So much for the myth of American exceptionalism: America is 14th happiest nation across the globe


Move to Norway if you believe America is so horrible...

I am sure you will find something to complain about over there.

Norway is happy BECAUSE they don't let people like Billy in.. :eusa_whistle:

As much I hate to agree but you are correct... Those like Billy would complain about the Cold, long nights in winter and long days in summer and how most Norwegians are too white for him!

Some people are just miserable since birth or since the coathanger did not get them...

And complaining about Billy is different.

Stating my opinion of someone is not actually complaining when it is factual that those like Billy and you are miserable individuals.

Can't help you unless you are willing to find some form of happiness which for you might be illegal...

Whine on my friend.


Fuck I would rather be friendly with a rabid raccoon than ever be friendly with you...

Just sayin'...

Now tell me why are you so miserable!?!

Is it because you were born with a short penis and all the girls laughed at you!?!
Happiness is not the proper qualifier for best nation.

Righteousness (being physically, mentally, philosophically and morally right) IS the proper factor to consider.
Norway is happy BECAUSE they don't let people like Billy in.. :eusa_whistle:

As much I hate to agree but you are correct... Those like Billy would complain about the Cold, long nights in winter and long days in summer and how most Norwegians are too white for him!

Some people are just miserable since birth or since the coathanger did not get them...

And complaining about Billy is different.

Stating my opinion of someone is not actually complaining when it is factual that those like Billy and you are miserable individuals.

Can't help you unless you are willing to find some form of happiness which for you might be illegal...

Whine on my friend.


Fuck I would rather be friendly with a rabid raccoon than ever be friendly with you...

Just sayin'...

Now tell me why are you so miserable!?!

Is it because you were born with a short penis and all the girls laughed at you!?!

I'm good thanks, how about your rabid coon?
As much I hate to agree but you are correct... Those like Billy would complain about the Cold, long nights in winter and long days in summer and how most Norwegians are too white for him!

Some people are just miserable since birth or since the coathanger did not get them...

And complaining about Billy is different.

Stating my opinion of someone is not actually complaining when it is factual that those like Billy and you are miserable individuals.

Can't help you unless you are willing to find some form of happiness which for you might be illegal...

Whine on my friend.


Fuck I would rather be friendly with a rabid raccoon than ever be friendly with you...

Just sayin'...

Now tell me why are you so miserable!?!

Is it because you were born with a short penis and all the girls laughed at you!?!

I'm good thanks, how about your rabid coon?

Oh it died of boredom after reading too many of certain posters threads about how Jews are killing America...

Now let get back to the subject why you are so miserable and is it because when you were a child the teachers made you wear a bag over your head because they feared they would turn into stone when gazing on you!?!
And complaining about Billy is different.

Stating my opinion of someone is not actually complaining when it is factual that those like Billy and you are miserable individuals.

Can't help you unless you are willing to find some form of happiness which for you might be illegal...

Whine on my friend.


Fuck I would rather be friendly with a rabid raccoon than ever be friendly with you...

Just sayin'...

Now tell me why are you so miserable!?!

Is it because you were born with a short penis and all the girls laughed at you!?!

I'm good thanks, how about your rabid coon?

Oh it died of boredom after reading too many of certain posters threads about how Jews are killing America...

Now let get back to the subject why you are so miserable and is it because when you were a child the teachers made you wear a bag over your head because they feared they would turn into stone when gazing on you!?!

I'm good pard, thanks so much for the concern.

To be honest, Rush Limbaugh gave his own definition of American Exceptionalism as the ability to take advantage of cheap labor on a global scale; yes, I heard the fat, narcissist say it more than once.

Either that or you're lying through your fucking teeth.

I'm going with option 2.
I was an ardent fan of Rush from 9/11/2001 until Jan 20, 2008.
He is Mr. Global Economy and never allowed anyone to mention the down side.
He never once mentioned H1-Bs because he is probably invested in Tech.
Now he's Mr. Phony supporting Trump and the Ideologues on the Right think he supported Trump for the entire campaign.

You see, I'm not an Ideologue; I call it as it happens.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

YUP! So please move there because there are millions that see the USA as most desirable.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration

So tell me again... why do 20% of all migrants come to the USA if it is NOT exceptional?

Besides once again dummies like you seem to forget the REASON WHY the USA is exceptional.
IT IS BECAUSE of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Legal immigrants that can't do what they want to do in their countries. They don't have as much freedom, opportunities and
Again.. 23% of the world's adults want to come to the USA!!!
- About 13% of the world's adults -- or more than 640 million people -- say they would like to leave their country permanently.
Roughly 150 million of them say they would like to move to the U.S. --
giving it the undisputed title as the world's most desired destination for potential migrants since Gallup started tracking these patterns in 2007.
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Stating my opinion of someone is not actually complaining when it is factual that those like Billy and you are miserable individuals.

Can't help you unless you are willing to find some form of happiness which for you might be illegal...

Whine on my friend.


Fuck I would rather be friendly with a rabid raccoon than ever be friendly with you...

Just sayin'...

