or we could just have the government funnel welfare recipients into farms, kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Gasp! That is unforgivable! You expect welfare recipients to give back? To do something to earn the welfare? You're evil. Why do you hate poor people?

You know the Dumbocrats will never allow that to happen. If they can't buy votes with "free" handouts, they won't have a voting base.
I have never been a proponent of the wall (I've always felt that the money would be better spent on technology and people as a means of securing our borders). But after seeing this, it's hard to argue with the results...

Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.

Bullshit. You want illegals to flood this country so you can win elections. No one with a brain believes your excuses.
It doesn't fucking matter what I want. The wall is a retarded idea regardless.
Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.
Building a wall along our southern border is ENTIRELY feasible and most effective. Stop accepting propaganda from the Left media.
Um no it isn't. Much of that land is private. The terrain also makes it impossible in some cases. And even if you did build the entire thing, the cost to maintain it would last FOREVER. Oh, and people could, you know, just tunnel under it or climb. You considered that right?
Okay, this is the concept your retarded mind can't comprehend: the leftwing doesn't oppose the wall because we want open borders - its because the wall is a moronic, unfeasible, and ineffective idea that a 4th grader could come up with. That's basically who you voted for. A grown man who can't come up with solutions more complex and nuanced than what a child would suggest.

Bullshit. You want illegals to flood this country so you can win elections. No one with a brain believes your excuses.
It doesn't fucking matter what I want. The wall is a retarded idea regardless.
You're opinion is retarded.
I'm really liking this proposal for a wall by Penna Group. Not only a great design (rendered after doing their homework by talking to Border Patrol Agents and understanding their needs) but the bid also currently stands at $21 billion. That's a drop in the bucket for something which will go a long way in securing the U.S. border.


A construction firm submitted this proposal for Trump's border wall that's a one-way sheet of plexiglass

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