Now tell me why are you so miserable!?!

Is it because you were born with a short penis and all the girls laughed at you!?!

I'm good thanks, how about your rabid coon?

Oh it died of boredom after reading too many of certain posters threads about how Jews are killing America...

Now let get back to the subject why you are so miserable and is it because when you were a child the teachers made you wear a bag over your head because they feared they would turn into stone when gazing on you!?!

I'm good pard, thanks so much for the concern.

I am not convince and maybe you need a trip to Norway to find your happiness... maybe Billy there can take you with when he leave this miserable nation he hates...
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.
We've simply forgotten how to enjoy life:


Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

YUP! So please move there because there are millions that see the USA as most desirable.

The United States has long been seen as the “land of opportunity”, the home of the American Dream.
With the largest national economy in the world, well-developed infrastructure and high educational and social mobility, it is not hard to see its appeal.
It hosts almost 20% of the world’s migrants, and boasts a huge mix of races, cultures and traditions. Despite government policies clamping down on illegal immigration, it still accepts far more international migrants than anywhere in the world, and the trend looks set to continue.
10 Most Popular Countries For Immigration

So tell me again... why do 20% of all migrants come to the USA if it is NOT exceptional?

Besides once again dummies like you seem to forget the REASON WHY the USA is exceptional.
IT IS BECAUSE of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Legal immigrants that can't do what they want to do in their countries. They don't have as much freedom, opportunities and
Again.. 23% of the world's adults want to come to the USA!!!
- About 13% of the world's adults -- or more than 640 million people -- say they would like to leave their country permanently.
Roughly 150 million of them say they would like to move to the U.S. --
giving it the undisputed title as the world's most desired destination for potential migrants since Gallup started tracking these patterns in 2007.
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.

Europeans are like turkeys. They are all fed on the farm, call up other turkeys like Billy to come get free socialist food. Billy and his turkey European friends sit there and get fat, dumb, and happy for 364 days, then wham......Thanksgiving happens, and it is off with their heads.

We have seen this scenario in Europe play out over, and over, and over again; from the Ottoman Empire, to Hitler and Mussolini, Stalin, and now Putin.

Who do those turkeys in Europe call as their heads are getting chopped off? Is it ghostbusters?

Oh no, no, no! Do they fight and win from their happy land? Hah, no way Jose. They call America, because happy land can't fight its way out of a wet paper bag.

If I was European, knowing that they can invest in free stuff for me while ugly Americans protect my useless ass, would make me sooo ecstatic.

Hey Billy Joe Bee Bop, go take a history class. Without us, they wouldn't be so happy. They would either be saying bedtime prayers every night to Adolf Hitler, or Comrade Stalin. Now that they have to pay their fair share (which you should like being a socialist) let's see how happy-happy they are next year, when self protection over rides a bunch of their freebies.

By the way Billy, you are a phony baloney!

Sent from my iPhone using
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.
Look, I grew up Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. Joined the military and fought for this Nation. I wouldn't do it again, I know too much now. The only exceptional thing about this Nation or ANY Nation is that portion of it's populace that is willing to do the right thing when it's neither the poplar or easy thing to do. The truth is out there, and people's minds are waking up, just not very quickly. That truth is not a pleasant truth. It is not an uplifting truth , and it's not what the average American thinks it is. I wish it was, god I wish it was but it isn't. No finger pointing, no excuses. It doesn't matter what Party is in power there aren't two parties and there hasn't been for decades. There is only the Banks and the War machine, that's all there is.

You are certainly one pathetic dumb good guy!
You obviously believe ALL the MSM.
You get all your biased information from anti-american MSM and it is sad you are just not smart enough to comprehend this!
I would share with you thousands of facts supporting the statement that MSM is anti-American and by your believing the MSM you are being taken for a true fool.
Media Bias 101: What Journalists Really Think -- and What the Public Thinks About Them
Remember the MSM supported Obama who TOLD all of us he was going to lie and then he tells our enemies that people like you i.e. the military "air raiding villages, killing civilians"... wow what a guy who loves Americans especially the troops under his command.

Nope, I get all my info from disparate sources. I don't watch or listen to any of them including FOX. The truth is out there son, find it.
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

PLEASE list for us the criteria used in this bogus list. It is called SOCIALISM. Something vehemently rejected by America.
Or perhaps it's in part the shitty 3rd world healthcare outcomes for the most exceptionally expensive system on the planet.

We, America, have the finest healthcare in the world. Why would you denigrate such a fine system? What countries healthcare would you prefer and why?
Yes, republicans love to delude themselves into thinking Ameica is exceptional and the rest of the world is jealous, but the truth of the matter is that other first world nations have social democratic systems that put no drain on their citizens' contentment. It does help that these European nations have lower poverty rates than the US.

I suppose republicans buy into the myth of American exceptionalism because they hilariously believe they are exceptional by extension. Yikes! That's of course not true.

Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls

PLEASE list for us the criteria used in this bogus list. It is called SOCIALISM. Something vehemently rejected by America.

Wall Street and corporate america actually lobby very hard for their socialism.

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